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LittleBigPlanet delayed over Qur'an "expressions" (shipping Oct. 27th US; Nov 3rd EU)


subrock said:
hopefully this delay will allow time for sony to release a LBP bundle in NA

fucking please

Come on freaking SCEA.

LBP bundle in the U.S.



Maybe I just don't care about anything enough and I'm too disillusioned with reality or something, but I don't understand the whole getting-offended-by-things-that-aren't-intended-to-be-offensive.

Inherent in the ability to communicate properly is picking up on intentions of words and their appropriate contexts... how people can get offended by this and other little things is beyond words. It's fucking preposterous.

Fuck hillbillies and rednecks (unrelated but still valid). Fuck political correctness. Fuck stupid religious freaks that take things too seriously (all types). Fuck people. No being capable of creating a universe cares if a few words are sung in something created to bring joy... That's not offensive -- to say that it is is completely misunderstanding the term. That's fucking ridiculous and anyone who believes that should be slapped.



Airkiru said:
Is it really that hard to understand why this individual asked Sony to remove the song? He found it offensive, and many other people would have aswell. Is it hard to acknowledge peoples beliefs? It's quite pathetic that some of you are throwing a tantrum, over a game that is still getting released.

Myself and many other people are deeply offended by the sex and violence in GTA4. Please recall immediately. Thanks in advance.


If they delay it worldwide I can't IMAGINE how much it will cost everyone involved, retailers planning sales and specials (and already paid for advertising), recalling all the copies already in shops, wasted production costs, etc.
This is a pretty massive catch so late in the game's life.


Airkiru said:
Is it really that hard to understand why this individual asked Sony to remove the song? He found it offensive, and many other people would have aswell. Is it hard to acknowledge peoples beliefs? It's quite pathetic that some of you are throwing a tantrum, over a game that is still getting released.

Ofcourse not, unless it was brought to our attention. Someone else would have notice regardless, and the problem would have still remained.
People are tired of the pandering to over sensitive religious nuts, ruining the fun for everyone.


sphinx said:
" Little Big Planet support muslim, fundamentalist ideas taken from the Qur'an about death for people on earth "
NOT THE ISSUE! these arent fundamentalist ideas, this is the Qur'an, every muslims book. the issue is that the words cannot be played to music. the words themselves muslims are very comfortable with, I would imagine.


Trucker Sexologist
Rapping Granny said:
LBP moderation off to a bad start.

It's a fucking song that has been released for 2 years now. I can't wait to see what the do when they will discover all the penis/911/school shootings levels. probably close all the servers down.
Or a flying penis that shoots a school before flying into a building while singing phrases from the Qur'an.


Doc Evils said:
Not to mention the manual has to reprinted since it credits songs used in the game.

The amount of effort just to do all that must be a big headache not to mention waste of resources.


Loudninja said:
Stop with the hurt sales bs please.

I don't think it's BS at all myself. If I didn't already have the money for this one set aside, I wouldn't be picking it up on Nov. 14. Same week as Valkyria Chronicles, Banjo, Eternal Poison and Animal Crossing for me.
Glass half full: well, I'll have more time to play Bioshock.

Glass half empty: oh for fucks sake.

edit: I'm not in LBP threads because I'm trying to go into the game completely...virgin? I dunno. I've seen 3 videos total and have read no articles. I've heard a lot of podcasts but that's it.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Nolan. said:
The amount of effort just to do all that must be a big headache not to mention waste of resources.

They might simply edit the song. But then again they should ask permission for that.


AVclub said:
This whole recall business is bullshit. With the number of games quoting the bible and in fact bastardizing religion for their own narrative purposes, two lines of lyrics should not be made into such a big deal just because they are from a religion book.

Things on this world only have a holy meaning if people give it to them. Video games are entertainment. This game in particular is light-hearted fun for the whole family. There's simply no reason to take offense from it.

very well said... you expressed the same opinion i had, but in a much more friendly way
There are a bunch of smart people on GAF... unfortunately none of them are here, but I'll ask anyway. ;)

Assuming they shipped out 3m copies to stores around the world for this (might be high, might be low, I don't know). What sort of money would this cost them to fix? I guess you're looking at redoing every disc, and repacking it. Getting stock back from the stores, shipping the new stock out. Changing advertising etc.


hamdammage said:
I don't think Sony is doing this because they're worried about offending anyone. Little Big Planet is an E rated game in America, and probably the equivalent elsewhere. Those lyrics, whether they're from the Quaran or not, would probably disqualify it from being E rated, and move it to at least T. They're just trying to avoid a Hot Coffee like debacle.

I was laughed out of the last thread for this.
subrock said:
NOT THE ISSUE! these arent fundamentalist ideas, this is the Qur'an, every muslims book. the issue is that the words cannot be played to music. the words themselves muslims are very comfortable with, I would imagine.

So you'd say it's... fundamental?

AmMortal said:
Part of me wishes, that Muslims were just as vigilant against Pornography and Drug abuse.


I'd settle for spousal abuse.
This would have never happened if that dumb kid didn't bring it up and no one would have noticed.

And now he's crying and trying to sell his PS3 because it's delayed. WHAT A TURD!


Neo Member
Just to let you guys know, in the message that originally written by the guys at true-gaming boards and sent to SCEE, they didn't ask for the game to be delayed or pulled back from stores, all they wanted was the problem to be fixed by a future patch, but Sony themselves delayed the release of the game.

This is a copy of the message that was sent to Sony:

To: Sony Computer Entertainment & Media Molecule

While playing your latest game, "LittleBigPlanet" in the first level of the third world in the game (titled "Swinging Safari"), I have noticed something strange in the lyrics of the music track of the level. When I listened carefully, I was surprised to hear some very familiar Arabic words from the Quran. You can listen to part of the track here:


The words are:

1- In the 18th second: "كل نفس ذائقة الموت" ("kollo nafsin tha'iqatol mawt", literally: 'Every soul shall have the taste of death').

2- Almost immediately after, in the 27th second: "كل من عليها فان" ("kollo man alaiha fan", literally: 'All that is on earth will perish').

I asked many of my friends online and offline and they heard the exact same thing that I heard easily when I played that part of the track. Certain Arabic hardcore gaming forums are already discussing this, so we decided to take action by emailing you before this spreads to mainstream attention.

We Muslims consider the mixing of music and words from our Holy Quran deeply offending. We hope you would remove that track from the game immediately via an online patch, and make sure that all future shipments of the game disk do not contain it.

We would also like to mention that this isn't the first time something like this happened in videogames. Nintendo's 1998 hit "Zelda: Ocarina of Time" contained a musical track with islamic phrases, but it was removed in later shipments of the game after Nintendo was contacted by Muslim organizations. Last year, Capcom's "Zack & Wiki" and Activision's "Call of Duty 4" also contained objectionable material offensive to Muslims that was spotted before the release of the final games, and both companies thankfully removed the content.

We hope you act immediately to avoid any confusion and unnecessary controversy, and we thank you for making such an amazing game.


On behalf of the gamers at True-Gaming.net
No-ones actually asked why lyrics like that were in happy-go-lucky LBP to begin with. It hardly fits with the mood and theme.

Maybe it was just to troll Muslims.


Saren is Bad said:
You cant deny the sales will be different as a result of the delay, especially if it is to Nov 14 which is after a ton of good games come out.

How so ? I mean alot of game are going to be release this month as well.
CoG said:
Myself and many other people are deeply offended by the sex and violence in GTA4. Please recall immediately. Thanks in advance.

Again, there's a difference between GTA (purposely offending people in order to make an artistic statement) and the various games that have been changed due to inadvertently including material that could be offensive to Muslims.

If Sony were releasing a game that dealt with topics of religion and world politics, and included aspects that could offend Muslims due to their depiction, I would expect Sony would back the product as created. The reason they acted to remove the material here is that it's not actually the game's intent to deal with religion at all, so it's not worth potentially causing a flap over something that's quite easily fixed.

About the only thing that's really blameworthy here is that Sony felt the need to actually delay the game, rather than just patch it and alter future pressings -- that's probably a bit of an overreaction.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
RubberJohnny said:
No-ones actually asked why lyrics like that were in happy-go-lucky LBP to begin with. It hardly fits with the mood and theme.

Maybe it was just to troll Muslims.
the guy who wrote the song is muslim.
Holy crap, re-pressing all those discs and shipping them all again is not going to help Sony's bottom line at all!

Edit: OMG I'm not even going to attempt to show what ad is on my gaf right now :lol

jax (old)

personally, I'm thinking SONY+MM did the right thing with this.

a) the phrase is religious and we know how people can get about their faith
b) bad PR is bad PR and they needed to quell it.
c) disc delay + patch are solutions that both provide coverage and protect SONY+MM from frivolous lawsuits

it is only a couple of weeks. We'll still get it but it IS extremely annoying. I'll play FALLOUT3 til LBP hits then.
Psychotext said:
There are a bunch of smart people on GAF... unfortunately none of them are here, but I'll ask anyway. ;)

Assuming they shipped out 3m copies to stores around the world for this (might be high, might be low, I don't know). What sort of money would this cost them to fix? I guess you're looking at redoing every disc, and repacking it. Getting stock back from the stores, shipping the new stock out. Changing advertising etc.

I don't know about cost, but I know that changing everything a few days before launch. Delaying things for close to a month...

That; sir is a cluster-fuck.

Generally cluster-fucks = expensive


Airkiru said:
Is it really that hard to understand why this individual asked Sony to remove the song? He found it offensive, and many other people would have aswell. Is it hard to acknowledge peoples beliefs? It's quite pathetic that some of you are throwing a tantrum, over a game that is still getting released.

Ofcourse not, unless it was brought to our attention. Someone else would have notice regardless, and the problem would have still remained.

Yes, it is.

In fact I find it deeply offensive that I have to kowtow to the sensitivities of people that still believe in Bronze Age myths and their spin-offs.

If you want to be religious do it at home or in a place of worship.

I don't want to know about it, especially when you try to change things because Zeus/Ra/Odin/Yahweh/Mohammed/Xenu told you it was bad.


Worships the porcelain goddess
subrock said:
NOT THE ISSUE! these arent fundamentalist ideas, this is the Qur'an, every muslims book. the issue is that the words cannot be played to music. the words themselves muslims are very comfortable with, I would imagine.

So, how did this artist who created the song, do just that? Not only that, the album in which the song is on, won a Grammy. The album was released 3 years ago.

It's a bit hypocritical if you ask me.
I do find it funny that no one bothered reading what happened with how the guy didn't ask for a recall, Media Molecule had a patch ready, and it was Sony's decision to recall.

I mean, bitch all you want about how he's overreacting, but at least he's overreacting to actual words. The rest of you can't manage that.


Psychotext said:
There are a bunch of smart people on GAF... unfortunately none of them are here, but I'll ask anyway. ;)

Assuming they shipped out 3m copies to stores around the world for this (might be high, might be low, I don't know). What sort of money would this cost them to fix? I guess you're looking at redoing every disc, and repacking it. Getting stock back from the stores, shipping the new stock out. Changing advertising etc.

I think they delayed the release to get the day one patch ready.
That's the only logic reason.


Once And Future Member
RubberJohnny said:
No-ones actually asked why lyrics like that were in happy-go-lucky LBP to begin with. It hardly fits with the mood and theme.

Maybe it was just to troll Muslims.
It's a great song (click the preview) and is only for 2 seconds on 2 different occasions in a barely audible foreign language. No one could've known.

Also, is there no way they can edit the song to remove those certain parts? I'd like it kept in. Really fits the level.


cjelly said:
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I hope the rest of this thread isn't going to be like this...

It should be. I'm as sensitive as anybody you'll find, but this is getting out of hand and ridiculous.
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