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Max Payne 3 Hands-On Previews: "Max Payne is Back!"


RDR was 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, and people gobbled it up and asked for seconds.

MP3 will have superior gunplay, and people will whinge and moan to the ends of the earth.

Fucking gamers.


Menelaus said:
RDR was 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, and people gobbled it up and asked for seconds.

I don't understand how anyone exhibiting a fraction of rational thought can say shit like this.
Menelaus said:
RDR was 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, and people gobbled it up and asked for seconds.

MP3 will have superior gunplay, and people will whinge and moan to the ends of the earth.

Fucking gamers.

I disagree. RDR is the best game I've played this generation.
Ben Pierce said:
It gave me a chuckle: Hitler learns about Max Payne 3

I'll admit that I had a lot of these reactions at first, but I've come to terms. Max 1 & 2 can never be replaced, and they're wonderful games, and I would love to get Max 3 from Remedy, but Rockstar makes good stuff, too.

Hahaha, that was hysterical. The mention of 'Mafia 2' pushed the hilarity over the top.

And while R* is developing, it's good to see Remedy is still involved. I like that.

RDR was fantastic.


benevolent sexism
Menelaus said:
RDR was 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, and people gobbled it up and asked for seconds.

MP3 will have superior gunplay, and people will whinge and moan to the ends of the earth.

Fucking gamers.

A contrarian opinion voiced with the hyperbolic force of 10 morons?

Fucking gamers.


benevolent sexism
Wallach said:
Hahaha, man. It's the truth, though.

I absolutely agree with him that MP3 will have better gunplay. I shouldn't have quoted the whole thing.

Read Dead was at the very least a decent game, though, by any measure.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
I absolutely agree with him that MP3 will have better gunplay. I shouldn't have quoted the whole thing.

Read Dead was at the very least a decent game, though, by any measure.

I'm talking about your statement, not his.


I know this is kind of late at this point, but wasn't there some European event on October 1st where Rockstar was supposedly going to show off gameplay? I remember we were talking about it in a previous thread, but I haven't seen anything about that since.

Menelaus said:
RDR was 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag
Fjordson said:
I know this is kind of late at this point, but wasn't there some European event on October 1st where Rockstar was supposedly going to show off gameplay? I remember we were talking about it in a previous thread, but I haven't seen anything about that since.


I think it was called FirstLook. Simo knew more about it, but I think whatever they showed there, we already know about it at this point.

That gif is hilarious.


Ah okay, so nothing got out of there I guess. I love Rockstar, but damn their covert ops skills when it comes to games before release. Seems like their stuff never gets out early.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Menelaus said:
RDR was 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, and people gobbled it up and asked for seconds.


Ben Pierce said:
I disagree. RDR is the best game I've played this generation.

Yes, one of the best.


Fjordson said:
Ah okay, so nothing got out of there I guess. I love Rockstar, but damn their covert ops skills when it comes to games before release. Seems like their stuff never gets out early.

Yeah the FirstLook event was nothing really. Rockstar set up a small booth with posters of their games, including the 2 posters we've already seen from MP3, and had the first trailer looped. They did give away the second poster to those who visited the booth but other than that, nothing to write about.

This weekend is the New York Comic Con and they'll be doing hands off demonstrations all weekend.


Anybody checking out Max Payne 3 today at the NY Comic Con? They're showing off a public demo from today until Sunday, so hopefully we'll get some footage of the booth.
Simo said:
Anybody checking out Max Payne 3 today at the NY Comic Con? They're showing off a public demo from today until Sunday, so hopefully we'll get some footage of the booth.

I would... if I weren't on the other side of the continent.


I went to Comic-Con today and Rockstar showed off 30 minute demo. I went with some friends and I think I was the only one who was hyped for it. There was some technical difficulties with the receiver but fixed it half way through.

Graphically, the game looks great. The environments were very detailed in the New York area and also in the Sao Paul area. The animations are fucking amazing. There is a firefight in a bus depot which is showed partially in the trailer and when Max shoot dodges and hits a wall, he'll collide with the wall and slide down bracing the floor with his hand or fist. I love stuff like that, the attention to detail shows in the environment down to the animations. The cutscenes
are pretty much GTA cutscenes blended with the 24 slide frames every preview has talked about. The gunplay is very good, the sounds are crisp and solid from the 5.1 surround sound they had on. The cover system looked good and the demonstrator didn't use it much but he nearly died a few times playing the game. lol.

I pretty much walked away from the demonstration very pleased, I was riding with MP3 ever since it was announced and I'm still on the train. Multiplayer was announced but that was probably announced already.
Impressions sound favorable, but I'm not down with the "24" frames. I prefer the traditional Max Payne approach in this case. It's so unique and a treat (for me) to see and use my own imagination with the comic style panels. They're also a nice break from gameplay and a great way to set up new scenarios.


Lime said:
Since when did previews ever become reliable or indicative of the product? A Rockstar one even...

Won't people ever learn or aren't the people falling for the hype aware of the integrity of both game journalists and especially previews?
You make a valid point.

Really don't like the new art direction, with the model and the bright Brazilian environments.

Could be an MGS2 situation right there. Letting us play as Max in New York for the first couple missions, then dump bald Raiden going to Brazil on us.


VaLiancY said:
I went to Comic-Con today and Rockstar showed off 30 minute demo. I went with some friends and I think I was the only one who was hyped for it. There was some technical difficulties with the receiver but fixed it half way through.

Graphically, the game looks great. The environments were very detailed in the New York area and also in the Sao Paul area. The animations are fucking amazing. There is a firefight in a bus depot which is showed partially in the trailer and when Max shoot dodges and hits a wall, he'll collide with the wall and slide down bracing the floor with his hand or fist. I love stuff like that, the attention to detail shows in the environment down to the animations. The cutscenes
are pretty much GTA cutscenes blended with the 24 slide frames every preview has talked about. The gunplay is very good, the sounds are crisp and solid from the 5.1 surround sound they had on. The cover system looked good and the demonstrator didn't use it much but he nearly died a few times playing the game. lol.

I pretty much walked away from the demonstration very pleased, I was riding with MP3 ever since it was announced and I'm still on the train. Multiplayer was announced but that was probably announced already.
Thanks for the impressions. Sounds so damn good. Very cool about the animations and all of the attention to detail.


VaLiancY said:
I went to Comic-Con today and Rockstar showed off 30 minute demo. I went with some friends and I think I was the only one who was hyped for it. There was some technical difficulties with the receiver but fixed it half way through.

Graphically, the game looks great. The environments were very detailed in the New York area and also in the Sao Paul area. The animations are fucking amazing. There is a firefight in a bus depot which is showed partially in the trailer and when Max shoot dodges and hits a wall, he'll collide with the wall and slide down bracing the floor with his hand or fist. I love stuff like that, the attention to detail shows in the environment down to the animations. The cutscenes
are pretty much GTA cutscenes blended with the 24 slide frames every preview has talked about. The gunplay is very good, the sounds are crisp and solid from the 5.1 surround sound they had on. The cover system looked good and the demonstrator didn't use it much but he nearly died a few times playing the game. lol.

I pretty much walked away from the demonstration very pleased, I was riding with MP3 ever since it was announced and I'm still on the train. Multiplayer was announced but that was probably announced already.
Yeah, I saw the NYCC demo as well and I pretty much agree. It looks really nice visually, and the animations are impressive. It was cool to see that if Max is prone he can still aim 360 and his body shifts to keep it realistic. And the gameplay looks like Max Payne, thankfully; as has been said before, the cover is by no means necessary and basically just exists to give people another way to play if they want.

I was hoping there would be a playable demo, but ah well. Still looking forward to it.
I am playing MP1 on Steam right now, and there is no music and there was no sound for like, the first 4 minutes of comics. What the fuck. I played the shit out of the PS2 version, so I know this shouldn't be happening


Ive seen it at the Rockstar offices.. it really plays like a Max Payne game. I understand the Sao Paulo sceptisism and im not thouroughly convinced yet either, but Rockstar certainly has a poin that the city is ideal for Max. I mean, its got drugs, crime, general shittieness.. what more could Max want.

Ill try to answer any questions.
Daeda said:
Ive seen it at the Rockstar offices.. it really plays like a Max Payne game. I understand the Sao Paulo sceptisism and im not thouroughly convinced yet either, but Rockstar certainly has a poin that the city is ideal for Max. I mean, its got drugs, crime, general shittieness.. what more could Max want.

Ill try to answer any questions.

How's the actor performances? I know McCaffrey's back as Max and doing mocap acting.

How's frame rate on PS3? Past games on RAGE have cut some corners on PS3.

That's all I have at the moment.
Jesus christ, just the thought of playing this on my PC...*dribble*

One thing I'm incredibly excited to see, is the facial animation for the characters, especially Max. RDR has some of the best facial animation in gaming imo, if not the best. It's expressive, and looks graphically wonderful, If the same level of fidelity in the faces is on par with RDR, I'll be very very happy!

And I agree with the majority here, RDR is the best game this gen imo. It's one of my very favourite games, especially after finishing the game for the third time earlier tonight. :)
I got to see it at ny comic con as well. The cutscenes and dialog are really well done and well written. But that seems to be a given with recent rockstar games. As people were mentioning before, the gunplay is stellar, animations when max is moving and firing are amazing.

Surprisingly, they aren't using regenerating health. He still needs to use painkillers to keep his damage meter low. So fans of the original should dig that. Something that I think they are aren't going to dig is the new "graphic novel" cutscenes. In some interviews rockstar said that they are still incorporating them but putting a new spin on how they are displayed. This couldn't be further from the truth. The only thing I would be able to compare them to are the edited subtitled scenes in Man On Fire.

Overall the game does seem to look and play very well. Just still think they could of got away without calling it Max Payne. Would of sold fine being a new action shooter from rockstar.

Also, they were playing the console version, if anyone was wondering.
Really excited for this after reading those previews. I'm finally getting around to finishing Max Payne 2 after picking it up on Steam sale and absolutely loving it.


NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Know if anyone was able to record the raw footage?

At Comic Con? Not a chance. You got ushered in to a theatre and off the bat Rockstar said that if they saw anybody even look at their phone they'd be booted out. Not that I went though but that's what the previews were saying of those who went.

We are still getting a video this month which I'm hoping is going to be an overview of this demo.


NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Know if anyone was able to record the raw footage?
They didn't allow any photos or videos to be taken and they made it clear that if they thought they saw anyone doing either then they would pause the demo and escort you out

So I'm going to guess no


The thing that bugs me is the fact that R* never shows gameplay videos till like week before release(GTA IV was NEVER shown). Why do it? Gameplay always looks better than free camera recorded bullshit. Especially if you have great animations.
DarkChild said:
The thing that bugs me is the fact that R* never shows gameplay videos till like week before release(GTA IV was NEVER shown). Why do it? Gameplay always looks better than free camera recorded bullshit. Especially if you have great animations.

Because it's Rockstar, I guess. They know their games will be killers.

I agree though, gameplay ideally should be shown way earlier, but if any gaming developers out there have earned the credibility to pull off such a feat, it's Rockstar.


R* does in game stuff, albeit from more interesting angles.

Like most of there videos it's a mix of in game cutscenes and cameras placed in the environment while the game plays. Can't wait to see how they plan to push Max Payne 3 we've had the 'Life in The West Series' for RDR and those fantastic desk missons series for LA Noire.

Looking forward to seeing what they are cooking up this time.
DarkChild said:
The thing that bugs me is the fact that R* never shows gameplay videos till like week before release(GTA IV was NEVER shown). Why do it? Gameplay always looks better than free camera recorded bullshit. Especially if you have great animations.

Not to be that guy, but the first RDR gameplay video was released on Dec 16, 2009. About 6 months before release.

The LA Noire one was released on Feb 10, 2011, 3 months from release. That... is a lot more than a week before release.


DarkChild said:
The thing that bugs me is the fact that R* never shows gameplay videos till like week before release(GTA IV was NEVER shown). Why do it? Gameplay always looks better than free camera recorded bullshit. Especially if you have great animations.
Well that's not quite as true anymore. They did the gameplay series stuff months in advance for Red Dead and L.A. Noire.

This might sound weird, but it sort of increases my hype. By the time a new Rockstar game is about to come out, I'm so starved for information as far as what the final product plays like that I can't wait to get my hands on it. Other games fall victim to overexposure sometimes I think with copious amounts of pre-release media. Even with games that I know I'm going to love, my anticipation is never quite as high as it is with Rockstar games because I already know so much about how they play.

Whatever the thinking behind their method, it's working. It's still hard for me to grasp the fact that they've sold almost 35 million copies of their games this generation with just two titles.


DarkChild said:
The thing that bugs me is the fact that R* never shows gameplay videos till like week before release(GTA IV was NEVER shown). Why do it? Gameplay always looks better than free camera recorded bullshit. Especially if you have great animations.
Agreed. So much. I usually never care much for free camera videos using the gameplay engine. Like Call of Duty and whatnot. Give me straight gameplay.


Gamebaron said:
Here's a video of the impressions @ NYCC

Is the guy on the right fucking retarded?

"Oh, L.A. Noire had amazingly dynamic facial sync technology, so every future Rockstar game MUST have the same technology implemented, amiritegaiz!? DERP"

SamuraiX- said:
Is the guy on the right fucking retarded?

"Oh, L.A. Noire had amazingly dynamic facial sync technology, so every future Rockstar game MUST have the same technology implemented, amiritegaiz!? DERP"


Clearly he did not know that the face capture tech still belongs to McNamera even after Team Bondi dissolved. Ironically there is no chance of there being an L.A. Noire 2 (had Rockstar bought Bondi and the tech, the turn out would have been smooth).

But to be more on topic, yes you are right, that was a derp moment.
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