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MCV: Next Xbox AND PS4 at E3 2012

I'm going to be very careful about my next next-gen console choice. I'm not having all three again. It's going to be a one console future in the cyberheater household this time around.

Going by your tag, I estimate that there is a 95% probability you will go with the next Xbox. The PS4 seems like a very unlikely choice for you as my data suggests there being just a 5% chance of purchase, while the Wii U appears to be outside of the equation entirely.


GAF's Bob Woodward


E3 2012, for MS and Sony anyway, will just be setting us up for a year of arguments and speculation and FUD and...

Can't wait! ;D


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Going by your tag, I estimate that there is a 95% probability you will go with the next Xbox. The PS4 seems like a very unlikely choice for you as my data suggests there being just a 5% chance of purchase, while the Wii U appears to be outside of the equation entirely.

Strangely enough. We tend to play the PS3 more in our house but that's slowly changing now we've got a new slim after our last one RRoD'd.

If it gets absolutely confirmed that you'll be able to play all WiiU games using the WiiU controller screen without a tv then I'll probably pick that up next. I'm not holding out much hope on that front.
I hope Sony and Microsoft drown Nintendo in fake ass pre rendered shots and bullshit CG that steals their thunder.

They've been quiet as fuck since last year's dumb E3 showing and I'm tired of waiting around for their details. Still won't pay for XBL this time and I'm not risking more RROD incidents from MS. The ball is in Sony's court this time.


I'm really interested to see what the next gen systems look like, even though I'm already staunchly going 1-console only this time around (Wii U). I dont trust MS hardware or xbl security anymore, and Ive got a PS3 slim that I only recently bought, which is mainly a movie player for me.

Still, I love seeing new things and the general direction that things look like going.
Why would you want this known if you're trying to steal thunder??

Surely Nintendo can pull another Wii event where they have worldwide conferences demoing the system in advance of E3?

Also Wii didn't struggle too much under the weight of the HD twins at its first E3 . . . I remember seeing the mass scramble for the lines

WiiU won't be soooooo different even if the other two really go maxed out (which they won't).

Will be interesting.


So this will be the same situation as this gen with an underpowered Nintendo console?

I'd guess if all 3 will be at E3, then the "power gap" will be smaller than some predict, unless Sony + MS really spend a bomb on R&D (which I can't imagine them doing)


I'm ready for a purchase come 9 months after launch. Just make the new Xbox b/c with retail and digital titles.
I would love it if Microsoft's next console is similar to modern Nintnedo's route in which its only modestly more powerful than the 360 that packs in a Kinect controller and markets itself as the Xbox Loop just to capture the casual audience with a low price point. The meltdowns would be hilarious.

So this will be the same situation as this gen with an underpowered Nintendo console?

It would be best to see what the WiiU, Xbox 3, and PS4 are capable of.


both 360 and PS3 are still relatively expensive, so does that mean new consoles will also be expensive? yes we'll expect price cuts of the current consoles before then, but by how much? You need price differential so 720/PS4 could easily be $399 or more.

As for PS4, Sony have to launch close to Xbox 720 - yes, that means they have to cut short the PS3 generation, but thats what MS did last time, so can't be helped.

I think the 'old generation' (when these new ones come out) could do much better than PS2, and for longer. You'll have WiiU either getting PS4 ports or perhaps PS3 ones, Vita carrying on the PS3 tech line, along with PS3 and 360 at affordable prices but not throwaway prices. So maybe PS3/360 will have a good few years still in them, and developers won't abandon them as quickly as they did PS2 to shovel ware?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Why would you want this known if you're trying to steal thunder??

Surely Nintendo can pull another Wii event where they have worldwide conferences demoing the system in advance of E3?

Also Wii didn't struggle too much under the weight of the HD twins at its first E3 . . . I remember seeing the mass scramble for the lines

WiiU won't be soooooo different even if the other two really go maxed out (which they won't).

Will be interesting.

This all sounds rather pre-emptively defensive for Nintendo (?)

We don't know what the relationship will be between Wii-U and the other platforms.

That said, I think the bet about a re-run on E3 2006 wrt Wii buzz is interesting - I would have thought it was perhaps easier to predict otherwise, given that Wii-U already made a playable debut for journos last year, and seemed relatively frustrated in stirring people up on the concept. This is a second round for Wii-U - people won't get so easily high on its conceptual merits, even assuming it had a concept as immediately appealing as Wii's was.


And forget target renders even guys, I would guess. My guess is literally an incredibly vague teaser with no footage at all. The only point that makes sense here is a general "hey dont forget we're coming too next gen fans" aimed at Nintendo's Wii U hype.

Again, think Wii U 11 E3 (very little) to Wii U 12 (full blowout) transition, only even less on the initial reveal (far less, as I dont think we'll be playing with any prototype controllers)

You can't do a 'hey guys, we're still relevant, new console soon' against WiiU. Assuming nintendo have it together and have some great looking games, MS/Sony need to stomp on them and say 'thats good looking? Pah, look at *this*. Just wait a few months *cough* year and you can have it'


GAF's Bob Woodward
both 360 and PS3 are still relatively expensive, so does that mean new consoles will also be expensive? yes we'll expect price cuts of the current consoles before then, but by how much? You need price differential so 720/PS4 could easily be $399 or more.

I think we'll see dual-prong $200 PS3/360 $400 PS4/720 strategies for a while.

Neither MS or Sony can go for an immediately mass market machine at $250 without cutting the legs out from under PS3 and 360...which I don't think they want to do. Sony, at least, still seems to think there's a lot to do with PS3 still.

And this is probably good for us (i.e. the core) anyway, if we get more ambitious machines - $400 is an OK starting point methinks.


both 360 and PS3 are still relatively expensive, so does that mean new consoles will also be expensive? yes we'll expect price cuts of the current consoles before then, but by how much? You need price differential so 720/PS4 could easily be $399 or more.

As for PS4, Sony have to launch close to Xbox 720 - yes, that means they have to cut short the PS3 generation, but thats what MS did last time, so can't be helped.

I think the 'old generation' (when these new ones come out) could do much better than PS2, and for longer. You'll have WiiU either getting PS4 ports or perhaps PS3 ones, Vita carrying on the PS3 tech line, along with PS3 and 360 at affordable prices but not throwaway prices. So maybe PS3/360 will have a good few years still in them, and developers won't abandon them as quickly as they did PS2 to shovel ware?

I am pretty much expected a $400 price tag for the new consoles. Which I am ok with. I think MS did ok with that price tag and everyone knows how Sony did with theirs.

Also at least the 360 already has a ver cheap SKU with the 4GB HDD. by the end of the year the official price of that thing will be 150. Also the more expensive SKUs only have bigger harddrives. It doesn't cost MS much more to make those but they make lots of bank on the price difference they can charge for it.
I've said this a lot in other threads... but if the 360 can get ports from much more advanced PC games, the WiiU should be well within engine portability range. I mean... most PC games are designed to be used on some pretty antiquated hardware anyway. The WiiU isn't that hardware from we can tell. It won't have the power either the PS4 or Loop are likely to have... but in an era where engines are made to play on phones to PC's... it probably won't have to be.


online investment will play a big role in what people buy next time. Much more than BC

If you have a lot of money spent on XBLA stuff, or PSN games (even full games now) or a lot of friends on a particular platform, thats very likely to steer you in the direction of that platform next time (assuming seamless transition and support for those games).

That would mean me going PS4 next gen by default. However for gadget freaks, if MS launch a year ahead of Sony, I'd have to buy a 720 just to experience it for a year.


Possibly. Do we also get unreliable Microsoft consoles that break in under 6 months, and overpriced PlayStations too?

As the Loop is apparently coming only a few months (within 6 months based on what Nintex says) later than the WiiU, it should be a bit more expensive as it's more powerful. Then again, it doesn't have a tablet.


For what reason exactly? Just look at the 3rd party support of the 3DS.

The simple reason is that non of the 3rd party developers have made that much money this generation by following the status quo. Taking EA as an example you will see that even though they used to make between 200-500 million in profits during the ps2 era they have now seen a reversal in financial fortunes mainly because they chose the wrong platform to support.

Western 3rd party developers not supporting the 3ds is just one of a string of useless decisions exhibited by the highly incompetent publishers and so called executives. It is almost criminal the way these companies allow Nintendo to absolutely monopolize almost all of the profits from dedicated handheld sales.

A repeat of what happened with the Wii and Ds this generation will wipe out every single third party company (especially the western companies).


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I think it's conceivable that at some point next year, you're going to have games that are multiformat launching on this and next gen systems. It will be interesting to see how much better they'll look because I devs will have to work quite hard to demonstrate a clear differential between different gen systems.

I can't see them just adding 1080p and full screen AA unless they are very lazy.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Did Nintendo hint the price of WiiU? All I remember is that they said it won't be cheap...
As the Loop is apparently coming only a few months (within 6 months based on what Nintex says) later than the WiiU, it should be a bit more expensive as it's more powerful. Then again, it doesn't have a tablet.

Neither does the WiiU technically. It's got a screen, controller parts, some form of CPU and RAM... but neither have to be in large amounts or high power. I doubt any of it is going to add much to the consoles cost. The screen itself is the only sticking point. But we still don't have fine details.


The simple reason is that non of the 3rd party developers have made that much money this generation by following the status quo. Taking EA as an example you will see that even though they used to make between 200-500 million in profits during the ps2 era they have now seen a reversal in financial fortunes mainly because they chose the wrong platform to support.

Western 3rd party developers not supporting the 3ds is just one of a string of useless decisions exhibited by the highly incompetent publishers and so called executives. It is almost criminal the way these companies allow Nintendo to absolutely monopolize almost all of the profits from dedicated handheld sales.

A repeat of what happened with the Wii and Ds this generation will wipe out every single third party company (especially the western companies).

Do you actually believe that 3rd parties want to make money. I've given up on that belief. It comes as no surprise that THQ and EA are in constant trouble.


My guess:

Wii U = details at E3 2012, release Fall 2012 WW

XBOX 720 = Officially reveal before E3 2012, details at E3 2012, release Fall 2012 US/EU (spring 2013 JP)

PS4 = Officially reveal E3 2012, details at E3 2013, release Fall 2013 US/JP (spring 2014 EU)

Just because Nintendo and Sony likes to unveil their console 1,5 years before release, doesn´t mean Microsoft will.

X360 was officially revealed May 2005 and released fall 2005. The same year.
Do you actually believe that 3rd parties want to make money. I've given up on that belief. It comes as no surprise that THQ and EA are in constant trouble.
You're in a bad mood tonight.

Of course they want to make money. They just have no idea how to do so when the market seems to change by the year, and the cost of investment continues to skyrocket.


XBOX 720 = Officially reveal before E3 2012, details at E3 2012, release Fall 2012 US/EU (spring 2013 JP)

PS4 = Officially reveal E3 2012, details at E3 2013, release Fall 2013 US/JP (spring 2014 EU)
Article says that both of them will unveil it at E3.


You're in a bad mood tonight.

Of course they want to make money. They just have no idea how to do so when the market seems to change by the year, and the cost of investment continues to skyrocket.

Nah, THQ's major objective is to destroy shareholder wealth. If the share drops by 10%, the CEO receives a 10mio USD bonus; if it drops by 20% and he is able to layoff half of the company's staff, he'll receive up to 30mio USD.



Do you actually believe that 3rd parties want to make money. I've given up on that belief. It comes as no surprise that THQ and EA are in constant trouble.

I am honestly also starting to believe that 3rd party publishers hate money because some of the decisions that these companies have taken this generation is mind boggling. From Ubisoft's decision to flood the market with their petz games, to EA's decision to cripple the Wii's madden and fifa entries. One can write an entire book about the missteps taken this generation by the 3rd party developers.


The DS is the best selling dedicated gaming platform of all time.

Western developers: "Let's ignore it!"



The DS is the best selling dedicated gaming platform of all time.

Western developers: "Let's ignore it!"


I honestly don't understand that. Not only was the DS the highest selling platform it was also the cheapest to develop for yet we got close to nothing from these guys. Oh well I wish them all the best because this coming generation is going to be funny in a tragic way because more companies will most definitely die out


The DS is the best selling dedicated gaming platform of all time.

Western developers: "Let's ignore it!"


GTA is the one of the best selling game series in history and the highest rated DS game of all time.

DS owners: "Let's ignore it!"

This all sounds rather pre-emptively defensive for Nintendo (?)

We don't know what the relationship will be between Wii-U and the other platforms.

That said, I think the bet about a re-run on E3 2006 wrt Wii buzz is interesting - I would have thought it was perhaps easier to predict otherwise, given that Wii-U already made a playable debut for journos last year, and seemed relatively frustrated in stirring people up on the concept. This is a second round for Wii-U - people won't get so easily high on its conceptual merits, even assuming it had a concept as immediately appealing as Wii's was.

Nah it's not defensive, just saying if you want to steal someones thunder, you don't give them 6months warning?

Indeed, but the journos who played with the WiiU liked what they played with, and those where purely concepts. On very early devkits. This thing has moved on. Also last year for some reason some people didn't understand it was a new console (?) so this year they will know it is.

Now imagine playing some full blown games on this thing, seeing it's OS, it's online system, menu systems . . . probably a Mario Kart demo, or a full WiiU sports demo. Seeing people trying to test the boundaries of the video sending capability e.t.c.
I also expect a Retro demo . . . :)

I think we've ALL always guessed MS and Sony would have some CGi demos and what not there this year.
I think Sony have enough on their plate though at the moment to worry about!
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