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Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition Details - US Version


robertsan21 said:
yea Mori has been shot many times I am sure...

just watch a video of someone running and getting shot like in his arm or something.

and besides the video shows snake running away from the shooter and he gets shot in the back but still the movement of snake is towards the bullet and not throwing him forward as it would most likely do.
I'm sure he has a better idea than you. He's probably been shot by rubber bullets at the very least

You also need to remember that this is a stealth game, so running out in the open and shooting like an idiot should be a punishment. If you got just plow through enemy bullets, what's stopping it from being an ordinary TPS?
EviLore said:

Here's an example of what happens when someone takes a large caliber rifle round in a real world situation (stopped by body armor).

yea so?

what I am saying is, the animation DOES NOT TOSS snake to the ground it makes him stop, why not just let us keep running but with the "hit" animation on?

it would lead to better and more fun gameplay.

the animation that is in the game now is just as unrealistic as running then just stop and do the "hit" animation then continue to run.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I called my gamestop in cambridge, ma and the clerk says they did not receive the saga dvd yet.

if any can, could you all call your gamestop and see if they have it and if not or if they do just post it here so we can see where and what gamestops are receiving them now.

Tom Penny

Amusing that people are arguing about realism in a Metal Gear game although I agree. I'm not buying the game because none of the characters in the beauty and the beast trailer move realistically like they would in real life....
My local gamestop open in 30 mins, I'll call around then.

neojubei said:
I called my gamestop in cambridge, ma and the clerk says they did not receive the saga dvd yet.

if any can, could you all call your gamestop and see if they have it and if not or if they do just post it here so we can see where and what gamestops are receiving them now.


gamestop is my pt gig 2 nights a week thanks to a really good friend of mine, so i hope i get my saga discs tonight....oh and for all the gamestop haters out there fyi we can order games from different stores and have them shipped so you can purchase ( just got document of mgs 2 for 2.50 yesterday!)
-xBerserker- said:
Gamestop will be hearing from me several times today asking about the MGS Online Beta Key :D
Don't do this shit, it's annoying, even though I fucking hate GameStop with a passion. Of course, karma will just strike you and force you to be a counter jockey the rest of your life.
They usually get there shipment around 10:00 or 10:30, so I'll call after that.

WasabiKing said:
Don't do this shit, it's annoying, even though I fucking hate GameStop with a passion. Of course, karma will just strike you and force you to be a counter jockey the rest of your life.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Jeez, if I want to order this from US Gamestop for delivery in Canada, the price is


A bit crazy, no? They add $10 to S&H because of the size of package (game box + art book I guess) and the S&H for Canada is no more or less than $15.

I would still pay it, but I'd rather know for damn sure this won't show up in Canada...


razgriz417 said:
Guys, first confirmation that the beta code is included in SAGA vol. 2


After a mild amount of detective work I have found that this guy lives in Washington, which confirms my suspicion that it's going to be west coast stores that have the disc.

Western GAFers - GameStop, ho! Looks like the rest of us are going to be waiting. I need to see if they shipped yet when I go to work in an hour...


Junior Member
Is the only way to get the Saga disc is to pre-order the standard MGS4? Do you get it right away?


daegan said:
After a mild amount of detective work I have found that this guy lives in Washington, which confirms my suspicion that it's going to be west coast stores that have the disc.

Western GAFers - GameStop, ho! Looks like the rest of us are going to be waiting. I need to see if they shipped yet when I go to work in an hour...

very true, i assume our GS stores here in the East coast might get them tomorrow or next week


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
robertsan21 said:
yea so?

what I am saying is, the animation DOES NOT TOSS snake to the ground it makes him stop, why not just let us keep running but with the "hit" animation on?

it would lead to better and more fun gameplay.

the animation that is in the game now is just as unrealistic as running then just stop and do the "hit" animation then continue to run.

"Yea so?" Rather than continue with back and forth speculation about Mori's abilities as a technical advisor, or what actually happens when people get shot, I provided video evidence. You were arguing that no reaction would be the most natural method, but now you dismiss a pause in MGS4 because it isn't as severe as falling down. That doesn't follow logically.

What MGS4 does is a compromise for the sake of gameplay. MGS4 is not an absolute real life simulator, nor can it be with current technology or the production budget. Regardless, they give a player feedback without significantly disrupting the action. If Snake fell down every time he was shot, that'd obviously be annoying as hell considering the gameplay system allows him to be shot many times (depending on the difficulty level). You're now suggesting they do away with the concept entirely and have Snake do some sort of "ow" motion without losing a step, which arguably skews too far to the other side of realism. A brief moment out of control gives the player another level of feedback, in conjunction with audio cues, animations, and (optionally) rumble, and connects with general expectations reasonably well (badass soldier in futuristic suit still feels it but doesn't get devastated).

You don't like the pause, that's fine. But your justifications are all over the place.

-It's not what would happen if you got shot:

robertsan said:
hmm I never been shot but I sure has hell wouldnt stop in the middle of the fire if I got shot, I think adrenaline would make you run for shelter no matter what, fine if you get shot in the head or spine or some shit like that then sure you wont probably be able to move

-It's "bad" and unnatural:

robertsan said:
that shit is bad and I really hope they take that shit out, its fine that he twiches but he should keep running as that would be the most natural way

-Mori doesn't know what happens when people get shot because he hasn't been shot many times, videos of people running and getting shot in the arm prove this, and MGS4 is flawed and unrealistic because it doesn't replicate this whole lack of reaction, and/or does its reaction in the wrong direction:

robertsan said:
yea Mori has been shot many times I am sure...

just watch a video of someone running and getting shot like in his arm or something.

and besides the video shows snake running away from the shooter and he gets shot in the back but still the movement of snake is towards the bullet and not throwing him forward as it would most likely do.

but MGS means alot to me and I just wanted this last one to be super good with no flaws and not damn limitations for what the console can push.

I really hope kojima comes back for MGS on PS5 or something when reality is possible

And now a dismissal of the video evidence, and an appeal to gameplay concerns because reality has already been thrown out of the window:

robertsan said:
yea so?

what I am saying is, the animation DOES NOT TOSS snake to the ground it makes him stop, why not just let us keep running but with the "hit" animation on?

it would lead to better and more fun gameplay.

the animation that is in the game now is just as unrealistic as running then just stop and do the "hit" animation then continue to run.

I don't really see the grounds for thinking that a momentary pause is a huge game breaking deal as far as the flow of gameplay is concerned; I'd argue that it's a solid middle ground.

Holding MGS4 up to high standards is a natural thing for all of us Metal Gear fans, but dude, take a breather. MGS4 will have technical limitations and it will have design decisions that you disagree with. KojiPro is going to trust that you as a Metal Gear fan will accept the product despite that and enjoy it for what it does do right, which will hopefully be quite a lot.


Didn't Lost Planet have a lot of getting hit and knocked down which people bashed to hell?

Anyway, if you fell down every time you got shot, getting caught would suck, because when a bunch of people are around you shooting you you would have no where to go (like real life :lol)


KTallguy said:
Didn't Lost Planet have a lot of getting hit and knocked down which people bashed to hell?

Anyway, if you fell down every time you got shot, getting caught would suck, because when a bunch of people are around you shooting you you would have no where to go (like real life :lol)

yea, that was one of the worst parts about LP. if MGS implemented that animation into the game, it would be uber frustrating


hide your water-based mammals
Breaking NEWS!

Ok get this. I just called my Gamecrazy that I cancelled my pre-order from. I asked them if they had the SAGA 2 DVD's in and the guy said they got this email from Sony this morning that they are not doing the LE anymore. I told him the whole biz on how it was the pre-order bonus and you get into the beta bit. He more or less said that they (GC) were not getting the LE anymore, he said they are not even taking pre-orders on it. Made it sound like they have already gone through their allocation.

Now, I proceed to call my Gamestop that I had switched my pre-order to and they said it was still on and told them the whole Gamecrazy encounter. He said they are still taking pre-orders for the LE.

From our limited discussion, he made it sound like maybe the LE is more of a GS exclusive or that allocations are running out fast. Seems like the anticipation is getting real hot now. Either way this email that GC got may not be good for those hoping to get the LE through them. Either way, I'm glad I switched over to the GS reserve.

One question for Kagari. The manager told me that they would be getting the SAGA DVD's closer to release or on the date of. Is this just a formal response or does he really not know? Judging by the pics from IGN, this is definitely gonna happen. He just may not be completely clear on the details.
EviLore said:
"Yea so?" Rather than continue with back and forth speculation about Mori's abilities as a technical advisor, or what actually happens when people get shot, I provided video evidence. You were arguing that no reaction would be the most natural method, but now you dismiss a pause in MGS4 because it isn't as severe as falling down. That doesn't follow logically.

What MGS4 does is a compromise for the sake of gameplay. MGS4 is not an absolute real life simulator, nor can it be with current technology or the production budget. Regardless, they give a player feedback without significantly disrupting the action. If Snake fell down every time he was shot, that'd obviously be annoying as hell considering the gameplay system allows him to be shot many times (depending on the difficulty level). You're now suggesting they do away with the concept entirely and have Snake do some sort of "ow" motion without losing a step, which arguably skews too far to the other side of realism. A brief moment out of control gives the player another level of feedback, in conjunction with audio cues, animations, and (optionally) rumble, and connects with general expectations reasonably well (badass soldier in futuristic suit still feels it but doesn't get devastated).

You don't like the pause, that's fine. But your justifications are all over the place.

-It's not what would happen if you got shot:

-It's "bad" and unnatural:

-Mori doesn't know what happens when people get shot because he hasn't been shot many times, videos of people running and getting shot in the arm prove this, and MGS4 is flawed and unrealistic because it doesn't replicate this whole lack of reaction, and/or does its reaction in the wrong direction:

And now a dismissal of the video evidence, and an appeal to gameplay concerns because reality has already been thrown out of the window:

I don't really see the grounds for thinking that a momentary pause is a huge game breaking deal as far as the flow of gameplay is concerned; I'd argue that it's a solid middle ground.

Holding MGS4 up to high standards is a natural thing for all of us Metal Gear fans, but dude, take a breather. MGS4 will have technical limitations and it will have design decisions that you disagree with. KojiPro is going to trust that you as a Metal Gear fan will accept the product despite that and enjoy it for what it does do right, which will hopefully be quite a lot.

HOLY SHIT you sir have to much time on your hands hahaha
but I get your points but I just wanted the ultimate experience MGS4 wise, and I always hated the breif stop in running when getting hit by some bullets.

I also wanted the graphics better and otherthings that you read, I also wanted jessica alba to carry my kid but hmm that didnt go so well


LiK said:
like i said, MGS isn't realistic *points to the ridiculous bosses* :)
I would say MGS is realism with a twist

Everything is based on real-world properties. Even if you have big mechs and crazy enemies, guns are still guns, and Snake still moves like a person. They've always made a deal of making that aspect realistic


Yoboman said:
I would say MGS is realism with a twist

Everything is based on real-world properties. Even if you have big mechs and crazy enemies, guns are still guns, and Snake still moves like a person. They've always made a deal of making that aspect realistic

indeed, i think that's true for all games. the realistic aspects of MGS involves things like the guns, military terms and locations, equipment and tactical strategy.

but i think that guy was trying to say that Snake should move like he's a real person and react like he's in some simulation.
I just called my local Gamestop store. They got there shipment for today (and they have gone threw it all too) and NO Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2 DVD today. I'm located on the west coast.


Crystal Bearer
LiquidMetal14 said:
Breaking NEWS!

Ok get this. I just called my Gamecrazy that I cancelled my pre-order from. I asked them if they had the SAGA 2 DVD's in and the guy said they got this email from Sony this morning that they are not doing the LE anymore. I told him the whole biz on how it was the pre-order bonus and you get into the beta bit. He more or less said that they (GC) were not getting the LE anymore, he said they are not even taking pre-orders on it. Made it sound like they have already gone through their allocation.

Now, I proceed to call my Gamestop that I had switched my pre-order to and they said it was still on and told them the whole Gamecrazy encounter. He said they are still taking pre-orders for the LE.

From our limited discussion, he made it sound like maybe the LE is more of a GS exclusive or that allocations are running out fast. Seems like the anticipation is getting real hot now. Either way this email that GC got may not be good for those hoping to get the LE through them. Either way, I'm glad I switched over to the GS reserve.

One question for Kagari. The manager told me that they would be getting the SAGA DVD's closer to release or on the date of. Is this just a formal response or does he really not know? Judging by the pics from IGN, this is definitely gonna happen. He just may not be completely clear on the details.

A. GameCrazy can sometimes be stupid and say false things. For example, the one time I went to one, the idiot there tried telling me that he had seen a secret beta for MGS4 running on the 360 (rofl)... so in other words, the LE isn't cancelled :| The Saga DVDs are coming in April. How else would people get to play in the beta that starts on 4/21 if they didn't? I think whoever that employee was, lied to you D:

B. I'd let you know if it were cancelled too if it were true ;)


-Rogue5- said:
Awesome, getting the 720p version now. A few things I noticed, you didn't seem to be making use of the threat ring - which is basically the equivelant of the radar for MGS4. And it got you spotted from the side a few times.

Also, you'll be able to choose either side as Otacon says at the start. Though I'm not sure how it works. You seemed intent on making PMCs the enemy, did you ever experiment by taking out some militia instead? There was a point towards the end where reinforces showed up and didn't seem to attack you right off, maybe both sides leave you alone unless you take a side in the fight. Though they may simply not have seen you


Yoboman said:
Awesome, getting the 720p version now. A few things I noticed, you didn't seem to be making use of the threat ring - which is basically the equivelant of the radar for MGS4. And it got you spotted from the side a few times.

Also, you'll be able to choose either side as Otacon says at the start. Though I'm not sure how it works. You seemed intent on making PMCs the enemy, did you ever experiment by taking out some militia instead? There was a point towards the end where reinforces showed up and didn't seem to attack you right off, maybe both sides leave you alone unless you take a side in the fight. Though they may simply not have seen you

Yeah, I tried covering all the bases in the article I wrote; I basically ran (not walked) through that demo as the line to play was getting bigger behind me and it was on the show floor. Not only that, but the controls were uninverted and I'm used to playing inverted. I've got some footage of the konami rep playing it the way MGS is supposed to be played, but it isn't framed properly so I didn't use it for the Trial Playthrough video.

In the trial PMCs attacked Snake no matter what...the rebels didn't fire unless you unleash Snake's fury. Maybe that's fixed in the final game... Realistically, though, the war going on in the background is just a set peice -- when you play it properly no one on either side of the conflict should know Snake was even there.

You can't tell from that video (because it was captured off a display and was recorded at 24fps), but the game runs silky smooth and the sound is the clearest I've heard in a videogame thus far... And that is based on impressions from a crowded showroom floor at CES. Whatever Kojima Productions is doing for audio, it's working...


-Rogue5- said:
Yeah, I tried covering all the bases in the article I wrote; I basically ran (not walked) through that demo as the line to play was getting bigger behind me and it was on the show floor. Not only that, but the controls were uninverted and I'm used to playing inverted. I've got some footage of the konami rep playing it the way MGS is supposed to be played, but it isn't framed properly so I didn't use it for the Trial Playthrough video.

In the trial PMCs attacked Snake no matter what...the rebels didn't fire unless you unleash Snake's fury. Maybe that's fixed in the final game... Realistically, though, the war going on in the background is just a set peice -- when you play it properly no one on either side of the conflict should know Snake was even there.

You can't tell from that video (because it was captured off a display and was recorded at 24fps), but the game runs silky smooth and the sound is the clearest I've heard in a videogame thus far... And that is based on impressions from a crowded showroom floor at CES. Whatever Kojima Productions is doing for audio, it's working...
Yes, I was impressed by the sound even in that offscreen demo. Every bullet sounds unique, and you can hear it panging against various objects. Good stuff.
I'm glad it's silky smooth too, MGS3 definitely lost something compared to 2's smoothness. It looks smooth in the vid, at least no frame-drops

A few questions; are they able to shoot through walls like Call of Duty 4? It seemed like the case at some points

The room where you meet MK-II. There's a ladder in there, do you know if you can climb up it (maybe another alternate route)? If you saw anyone attempt


Yoboman said:
A few questions; are they able to shoot through walls like Call of Duty 4? It seemed like the case at some points

The room where you meet MK-II. There's a ladder in there, do you know if you can climb up it (maybe another alternate route)? If you saw anyone attempt

After that cinematic, I didn't try to go back into the room to use the ladder. Hell, I didn't even notice it.

As for shooting through walls, I'm not sure. I didn't play stealthily so I was getting shot at from all over and when you do play full-stealth, they never notice you enough to shoot through walls.


you can't put a price on sparks
LiquidMetal14 said:
Breaking NEWS!

Ok get this. I just called my Gamecrazy that I cancelled my pre-order from. I asked them if they had the SAGA 2 DVD's in and the guy said they got this email from Sony this morning that they are not doing the LE anymore. I told him the whole biz on how it was the pre-order bonus and you get into the beta bit. He more or less said that they (GC) were not getting the LE anymore, he said they are not even taking pre-orders on it. Made it sound like they have already gone through their allocation.

Now, I proceed to call my Gamestop that I had switched my pre-order to and they said it was still on and told them the whole Gamecrazy encounter. He said they are still taking pre-orders for the LE.

From our limited discussion, he made it sound like maybe the LE is more of a GS exclusive or that allocations are running out fast. Seems like the anticipation is getting real hot now. Either way this email that GC got may not be good for those hoping to get the LE through them. Either way, I'm glad I switched over to the GS reserve.

One question for Kagari. The manager told me that they would be getting the SAGA DVD's closer to release or on the date of. Is this just a formal response or does he really not know? Judging by the pics from IGN, this is definitely gonna happen. He just may not be completely clear on the details.

i can verify that my gamecrazy told me it was canceled tooooooooooooooo wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
The Gamecrazy I stopped by today told me that the LE was canceled, too. One of the employees made some comment about how "other stores" are still getting it, though.


Crystal Bearer
distantmantra said:
The Gamecrazy I stopped by today told me that the LE was canceled, too. One of the employees made some comment about how "other stores" are still getting it, though.

Maybe it's a specific store exclusive?
If it is store exclusive, let's hope that they don't feel like ruining the cover with the store logo like they did with RE4.

I think FFXII was OK though.


Crystal Bearer
GalacticAE said:
If it is store exclusive, let's hope that they don't feel like ruining the cover with the store logo like they did with RE4.

I think FFXII was OK though.

The FFXII one was great. No GameStop crap plastered all over it.



What the fuck did I just walk into? Robertsan finding new reasons to bitch about how to disapprove of how MGS4 is being made?

Jesus, I don't know about you, but after watching that video, I have to agree with Evilore. The whole being knocked down/temporary-invincibility thing seems to be the most reasonable realistic compromise the game makes for being shot.


Darkpen said:

What the fuck did I just walk into? Robertsan and his friends finding new reasons to bitch about how they disapprove of how MGS4 is being made?

Jesus, I don't know about you, but after watching that video, I have to agree with Evilore. The whole being knocked down/temporary-invincibility thing seems to be the most reasonable realistic compromise the game makes for being shot.
Nobody was backing up robertsan, he has no friends
shagg_187 said:

*sees French*

MOTHAFAKK!! WHY DAMNIT!!? On the other hand, I guess that confirms that it's in stores in Canada? :O

WTF all my EB's deny that these discs/online beta's don't exist!


Super_Chicken said:
WTF all my EB's deny that these discs/online beta's don't exist!
because they're retarded.

I had to tell the GC employees what was up with the preorder bonus dvd and why they had to give it to me today as I was preordering. *sigh*
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