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Microsoft "Little Big Planet is very cool"


szaromir said:
Did you play them?

The internets, they told me

How Halo 3 can affect Shadowrun sales or GoW2 Heavenly Sword sales is beyond me. Release date difference is in both cases bigger than a month and it's not like FPS fans won't buy Shadowrun because there'll be Halo 3 in six months or GoW fans won't buy Heavenly Sword because they can play once more their GoW on their old PS2.

i agree


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Segata Sanshiro said:




...actually, I can't think of anything as good as Gahiggidy's pic.


I don't see how you could even engage in a list war when it's pretty obvious that the PS3 has no games

kittowny got to me :(


plagiarize said:
it's a mantra i keep rolling out but here is something i have observed.

for the most part (mmporpg aside) it seems to me that the popularity of an online game has a lot to do with how good it's single player is. a game with awesome single player and half way decent multiplayer will be more popular online than one with half way decent single player and awesome multiplayer.

gears and lost planet are just another example of that.

I can see where you're coming from, but I don't think it applies to Gears vs. LP.

Considering how much more LP multiplayer offers over Gears it could be better... a lot better, but it isn't. Lost Planet has all of the bullet points and none of the oomph. I guess what I'm saying is that Gears has enduring multiplayer because it is good multiplayer and Lost Planet doesn't because it isn't... and I don't see that their single-player portions have anything to do with it.


Ok, so how about banning the next person that compares XNA to LBP. No, but seriously....One is a development environment. The other is a freaking videogame with a level creator and mini-game creator. You can't create a basketball game with LBP ok....nor can you create a first-person shooter or anything else outside the world of LBP.


Barnolde said:
But it does show the "fad-nature" of many 360 games, they just don't have legs. Lots of hype, lots of sales, popular for a little while, people move onto the next thing, etc.

I'm sorry but what basis for comparison do you have?


PS3? So far its another lol

PC? Cmon...its the pc, people still play goddamm Conter Strike, gimme a break.
lix2k3 said:
Ok, so how about banning the next person that compares XNA to LBP. No, but seriously....One is a development environment. The other is a freaking videogame with a level creator and mini-game creator. You can't create a basketball game with LBP ok....nor can you create a first-person shooter or anything else outside the world of LBP.

On an abstract level...you just compared them. UH-OH.


lix2k3 said:
Ok, so how about banning the next person that compares XNA to LBP. No, but seriously....One is a development environment. The other is a freaking videogame with a level creator and mini-game creator. You can't create a basketball game with LBP ok....nor can you create a first-person shooter or anything else outside the world of LBP.

I think you probably can create a basketball game with LBP.

Two goals, 4players, a ball, and physics, what else do you need?
Woo-Fu said:
I think you probably can create a basketball game with LBP.

Two goals, 4players, a ball, and physics, what else do you need?

Well, scripting for the rules... which I am curious how LBP will handle, if it does at all. A graphical scripting interface, even if its limited would be pretty kick ass.


you can't put a price on sparks
Emerson said:
Man I wish I gave a shit about this game.


that glass is most definitely half empty, and that stream of water seemingly colliding with the molecules already in the glass is actually being sucked out, hence the "half empty"
OokieSpookie said:
As far as crackdown goes, as soon as the run with the beta invite is gone the game will flatline.

1) Forza 2
2) Halo 3 Given
3) Mass Effect Hype but nothing solid as of yet
4) Bioshock could be good, will be better on pc, pretty much known to be on PS3 later
5) Blue Dragon Will not do the numbers that it did in Japan
6) Lost Odyssey Fluff
7) Command and Conquer 3 will be better on pc
8) Shadowrun Better on pc and really looking crappy as of yet
9) Guitar Hero 2 a Given
10) Too Human one screen shot a year peeks out, and will be better on pc

1) GRAW 2 (timed exclusive) ye and PC and then PS3
2) Assassin's Creed PS3 also
3) Virtua Tennis 3 Yep PS3
4) Virtua Fighter 5 Yep been playing it for a bit now
5) Burnout 5
6) Def Jam: Icon You cant be serious.....
7) NBA Street Homecourt also on PS3
8) Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PS3 is the lead system on this one
9) What's that game called...um, Grand Theft something Yeah, the same one on the PS3 right?
10) Army of Two also on PS3..

Seems like you're trying really hard to convince yourself of something...


flinging feces ---->
OokieSpookie said:
I just do not see it.
I mean, they can throw in a halo 3 beta invite in a few more titles to help but I just do not see the outstanding line up.
I see Halo 3 which yes it will sell small countries but is not a line up unto itself.

I'm going to make a list, like my buddy Speevy did....

1. Mass Effect - Will sell as well as Oblivion, if not noticeably better. People like guns and spaceships more than medieval swordplay.

2. Halo 3.....Nothing other than GTA will show even a semblance of this game's sales. Halo 3 is an exclusive monster.

3. Forza 2 - MS will be advertising this like crazy. It will likely sell as well as LP/Crackdown in the end. It's the GT of the Xbox. GT sold. This will sell. Maybe not as well as GT, but even 25% of GT3's sales is a major feat.

4. Crackdown - this is selling disturbingly well.

5. PGR4 - yeup, this will sell at least 400K by the end of the year (assuming it releases in October/November)

6. Shadowrun - How much more mass appeal can a game have? Besides, it fits the whole "xbox gamers only play FPS" stereotype, so even if one is a PS3 fanboy, they can at least agree this will sell.

7. Bioshock - If they market this game they way they have been, expect strong figures in August, when the game sees its release. It will be on PS3 too, and it will also sell exceptionally well on the PS3 as well (after the timed exclusive fiasco comes to an end)

8. Splinter Cell 5. This game had better do something amazing to combat MGS4 which will be releasing within the same window of time. Regardless, it will sell like the other SC's, even though the sales of the franchise have been decreasing with each iteration. This will hopefully break the pattern.


Banjo Kazooie 3. Rare will release one 360 title this year, and BK3 is it. I don't know how it will sell though because the platformer genre doesn't cater to the Xbox audience. Of course, this is now the Xbox 360 audience where more than "50% of Xbox 360 owners did not own an original Xbox." If that's the case, Rare may still have something to look forward to.

Blue Dragon/Lost Odyssey - Unsure. Final Fantasy sells, so by that logic, LO should too. But it most likely won't work out that way. Blue Dragon is also taboo. Who knows if Americans will accept its aestetic values.

Too Human - unsure. I'm buying it, but I have a feeling MS is going to "Viva Pinata" (read as a verb) this game. Just my thoughts.

Trusty Bell will not sell in the US. Namco is bringing it over anyways. Good for me, bad for Namco.

PS3 will have a slew of well selling titles, but don't leave the 360 behind. I would also mention the Wii, but I don't see anything but Metroid, Mario, and SSBB as "top sellers." Nintendo has top sellers, but much too few to be included in this discussion. SMG looks amazing regardless.


Some exclusive PS3 titles in 2007: Resistance (EU), MotorStorm, MLB07 The Show, L.A.I.R, SingStar, Eye of Judgement, Monster Kingdom: Unknown Realms, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, White Knight, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Devil May Cry 4, Warhawk, LittleBigPlanet.


Wollan said:
Some exclusive PS3 titles in 2007: Resistance (EU), MotorStorm, MLB07 The Show, L.A.I.R, SingStar, Eye of Judgement, Monster Kingdom: Unknown Realms, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, White Knight, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Devil May Cry 4, Warhawk, LittleBigPlanet.

You forgot FFXIII


I cant believe i'm saying this, but I am buying a PS3 for LBP. It is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time.

Holy hell is it cool looking.

When does it come out?


moku said:
I cant believe i'm saying this, but I am buying a PS3 for LBP. It is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time.

Holy hell is it cool looking.

When does it come out?

Wollan said:
Some exclusive PS3 titles in 2007: Resistance (EU), MotorStorm, MLB07 The Show, Legend of Zelda: Wii Back, L.A.I.R, SingStar, Eye of Judgement, Mass Effect, Monster Kingdom: Unknown Realms, Heavenly Sword, Metroid Prime 3, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Suikoden 6, White Knight, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Killzone 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Devil May Cry 4, Too Human, Warhawk, LittleBigPlanet.

This year along with all the other games.

Wollan said:
I won't do it again I swear. (PS! Linkup, no FFXIII this year)

I know


moku said:
I cant believe i'm saying this, but I am buying a PS3 for LBP. It is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time.

Holy hell is it cool looking.

When does it come out?

Fall-ish on PSN for starters and then on Blu-ray (featuring the 'bestest' user created levels) in early '08.


Is it known how many people worked on LBP? I'm curious to see if they got their graphical engine from another team.

Edit: From the actual website:

Mark - Game Industry rag doll artist designer creator person.
Alex - Maker of engines and other fine fruits.
Dave - Physics, game code and juggling balls.
Chris - Shiny hair, fast cars, shipping great games. Good times.
Kareem - 7000 years more experienced than you, never mess with The Sphinx.
Francis - One red pencil, one blue pencil. Highly animated with either of them.
Anton - Code daddy. In spare time makes babies.
Siobhan - Uber-producer who shall shippeth our game on time to great acclaim.
Jonny - Resident Arnie impersonator. Also writes code.
Rex - Design king. Rexploited by serfs.
Mags - Kickboxer, drinks Earl Grey, milk, no sugar. Also makes our books add up.

So 1,2,3..11 people.


Wollan said:
Is it known how many people worked on LBP? I'm curious to see if they got their graphical engine from another team.
They did do that rag doll game, probably started with thath engine and grew out of it.
I think Little Big Planet is one of the best, most imaginative games I've seen in a very long time, but I absolutely hate the partisan reaction/pimping it's getting on this board. Merely minutes after the game was shown many posts came out of nowhere declaring it the greatest thing ever, and proclaiming its future dominance of NPD charts. After one video many were proclaiming it the savior of the PS3.

It's saddens me that so many gaming discussions devolve into school yard "my daddy can beat up your daddy" antics. Most of us here are grown men, yet many of us can't just sit back and enjoy good things.

This reminds me of the whole hoopla Playstation games like Okami and LocoRoco generated on this board. First it's hailed as an artistic marvel, then it's hailed as a "savior", then it's determined that the inevitable media fawning/good reviews will generate sales, etc. Then the game comes out and things don't go as planned, but luckily another game is announced that becomes the next hype wagon.

LocoRoco and Okami's quality was not determined by sales: they were great, imatinative games that all gamers can appreciate. LBP follows in this pattern. Yet, why can't we just leave it at that instead of generating so much negativity and childish banter? The game looks awesome: No one disputes that, not even MS. So why are people so damn defensive, and ready to hype this game as if it was paying their bills?
Quazar said:
This thread sucks.

So why post in it?

LBP is definitely one of those things you can't help but admire. I hope Microsoft is paying attention and readying their own take on this, I think the concept is going to be huge.


Quazar said:
This thread sucks.

in b4 ban

UNLESS you write a 4 paragraph eassy answering phoenixdark's question. I'll bet 30 min before a mod see it.

Note: sarcasmitic answers not accepted.


_leech_ said:
So why post in it?

1. Because I can
2. Because the thread does suck.

There's my list, now I suck!

Didn't say topic sucked. BTW the lists are horrible, multi-plats/2008 games gg


Linkup said:
in b4 ban

UNLESS you write a 4 paragraph eassy answering phoenixdark's question. I'll bet 30 min before a mod see it.

Note: sarcasmitic answers not accepted.

Or how about a RB6V match? :)


Quazar said:
Or how about a RB6V match? :)

Against me...

Anyway, my thoughts on LBP. Why is there an oxymoron in title or is there something I don't know about English. Once my thoughts get past this point I can move on to the actual game.


PhoenixDark said:
I think Little Big Planet is one of the best, most imaginative games I've seen in a very long time, but I absolutely hate the partisan reaction/pimping it's getting on this board. Merely minutes after the game was shown many posts came out of nowhere declaring it the greatest thing ever, and proclaiming its future dominance of NPD charts. After one video many were proclaiming it the savior of the PS3.

It's saddens me that so many gaming discussions devolve into school yard "my daddy can beat up your daddy" antics. Most of us here are grown men, yet many of us can't just sit back and enjoy good things.

This reminds me of the whole hoopla Playstation games like Okami and LocoRoco generated on this board. First it's hailed as an artistic marvel, then it's hailed as a "savior", then it's determined that the inevitable media fawning/good reviews will generate sales, etc. Then the game comes out and things don't go as planned, but luckily another game is announced that becomes the next hype wagon.

LocoRoco and Okami's quality was not determined by sales: they were great, imatinative games that all gamers can appreciate. LBP follows in this pattern. Yet, why can't we just leave it at that instead of generating so much negativity and childish banter? The game looks awesome: No one disputes that, not even MS. So why are people so damn defensive, and ready to hype this game as if it was paying their bills?

whatchu point, PhoenixDark? Are you suggesting GAF exercise a semblance of decorum when getting hyped for any given game?

er... why? :lol

many games receive the 'GAF Hype' treatment and subsequently over perform, many games don't and bomba/sell well, and? The whole downplaying of LittleBigPlanet's potential hugeness is interesting and rooted in caution/denial anyway, based on the fact that it is undeniably 'awesome' realized. The comparisons to Okami and LocoRoco's fate need to stop. I mean its not as if we've ever seen anything like LittleBitPlanet before.

anyway, LittleBigPlanet is awesome, AWESOME is LittleBigPlanet! HYPEHYPEHYPE! :p
PepsimanVsJoe said:
If only everyone on GAF was a kitten in real life.

Well that's not true, defiantly no kittens here, forget you said it, infact delete that before anyone reads it. *miau*... Ehrm, I mean alright then.
Yet, why can't we just leave it at that instead of generating so much negativity and childish banter? The game looks awesome: No one disputes that, not even MS. So why are people so damn defensive, and ready to hype this game as if it was paying their bills?

You expect sanity on GAF? :lol

In all seriousness though, I just hope that LBP doesn't get too much pressure on it's shoulders. Just let it be what it will be - which does look really cool.


why do people compare xna to littleplant? littleplanet is one genre, a toy game; with xna you can create anything.


moku said:
I cant believe i'm saying this, but I am buying a PS3 for LBP. It is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time.

Holy hell is it cool looking.

When does it come out?

i believe they said it will be on PSN in the fall, and then they're releasing a blue ray version.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
xaosslug said:
The comparisons to Okami and LocoRoco's fate need to stop. I mean its not as if we've ever seen anything like LittleBitPlanet before.

We've seen stuff like Okami and Loco Roco before?


Looks awesome, yes but will it be a hit? Anyone have any idea on how much the game will cost? I'm still guessing the base game will be quite inexpensive and you'll be purchasing add-ons and packs at immediate release.
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