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Mighty No. 9 Final Boss and Ending (PS4, Spoilers)

I was never a huge Mega Man fan (only played 9 and 10 but I loved those games). I would have been all over this if it was just more of the same, but the weird dashing mechanic completely turned me off.


My only regret is only going from the 30$ tier to the $5 tier. I should've just dropped my pledge completely and put that last extra $5 into Shantae.




Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
*watches* Zzzzzzzzzz this is the most boring final boss ever. It just goes on and on and on and on. The music is boring, where's the bombast?
Where did the money go? This is just depressing.

Anyone looking forward to Recore better be weary.


Oh Lord. Why. I was so excited for this game because Mega Man's spiritual successor, but... Fuck.

And despite that, I'm still hoping that Legends' spiritual successor (whatever the fuck that one's called) will be good. *sighs*


Wow I feel super bad for anyone that backed this. The art style in the concept images were so cool compared to this.. I don't understand why it wasn't replicated
I'm not saying I'm alone in the disappointment, haha.

I also backed for $650+, hence me wanting to dig a sandbox grave. :(
I hope you learned your lesson that no game is worth that large amount of money no matter how badly you thought you wanted it. With that being said, I'd buy you a drink.
Who thought those cutscenes were OK? It's just guys standing stationary without moving mouths talking at each other. Everything about this game looks awful, I feel bummed it turned out like this.
*watches* Zzzzzzzzzz this is the most boring final boss ever. It just goes on and on and on and on. The music is boring, where's the bombast?
Where did the money go? This is just depressing.

Anyone looking forward to Recore better be weary.

Recore is being made by some metroid prime devs and hands on impressions have been positive so far. It's going to be far better than this.


oh man

oh man

I'm sorry man



Holy shit I'm so sorry.
Thanks, guys.

Yeah, definitely regrettable given the circumstances, but I only have myself to blame for this one. :(

this was a foolish decision
It most definitely was.

I hope you learned your lesson that no game is worth that large amount of money no matter how badly you thought you wanted it. With that being said, I'd buy you a drink.
I learned a lesson, for sure. Granted, it wasn't just the game for $650 but a lot of additional items in addition (physical boxes/USB, signed sketch, artbook, poster, t-shirts, etc.), but still definitely not a good use for money. I'm definitely going to set a limit for future Kickstarter projects, and be a lot more careful over what I do/don't back.

*gratefully accepts the offered drinks and downs it in a simple gulp*

Thanks friend, I needed that.


You know this guy who made this was alone for 3 and half year....

I can't believe the video i just saw... this is insulting...
What is this? Dust an elysian tale? Only guessing that because of what someone said almost right after you. Regardless, that looks bad ass, totally not what I remember from my limited time with DaET.
Shantae is a Wayforward game though.

Sure, you're right. Point is that most things Inti has put their hands on, in whatever capacity, have turned out to be pretty decent. Whether as creators, developers, assistants, etc.

Meanwhile, MN9 is the odd-one out. Says something about MN9 and Inafune.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I skimmed through the fight, and it looks like a lot of fun! Aside from the ridiculous iframes, I saw no real issue with the pacing of the fight itself. Kind of relieved the previously leaked "final boss" wasn't the real one; way too short. Didn't watch all of it so I still have some surprises when I get to it, though I'm sure the ending dialogue is as cheesy as always.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks to this game, I am forever skeptic on kickstarter.

Yooka-Laylee looks amazing though.

Wasteland 2, Shadowrun(all 3 of them), Shovel Knight, Hyper Light Drifter, just the ones I've played to completion that I consider amazing successes.
Stuff I haven't finished but were good from what I've played so far Divinity:OS, Pillars of Eternity.
And there are probably tons of other projects that I don't know of/can't think of right now that are fantastic successes as well.

Not to say that you shouldn't be skeptic when approaching any projects, that's healthy.
And I think as times goes on everyone will get better about it + more teams with proven kickstarter track record will make it easier as well.

But the general take away is really stay away from certain people instead of staying away from kickstarter as a whole. Not sure if I could have known that this would have ended this way with more research, maybe.


Thanks to this game, I am forever skeptic on kickstarter.

Yooka-Laylee looks amazing though.

It's OK to be skeptical - in fact, you definitely should be.

But don't be anything more than skeptical. There have been some EXCELLENT games off of Kickstarter, and even more that (while not necessarily outstanding) are perfectly successful in their goals.


I'm actually thankful for not having a ton of money with this Kickstarter came out. I paid around the 50 spot. Enough to get the fake NES box.

Other then that, I'm definitely going to at least play the game...but sweet jesus. With 4 million dollars being thrown into this game there really is no excuse for Inafune.

Curious to see how Red Ash's development goes. Since that one is being funded by a publisher, correct?


The question is: Why is the game a mess? Is it Inti Creates fault? Is it "Inafking"'s fault? Is it because expectations are way too high for this game like FFXV?

I think someone speculated in the other thread that the original plan was simply for IntiCreates to make an Inafune-owned Megaman clone, which was a prospect that IntiCreates was excited about because they have experience with making Megaman games and with walking away from Capcom. But then Inafune decided that Mighty No9 had to differentiate itself from Megaman, it had to be more than a Megaman clone, it had to be better than Megaman. That's when Inafune came up with the idea of dashing and combos and speedrunning and score-attacks. But then he got distracted with his ambitions for making a media empire that would make Capcom sorry they ever let him go, and left IntiCreates by themselves to build a game around gameplay mechanics that they never asked for and weren't second nature to them. And then, Inafune's media empire ambitions required more shoehorning of story and characters, because he's got characters who need launch platforms.

Still doesn't explain how bad and cheap everything looks. Probably significant money mismanagement, likely related to stuff like Red Ash.

Basically, Inafune got ahead of himself. If he had just got the $900 thousand he (and IntiCreates) thought he needed to make a good Megaman clone, he'd probably have successfully rebooted Megaman under his own flag, but the world gave him $4 million, so he thought he could do so much more, and he tripped up.
Curious to see how Red Ash's development goes. Since that one is being funded by a publisher, correct?

Yeah... kinda? The publisher called Fuze is paying for what was the kickstarter which wasn't the main game, but an introduction to the Red Ash world called the Kalkanon Incident. Honestly I'm a bit confused if the Kickstarter was for a full game or a bigger MGS: Ground Zeroes kind of thing and I tried to follow the info when it was up.

Edit: From the Kickstarter page: "Thanks to the investment from FUZE Entertainment, we have now secured the budget to create our original vision for this prologue game, which means we will be able to create KalKanon in its entirety.".
In the end this is the risk we take whenever we agree to do a kickstarter, personally I've been lucky since all the games I've backed have been stellar or look to be stellar ignoring MN9. As a huge Mega man fan (see username and avatar) I can't say I made a mistake backing this because it was this or nothing since Capcom continues to do nothing with MM and their new project somehow looks worse then MN9. I would like to know what happened behind the scenes and I do hope that MN9 either gets a sequel that fixes a ton since I feel a strong idea for a game is here behind spotty execution and I hope Red Ash is the Legends 3 we deserve.


Yeah... kinda? The publisher called Fuze is paying for what was the kickstarter which wasn't the main game, but an introduction to the Red Ash world called the Kalkanon Incident. Honestly I'm a bit confused if the Kickstarter was for a full game or a bigger MGS: Ground Zeroes kind of thing and I tried to follow the info when it was up.

You raise a good point...that is confusing. I want to say it was to fund a prequel and the game was going to come out anyways...maybe. Or it was the other way around...I remember it being incredibly sketch, which is why I didn't bother.
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