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My Facebook friends list is complete crap.

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Puddles said:
Do you guys J.O. to the hot girls on your friends lists when they post their spring break/summer pictures?

of semen under my PC
(Today, 12:20 AM)
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The Abominable Snowman said:
No, but I'm a winnar on facebook!

One of my friends has 838 "friends" on her facebook, which is acceptable. But what's unacceptable is that she has 3,316 pictures of her. I just checked her facebook because she's in more pictures every day and I wanted to give you an updated official number. you're welcome. :p


, OP.
Skiesofwonder said:
Thank you. I'm getting tired of doing this. What's the point of having facebook if you can't talk about what you really want to? That's what I was hopping to correct with this thread.
You can if your friends arnt a bag of dicks :lol
I usually post stuff like Gears of war or COD trailers on mates walls and no one bats an eyelid.
I have just under 200 friends on Facebook and honestly I care about 25 of those people at most. :lol

There's a fair few people who will respond to trailers or news I post about gaming, so I'm okay with that. I don't expect my list to be full of obsessive gamers like me.


I only really post random stuff.

The only music I ever posted was Don't You Forget About Me in the memory of John Hughes, and Strange Kind Of Woman by Deep Purple which I pretty much post everywhere.


I use it pretty frequently. It's a good way of notifying when to party/go somewhere to a mass of people. Also like to troll there and look at pictures of my friends!

Feel free to add me. I'm sure you'll find me on the GAF page in facebook.
zoukka said:
I use it pretty frequently. It's a good way of notifying when to party/go somewhere to a mass of people. Also like to troll there and look at pictures of my friends!

Feel free to add me. I'm sure you'll find me on the GAF page in facebook.
I'm a fbook addict. I use it mainly for keeping in contact with friends (Some more distant than others), finding out whats going on, and meeting new people.

I kind of use it like a forum. Commenting on others statuses, people comment on mine. I respond. New bonds are made. Discussions are birthed.

I met some really cool ppl through fbook!


Everyone at my Uni and all my close friends use it, but I don't see the point. I think it's quite sad in terms of what the majority actually use it for and how the general idea behind facebook doesn't really play out the way it was designed to.


I think I only have like 12 friends, but those are just actual friends. They don't mind if I post something I only care about. They know I'm a nerd and they don't seem to care.


Since high school none of my close friends really play video games, at least to the point of being hardcore about it as I am. I dunno it's weird, I guess I outgrew that part in my life where a prerequisit for being my friend was having that in common, Also my situation between jr high and high school changed drasticly so that's also a part of it. Funny thing is, I probably am better friends with my high school friends than I ever was with my middle school ones...


the only gaming related item on my facebook are pics of my arcade cabinets in an album, where i also show how i fixed them. I had random comments from my friends telling me how awesome it is and so on.

I own every console and handheld, just bought a Noami2 arcade cabinet with VF4 and even I still think that posting videogame music is geeky as fuck.

I never, EVER mention games to my friends. It's just not a socially acceptable hobby at all, and it's considered to be a massive waste of time.

Especially with women.


Neo Member
Whenever I do job interviews, I get the name from the resume and look them up on facebook. Then I look at the resume.
So you basically befriended a load of people you don't know because you're an insecure guy, and now you complain that people don't like your hobby because you're an insecure guy, and you're worried about being stereotyped because you're an insecure guy, and you've got a pic like you're in a Twilight sequel because you're an insecure guy. Do you see what I'm getting at?
I always assumed Facebook was just thinly veiled ego boosting once you get outside of your core friends and if you are so inclined, family. Which is why I always LOL when some dude here brags about a hot chick or a girl he likes who added him. To the guy, he thinks it means she wants his dick. To her, he's Facebook Friend #895 and nothing more.

The people that take Facebook to be anything other than a fleeting joke is doing it wrong.


travisbickle said:
So you basically befriended a load of people you don't know because you're an insecure guy, and now you complain that people don't like your hobby because you're an insecure guy, and you're worried about being stereotyped because you're an insecure guy, and you've got a pic like you're in a Twilight sequel because you're an insecure guy. Do you see what I'm getting at?
He's full of self-confidence?


Bachner said:
Whenever I do job interviews, I get the name from the resume and look them up on facebook. Then I look at the resume.

And that's why you set everything to private except for friends.


The Experiment said:
I always assumed Facebook was just thinly veiled ego boosting once you get outside of your core friends and if you are so inclined, family. Which is why I always LOL when some dude here brags about a hot chick or a girl he likes who added him. To the guy, he thinks it means she wants his dick. To her, he's Facebook Friend #895 and nothing more.

The people that take Facebook to be anything other than a fleeting joke is doing it wrong.

That's basically the way I use it. Just as a means to joke with real friends and keep in touch. Or to get my flirt on with someone I'm in the process of taking the next step with.:lol
Just post whatever the hell you want and either take those responses as good-natured ribbing or ignore them altogether? Seriously, dude.


If everyone hadn't decided to just scoff at the very idea of this, this could have ended very poorly.

Wait, no, it could still end very poorly.


I always laugh when I see people with like 800 friends on Facebook. Do people actually talk to all of them on a regular basis? I have 81 friends on there and I barely talk to them via that anyway as it is. I don't need anymore than that, really. It's more a tool to keep in touch with people I don't see day to day as it is, as I see it anyway. Or if I need to let someone I work with know when they are scheduled next, etc.

I'm amazed at how free some people are on the internet to post pictures and say things that anyone can read. I'm very cautious myself using FB. Yet I still see people who say, call in sick one day and I look at their profile from the night before and they were out partying. Or some tend to bitch about work-related things... Do they honestly think no one else can see it? If they bothered to utilize their privacy settings more, then yes, it would be less likely, but half the people I know don't.

OP, if you don't like the people on your friend list, then delete them. Simple as that. I think it's better to have a small list of good friends than a massive list of people seemingly added just for the sake of making one's friend list larger.


Rorschach said:
Is it sad that Neogaf is a huge part of your life and I don't have a clue who you are?

[edit] WTF? 420 posts?

Yeah, I was thinking....maybe it would make sense for Bjork, but....this dude? Pretty empty life:(


travisbickle said:
So you basically befriended a load of people you don't know because you're an insecure guy, and now you complain that people don't like your hobby because you're an insecure guy, and you're worried about being stereotyped because you're an insecure guy, and you've got a pic like you're in a Twilight sequel because you're an insecure guy. Do you see what I'm getting at?

Does anyone here utilize the NeoGAF friend list?

Personally, I never did. I thought that I would come off as soft if I declared anyone here my friend. :eek: Let's break down walls!


I have a rule about Facebook, I don't friend people who women could think are more attractive than me. So sorry OP.

I kid about that rule, but I'm still not friending the OP.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Facebook is my primary source of keeping in touch with people I don't have the time to see during my weeks. It has also replaced SMS as the communcation of choice, thanks to my iPhone. Apart from that Facebook is kind of nice. :)


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Skiesofwonder said:
I'm sure a lot of you guys choose to hide (or downplay) your gaming-fanatic side on facebook. I'm personally getting tired of that.
Nah. Got the 360 Live Gamercard app and Raptr connected to my Facebook. I mean if alot of my friends can post their Farmville, Vampire Wars, etc. achievements there, why should I be ashamed when someone can see my 360 achievements?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Skiesofwonder said:
I have 591 friends right now. How many of those am I actually good GOOD friends with? Maybe 100. How many of those 100 do I actually care to see status updates from? Maybe 50. How many of those 50 actually care about video games like me? Maybe 5.

You see something wrong with those numbers?

I just posted some youtube links on my wall that are some of my favorite video-game tracks ever, orchestrated. Why? because that was what I was listening to at the time and I like sharing awesome stuff. But, the sad fact is; nobody on my friend's list really gives a shit. And if they do take notice, it's going to be a post saying "wow, dude your such a geek!!" (in fact I just got a txt from a "close" friend basically saying that).

That's why I have shied away from such things in the past. I know the outcome. I can post "I drank coffee this morning and it was good!!" as my status, and I'll have 20 likes before nightfall. I post something I actually care about (video games), everybody acts like I'm a weirdo. If it wasn't for my brothers, sister, and a few close friends... I wouldn't have anyone to talk gaming with.

But I want to change that.

As of now I am opening my Facebook page to all my Neogaf buddies. Why?

1. Neogaf is a huge part of my life.
2. I probably have more in common with most gaffers then I do with most of my real-life friends.
3. A chance to get to know people who love gaming.
4. Feel more free and open to discuss gaming on facebook.
5. To see the actual gaffers behind the mask (avatar).

So if you are having the same feelings and/or want another gaming friend, feel free to add me and/or post your information here.

My Info (feel free to include myspace as well):

Neogaf ID: Skiesofwonder
Name: Colin Grant Thompson
Profile Page:

Otherwise, you can discuss how many people on your friends list aren't really your friends. I'll set the bar at: 350 people

Most people who play video games don't give a shit about video game music. You are just a massive geek. Your list is probably fine. I'm sure the problem lies within you.


Yeah, keep in mind that your interests aren't always interesting to others. I mean, I like porn, but won't ever post about it on Facebook.:p


I have as many pending friend requests as I do accepted friends. I've never understood adding people just for the sake of having a bigger number. I actually like everyone who is one of my Facebook friends, which seems to be a crazy concept for some reason.

Mr. Sam

I have eighty-something friends on Facebook. I think the OP's definition of a 'close' friend is
much looser than mine.


Skiesofwonder said:
Did you even read the thread? I don't give a shit if people know I am a gamer or not. I was just wanting to carry over some of my gaming friends onto my facebook account. Cross the streams if you will.
So when I do have the urge to talk about gaming or read what some gaffers are doing (non-gaming related) I could. Nothing more, nothing less.

so ask them for their facebooks. don't just post your facebook, and expect random gaffers to add you. they aren't your friends if you are just giving it up to any random person. wtf is this shit


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Sounds like you don't have many friends, buddy. I wouldn't recommend doing this since lurkers are going to have a field day with your facebook.


Replicant said:
Interesting. I always wonder if those with 100+ friends actually know each one of them personally or just friend anyone who sent them friend invites/anyone they meet at random party. I guess it's the later?


12-15 from my first job
12-15 from my second job
15ish from my curent job .... talked to them all the time via facebook when i was employed at the place, and now its nice to see what they're up to and talk to them once in a while, sometimes reunion.

50ish from dorm floor in university
another 20-30 ive met in classes...
100-150 over the years from friends of friends who i became friends with.. some of these people i've only hung out with 2-3 times, but most its more like, meet at a party, think each other are cool, add each other on facebook so able to plan to party in the future. sometimes plans dont work out though, whatever..

12ish family

100 people from highschool/middleschool. all of whom i talked to... some only in passing...

i actually have 400 friends, but i figure this is a decent rough breakdown. the point of facebook isnt to interact with every single person you're friends with, that thought is ridiculous. but maybe you want to contact someone in the future... maybe someone posts a status update about moving to a city you're interested in... really there is no downside to not deleting friends, i think deletion is stupid. don't be offended that people aren't interested in your life, lol.... they can't post on all 400 of their friend's walls
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