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Natural Selection 2 |OT| You're Squad 5


Since our launch 36 hours ago, we've already had 15,986 games played!


dat balance
dat balance

I feel like the competitive scene shows a skewed balance though. Early Onos is kinda OP from what I understand. Also some rooms like Cargo on Veil need someway to make them not so jetpack friendly. A hive in Cargo is deady bones to JP rushes usually

Still very interested in a four pack as well! Please PM me.

Any 4-packs going down? I'd love to get in on one

Get a room you two!
Is anyone having a mic issue specific to NS2? My mic works with all of my other games but will not broadcast in NS2. You see the icon but there's no voice is being transmitted. My mic works in the Steam client overlay mic test but not in-game.

dat balance

Crazy, I think out of all of the matches I've played yesterday, Aliens only won once and the team was obviously stacked with beta vets or NS1 players.
Crazy, I think out of all of the matches I've played yesterday, Aliens only won once and the team was obviously stacked with beta vets or NS1 players.

How receptive is the community to new players that have no idea what they are doing? Obviously you will have your assholes and what not, just curious.
How receptive is the community to new players that have no idea what they are doing? Obviously you will have your assholes and what not, just curious.

Not one toxic asshole yet in my experience, everyone's been super helpful and there are numerous videos in the tutorial section. There's one seven minute video that will give you a basic overview of the entire game that will allow you to dive into the fps portion of the game and start having fun.

I just wish my mic worked, it's hard to use text to communicate well.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
yeah, some games turn into neverending standoff and I love it. I haven't tried being a commander (only in tutorial), I want to have more experience before I start. The game feels surprisingly polished. It was a great insight into development for me. Alpha was totally not fun. Then it improved. Then it improved some more. AND THEN IT TURNED INTO A FANTASTIC GAME.
Played this a couple hours last night and it is so much fun! Performance is a little crappy though on my geforce 670m. I have to turn off shadows so I can get close to 60 fps. Anyone else having performance problems?
Definitely frustrating playing with a bunch of morons. Games go on for a long time. You're not having fun but you've invested so much time in a game you don't want to just quit.


Considering most of the people that played half-life games are older now. Plus I can't stand what has happened to fps games being made for console 1st. People don't want to have to learn crazy new mechanics in today's age. Day of defeat and natural selection for life (+kohan).

I think this betrays GAF's self identified image as "hardcore" gamers, though.

I mean, I'm not quite sure what "hardcore" means, but surely "a love of hard games with complex, distinct mechanics" would be among the qualifications. Similar to GAF's relative disinterest in RTS games or complex strategy games a la Hearts of Iron.

GAF seems to largely prefer easier games (With occasional exceptions like Dark Souls) and games with well tred mechanics that they are already highly accustomed to. I'm not saying that's bad, but it hardly strikes me as "hardcore." Just as it's okay to only play games like Wii Sports and Plants Vs. Zombies (both of which I think are good games, personally), but self identifying as "hardcore" in those circumstances would seem odd.

In short: I don't think I quite understand what "hardcore" means anymore. Most of GAF doesn't personally strike me as such, but I apparently don't strike most of GAF that way, either.
Nevermind that terms like hardcore and casual are amorphous and have different subjective meanings that vary depending on who you talk to, Natural Selection 2 is the sequel to a niche Half-Life mod. At best it will likely garner a small but very dedicated userbase like its predecessor probably had.

I'm interested to see what the userbase balloons up to in the launch period and what it will look like when it contracts and settles. I'm guessing it will be on par with Day of Defeat Source.


Getting addicted to this game again. After years of playing NS I didnt want it to happen. but oh well!

Im still annoyed that in NS2 the Alien team needs a commander. It was always part of the fun in NS1 that you could evolve to a gorge, plant a res tower & move on, or some one who was a good at killing could use they're resources to build a hive.

Gorges arent as much use as they were before :(
Getting addicted to this game again. After years of playing NS I didnt want it to happen. but oh well!

Im still annoyed that in NS2 the Alien team needs a commander. It was always part of the fun in NS1 that you could evolve to a gorge, plant a res tower & move on, or some one who was a good at killing could use they're resources to build a hive.

Gorges arent as much use as they were before :(

They have their place believe me.

Don't forget. Gorge healspray aids in the building of structures. makes em build much quicker

I think this betrays GAF's self identified image as "hardcore" gamers, though.

I mean, I'm not quite sure what "hardcore" means, but surely "a love of hard games with complex, distinct mechanics" would be among the qualifications. Similar to GAF's relative disinterest in RTS games or complex strategy games a la Hearts of Iron.

GAF seems to largely prefer easier games (With occasional exceptions like Dark Souls) and games with well tred mechanics that they are already highly accustomed to. I'm not saying that's bad, but it hardly strikes me as "hardcore." Just as it's okay to only play games like Wii Sports and Plants Vs. Zombies (both of which I think are good games, personally), but self identifying as "hardcore" in those circumstances would seem odd.

In short: I don't think I quite understand what "hardcore" means anymore. Most of GAF doesn't personally strike me as such, but I apparently don't strike most of GAF that way, either.

This game is as hardcore as online mutplayer games get. Surprises me it does not have a larger GAF following.

But then again... maybe not


They have their place believe me.

Don't forget. Gorge healspray aids in the building of structures. makes em build much quicker

I know they still have their uses.
Its just I miss having a commander free team, it was part of the fun of playing aliens.

I think this betrays GAF's self identified image as "hardcore" gamers, though.

I mean, I'm not quite sure what "hardcore" means, but surely "a love of hard games with complex, distinct mechanics" would be among the qualifications. Similar to GAF's relative disinterest in RTS games or complex strategy games a la Hearts of Iron.

GAF seems to largely prefer easier games (With occasional exceptions like Dark Souls) and games with well tred mechanics that they are already highly accustomed to. I'm not saying that's bad, but it hardly strikes me as "hardcore." Just as it's okay to only play games like Wii Sports and Plants Vs. Zombies (both of which I think are good games, personally), but self identifying as "hardcore" in those circumstances would seem odd.

In short: I don't think I quite understand what "hardcore" means anymore. Most of GAF doesn't personally strike me as such, but I apparently don't strike most of GAF that way, either.

I cant beleive this game isnt more popular on GAF, i really expected this thread to be 10-15 pages long by now :(
Im not sure why its not


So I'm new to this game, I had never even heard of the first one until I pre-purchased this 2 months ago. I have played 5 hours so far and I really like it. Just played a round where everyone in my team just did what they were supposed to do. The commander was great, gave us orders that everyone followed. The only thing that was missing was some voice communications, but other than that shit just worked and it was fucking awesome.

It was a long time ago since I played a game where good teamwork felt so satisfying.


I have a gift on my steam account regarding this.
Is this one game I can gift to someone. If so I will accept £12 for anyone that wants it.
PayPal only please.
Just played a game culminating in a four person dual exo counter rush after a huge push by the aliens, and we destroyed through all their bases and won the game. So exhilarating!


There are a number of people in this thread and on this very page (even the previous page), looking for a 4 pack. Shoot em PM's!

Ugh, but that requires work. :(

Edit: Steam is blocked for me at the moment, I'll start a 4-pack buy when I get out of class in a few hours. Send me a PM if you're interested in getting in on it.


I think this betrays GAF's self identified image as "hardcore" gamers, though.

I mean, I'm not quite sure what "hardcore" means, but surely "a love of hard games with complex, distinct mechanics" would be among the qualifications. Similar to GAF's relative disinterest in RTS games or complex strategy games a la Hearts of Iron.

GAF seems to largely prefer easier games (With occasional exceptions like Dark Souls) and games with well tred mechanics that they are already highly accustomed to. I'm not saying that's bad, but it hardly strikes me as "hardcore." Just as it's okay to only play games like Wii Sports and Plants Vs. Zombies (both of which I think are good games, personally), but self identifying as "hardcore" in those circumstances would seem odd.

In short: I don't think I quite understand what "hardcore" means anymore. Most of GAF doesn't personally strike me as such, but I apparently don't strike most of GAF that way, either.

Yea. Hardcore means something completely different now. It's not about a game with complex features that require absolute cooperation with your teammates, but more about generic shooters that are defined as competitive although pretty easy to play. To me, COD isn't hardcore because it's extremely easy to do well and there's no real complexity or teamwork required. It's just a simple game that is all about the kills. I think decent MP is what "hardcore" means to people nowadays.

To me, games like this one are the definition of hardcore.


Trucker Sexologist
I know they still have their uses.
Its just I miss having a commander free team, it was part of the fun of playing aliens.

I cant beleive this game isnt more popular on GAF, i really expected this thread to be 10-15 pages long by now :(
Im not sure why its not
It's 25 duckets and it's releasing right around the time that Hawken, Mechwarrior and Planetside 2 are going open beta. Also, every game ever is coming out now before Halo 4 and BLOPS 2 hit.

I plan on picking this up later down the line. I like the concept but it sounds like it needs a few performance patches.


I plan on picking this up later down the line. I like the concept but it sounds like it needs a few performance patches.
Performance has drastically improved since beta. I say that as someone who would've made this same post up until a day before release. Sure it could always be improved but the game is perfectly playable (40-60fps) right now, and that's at max with a 570. It's better than Planetside 2 is doing anyway. It really is a huge breath of fresh air compared to all the other shooters out


Singlehandedly won a losing game last night. I ran into their bases as a skulk whilst they were doing an exo push when the overly-cocky commander jumped out of the chair to come get me. My assassination attempt was successful and I was able to take out the low-hit-point powernode before he could spawn back in.

Lesson to commanders everywhere: If your entire team is on the opposite side of the map, stay in the damn chair.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Question, my friend just started playing and tried commander a few times and is hating it initially due to things apparently other RTS' do. I don't play Commander often or RTS' often, but I am pretty sure he just isn't understanding some stuff. Does the game tell you as a commander who is asking for health and ammo when they request it, or does it not do this?


Just bought it. Haven't touched Natural Selection 1 since the early beta days iirc. Any tips for getting back in on NS2?


I think this betrays GAF's self identified image as "hardcore" gamers, though.

I mean, I'm not quite sure what "hardcore" means, but surely "a love of hard games with complex, distinct mechanics" would be among the qualifications. Similar to GAF's relative disinterest in RTS games or complex strategy games a la Hearts of Iron.

GAF seems to largely prefer easier games (With occasional exceptions like Dark Souls) and games with well tred mechanics that they are already highly accustomed to. I'm not saying that's bad, but it hardly strikes me as "hardcore." Just as it's okay to only play games like Wii Sports and Plants Vs. Zombies (both of which I think are good games, personally), but self identifying as "hardcore" in those circumstances would seem odd.

In short: I don't think I quite understand what "hardcore" means anymore. Most of GAF doesn't personally strike me as such, but I apparently don't strike most of GAF that way, either.

hardcore, in the context of GAF or any other large videogame industry forum means enthusiast not "likes good games"
Just bought it. Haven't touched Natural Selection 1 since the early beta days iirc. Any tips for getting back in on NS2?

Aliens now have a khammander, Heavy Armor has been placed by Exosuits, and teh game has a power system. As an exo you cannot weld or buld or be beaconed, so always be careful and don't overextend. Play the game like you did ns1 but don't be so cocky with back stepping as a marine (you can no longer bunny hop and you r speed is reduced). Also, playing as a skulk is little harder now because you are bigger and don't have focus for late game. Be ready to play even stealthier than before and using group tactics more often. For an NS1 ve t you should fair well.

Also, ninja power nodes and extractors all day.

Question, my friend just started playing and tried commander a few times and is hating it initially due to things apparently other RTS' do. I don't play Commander often or RTS' often, but I am pretty sure he just isn't understanding some stuff. Does the game tell you as a commander who is asking for health and ammo when they request it, or does it not do this?

The game tells you who needs ammo and who needs med packs. But it should not be that hard if he follows troops to see who needs it and who does not. Just called micro.


I think this betrays GAF's self identified image as "hardcore" gamers, though.

I mean, I'm not quite sure what "hardcore" means, but surely "a love of hard games with complex, distinct mechanics" would be among the qualifications. Similar to GAF's relative disinterest in RTS games or complex strategy games a la Hearts of Iron.

GAF seems to largely prefer easier games (With occasional exceptions like Dark Souls) and games with well tred mechanics that they are already highly accustomed to. I'm not saying that's bad, but it hardly strikes me as "hardcore." Just as it's okay to only play games like Wii Sports and Plants Vs. Zombies (both of which I think are good games, personally), but self identifying as "hardcore" in those circumstances would seem odd.

In short: I don't think I quite understand what "hardcore" means anymore. Most of GAF doesn't personally strike me as such, but I apparently don't strike most of GAF that way, either.

There's a certain type of hardcore pc player who tends to stick to a very small subset of competitive games. Wow players, CS players, Dota players etc.

Usually these aren't the same people who come to this forum, because people who come here tend to be just playing the latest stuff, which is constantly changing.
Damn this is such a fun game once you get a team of people communicating and playing together. I think Once I have a better understanding of map layouts, build orders and tech trees I'm going to try my hand at being a commander, after I watch the tutorial videos. You do learn a lot by playing with good and bad commanders.


I'll be sure to get this once I upgrade my PC. I was a huge fan of the original mod when it came out and I played that non-stop for like 3 years. Way ahead of its time back in 2002.

I'm surprised to hear the kharaa/aliens have their own commander now. Is it similar to the marine commander?


Damn this is such a fun game once you get a team of people communicating and playing together. I think Once I have a better understanding of map layouts, build orders and tech trees I'm going to try my hand at being a commander, after I watch the tutorial videos. You do learn a lot by playing with good and bad commanders.

If only there were more people like you! Too many people attempting to command without learning what even the basic structures do. Thankfully i haven't had this happen too much though.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Played this a couple hours last night and it is so much fun! Performance is a little crappy though on my geforce 670m. I have to turn off shadows so I can get close to 60 fps. Anyone else having performance problems?
Mobile card? My game is smooth on 670.


I'm surprised to hear the kharaa/aliens have their own commander now. Is it similar to the marine commander?

It's a whole lot less involved, they tried to make the alien commander have a mere 'influence' on the alien strategy and gameplay, rather than all out control like the marine commander. Regardless it was a necessary change for balance reasons.

I think this betrays GAF's self identified image as "hardcore" gamers, though.

I mean, I'm not quite sure what "hardcore" means, but surely "a love of hard games with complex, distinct mechanics" would be among the qualifications. Similar to GAF's relative disinterest in RTS games or complex strategy games a la Hearts of Iron.

GAF seems to largely prefer easier games (With occasional exceptions like Dark Souls) and games with well tred mechanics that they are already highly accustomed to. I'm not saying that's bad, but it hardly strikes me as "hardcore." Just as it's okay to only play games like Wii Sports and Plants Vs. Zombies (both of which I think are good games, personally), but self identifying as "hardcore" in those circumstances would seem odd.

In short: I don't think I quite understand what "hardcore" means anymore. Most of GAF doesn't personally strike me as such, but I apparently don't strike most of GAF that way, either.

GAF focuses predominately on the mainstream side of things, in regards to community and interests it has a bigger overlap with forums like GameTrailers or Gamespot as opposed to SomethingAwful, where most of the old PC guys seem to hang out, so it's no surprise this is getting overlooked among heavy hitters like Halo or Assassins Creed. Hardcore is all about perspective, from where I'm standing GAF isn't really, but to some even going on a gaming forum is enough to be hardcore. But then again GAF had that awesome Project Eternity pledge drive so whatever.

As for GAFs disinterests with RTS and grand strategy games, most of the people here seemed to have grown up with a Super Nintendo or Genesis as opposed to a PC, and never developed a taste for those genres. Looking around a lot of the PC guys here are just that because the platform is allowing them to have a console-like experience for the first time. There's nothing wrong with that, but the history doesn't seem to be there.


Damn this is such a fun game once you get a team of people communicating and playing together. I think Once I have a better understanding of map layouts, build orders and tech trees I'm going to try my hand at being a commander, after I watch the tutorial videos. You do learn a lot by playing with good and bad commanders.

People seem to be very forgiving with bad commanders at the moment, at least in the games I've played. You should just jump in and give it a go - its the best way to learn

(watch the videos first though instead of jumping in blind)

I have been in a lot of games where no one wants to be commander & marines end up losing because everyone wanders of aimlessly. So personally I'm just happy some one being in the chair!
It's a whole lot less involved, they tried to make the alien commander have a mere 'influence' on the alien strategy and gameplay, rather than all out control like the marine commander. Regardless it was a necessary change for balance reasons.

GAF focuses predominately on the mainstream side of things, in regards to community and interests it has a bigger overlap with forums like GameTrailers or Gamespot as opposed to SomethingAwful, where most of the old PC guys seem to hang out, so it's no surprise this is getting overlooked among heavy hitters like Halo or Assassins Creed. Hardcore is all about perspective, from where I'm standing GAF isn't really, but to some even going on a gaming forum is enough to be hardcore. But then again GAF had that awesome Project Eternity pledge drive so whatever.

As for GAFs disinterests with RTS and grand strategy games, most of the people here seemed to have grown up with a Super Nintendo or Genesis as opposed to a PC, and never developed a taste for those genres. Looking around a lot of the PC guys here are just that because the platform is allowing them to have a console-like experience for the first time. There's nothing wrong with that, but the history doesn't seem to be there.

Grand Strategy games are great t though. Hearts of Iron is just brutally good (victoria is good too).

Happy to see the patch went out and fixed the pre-cache error. I did not have it for joinging games, but if I wanted to create my own server it would happen.

Can someone explain the Squad 5 thing?

It is a reference to the commander from the first game. The way he siad "you're squad 5" was hilarious. Plus I am pretty sure every squad was squad 5. :D


People seem to be very forgiving with bad commanders at the moment, at least in the games I've played. You should just jump in and give it a go - its the best way to learn

(watch the videos first though instead of jumping in blind)

I have been in a lot of games where no one wants to be commander & marines end up losing because everyone wanders of aimlessly. So personally I'm just happy some one being in the chair!

Yep community is really good. You'll get your usual asshole every once in awhile but people usually tell him to stfu


Fps tanks end game. 3 exos against against elephant gets me down to th 30s when fighting. I wish the game felt a bit smoother overall. Quake 3 spoiled me. It's fun though. Gonna need to watch the tutorial videos.
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