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NeoGAF's Top/Essential RPGs


A more generalized list:

1. At least one of the generation defining Final Fantasy's (VI, VII, X, or Tactics)
2. Any mainline Pokemon title
3. At least one of the major Tales of... games (Symphonia, Abyss, or Vesperia)
4. At least one Black Isle game (Planescape, Fallout 1/2, or Baldurs Gate 2 [dev. Bioware])
5. An "open world" RPG (Fable 1/2, Oblivion/Morrowind, or Fallout)

My Specific Picks (In no particular order):

1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen
4. Tales of Vesperia
5. Baldurs Gate 2
6. Oblivion
7. Chrono Trigger
8. The Witcher
9. Valkeryia Chronicles
10. Persona 4


Shadow Hearts 1 & 2
Chrono Trigger/Cross
Fallout 2
Final Fantasy VII (suck it mothafuckas)
Wild Arms 1
Breath of Fire V
Ultima Online
Suikoden I & II
Planescape: Torment (nooooooo, 11th :lol )
Ten picks:
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
SMT: Digital Devil Saga I
SMT: Digital Devil Saga II
Drakengard II
Shadow Hearts I
Final Fantasy IX
Baten Kaitos Origins
Planescape: Torment
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross


In no order...

1. Quest for Glory 3: I'll admit this might be nostalgia, but I've played it within the last 5 years and still loved it. Took all the fun of the first two quest for glories, and threw in an open(ish) world. Also the first game series at least for me where you could import characters from the last games, and that is a super awesome feature.
2. Baldur's Gate 2: First game that made me realize how open, free form, and super awesome RPGs could be. You could do what you want, when you want, change your party, change your character, make choices, etc. That was a revolution for me.
3. Fallout 2: I think it's better then the first, but both are amazing. The writing is what got me in these games. Funny, witty, but also great at creating the superb environment of post-apocalyptic world where everyone was struggling to survive.
4. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (+ expansions): I never played the earlier two, but this game took the freedom I learned to love in BG2 and made it 100x better. You show up, get a quest, then go wherever the hell you want, do whatever the hell you want. Plus, the cities were so insanely interesting, the towers where the mages lived, the huge snail shells in the sand storm area. Story was not amazing, but who cared?
5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (+ Shivering Isles): took the incredible open world freedom they did so well in Morrowind, made it look MUCH better, and tailored it so that it wasn't quite as random as Morrowind did. With proper mods, this was such a submersive game. Points against it are it lost a lot of the interesting aspects of Morrowind, it went from crazy world to just another ho hum medieval fantasy realm. BUT Shivering Isles fixed this by making a really interesting double sided world run by a madman who have you to work for.
6. Fallout 3: Took the awesome post-apocalyptic world from Fallout 2, and combined it with amazing submersiveness of Oblivion. What's not to love? Plus, just like TES games, it's so much fun to just wander around and find so many interesting things.
7. Knights of the the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. Difficult whether to choose this or the first one. In my opinion, this game improved on everything the first one did right and made it better. Better story, more interesting companions, better gameplay, etc. All until the last planet or so, but I think people overstate how bad the last world/end of story was. It was passable, just not nearly as awesome as the rest of the game. But both KOTOR1 and 2 put you in the world of Star Wars (the one you've fantasized about since you first saw the films) in the middle of fun stories where you got to roleplay a badass Jedi, what's not to love?
8. Dragon Age: Origins: It really is the modern revision of Baldur's Gate. Except I liked the combat a lot more in DA:O. Had all the good roleplaying aspects, great massive and detailed world, and I looked forward to every battle. And it looked awesome on PC (minus a few awful awful textures.)
9. Planescape Torment: The first time I realized that RPGs could not only be awesome gameplaying experiences, they could also have really interesting, unique, and thoroughly enjoyable stories that are not cliche.
10. Mass Effect 2: Difficult choosing between this and its predecessor. I do feel like they mainstreamed the RPG elements a little bit much from the first one, but they made the shooter part of the game so great, it's a great RPG with a great combat system that isn't modeled after DND, super awesome. I know everyone claims the stories of the Mass Effects are all so cliche, maybe I just don't read enough SciFi, but they were pretty good to me. And did I mention? The shooting is really fun!*

*: The scanning is the stupidest thing BioWare has ever done in a video game.

Honorable Mentions: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer.
Chrono Trigger.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
1. Planescape: Torment
2. Deus Ex
3. Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
4. Baldur's Gate 2
5. Earthbound
6. Anachronox (this qualifies as a hidden gem--I'll try to write more about it later if no one else does)
7. Barkley's Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden (same here)
8. Final Fantasy Tactics
9. Mask of the Betrayer
10. Fallout 2
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Phantasy Star IV
Lufia II
Dragon Warrior IV
Soul Blazer (short and easy, but also criminally underrated, a GREAT game)
Secret of Mana

I like how this list demonstrates not only how much I love JRPGs, but also how long ago I stopped playing them :)


1-The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
2-Final Fantasy IX
3-Demon's Souls
4-Planescape: Torment
5-Baldurs Gate II
6-Suikoden I
7-Diablo II
8-The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
9-The Witcher
10-Mass Effect
Super Mario RPG
Final Fantasy 7
Parasite Eve
Dragon Quest 5
Tales of Symphonia
Chrono Trigger
Pokemon Platinum
Mario and Luigi - Bowser Inside Story
Vagrant Story
In no particular order:

Valkyrie Profile
Star Ocean 3
Valkyrie Profile 2
Final Fantasy IV (DS version and PSX rereleases, specifically)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Lufia 2
SaGa Frontier
Secret of Mana
Breath of Fire 5
Tales of Symphonia
Vagrant Story
Valkyria Chronicles
Persona 4
Mother 3
Okami (a little long, a little easy but still a fine example of the action RPG)
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask
1 Fallout 3
2 Final Fantasy VII
3 The World Ends With You
4 Suikoden
5 Mass Effect 2
6 Earthbound
7 Dragon Age Origins
8 Tales of Vesperia
9 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
10 Mass Effect


1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Disgaea
3. Final Fantasy 7
4. Golden Sun
5. Diablo 2
6. The World Ends With You
7. Kingdom Hearts
8. Chrono Trigger
9. Final Fantasy 9
10. World of Warcraft (not my cup of tea, but definitely successful enough to warrant a place IMHO)

Big B

oh why not

Chrono Trigger
Disgaea 1
Demon's Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
Ogre Battle (SNES)
Ring of Red


In no particular order...

Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VIII
Mother 3
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VII
Tales of Symphonia
Skies of Arcadia


1.) Baldur's Gate 2
2.) Mass Effect
3.) Suikoden 2
4.) Tales of Vesperia *Hidden Gem (maybe?)
5.) Persona 3
6.) Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
7.) Fallout 2
8.) Icewind Dale 2 (Screw the haters, I preferred it to IWD1) *Hidden Gem
9.) Chrono Trigger
10.) Knights of the Old Republic

Wow. 5 WRPGs and 5 JRPGs. That's weird it came out that way.


In no order:

Planescape: Torment
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Baldur's Gate II
Fallout 2
Vagrant Story
Ultima Underworld
The Witcher
Ultima Online

No real hidden gems on my list other than maybe Ultima Underworld for the younger members that have never played it. It's a hugely influential game everyone should at least know about.


Just a clarification to the people who have asked me whether certain games count as rpgs, or can be picked as hidden gems:

I am going to leave the choice of what to include in your list, or as a hidden gem, as open as possible. For instance, while I don't really think the metroidvania games are rpgs, some people do. I don't see why I should be the sole decider on what is or isn't an rpg. If your pick is not even remotely close to being an rpg (e.g. Halo or Uncharted) it will be tossed, otherwise you should be fine.

For the Hidden Gem category, I suppose something like Valkyria Chronicles is ok, even if the category is aimed at games most people haven't heard much about. Games that make the top 25 (or whatever cutoff I stop doing little summaries for) will be withdrawn from hidden gem consideration.

For those who want to see the full list of games by vote, I will post the entire list after Sunday as a reply. Will save the OP for just the summarized titles.
After taking into account what the op is striving for with this thread I sat down and made a list that covers many angles(hopefully) from my experience. Thus in no particular order

1. Chrono Cross
2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
3. Demon's Souls (within the current market this is a hidden gem)
4. Pokemon(Gold/Silver)
5. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
6. The World Ends With You
7. Final Fantasy XII
8. Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter
9. Persona 3
10. Valkyrie Profile

Very impressive and interesting lists have been posted thus far everyone
1. Persona 4 (PS2): So much improvement from Persona 3

2. Persona 3 (PS2): The first game that made me play for over 240 hours

3. Final Fantasy X (PS2): It was revolutionary at that time

4. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PS2): The most fun and hilarious SRPG I've played

5. Suikoden III (PS2): Finding all 108 stars were that fun

6. Grandia III (PS2): IMO, the best RPG battle

7. Jeanne d'Arc (PSP): Overall great presentation

8. Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PS2): It was dark. And I like that.

9. Tales of Vesperia (360): Most fun Tales of series

10. Etrian Odyssey (DS): The best hardcore dungeon crawler you can get

Honorary Mention- Valkyria Chronicles (PS3): I consider this a turn-based strategy game unless this genre is acceptable.


I want a tag give me a tag
Final Fantasy 8
Tales of Symphonia
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Mass Effect 2
Diablo 2


My essentials:
1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Suikoden II
4. Dragon Quest V
5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
6. Persona 4
7. Final Fantasy V (has there been no mention of this yet? For shame!)
8. Final Fantasy Tactics
9. Demon's Souls
10. Final Fantasy IX

I could put almost every FF on an essentials list, excluding the two I don't much care for. My #10 could just as easily be X, XII, or even the very first FF.
Suikoden II
Fallout 3
Suikoden V
Breath of Fire II
Illusion of Gaia
Breath of Fire IV
Final Fantasy VII

Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, if zelda games count.


Non-ordered list:

Chrono Trigger - still the best combination of story, characters, and battle system of any JRPG. Throw in great 2D visuals and a fantastic soundtrack, and this will probably be my favorite JRPG for eternity.

Final Fantasy VI - just about everything CT did well, FFVI did as well. But while I think FFVI had the superior soundtrack, in terms of everything else, for how good FFVI is, CT was just a little bit better.

Final Fantasy Tactics - objectively speaking, Tactics Ogre is arguably the better and more important game in the genre, and NIS has since then taken the formula to new (and ridiculous) levels, but FFT remains my favorite of the grid/hex-based strategy/tactical RPGs. The game is far from being without faults (laughably uneven difficulty, terribad localization in the PS1 version, just to mention a few), but the story and characters give the game a charm that few others match.

Valkyria Chronicles - arguably the biggest step forward in SRPG/TRPG gameplay since the genre was invented. Story and characters are not anything particularly new or inventive, but the battle system, watercolor-esque visuals, stirring soundtrack, and generally amazing presentation more than make up for it.

Xenogears - almost certainly the most flawed game on my list, but probably the one I feel most strongly about. The story may be convoluted, and localization comes from the "bad days" of Square's NA efforts, but I can't think of another RPG that I've felt so much emotion for the cast (even the non-major characters) - Citan, Fei, Elly, and Emeralda would all be on the shortlist of my favorite characters in gaming, and Id is at the top for villains.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - delivered almost everything I could have ever wanted out of a Star Wars RPG in spectacular fashion. The story, setting, and characters are all very well done (HK-47 is one of the most memorable characters in a videogame ever), and the gameplay felt fast-paced and action-oriented enough despite, at it's core, still being a D&D roll-based system.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - is there anything left to say about this game that hasn't been said countless times before? Sure, the story is simply and straightforward in true Nintendo fashion, but the time travel mechanic, the expansive overworld, the horseriding/fishing minigames, and the combination of a camera and Z-Targetting that was 3D gaming done right all added up to one of the most memorable gaming experiences ever, evem if's it's RPG-lite.

World of WarCraft - well, there really isn't much to say about this, is there? It's hard to judge because the game has evolved so much, but even as someone who's quit the game over a year ago, it's still hard to argue against this being one of the best, and certainly one of the most important, games ever. There have always been issues in the game (the evolution of PvP certainly comes to mind), but looking back, from saving up enough gold to buy the first mount to stepping foot into Molten Core for the first time to killing C'Thun to taking flight on a flying mount, the game is chock full of fantastic experiences.

Baldur's Gate 2 - there are not enough words I can write to properly describe a game of this epic proportions. But the fact that a decade later it's still considered the definitive fantasy/D&D RPG really says it all.

Dragon Age: Origins - it's like Baldur's Gate updated for the 21st century and crossed with WoW. I had my doubts regarding this game, but 150+ hours of playing later, suffice to say they have been allayed. While it's not the prettiest, deepest, or most epic of BioWare's games, it comes together in a fantastic package that I thoroughly enjoyed.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
1. Earthbound
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Final Fantasy VI
4. Mother 3

This is also my list of top 4 all time favorite games.


In a very particular order:

  • [1]Demon's Souls
    [1]Vagrant Story
    [1]Deus Ex
    [1]Baldur's Gate II
    [1]Final Fantasy XII
    [1]Persona 4 (Hidden Gem, if like me, you live in Australia, sigh)
    [1]Wonder Boy III (or is this too platformy and not RPGy enough for y'all :lol ?)
    [1]Mario RPG
    [1]Diablo II
    [1]Chrono Trigger

There needs to be more love for Vagrant Story :( Surely Square Enix's finest hour since the SNES.

I tried to mx it up; different series, dfferent eras. Lemmee know if WonderBoy doesn't fit the bill well enough, and I'll come up with something else!


1. Pokemon G/S/C
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Final Fantasy VII
4. Final Fantasy IX
5. Final Fantasy X
6. Mario & Luigi: Super Star Saga
8. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
9. Suikoden II
10. The World Ends With You


Mass Effect
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect 2
Planescape: Torment
Persona 4
Tales of Vesperia
Chrono Trigger
Knights of the Old Republic
Fallout 3

Honorable mentions:
Mother 3
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy XII
Persona PSP


gokieks said:
Non-ordered list:

Xenogears - almost certainly the most flawed game on my list, but probably the one I feel most strongly about. The story may be convoluted, and localization comes from the "bad days" of Square's NA efforts, but I can't think of another RPG that I've felt so much emotion for the cast (even the non-major characters) - Citan, Fei, Elly, and Emeralda would all be on the shortlist of my favorite characters in gaming, and Id is at the top for villains.
I agree with this, no orther j-rpg cast has enamored me as much as the xenogears cast.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
1. Earthbound
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Suikoden II
4. Final Fantasy IX
5. Parasite Eve
6. Star Ocean: The Second Story/Evolution
7. Tales of the Abyss
8. Kingdom Hearts
9. Super Mario RPG
10. Persona 4

Honorable mentions: Star Ocean: The Last Hope, FFX, and Xenogears. :p


Mass Effect 2
Fallout 3
Final Fantasy IX (Seriously people, VIVI! He rules!)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Diablo II
Crono Trigger
Mass Effect
Secret of Mana
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


I tried to put down what I felt were 10 good solid representative games of the various categories within the RPG market, as well as some with historical significance. People might wonder then why I have both Planescape and Baldur's Gate listed, but Planescape to me remains to be the best RPG I have ever played, while I feel Baldur's Gate is more of a quintessential representative of the Western CRPG.

1. Planescape: Torment
2. Fallout 2
3. Final Fantasy VI
4. Baldur's Gate 2
5. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
6. Diablo II
7. Final Fantasy Tactics
8. The Witcher
9. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
10. World of Warcraft
I'm kinda bummed how few people are mentioning that game over there.


1. Mass Effect 2
2. Final Fantasy IX
3. Final Fantasy Tactics
4. Terranigma
5. Final Fantasy III (U.S.)
6. Illusion of Gaia
7. Chrono Trigger
8. Final Fantasy XII
9. Pokemon series
10. Planescape Torment
Planescape Torment
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Deus Ex
Fallout 1
Final Fantasy VI
Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne
Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Chrono Trigger


Strap on your hooker ...
Preface: I've always felt that having an enjoyable battle system is much more intrinsic to enjoying a 20 hour+ game than a particularly awesome story.

Suikoden II
Zelda: Link to the Past
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Fallout 3
Persona 4
Final Fantasy V *
Yakuza 2 * (kind of surprised this series isn't occurring to many people here)
Anachronox *
Dragon Quest V

Honorable Mentions: Shadow Hearts: Covenant *, Lufia II *, Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier *, Mass Effect, Fire Emblem/FE Rekka no Ken

[*]=hidden gem/criminally underappreciated among GAF


I like your grading system!

My picks:

Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger
SMT: Nocturne
Persona 4
Suikoden 2
Demon's Souls
World of Warcraft
Star Ocean 3
Disgaea 3


In no particular order...

System Shock 2
Deus Ex
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Shadowrun (SNES)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
1-Final Fantasy V
2-Chrono Trigger
3-Baldur's Gate II
4-Baldur's Gate
6-Diablo II
7-Fallout 3
8-Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
9-Final Fantasy Tactics
10-Final Fantasy I
number 1... the once and future king... final fantasy 12. you know how games advertise that it's a grand adventure? like zelda for instance. you think you're going on a journey, but really, you're covering, like, what, a square mile? not with ff12. it's a fucking adventure alright. the world is huge and packed with secrets and incredible views. i'd say it's the most visually accomplished game of the era; other games can be more flashy, but i don't think a game exists that has the same amount of tlc in its graphics as ff12. a random town is a testament to that fact--a bunch of people, they all look different, and they all do unique things, they don't just stand around. i love the license board. the gambits is a completely genius idea and must be adopted in future rpg's. (and to those who say "durrr the gambits plays the game for me" well turn them off for the party leader... i don't know why you'd want it on for the leader anyway ~_~ ) and one last thing, the battles taking place right on the field like an mmo (i hate mmo's btw) was so lovely; going to a battle screen would've killed the rich exploration.

#2. panzer dragoon saga. i love panzer. the graphics and the music and the story and uh "feel" connects with me on a level that you wouldn't understand. all that needs to be said.

#3. planescape torment. even though half the game is spent in some massive town talking a bunch of bullshit with some weirdos, i enjoyed reading the bullshit. one part sticks out in my mind... it was an alleyway in the hive, where you could either side with the asshole gang leader or the "good" girl gang leader... or go with this guy in the back who wants you to kill them both for the sake of balance. the central tenet of this game is morality, and morality is a subject that interests me greatly.

#4. chrono cross. how this is better than chrono trigger... let me count the ways! the obvious! the art! the music! gorgeous and beautiful! the story! chrono trigger is just your standard 16-bit jrpg, with kooky animations matched with kooky dialog, plus time travel. while cross on the other hand is square's translation team at its best, with every character an individual. sure, not every single one of the 40 means much to the overall story, but the principal characters are still reasonably explored. and while trigger has a standard 16-bit story, chrono cross attempts to get into fate and what could've been. and how about that battle system! it's almost the star of the show. allocating elements and the stamina and the field effects and the colors and the automatic healing--leaps and bounds ahead of dual techs and triple techs overlaid on top of a standard rpg. so next time you hear someone tell you that trigger is better than cross, you can be rest assured that he's wrong.

#5. desu ex.
ConcealedBlaze said:
Not only is DX a pretty fun game with some great character customization, story, setting, music, and exploration, but it's also still THE golden standard for choice in video games. You really feel as if you've impacted the storyline. And not in the sense of Mass Effect where you can really only impact the story through dialogue trees or bioshock where you have a binary choice, but in the sense that you can truly think through situations and then ACT however you best think fits the situation. This is especially present in certain areas, such as Hong Kong.

6. castlevania: symphony of the night. this is as much an rpg as desu ex is, maybe even moreso. i pretty much can't stand the portavanias (exception being order of ecclesia), cuz those games are lacking something. that something that drew me in like sotn. i can't explain it, but when i got this game, i was a teenager really into the romantic vampire thing. i didn't dress like a goth, but i couldn't get enough of coppola's dracula movie or the perfect drug video from nine inch nails. this game was right up my alley. it suffers from the same shit as the portavanias do. its level design is practically non-existent, though not as bad as portavania. but the atmosphere.

7. final fantasy 7. man this game has got everything. schizophrenic heroes. oedipus-like villains. big-titted and dead heroines. oil-sucking corporations... i'm sorry, make that mako-sucking. corporations with their own private army. corporations that pretty much own the world. fmv. false-flag terror. freedom fighters or terrorists... you make the call. (freedom fighters, you gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelette ryte.) prostitution. chibis. male prostitution. blade runner looks. dehumanization. ride to the moon. this took rpg's to the next generation in more ways than one.

i can't think of any more right now.


Neo Member
Xenogears - Great plot, memorable characters, and a deep story..though I'll admit it will is promised that it will mess with your mind abit lol. There are plenty of twists and prepare for much of the unexpected..plus, giant mechs..always awesome..if you didn't check it out yet, you owe it to yourself to do so.

Breath of Fire 3 - My personal favorite in the series, the characters are lovable, the battle and skill system are pretty deep, and the story is pretty great too..the gene mixing system alone made the game worth it.

Thousand Arms - The very first RPG I played with a dating sim system tied in. It was pretty funny, each character contributed to the games overall theme and the sim aspect tied into the game (each girl you dated in turn would strengthen in bond as you progress and in turn made stronger weapons when you forged (your a blacksmith))

Lunar: SSS - First got into this game on the Sega CD system and since then its held a special place among my top rpgs. It didn't have a fancy battle system, nor anything unique..where it strength laid was in the great story and unforgettable characters..by the end of the game you'll feel like you've bonded with each party member in some way, and thats something few rpgs achieve.

Suikoden - Another RPG with great story telling and much to do, the uniqueness about this game still gets me to this day, 108 characters, most of which are playable and capable of progressing..couple that with an intriguing plot and you got yourself a winner.

Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant - Figured if any PS2 rpg gets on the list it'd be this one. This one is set in our world as we see it in the WWI period. This rpg did a great job in recreating famous figures and solid characters..some being just plain weird (Great Gamma). The battle system kept you on your toes (Judgement Ring) and the ability to combo only added to the deep system, it also had a fair share of optional/extra things for each character if you were willing to go the extra mile..easily spent 70+ hours on this game and I don't regret it..if you haven't tried it yet, you owe it to yourself to do so

Persona 4 - Persona 3 was a great game, but its successor added so much more to it. The plot is dark and interesting, a lot of mythical beings are tied into it (mostly the persona) and you played out the double life of your main character (One being in the other realm saving people/slaying monsters, the other pretty much living your life, socializing with others, etc..) It has that distinct flare around it and for a game that came up late in the PS2's life cycle it outclassed even the most modern of rpgs, check it out!

Alundra - An action RPG more or less like the classic Zelda. Developed by Climax (Landstalker) this ARPG is pretty solid, not to mention notoriously difficult. If your looking for something along those lines this is the ARPG for you.

Star Ocean 2 - My favorite SO in the whole series. Aside from it having 80 different endings, the character interactions were great, moreso in that there were different conditions in recruiting different characters. It also introduced the PA system, which offered more room for getting to understanding a character better, and which also influenced the ending altogether..a great game, if you can get past the voice acting..oddly enough its quality hasn't changed much till this day :lol .

Wild ARMS - Where, oh where do I start. Until this day this is the most influential RPG I have played through. Five iterations have passed us by and I think, by far, the story in this one surpasses them all still. The theme is unique and fresh at the time - the Wild West motiff, the way you start the game, from each characters perspective and in turn learning more about them and how they ultimately got together. The three had faults, and instead of brooding over them, they learned from it and became stronger and with that, they manage to save the world. To me, this game managed to break away from a good lot of common cliches common in many rpgs and in turn, has given me a set of ideals that has molded me into the person I am today. For something like this, you play for the plot, characters, the world they live in, and the struggles they overcome..by far my favorite rpg series..I recommend it to anyone if they haven't tried it out already, truly a hidden gem.

Welp! thats my list, hope it helps, somehow.
Dungeon Master
Eye of the Beholder 2
Mass Effect 1/2
Diablo 2
Fable II
Enchanted Arms
Tales of Vesperia
Enchanted Arms
Baldur's Gate 2
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Wizardry 8 - Great game that makes me wish more developers would explore the first-person-party-based-RPG genre. Many great ideas here that I haven’t seen in a game since.
NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer
Deus Ex - What every FPS wants to be, yet don't have the balls to imitate.
Planescape Torment
Diablo 2
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - Has an amazing and unique universe. Makes me sad each time I return to it that we'll never see another game in the series. So much lost potential.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines - Damn you Troika!

I'm actually kind of surprised that I couldn't think of any jRPGs to include, since I have played and do love quite a few. FF6-10, Disgaea, VP and Nocturne would be the ones closest to making the list.

*Looking at this thread I better give my HIDDEN GEM to Arcanum.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
1. Final Fantasy VI (Super Famicom)
2. Final Fantasy III (Super NES)
3. Final Fantasy VI Advance (GBA)
4. Final Fantasy VI (PS1)
5. Final Fantasy VI: Project Reality Tech Demo
6. Dissidia (PSP)
7. Enh..... Chrono Trigger I guess...
Only 10, wow, this is gonna be hard.
1. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
2. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
3. Final Fantasy III of XI in the US
4. Persona 3 FES
5. Chrono Trigger
6. Persona 4
7. Fallout 3
8. Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
9. Valkyria Chronicles
10. Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

I would list FFVII on my list, but I've seen a lot of others already have it on theirs.
DidntKnowJack said:
I'm kinda bummed how few people are mentioning that game over there.
I noticed this too. :(
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