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New Pew study: Europe will be 10-15% muslim (Sweden 31%) by 2050.What will it entail?

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads
It's faux intellectualism and concern trolling.

Let's pretend we gave a fuck about the gays.

Let's pretend the Orlando club shooting was about Islam.

Why is it when a Muslim guy commits a mass casualty event it's called terrorism.

And when some white asshole empties clips upon clips upon a crowd it's called "economic anxiety" and let's sit around for hours and hours and tall about mental health. Shit, let's examine his actual brain.

Oh right your breed of cunt rationalises it as a false flag. It was a conspiracy. Let's harass the victims. That's the kind of company these the_donald guys keep

How many people died this year in the states due do terrorists?

How many died due to, crazy white fucks?

Jesus Christ. But please keep shitting out the talking points.

Sad marks with absolutely nothing going for them that need to add colour to their grey lives. So take on some sort of grander cause they think they some how identify with. Absolutely radicalised.

Marks. All marks.

compairing a race to an ideology....

islamic terrorism is based on islamic teachings, you cannot compare that to something as fixed as race and say "well white shooters are bad too"
Oh please guy spare me the bullshit. You're not smart enough to deliver a reasonable shadow on the wall game so don't fucking bother.

"Terror" spare me the bullshit. They do it because their rage takes the fuck over and they don't have the capacity to stop themselves. It's real basic shit son.

These people aren't part of a cell. Just a whole bunch of short fuse rubes getting played by persuasive easy arguments.

Trying to compare the Orlando "terrorism" to a cell based organisational structure like the IRA? Get the fuck out.

It's just young and or impressionable idiot and miserable people getting radicalised online.

If you're unable to see the glaringly obvious parallels to where the finish line is in any extremism then.again, fucking moron.

And why would I do that? Shadow on the wall game? You're not making any sense.
I've not lied about anything, nor have I personally attacked you.
If I were alt-right or from t_d, I would have said so. There's really not any reason to lie.

If you don't understand basic definitions of words, then I don't know what to tell you.
You've got a lot of misdirected anger. Hopefully, you can get some help with that.


His basic argument is "lol we already have bad people here so its ok if we import more lol"
Its the idiocy that got us into this mess in the first place.
After this isis nonsense is finished and it looks like it the politicians should focus on getting ex-refugees back liked they promised a million times in this whole mess and not open the borders even wider.

The argument is that they aren't 'bad people'. Despite US deep entrenched racism they've generally done a pretty good job at assimilating immigrants over a period of time. When I was studying abroad in France tho? Oh boy. Lets just say it reminded me of the South how Arabs and Africans were marginalized.

Europe tends to pat itself on the back for being the 'good' guys and bringing in refugees but basically leaves a bunch of people fleeing from a fucked up environment to their own devices in ghettos with no job opportunities (admittedly the recent migrant wave has had it trying to be better with assimilation programs, jobs, etc but its too little, too late).

That simply because they give a family a social net it excuses throwing em far away to fend for themselves in a strange place that offers them nothing but basic lodging and food.

There are some places in Europe that remind me of the worst hoods in the US but without the gun violence.

It's interesting how we can believe the rise of racism in the states is due to 'economic anxiety' but can't apply that to people who leave somewhere fucked up, (and socialized in that fucked upness without the chance to deprogram) show up somewhere strange and get stuffed in housing to be forgotten with no job opportunities to move up might hop on the religious based nihilism train. There's a reason why there's a disturbing amount of young European raised terrorists.

It's why when you hear about the hysteria about places with 'sharia law' nobody talks about how they all ended up stuffed in these insular places.

As usual we want the easy cure, 'Those mooslims are all terrorists, lock em out!' but don't realize the part that we played to get here in the first place.


compairing a race to an ideology....

islamic terrorism is based on islamic teachings, you cannot compare that to something as fixed as race and say "well white shooters are bad too"

You're missing the forest through the trees.

Clearly my answer isn't easy enough.

The kind of "terrorism" that that asshole in Orlando committed has as much to do with Islam as the kind of terrorism that that white prick has to do with nationalism.

Nothing. It's not as easy as that sorry guy. I know breitbart would like to tell you otherwise.

Like I'm sure all the other forms of radical propaganda coopting ideology would tell you a differing easy answer too.


...In supermarkets staff gets told that if they see an immigrant stealing they are not allowed to contact the police and should just let him go to not cause any trouble. I know this because a good friend of me works at a huge chain store.....

Give me a break...
Is there any reason you singled out whites in your post?

Because that is how the data is categorized.

That single survey taken years ago rings extremely hollow to me.

There are two people I cared about very much who were murdered last year because they were lesbians. It was during the Pulse massacre in Orlando. This man, enflamed and encouraged by Islam (there were actually imams who spoke in favor of killing gay people in a mosque the week before the massacre.) thought it was the morally correct thing to murder gays.

While the local Muslim community was initially supportive of LGBT in the aftermath of the shooting, they quickly wanted nothing to do with us when the cameras stopped rolling.

In the US, there are a lot of Evangelical Christians and they are very homophobic but the worst they are going to do is try to stop my marriage and maybe they will call me a faggot, but I don't have to worry about them trying to kill me.

Muslims make up less than one percent of the US population, yet the worst hate crime against LGBT people in our history was perpetrated by a Muslim, with his religion guiding him to do horrible things to us, just as it guides Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Mauritania, Somalia, Brunei and Sudan have state-sanctioned murder of us. Guess the religion of all of those countries?

I worry about getting killed by someone for religious reasons, regardless of whether they are Evengelical Christians or Muslims. I'm happy that you do not have those same worries. With that said, your argument does not stand as it's fallacious. That the Pulse shooting was perpetuated by a member of a small minority does not itself demonstrate that the polling was erroneous.

His basic argument is "lol we already have bad people here so its ok if we import more lol"
Its the idiocy that got us into this mess in the first place.

The Orlando shooting had nothing do with immigration, the person who committed it was a U.S. citizen. This is a fact known through the most basic of research on the subject you wish to have a discussion about.


Give me a break...

Lies! There's verifiable proof that the white politicians in my country have set up white woman rape camps so the mooslims can breed us out! My third cousin on my mothers side's best friend works for one!

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads
i mean a clear case in UK where police were not allowed to report the muslim grooming gangs of fear of being racist in rotherham


Gold Member
Europe tends to pat itself on the back for being the 'good' guys and bringing in refugees but basically leaves a bunch of people fleeing from a fucked up environment to their own devices in ghettos with no job opportunities.

That simply because they give a family a social net it excuses throwing em far away to fend for themselves in a strange place that offers them nothing but basic lodging and food.
You'd think refugees would be able to process all the stuff they've gone through and try to adjust to their new country since their housing and finincial troubles are basically being taken care of. Apparently not. Accepting these people within our borders and investing in them is just not enough. If that's the case, I say just give up. We don't have the perfect solution, obviously, but if what we're doing for immigrants now is not enough, I don't think we'll ever get there, honestly.


Why would a person shoot into a crowd of people or drive into them? To cause terror.. hence the term terrorism

Yes I'm sure that "terrorist" Orlando shooter gave two fucks about the Islamic state.

And I'm sure that "terrorist" spraying and praying in Vegas gave two shits about his political cause too.

Your understanding of what motivates a single man in a vacuum I.e: not part of a cell. To kill people is so unbelievably shallow.

You really think anyone gives a fuck? We are pretending we give two shits about these values we coopt in order to channel the volcanic eruption of self hatred? And rage?

Like the anti globalist espousing his beliefs on the internet on his fucking iPhone. Blissfully unaware of the certain ironies?

They want an excuse, any easy answer to sail them down the radical river that all leads to the seem place running.a.bunch of people over in a car. All whilst drifting gently into mental illness.

And my anger is absolutely targeted in the right space. I wouldn't presume to pretend the ills of the country are caused by a.bunch of low rent absolutely bottom of the social economic scale pissant migrants.

Yes the lowest rungs of society generally do get the blame. It's generally an easier proposition to shit on the weakest. Especially when you're a cowardly cunt thats allergic to personal responsibility.

Not to mention, it's a bit too ironically retro.


As usual we want the easy cure, 'Those mooslims are all terrorists, lock em out!' but don't realize the part that we played to get here in the first place.

Demanding that refugees return when its save is just fair you dope.
And dont even get me started you all had no issue creating the problems just as easy. And what have you to show for it? A mountain of corpses from terror, thousands of "sexual emergency's" and i am not even gonna talk about the spread of radicalization and terrorism on borderline the entire European continent.
You naive welcome refugee fools had no problem ignoring thousands of warnings rightly predicting everything up to now.
Who takes the political responsibility?
Politicians had to resign for less.

The Orlando shooting had nothing do with immigration, the person who committed it was a U.S. citizen. This is a fact known through the most basic of research on the subject you wish to have a discussion about.

Yeah thats not what the thread is about.


You'd think refugees would be able to process all the stuff they've gone through and try to adjust to their new country since their housing and finincial troubles are basically being taken care of. Apparently not. Accepting these people within our borders and investing in them is just not enough. If that's the case, I say just give up. We don't have the perfect solution, obviously, but if what we're doing for immigrants now is not enough, I don't think we'll ever get there, honestly.
The problem here is that that they will not be integrated and they radicalize way more because of it. The only solution would be way less refugees but these refuges get the proper care like they get in Canada for example.

Canada has a fantastic immigration system but this only works because they take like 10k a year and they can chose who they want. Europe cant . So we get a ton of trash which we can not even depart when they do shitty things. So my solution would be WAY less but treated in the right way to give them a future.

Also No one ever would complain about Muslims in Europe if they were like American Muslims. What you get in America is almost the best of the best. You can not compare them to the ones in Europe.


You'd think refugees would be able to process all the stuff they've gone through and try to adjust to their new country since their housing and finincial troubles are basically being taken care of. Apparently not. Accepting these people within our borders and investing in them is just not enough. If that's the case, I say just give up. We don't have the perfect solution, obviously, but if what we're doing for immigrants now is not enough, I don't think we'll ever get there, honestly.

Its not really taken care of tho; thats the other thing. They give em a thoroughly mediocre life with less opportunity than someone who's seen as an actual citizen and wonder why they might cling to base behaviors like religion.

Its a problem that's been brewing for a long time that's had huge geopolitical Western forces pushing things this way along with ya local radical imans.

I can't disagree with your point that it might be too late (hell, I might just agree with you), just the idea in this thread as if Muslim 5 year olds show up to Europe AK and C4 in hand ready to rape and pillage.

Europe's shitty policies/views on immigrants in general is as responsible as the nuts telling people to blow themselves up
i mean a clear case in UK where police were not allowed to report the muslim grooming gangs of fear of being racist in rotherham

Spent a good while reading up on this, and it is a lot more complicated than not wanting to offend.

1. Powerful figures in the council and police force have ties to people who were suspected and convicted of these crimes.

2. All issues relating to the Pakistani community in Rotherham were handled by the "Pakistani-heritage council," with one member described as "too influential."

3. It is alleged that there were also financial ties between the taxi services and the police force that encouraged looking the other way.

Judging by the data, there is indeed however an element of allowing harm out of the perceived notion that in preventing it, they may be seen as racist. However, at some point there has to be a line drawn. Is it reasonable to excuse such behavior by the fear of that? I mean, I do not think it exactly reasonable to expect, as I cannot recall any time someone caught fire for going after such criminals.


Islam will have a 1/3 of the world by 2070, according to a previous Pew study. It currently holds 25% of the world population.

That's a massive accomplishment in under 1,500 years. We'll rule the world.


The high immigration scenario is very unlikely. EU already clamped down on illegal immigration, closed routes from middle-east and is closing down most from Africa. So the medium scenario is the most likely by far and we might even get closer to zero scenario if things play out like they do now.

That said, one way or another it won't be pretty in this century. Studies show that each generation of muslims is more radical than the previous one. What;'s worse, automation will kill most of the low-skill jobs avaible, so there will be no work for new arrivals and steady work is by far the best way to integrate. Add the increasinly hostile native populations and you will get muslims living in ghettos, in poverty (well..european poverty, but still) and surrounded mostly by other muslims, which will only lead to less integration and more radicalization, creating self-strenghtening cycle.

The worst thing is that nobody really knows how to fix that. It worries me, despite the fact that it won't affect me personally, as even in the most disastrous pew scenario population of muslims in Poland won't surpass 0.2%. But western Europe will have huge problems.


Gold Member
Its not really taken care of tho; thats the other thing. They give em a thoroughly mediocre life with less opportunity than someone who's seen as an actual citizen and wonder why they might cling to base behaviors like religion.
Because they had such fantastic and luxurious lives in whatever war-torn or impoverished country they came from? A mediocre life is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. Especially when it's basically given to you free of charge, with very little investment of your own. It's an improvement over what they had in any case.


I grew up under Christianity, and just because there was no sharia, didn't mean I wasn't equally terrified.

Read a bible, and the stuff we fear about muslims is also contained in their holy book.

It's not Christianity that's protecting us today. We have a secular society that promotes equality and freedom instead.

Christianity was nerfed though. First by new testament and then just by western world advancement. Islam was going through similiar advancement, with people learning to treat Koran with some distance. You can look at old european muslim populations or how middle east looked just few decades ago before radicals went to power.
Unfortunatelly the islam that's growing now and taking over is a radical oldschool one, with no advancements the religion enjoyed. It's like if we took christians straight out of darkest ages of inquisition and dropped them into modern world, that also would get pretty damn ugly.
Yes I'm sure that "terrorist" Orlando shooter gave two fucks about the Islamic state.

And I'm sure that "terrorist" spraying and praying in Vegas gave two shits about his political cause too.

Your understanding of what motivates a single man in a vacuum I.e: not part of a cell. To kill people is so unbelievably shallow.

You really think anyone gives a fuck? We are pretending we give two shits about these values we coopt in order to channel the volcanic eruption of self hatred? And rage?

Like the anti globalist espousing his beliefs on the internet on his fucking iPhone. Blissfully unaware of the certain ironies?

They want an excuse, any easy answer to sail them down the radical river that all leads to the seem place running.a.bunch of people over in a car. All whilst drifting gently into mental illness.

And my anger is absolutely targeted in the right space. I wouldn't presume to pretend the ills of the country are caused by a.bunch of low rent absolutely bottom of the social economic scale pissant migrants.

Yes the lowest rungs of society generally do get the blame. It's generally an easier proposition to shit on the weakest. Especially when you're a cowardly cunt thats allergic to personal responsibility.

Not to mention, it's a bit too ironically retro.

You're kind of all over the place.

Omar Mateen pledged support for ISIS on his 911 call. The transcript is readily available if you would like to read it.

We don't know the motivations of the Las Vegas killer, which make it even scarier.

I called James Field, Jr. a terrorist in the previous page of this thread.


You're kind of all over the place.

Omar Mateen pledged support for ISIS on his 911 call. The transcript is readily available if you would like to read it.

We don't know the motivations of the Las Vegas killer, which make it even scarier.

I called James Field, Jr. a terrorist in the previous page of this thread.

Considering the vegas shooter targeted republicans..probably a deranged leftie who thought he was killing nazis.

If you think long term mediocrity is going to soothe a general populace you would be a really shitty politician(or simcity player). The fact is that its not old men who knew first hand the upgrade from atrocities his family has seen who are becoming radicalized. Its from the young Muslim who's grown up in the West but feels locked out of it; living in a in a ghetto where he's seen as not a citizen even if he was born there, with no job opportunities to get out of said ghetto, who get converted.

"Economic Anxiety" is just another way of saying mediocre life, not sure how its only valid for one side and not the other

they're free to fuck off back where they came from.


Because they had such fantastic and luxurious lives in whatever war-torn or impoverished country they came from? A mediocre life is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. Especially when it's basically given to you free of charge, with very little investment of your own. It's an improvement over what they had in any case.

If you think long term mediocrity is going to soothe a general populace you would be a really shitty politician(or simcity player, lol). The fact is that its not old men who knew first hand the upgrade from atrocities his family has seen who are becoming radicalized. Its from the young Muslim who's grown up in the West but feels locked out of it; living in a in a ghetto where he's seen as not a citizen even if he was born there, with no job opportunities to get out of said ghetto, who get converted.

"Economic Anxiety" is just another way of saying mediocre life, not sure how its only valid for one side and not the other
Considering the vegas shooter targeted republicans..probably a deranged leftie who thought he was killing nazis.

Targeted Republicans how? By attacking a country music festival? Granted, most country music fans are Republicans I'm sure a great deal of them aren't. The shooter left a note but the contents have not been made public.

There's no evidence at all that he was a "deranged leftie."


You're kind of all over the place.

Omar Mateen pledged support for ISIS on his 911 call. The transcript is readily available if you would like to read it.

We don't know the motivations of the Las Vegas killer, which make it even scarier.

I called James Field, Jr. a terrorist in the previous page of this thread.

And the guy that shot up a planned parenthood mentioned a fox news story about murdering babies.

Why are you going to listen to these mentally warped individuals with any seriousness?

They reach a point where they are so engulfed in an enflamed rage of confirmation bias, the nature of the self reinforcing social media structure. It creates mini pressure cookers out of people.

I don't consider that planned parenthood murderer a terrorist he's a sicko.

People have been coopting ideas since forever to justify their sick actions.

He could of called up and said he did it for the spaghetti monster guild. It's all delusion at that point.
Yes, because the man who shot up Planned Parenthood had not only the goal to murder but to intimidate that organization and others not to support abortion because he wanted to impose his beliefs on others by fear that violence will come to them. That's what terrorism is all about.


The high immigration scenario is very unlikely. EU already clamped down on illegal immigration, closed routes from middle-east and is closing down most from Africa. So the medium scenario is the most likely by far and we might even get closer to zero scenario if things play out like they do now.
you really think once another wave of a million people is moving from Africa or the ME and the media is again showing pictures of dead kids those routes are going to stay closed?
add in family reunification and the max immigration version looks like a best case scenario


And the guy that shot up a planned parenthood mentioned a fox news story about murdering babies.

Why are you going to listen to these mentally warped individuals with any seriousness?

They reach a point where they are so engulfed in an enflamed rage of confirmation bias, the nature of the self reinforcing social media structure. It creates mini pressure cookers out of people.

I don't consider that planned parenthood murderer a terrorist he's a sicko.

People have been coopting ideas since forever to justify their sick actions.

He could of called up and said he did it for the spaghetti monster guild. It's all delusion at that point.

A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

This is the definition. If you want to archive some political goal though threats and violence you are a terrorist. This is not really debatable


Its not really taken care of tho; thats the other thing. They give em a thoroughly mediocre life with less opportunity than someone who's seen as an actual citizen and wonder why they might cling to base behaviors like religion.

I'm an immigrant myself, live in Germany, although am not a Muslim.
You are unfairly generalizing.
While there are countries with basically ghettos (I am not familiar with how they have been formed) like Belgium or France, London (I'm travelling over there from time to time) is basically a city where majority has an immigrant origin,
Education in Germany (and in most parts of the EU, bar couple of exceptions like UK) is free.
Immigrant kids can't skip school.
Since education (as well as healthcare) is universally accessible, you don't need any particular effort to become part of the middle class, the opportunity is right there, for everyone.
When Germans ask "are you German" they don't mean your ethnicity.

And as it is actually Germany that accepted lion's share of refugees, I think this was worth mentioning.

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads
not every mass shooting is terrorism

terrrorism has a specific definition a violent act often for a political gain

as far as we know there has not been any political motive for the las vegas shooter..

while mass shootings are just as bad, there is a reason that paddock hasn't had the terrorist label

if you call everything terrorism you just dilute the word
meh I don't mind if it becomes the major/state religion in countries over there, it's their decision.

The majority of the population seems to welcome it especially in Germany/Sweden. UK seems to have some naysayers but I get the impression from the media that most all in favor of more diversity and there's nothing wrong with the demographic change. It's not like they can or will be able to turn around the population numbers anyway.


I'm an immigrant myself, live in Germany, although am not a Muslim.
You are unfairly generalizing.
While there are countries with basically ghettos (I am not familiar with how they have been formed) like Belgium or France, London (I'm travel over there from time to time) is basically a city where majority has an immigrant origin,
Education in Germany (and in most parts of the EU, bar couple of exceptions like UK) is free.
Immigrant kids can't skip school.
Since education (as well as healthcare) is universally accessible, you don't need any particular effort become part of the middle class, the opportunity is right there, for everyone.
When Germans ask "are you German" they don't mean your ethnicity.

And as it is actually Germany that accepted lion's share of refugees, I think this was worth mentioning.

We have these ghettos but they are not whole cities but larger districts. In these distrcts talking german is rare. We have schools in which you have 90% of children with migration background and in there you have huge problems with language and religion.

Germany already did huge mistakes during the 90s with migrant workers and the gov did not learn about their mistakes at all. Handling so many refugees at one time was a huge mistake not only for the country but also for the refugees who are basically left alone.

Even if they wanted to integrate the german gov makes it very difficult for them. Example are language lessons. If you are lucky you will have an hour each week which is nothing. We are missing Kindergarten, places to live, to work or education. So I give my gov a huge part of the blame when refugees will not integrate.


Yes, because the man who shot up Planned Parenthood had not only the goal to murder but to intimidate that organization and others not to support abortion because he wanted to impose his beliefs on others by fear that violence will come to them. That's what terrorism is all about.

If you honestly and sincerely look at that person who did that at planned parenthood and can't see he's clearly and absolutely fucked in the head. Then I don't know what to tell you man.

It's like you have a really really narrow and rudimentary grasp on what motivates people.

Any insane fuck can yell allah before a spree. Yell ISIS or America First! You look up their media history it's all radical persuasive media preying the mentally weak.

People don't give a flying fuck about any of this. They look for an excuse to blowup.

You can feed the desperate and the weak any line of bullshit as long as it also exonerates them of personal liability of their situation and explains away and channels a ceaseless rage into something like "abortions'" or "trans rights"

No one actually gives a fuck. Not even them it's just a useful channel to blow up.

And if you literally can't at all grasp what I'm saying, then the end point of your rationale when you get older, it's not going to be a good time for you man. Because you're giving up reason. For a delusion. Sounds like something.


you really think once another wave of a million people is moving from Africa or the ME and the media is again showing pictures of dead kids those routes are going to stay closed?
add in family reunification and the max immigration version looks like a best case scenario

Yes, I actually do think they will stay closed. More and more europeans just don't give a damn about those people. Them drowing by thousands in sea is either treated with a shrug or "it's their own fault anyway". And even among more compashionate remaining people more and more people are realizing taking those migrants in is a very dumb idea, even from humanitarian poitn of view.

So no, I think you could have a dead kid on front page every day and the routes would still stay closed. Opening them up is political suicide for anyone who attempts to, especially since it's obvious no mechanism of automatic relocation will be implemented. So whoever lets those migrants in will have to then take them all in on it's own and at this point nobody can afford to anymore.

European politicans aren't dumb. It's either closing the routes down now and using money to invest in africa or shooting at the boats in few decases or so (because when dozens or maybe even hundreds of millions will start moving that will be the only solution)
Yes I'm sure that "terrorist" Orlando shooter gave two fucks about the Islamic state.

And I'm sure that "terrorist" spraying and praying in Vegas gave two shits about his political cause too.

Your understanding of what motivates a single man in a vacuum I.e: not part of a cell. To kill people is so unbelievably shallow.

You really think anyone gives a fuck? We are pretending we give two shits about these values we coopt in order to channel the volcanic eruption of self hatred? And rage?

Like the anti globalist espousing his beliefs on the internet on his fucking iPhone. Blissfully unaware of the certain ironies?

They want an excuse, any easy answer to sail them down the radical river that all leads to the seem place running.a.bunch of people over in a car. All whilst drifting gently into mental illness.

And my anger is absolutely targeted in the right space. I wouldn't presume to pretend the ills of the country are caused by a.bunch of low rent absolutely bottom of the social economic scale pissant migrants.

Yes the lowest rungs of society generally do get the blame. It's generally an easier proposition to shit on the weakest. Especially when you're a cowardly cunt thats allergic to personal responsibility.

Not to mention, it's a bit too ironically retro.

The Pulse shooting is very unlikely to be ISIS or fundamentalist related terrorism (given that investigation found no signs of radicalization). IIRC, there were indications that Omar was a closeted gay man who felt a lot of stress from his highly religious family along with rejection from men and lashed out. In which case, the shooting is not necessarily "terrorism" by definition, as it was not advancing ideology through fear.

In the same way, the still motiveless Paddock did not commit "terrorism". What ideology was he intending to advance?

That does not change the acts from being terrible, but terrorism has a specific meaning. I find it odd that the left constantly try to shift words like "terrorism" away from their typical nuance and into generalized usage that utilizes the intrinsic nuance of the word to slightly alter the perception of events. All mass murders are not terrorism, even if they inspire fear. Are serial killers terrorists?

You attempt to compare Las Vegas with the likes of San Bernadino or 9/11 when the situations were entirely different.


they're free to fuck off back where they came from.

So they can fuck off to the country their parents were born in?

Radicalization starts with attitude like that- telling children of migrants who more often than want to fit are for whatever reason are unable to. Instead of finding a solution, deriding them, telling them that they can never be one of the countrymen and fuck off to a country they never grew up in is an unequivocally racist attitude.


So they can fuck off to the country their parents were born in?

Radicalization starts with attitude like that- telling children of migrants who more often than want to fit are for whatever reason are unable to. Instead of finding a solution, deriding them, telling them that they can never be one of the countrymen and fuck off to a country they never grew up in is an unequivocally racist attitude.
I agree with this.

But i still don't get something. Why so many muslims want the country that hosts them turn into the same country they immigrated from? I thought they wanted to get away from the radicalization and Sharia laws so they can have a better life?


I agree with this.

But i still don't get something. Why so many muslims want the country that hosts them turn into the same country they immigrated from? I thought they wanted to get away from the radicalization and Sharia laws so they can have a better life?
Shariah law is a catch all term for everything terrible about Islam and Muslims.

There's 1.6 billion of them out there.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
What a lame clown.
You just responded to a post about second generation migrants by telling them to “fuck off to where they came from” and pulled the LV shooter’s motivation out of your ass, all in one post. Trust me, he’s not the clown. Do us all a favour and stick to the gaming side.
I agree with this.

But i still don't get something. Why so many muslims want the country that hosts them turn into the same country they immigrated from? I thought they wanted to get away from the radicalization and Sharia laws so they can have a better life?

If their culture is accepted and praised in their host country, it makes them feel significant.


OP are you Indian?

Yes, he is. He's a right wing hindu, a supporter of the extremist BJP party in India, his opening summary is full of slippery slope fallacies which should give you an insight to his islamaphobia.

Islam and its followers can fuck off. Their culture and society is beyond fucked. "but all religionz bad" yeah no. Compare standards of living between christian nations and muslim ones. Where'd you rather live?

Most of Western Europe are secular nations, actually, no such thing as Christian nations. And people like you can fuck off, as your bigoted ideas goes against our "western" values.
It's a testament to the abandonment of GAF moderation team that this thread has such horrible opinions allowed to freely be shit out of peoples mouths.


I agree with this.

But i still don't get something. Why so many muslims want the country that hosts them turn into the same country they immigrated from? I thought they wanted to get away from the radicalization and Sharia laws so they can have a better life?

Because they never wanted to flee from the religion or oppression of others.: In German regfugee camps there are more and more cases in which Christian refugees getting threaded, attacked etc. from Muslim refugees. There were cases in which they were not allowed into the kitchens and use other spaces because they were Christians

It's a testament to the abandonment of GAF moderation team that this thread has such horrible opinions allowed to freely be shit out of peoples mouths.
which horrible opinions? Since we are here talking not about American Muslims but European ones who are getting radicalized I do not see these horrible opinions to be honest.
Because they never wanted to flee from the religion or oppression of others.: In German regfugee camps there are more and more cases in which Christian refugees getting threaded, attacked etc. From Muslim refugees. There were cases in which they were not allowed into the kitchens and use other spaces because they were Christians

I would be curious if you could show me these statistics on Muslim refugees attacking Christian refugees.


Shariah law is a catch all term for everything terrible about Islam and Muslims.

There's 1.6 billion of them out there.

There are and the vast minority are actual moderate Muslims





Just a few examples. If you want to read much more:

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