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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


See above, the missus goes to bed around 9 and takes bubs with her, if she needs to stay up later bubs will fall asleep in our bed by herself. It's what most of the non-western world does and it works well for us.


I'm so glad my girl goes down within 5 to 10 min of being left there without complaining almost all the time for the last 11.5 months and sleeps 11 hours. She loves her sleep and isn't dependent on anything.

Man I'm jealous. We tried this many times with my daughter and each time she'd scream and cry and get so worked up that she'd vomit everywhere. Even as a newborn god help you if you wanted her to sleep on her own, she'd just cry endlessly unless you let her sleep on your lap. After that point you'd have to cross your fingers transferring her into a crib or we'd get the whole ordeal all over again. I don't think she quite had colic but holy shit we were not prepared for that much crying all the time.

My girlfriend generally goes to bed at the same time as her so it works out, I guess. I stay up later as I do a bit of work or play a game or whatever, and then crawl into bed (usually moving a perpendicular daughter off my pillow in the process).
Man I'm jealous. We tried this many times with my daughter and each time she'd scream and cry and get so worked up that she'd vomit everywhere. Even as a newborn god help you if you wanted her to sleep on her own, she'd just cry endlessly unless you let her sleep on your lap. After that point you'd have to cross your fingers transferring her into a crib or we'd get the whole ordeal all over again. I don't think she quite had colic but holy shit we were not prepared for that much crying all the time.

My girlfriend generally goes to bed at the same time as her so it works out, I guess. I stay up later as I do a bit of work or play a game or whatever, and then crawl into bed (usually moving a perpendicular daughter off my pillow in the process).

Heh by no means do I think my experience is the norm. I know I'm lucky that I got a super easy one. I even joke around that I really don't know how to take care of a baby because I never had one. My wife and I really fear having a second kid because we know lightning won't strike twice.

She used to cry a little bit at first, but we made some strict rules on us to not give in to them right away. We usualy set a limit of 10 minutes, and in the beginning if she did cry, she usually was asleep by 10. If not, we'd then go attend to her to calm her down and she'd then either fall asleep in our arms or begin to get sleepy and we'd lay her down after a bit. By then it was either she was out or another 10 min of crying she'd be out.

We also took a class that had told us a good way to handle this is each time you attend to her, you try to calm her a bit but increase your distance. So for example, the first time, you go in and touch her to calm her down and then after a bit, you leave. If she cries, the next time you don't touch her but come in and calm her by trying to talk to her but at a greater distance and each time, you just increase the distance. It's supposed to help them get used to you being further away rather than every time attending to them by picking them up. We never got a chance to practice that though.

Finally, there was a period for a week where she suddenly stopped going down easy, and out of desperation one day, I used the intercom on the baby monitor and instantly she stopped crying, and went from standing to laying down and went to sleep. My wife and I dropped our jaw as it was the most amazing thing we'd ever seen and discovered. I always thought the intercom would never work so we never tried it but holy crap it was godly.

Where we had trouble though for a long time was afternoon naps from like 5 or 6 months up until recently. It was just impossible to get her to go down for a nap which we thought was crazy cuz it was so easy to get her to sleep at night and daycare gets her down for two naps every day.

Going back to the co-sleeping, I just really didn't think a parent would want to go to sleep so early every night. We usually use the immediate time after she goes down to sometimes cook dinner if we had not already eaten with her and then the usual daily clean up from her and prep for the next day. I don't think either of us can imagine going to bed that early, so it just struck me as odd. Plus we get some alone time to just be with each other and relax by talking or watching something. She sleeps anywhere from 10 to 12, and I'm anywhere from 12 to 2.


Hehe, good timing, I was talking about doing that. Co-sleeping is an interesting topic, it wasn't something we considered doing before bubs was born but it just feels so natural. It's also a fairly new, and predominantly western practice according to articles like this:


Ha yeah I didn't see you mentioned that till now. I definitely can see some of the benefits, and really I guess we were looking at it in a 'further down the road' type of thing. Just seeing how it affected the nieces/nephews/cousins as they got older was enough for us to want to try something else.

In addition, we plan on having another and I didn't want that kind of issue to come up where either both kids were in the bed with us or only one was or anything like that.

Don't get me wrong though; it was definitely tough as a first time parent with a newborn. I'm naturally paranoid anyway so we really had a rough go with not having the kid right there with us, lol.

Still though, we've had very few sleeping problems, he generally sleeps very well through the night, and I like that there's a level of independence he's learning. It may be he would have been this way regardless, but we're still pretty happy with the decision.


My son is 8 months now, next week he is getting his scalp pulled down and a plastic surgeon and a neurosurgeon will spend 6 hours cutting open his skull (the entire top), taking it off, cutting it into pieces and then reconstructing it properly.

Fun times.
My son is 8 months now, next week he is getting his scalp pulled down and a plastic surgeon and a neurosurgeon will spend 6 hours cutting open his skull (the entire top), taking it off, cutting it into pieces and then reconstructing it properly.

Fun times.

What the... what happened??


My son is 8 months now, next week he is getting his scalp pulled down and a plastic surgeon and a neurosurgeon will spend 6 hours cutting open his skull (the entire top), taking it off, cutting it into pieces and then reconstructing it properly.

Fun times.

Fuck man, best of luck to you, your son and everyone else involved.


Good luck oatmeal. Hope for the best.

My wife is about a month pregnant so I will be losing sleep soon. My baby will be born in China so I have no idea how things work here though I know the Chinese do things a little different with diapers. Most babies here wear pants with no ass so they can just shit everywhere. Don't know if I am comfortable yet with having my child just taking a shit in public.



Here's the little guy. Not excited at all. I will give updates!



Here's the little guy. Not excited at all. I will give updates!

Man he's such a cute kiddo! I mean that! My thoughts and prayers go out to your child man.

Our daughter just turned 8 weeks last Sunday. So to hear this as a new parent... man...
My son is 8 months now, next week he is getting his scalp pulled down and a plastic surgeon and a neurosurgeon will spend 6 hours cutting open his skull (the entire top), taking it off, cutting it into pieces and then reconstructing it properly.

Fun times.

Oh man, I hate hear things like this. Im not a praying man, but positive thoughts to you. Please keep us updated.


nice thread!

our little lady has arrived the 13 of may.

she's beautiful, very very "cool" and also very big :D

mummy is at home with her alla the day, i'm out working, but in the evening we have a special moment because he usually like to sleep well settled, completely abandoned, on my chest, form 21 to 24/1.00 am, every night :D, while mummy is resting.

then he eats from her mummy around 3 or 4 AM, and then in the morning, past 8 am generally, and her mummy take care of her.

things are working out very well for now.

I never never felt anything comparable to listening to that little human being while she sleeps, or watching while she's hangin' out in the garden with her mummy, in my entire existence.

just typing it makes me cry :D

sorry for surely not perfect english :D
nice thread!

our little lady has arrived the 13 of may.

she's beautiful, very very "cool" and also very big :D

mummy is at home with her alla the day, i'm out working, but in the evening we have a special moment because he usually like to sleep well settled, completely abandoned, on my chest, form 21 to 24/1.00 am, every night :D, while mummy is resting.

then he eats from her mummy around 3 or 4 AM, and then in the morning, past 8 am generally, and her mummy take care of her.

things are working out very well for now.

I never never felt anything comparable to listening to that little human being while she sleeps, or watching while she's hangin' out in the garden with her mummy, in my entire existence.

just typing it makes me cry :D

sorry for surely not perfect english :D

Your English is just fine. Congrats!


Neo Member
nice thread!

our little lady has arrived the 13 of may.

she's beautiful, very very "cool" and also very big :D

mummy is at home with her alla the day, i'm out working, but in the evening we have a special moment because he usually like to sleep well settled, completely abandoned, on my chest, form 21 to 24/1.00 am, every night :D, while mummy is resting.

then he eats from her mummy around 3 or 4 AM, and then in the morning, past 8 am generally, and her mummy take care of her.

things are working out very well for now.

I never never felt anything comparable to listening to that little human being while she sleeps, or watching while she's hangin' out in the garden with her mummy, in my entire existence.

just typing it makes me cry :D

sorry for surely not perfect english :D

Sorry, is your baby a girl or boy? I assume girl, but in the middle of your story you list the baby as a 'he'.
Anything like that can be a godsend. We had one of these:

and we'd have gone insane without it due to how damn fussy our daughter was with sleeping. I hope our second (due June 28th) actually develops some sleep habits.

My son slept in this thing for months! I almost went out and got rechargeable D cell batteries. Getting him to switch to the crib was pretty hard, but it was worth it in the end. Still, it was great for the months when he loved swaddling.


My son is 8 months now, next week he is getting his scalp pulled down and a plastic surgeon and a neurosurgeon will spend 6 hours cutting open his skull (the entire top), taking it off, cutting it into pieces and then reconstructing it properly.

Fun times.

Man. I know you must be stressed; all the best to you and your family oatmeal.


Nice one! But I'd put mine up against that. Limited Edition Bugaboo Chameleon in all-black:


Looked like a mafia staff-car with the bassinet on, but she's recently grown into the chair instead.

Ah that stroller is pimp, I looked at that one, couldn't justify the price though. I had a hard time coughing up $350 for the Bob. Totally worth it in hindsight though.

oatmeal that is heart wrenching, can't imagine what you are going though... I get nervous every time my kid has to get shots. Best of luck, I am sure everything will turn out OK.


Neo Member
I genuily wanted to know ( although I did assume he would most likely mean a girl) however just in case - I do apologies to the poster if I came across as being rude/pendatic.
I genuily wanted to know ( although I did assume he would most likely mean a girl) however just in case - I do apologies to the poster if I came across as being rude/pendatic.

You didn't, daveyboy needs to lighten up.

Anyway, we got a Bugaboo Frog from my MIL, I hated it. It's great if you live in an apartment or an area where you always keep it in tact. We live in the suburbs and while we have nice wooded areas to walk we have to drive to other parks and stores. Having to take that stroller apart multiple times a day got old REALLY fast. I like the ones that fold up with the flick of a switch.


Been lurking these forums for a LOOOONG time and this is instantly my favorite thread. Glad I got that Gaf Gold sub to alert me of relevant threads!

My wife just had our first Wednesday evening. The whole process was so surreal. She started having contractions Tuesday night and we began timing. They weren't quite where they needed to be to rush to the hospital so we spent the night at home trying to make her comfortable. Wednesday morning she was still having them so we called the doc who said to take her to the hospital. And off we went! That was at about 6am. We got there and she checked in and we managed to get some rest once she got something for the pain. 12 relatively fast hours later (though I'm sure that observation is different from my wife's end, heh) we had a beautiful baby boy!! My first son, I can't stop smiling even as I post this :p

Anyway he was born vaginally, though she did use meds, the epidural was an interesting proceedure, heh. Baby was breathing quickly though and my wife spiked a fever during delivery so he needed to go to the NICU and didn't get to come to the room with us :(

Its Saturday now and he's still in the NICU. Everything seems fine, his breathing is slowing down and he's off the antibiotics they gave him "just in case" cause of my wife's fever. Still we can't take him home yet, and probably not today either :( Hopefully tomorrow.

At least the reason he's there isn't so serious. I joke that he did it on purpose to get a private room with a private nurse.

I can't wait to get him home though. Less then three days old. I'm still on a cloud. In fact, we are headed back to the hospital to see him right now :) I was just checking GAF while the wife was getting ready.

A special virtual stranger hug to Oatmeal, I can't imagine how scared I would be. And good luck and congrats to everyone!! Got some great advice already :)


I got grudge sucked!
Congrats! My daughter slept through the night her first night home from the hospital and ever since. My son took about a week to start sleeping through the night.

I thought this was normal until all of my friends complained about never getting any sleep. I thought they were exaggerating. Turns out I was extremely lucky, so now I brag about it every chance I get.

Both my kids did well adapting to sleep schedules, the youngest would still wake up at least once.

While they are fun, I'm ready for them to be in kindergarten. Dat day care cost!
Here's something I'm wondering about eating out with your toddler.

So one of the cool things now that our girl is now at least 1 is that we can feed her almost anything which means going out to eat is easier since we can just order something and give it to her. The thing though is she really wants to eat stuff on her own instead of us feeding her so that of course leads to it being a bit more messy with her dropping food in the process.

As a result, we both feel obligated to tip more than we normally do because we're creating more of a mess, especially all over the floor. Is that normal? Do other parents here do that too?
Here's something I'm wondering about eating out with your toddler.

So one of the cool things now that our girl is now at least 1 is that we can feed her almost anything which means going out to eat is easier since we can just order something and give it to her. The thing though is she really wants to eat stuff on her own instead of us feeding her so that of course leads to it being a bit more messy with her dropping food in the process.

As a result, we both feel obligated to tip more than we normally do because we're creating more of a mess, especially all over the floor. Is that normal? Do other parents here do that too?

If the service was good I'd give a little more. If it was lousy then fuck 'em.

Sye d'Burns

Here's something I'm wondering about eating out with your toddler.

So one of the cool things now that our girl is now at least 1 is that we can feed her almost anything which means going out to eat is easier since we can just order something and give it to her. The thing though is she really wants to eat stuff on her own instead of us feeding her so that of course leads to it being a bit more messy with her dropping food in the process.

As a result, we both feel obligated to tip more than we normally do because we're creating more of a mess, especially all over the floor. Is that normal? Do other parents here do that too?

When I take my troop out, I always leave a bit larger of a tip if there's a mess and I decide this separately from what value I placed on the service. Even if the service wasn't the best, they're potentially having to clean up a larger mess than the norm and deserve some kind of compensation.

You can buy a mat to put under the toddler's chair area which tends to catch most of the mess. It's something you may wish to consider.


Update on Sawyer...

He had surgery on Wednesday morning and has been in the PICU since then. Depressing place...The first two days his head was bandaged, but they removed it today. He's swollen like crazy...

Here's some pics of the process....

Right before going in...

After surgery, still looks like himself...

Starting to swell...

More swelling...

This one made me think of something...

...so I quickly photoshopped it...

Today they removed the wrap...swollen even more...


If anyone is interested in reading the updates my wife is posting, you can check her blog at:



Wow, man. I couldn't even imagine. I'd still be freaking out. Good luck to you and your family, I hope everything turns out for the best!

My wife and I just had our second child, another boy, a month ago yesterday. He weighed 8 lbs and 1 oz and was 20 inches long. She was in labor for all of four hours, and all of a sudden he was out and just as calm as a cucumber.

Contrast that with our first child who will be 22 months old on Sunday - labor lasted 13+ hours and was quite the ordeal.

As for sleepless nights...I was one of the lucky ones. My first son, bar the first month where he was so small he had to be fed every two hours, has always slept like an absolute rock. By 8 weeks old he slept through the night with ease and at this stage he literally sleeps from about 8:30pm each night until at least 8 or 9 am the next morning. It's awesome.

Our newborn isn't bad either; this first month with him has been much, much better than it was our first child. Here's hoping he stays on that path!


It was a success. He's just swollen and will be for the next month or so.

Hard to look at older photos of him, I feel like he'll never look like that again.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
It was a success. He's just swollen and will be for the next month or so.

Hard to look at older photos of him, I feel like he'll never look like that again.

Man that is heart breaking! Poor kid. I'm sure he's going to grow up to be a strong tough little guy, best of luck to you and your wife to stay strong for your son.

... On a lighter note, I learned a great way to calm my baby when she's crying. I was playing Donkey Kong Country Returns the other night, and when she started fussing I started holding her near the TV and started dancing around to the world map music, and she stopped! So now it's like magic, when she's fussy I just turn up the TV to the DKCR music and kinda dance around with her in my arms and it calms her down. Hilarious!


Man that is heart breaking! Poor kid. I'm sure he's going to grow up to be a strong tough little guy, best of luck to you and your wife to stay strong for your son.

... On a lighter note, I learned a great way to calm my baby when she's crying. I was playing Donkey Kong Country Returns the other night, and when she started fussing I started holding her near the TV and started dancing around to the world map music, and she stopped! So now it's like magic, when she's fussy I just turn up the TV to the DKCR music and kinda dance around with her in my arms and it calms her down. Hilarious!


Donkey Kong Country is awesome...I need to try this. I bet the water level music would work, too!

I started a thread a year or so ago about how I wanted to bring up my kid on the NES, then advance him through the generations every few months or so...rather than just plop an iPad in his hands like a lot of people I know do...it was met with a lot of skepticism. But I still want to do it.

Here's the thread...



Donkey Kong Country is awesome...I need to try this. I bet the water level music would work, too!

I started a thread a year or so ago about how I wanted to bring up my kid on the NES, then advance him through the generations every few months or so...rather than just plop an iPad in his hands like a lot of people I know do...it was met with a lot of skepticism. But I still want to do it.

Here's the thread...

My nephew is a little like this. He loves anything with screens and moving images. In fact, he has a fond affection for my sister's GSII and iPod, as well as the remote control and phone.

In fact, he knows when he's being videorecorded and he's only 15 months old!


Oh, wow. Best of luck, oatmeal.
I can't imagine what it feels like to see your baby like that.

100% with you on the video game thing, BTW! I'll be thrusting a NES controller into my little one's hands as soon as he can manage to keep it out of his mouth, and then it will be one hardware generation per year till he's played all of the classics.

Sadly, he won't be allowed to have any friends (lest they taint him with modern technology) and will have to start school several years late. I'm sure my wife will understand when I find the right way to explain it...

When mine was tiny, it was a Chrono Cross music box that played "Beautiful Dreamers" that always lulled him to sleep. I'd never been prouder.



Donkey Kong Country is awesome...I need to try this. I bet the water level music would work, too!

I started a thread a year or so ago about how I wanted to bring up my kid on the NES, then advance him through the generations every few months or so...rather than just plop an iPad in his hands like a lot of people I know do...it was met with a lot of skepticism. But I still want to do it.

Here's the thread...

Ha I told people I was going to do that but at 1 my son is already an iPad pro :) imagine Whitta's kid!

I gotta wish you the best again man, hard to look at those pics knowing how much my son means to me. Stay strong!


So my wife and I have been talking about this. Our son goes to bed at 8pm and sleeps till about 7 to 7:30. It used to be 8, but I've stopped counting on that. She tells me that some kids sleep from 7 to 7. How is the early to bed early to rise working out?

Our daughter turned 17 months yesterday and have been sleeping through the night for some time now. Ususally goes to bed between seven and eight and with almost swiss precision wakes up at 07.30. My SO and me made a bit less noise when doing breakfast etc today so she is still sleeping at 09.30...

Best of luck to oatmeal too. Our little one had some edges of the cranial plates shuffled on top of each other when she was born, this was a cause of concern and made the first time a bit stressful. Must be hell what you are going through, stay strong
I have 2 girls, ages 3 and 5. I have some advice! (all advice is based on my life/wife/kids, YMMV)

Make your baby adjust to your environment. Do not create a bubble environment around the baby. You don't have to be quiet, babies can sleep as you vacume or play Rockband at annoyingly high volumes. I've done it!

We never let our kids sleep in bed with us. We got up and rocked them as babies, get up and tuck them now, or sit down and talk with them until they are ready to go back to bed. I have even slept in a single bed with them before (and so has my wife), but they do not sleep in our bed with us. We do this to seperate our privacy from our children and it allows us to be intimate whenever we want.

When they are able to talk, keep them talking. Keep them thinking. Always keep those gears turning. Investigate their logic, fill in the gaps.

When they ask "why?", be honest. They may not be able to understand the answer, but it will satisfy them 99% of the time. If I don't know the answer, we sit down and look it up on the Internet together, lol.

Maintain love and respect at all times. Our whole family says please, thank you, and your welcome out loud for the smallest and largest things.

When children are at their worst, you should be at your best.

Reward often, but not always. My kids do not expect anything, but when they get a reward they are always so excited and grateful.


My girls are amazing. I cannot describe it in words. My wife and I feel the luckiest people on the planet. Our girls are cute as hell, polite, smart, and they both very much want nothing more than to please both us and their teachers. They love scary movies, zombies, monsters, video games, music, and the outdoors. They share with others and each other, have amazing imaginations, and are each others best friends. When my oldest was 4, she gave her PB&J to a homeless man. I had to look away and gather myself when she did that. It was like a punch in the stomach of raw pride and emotion. It was so sudden and genuine. Her heart is so big and is always in the right place. It chokes me up even now to remember that day. My youngest went out of her way to include and play with a new little asian boy who couldn't speak english in her preschool class. My kids are showing their character, and I couldn't be more proud of who they are becoming. These are things I was never prepared for or thought about when I decided to become a father. These and other smaller things happen all the time without warning and make my life better every single day. Laughter, love, and curiousity ooze from my home and life thanks to my children.

When people ask me "How are your girls?", I always respond with "Absolutely perfect.....so far.". Things can change. It is our job as parents to remain vigilant and make sure they have an environment where they can flourish. I actually really look forward to the teenage years. All the horror stories mean nothing to me. It will be what we create, just as their childhoods have been so far.

Seriously, just look at them!


My wife is 1/2 Japanese. Neither of us expected red hair and blue eyes for our first child, and we were in utter disbelief when our second was the same! My oldest is tall for her age with straight hair and my youngest is tiny and has curls galore. ("Daddy,can you lift me up please? I can't reach because I'm tiny" - said with a tooth filled grin) I think they are both going to grow up and become absolutely beautiful women. That part worries me a bit, but as always it is tempered by the fact that they are growing up to be such amazing people.....so far.
About a month and a half until our little guy gets here. Every once in awhile when the baby hasn't moved for awhile my wife will get a little worried. I put my hand on her stomach and talk to him and without fail he always starts moving and kicking like crazy. It's really funny.


Man those pictures. That would break my heart to see my kids like that.

We have been really lucky, our girl slept through the night since 3 months old. our son who is 8 months now generally only wakes up once a night for a feed. He loves to sleep in of a morning though, hell get up at 9 if you let him.
Man. What an age we live in (reading this thread).

It's like ya guys/gals are talking about bringing home a pet gerbil or a tamagochi. "All mine does is eat? Is it broken?" haha. Congrats to all the new parents! Yeesh! Us gamers are getting old.
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