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Ninja Gaiden 2 screens

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PhatSaqs said:
Why so much hate for the return of the BEST action game of all time? GAF is fuckin retarded.

No. Get it right. Itagaki's pompous attitude set up this disappointment. In all due honesty, the game does look an awful lot like Sigma. He cleverly counterbalanced this by adding more gore, however.
godhandiscen said:
I don't see how can anybody get an idea of the quality of the graphics taking in account these are downsized screens. Lets wait at least for the full res bullshots. Until now, the amount of blood is just promising.

I think it was a comment on the lousy floor/roof texture looked.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Freaking nice just saw the pics love the gore it has been a while that a good game incorporated gore at this lever at are awesome.
PhatSaqs said:
Why so much hate for the return of the BEST action game of all time? GAF is fuckin retarded.
Criticism isn't hate. They are screenshots, what else can we do with them other than criticize - imagine fantasy scenarios? Rabble on about what we will do once we purchase the game? That would be redundant as we already have a Halo 3 thread for that.


I can't believe people have made their judgement on how bad or good the game is on what 8 screenshots?

The first NG was good, so people can be allowed to be excited for the sequel.
I really do wish there was some game footage though :(


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Lostconfused said:
I think it was a comment on the lousy floor/roof texture looked.
Well I could also say that as of now the characters seem to have better shaders, but I will save my comments until I see full screen shots.
Absinthe said:
No. Get it right. Itagaki's pompous attitude set up this disappointment. In all due honesty, the game does look an awful lot like Sigma. He cleverly counterbalanced this by adding more gore, however.

I always took it to mean he was bragging about the gameplay with that statement. Did I misinterpret it? I thought he was saying NG2 would be a true evolution in the action genre or something.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
I does'nt look "JUST LIKE" Sigma, there are some improvements if you look carefully.

but dont act like this sooooooo much more then Sigma.

NOBODY's "hatin", its Ninja fuckin Gaiden 2, its gonna be One of or Best Action games. But from the Shit Itagaki was talking All summer, these screens dont show that much.

we'll see next week


I'm not impressed, the gameplay better be rediculously good but I guess we'll have to wait and see on that. My only gripe is for a more realistic looking game, the blood looks stupid to me in such a cartoony style.
And people are already making excuses by saying, "Wait until you see it in motion." Does anyone really think that this game is going to look as good in motion as something like Uncharted? Heavenly Sword? Really?
If people want to criticize the graphics, fine. I play Ninja Gaiden for pure balls to the wall ass-kicking. If Itagaki is going to put that on the 360 with graphics on par or better than Sigma, fine. But this has decapitations and severing of limbs which is what I've been looking for.

Severing of limbs and decapitations > Better looking graphics.


Sucks at poetry
hahahaha ha ha ha ha ha.......

Wow, who gives a shit how similar or not this game seems to sigma, how different the graphical quality is compared to the PS3. OMFG, I had NO idea the PS3 had better hardware, and thus, better graphics!! HolY shIT!!!1

who cares... NG is back in a new and hopefully even better iteration. All I want is more ass kicking ninja action, more insane messed up demon bad guys to rip up, and more possessed evil bosses to conquer. Anything extra in the graphics department from the xbox versions is just icing on the cake. Anything less in the graphics department from sigma is just well... to be expected. Who the shit cares! I'll tell you who - people with nothing to do.
Absinthe said:
And people are already making excuses by saying, "Wait until you see it in motion." Does anyone really think that this game is going to look as good in motion as something like Uncharted? Heavenly Sword? Really?

At the very least, I commend you for not trying to hide your bias.


a Master Ninja said:
I always took it to mean he was bragging about the gameplay with that statement. Did I misinterpret it? I thought he was saying NG2 would be a true evolution in the action genre or something.
That was my understanding, too. Anywaym he did say NG2 is going to look significantly better than Sigma.
Absinthe said:
And people are already making excuses by saying, "Wait until you see it in motion." Does anyone really think that this game is going to look as good in motion as something like Uncharted? Heavenly Sword? Really?

Get the fuck out. Seriously GET THE FUCK OUT.


Metalmurphy said:
It seems the awesomeness of a new Ninja Gaiden does this to me. But we both know it will look great (alias: better than Sigma) eventually, so no fear here.
kammy said:

Free roaming sucks. Damn you WoW!
Tbh I love it free roaming.
Metalmurphy said:
Tbh I was looking for something among the lines of "Meh Sigma looks like the Xbox one" :p

He praises sigma instead though
Of course, I can't possibly troll Ninja Gaiden games.


good credit (by proxy)
Absinthe said:
And people are already making excuses by saying, "Wait until you see it in motion." Does anyone really think that this game is going to look as good in motion as something like Uncharted? Heavenly Sword? Really?

Ninja Gaiden had great animation.

Also, what exactly is going to make this game look better?


Absinthe said:
And people are already making excuses by saying, "Wait until you see it in motion." Does anyone really think that this game is going to look as good in motion as something like Uncharted? Heavenly Sword? Really?

I can feel the Bitter Tear Frosting.


While I am in the boat that this looks incredible (scew all comparisons we are talking NG2 here)...I find it odd that so many people are putting graphics ahead of gameplay...

Or is it that we all know the game play will be second to none so graphics are the only thing that we can attack?

This is Ninja Gaiden 2 complainers gtfo this game will own you anyway.
A video presentation might blow me away, but for some reason I doubt it. Tecmo has been a disappointment when it comes to graphics this generation. DOA 4 was a minimal upgrade from DOA Ultimate. DOAX 2 was a minimal upgrade from DOAX. This looks like a minimal upgrade, or maybe even on par, with Sigma. The art style is holding this game back. It's the same thing with the other games.


HERES THE BREAKDOWN: These screens are underwhelming. They look comparable to Sigma. HOWEVER, we don't even know what stage this game is currently at. If the game is delivered as is though, it will be known throughout the land as a total "BONER KILLER"


the lighting's been tweaked and the gore intensified, but it basically looks the same as sigma. i guess that's only a bad thing depending on what sort of things you were saying about sigma ;)


Looks great and I love the new weapon combo and the gore (more effects flying aorund on screen the better a fast paced action game).

BUT as far as other developers losing their motivation, not sure what Itagaki was going on about atleast as far as graphics goes. It looks great going by these screens, but nothing to make other devs feel immaculate. Now if he was tlaking about gameplay, that's a whole other story and we'll just have to wait

...I really should finish up NG:B one of these days
I love me some Ninja Gaiden but I got to say Im a little disappointed just because I thought Itagaki promised number 2 would wipe the floor with Sigma. But its still NG2 HELL YEAH!


Extremely Disappointed...I expected much better graphics from TN. Looks like they re-used the sigma engine, modified it and called it a day. Ridiculous.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Heavenly Sword only runs at 30 FPS though.

NG2 looks okay for what it is. I'm not going to say it looks bad, but I did think it would look better based on what I've heard around town. But I haven't seen it in motion, or the size of the environments, and so on.

Let's everyone relax from having to play their part and just enjoy that the game is coming. :)
Absinthe said:
And people are already making excuses by saying, "Wait until you see it in motion." Does anyone really think that this game is going to look as good in motion as something like Uncharted? Heavenly Sword? Really?

Yes, it will.

Edit: MS you better release some good 720p shots.


Team Ninja was at the forefront of graphics last gen which is why people expect so much out of them and their premeire title.


Gold Member
I just hope for the blood splatters not being 2D images like in NGS, it looked really bad when rotating the camera.
tdrdrgn said:
ugh enough of this graphics talk.....
With the plethora of information available what do you suggest we talk about?

I cant wait 2 use da spikes bootz 2 flip ona ninjaz bac and stab him with ma shoes then flip out and stab that duderover behind me with ma claws and rip outda arms and use arms to beat da hed off the other gaiz.

Darkman M

Big Zep said:
Extremely Disappointed...I expected much better graphics from TN. Looks like they re-used the sigma engine, modified it and called it a day. Ridiculous.

True i expected better but shocked? All you have to do is look at the doa games and ninja gaiden vs sigma too see that theres not gonna be a huge difference.


Looks pretty damn smooth, nothing overwelming but then again I never care about the obvious bullshit statements that leave Itagaki's mouth.

The European version better not get fucked on the gore..
Either make the disc region free or fuck Germany altogether because I want my dis-embodiments ,decapitations and blood fountains.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
tdrdrgn said:
ugh enough of this graphics talk.....
Alright then, just what else should we be discussing? Do you have information about the game that we don't? As far as I know, these screenshots are all we have and that would obviously mean graphics discussion. People have already mentioned various potential gameplay enhancements, but there is only so much you can discuss with so little information.


Always loved the sharp & clean look of Team Ninja games, but man, do they suck at lighting. And that's what sells a game graphically to me these days. I really don't know what's wrong with comparing these screen to Sigma. You couldn't tell the difference (gore and style changes excluded) if you mixed the screenshots of the two. And that's not saying that NG2 doesn't look great.


Didn't Ninja Gaiden have some awesome CG? That what I was expecting to be honest, or something close.
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