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Nintendo 3DS Revealed [N-CONF] - Releasing in 2011

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I'm I the only one reminded of the NES Max when they showed the slide pad?


Not that I mind, I actually thought the Max was superior to the NES controller and the slide to D-pads and analog sticks/nubs in general, just think it's funny to see it live again after all these years. It's tech they cooked up in the NES era, for pete's sake! :lol


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Nintendo nailed it with the 3DS? Anyone with money buy Nintendo stock ASAP because this thing is going to sell extremely well. When you've got a 30 year-old with 3 kids contemplating buying one then they did a mighty fine job.


I wonder what color or colors the 3DS will launch in North America? My favorite is the black and blue 3DS, my second favorite is the all black 3DS.


Gold Member
seady said:
Looks like they will get rid of the dual screen thing as time goes.
The screens are now different in size so it's hard to make it stitch together without feeling arkward. And they don't need to anyway as the top screen is big enough.

I kind of wish it will be both touch screen though.

Also, is the bottom screen the same size as the current DS Lite?

I dont think so, if they tought that the 2nd screen was for BC only thay wouldnt bother to increase the resolution. So its not gonna happen at least in the next 6 years or so.
The touch screen is roughly bigger than the original DS (3.02")
Kaeru said:
does it pop out?
Dreamwriter said:
Just like the movies, it is capable of both. The Metal Gear Solid demo extends some things out of the screen a bit.

I *will* have the metallic purple 3DS day one, minute one. Nintendo, you'd better release that color in day one :)


Just a few concerns though... that while limited viewing angle might not be much of an issue for most games - but some (I think Mario Kart) would use new motion sensors and gyro. In that case, I'm wondering how they would fix the 3d issue - as the player would constantly turn and rotate the DS physically - or would that just make the game as non 3D? :(

Perhaps one fix might be using the front camera, to recognize the location of the player's eyes and its angle to track, and rotate the screens polarizing filter (if it's adjustable/rotateable)... but not even sure if that's even possible...

And since the bottom screen is fixed 2d touch screen, it would be little more awkward to go back and forth on top and bottom, not to mention the size differences. It used to be that the touch screen was the main thing about DS - now the whole thing's focus shifted to 3d screen. Professor Layton series would be fine in most cases - as they are more static... but in fast paced action game, I'm not sure what would happen. To be honest, if one's focusing on top screen, touch screen as an input device becomes very limited. I can't write or draw precise diagrams/lines w/o looking down. It would be little funny to go back and forth of the 2 screens even more so than now. And if developers focus on 3D screen, we'll see how much of touch screen would get smart usage.

Of course, I haven't seen it myself, nor any running games, so I wouldn't know - but just some concerns that might appear on future.


Anyone else think there could be a Japanese only launch late this year with an North American & Europe launch early next year?
GamerZero said:
Anyone else think there could be a Japanese only launch late this year with an North American & Europe launch early next year?

Would be best to get this thing out by Black Friday here in the states.


GamerZero said:
Anyone else think there could be a Japanese only launch late this year with an North American & Europe launch early next year?

Don't think they've ever released a new system more than a couple weeks apart. Remodels sure, but not new systems.

Id be pretty pissed if they did. The wait is going to kill me already.


The design is so ugly. Compare the DSi to the 3DS. Exact opposites, one being good and the other looking like shit. Just put the 3DS tech in the DSi casing.

And why does the top innershell need to be black? It looks like ass. Is that because of 3D?


LCfiner said:
I would have loved it if the bottom screen was the same widescreen size as the top one and had a capacitive multi touch sensor instead of resistive touch.

Maybe it will, Nintendo may not have shown all it's cards at E3.
lachesis said:
And since the bottom screen is fixed 2d touch screen, it would be little more awkward to go back and forth on top and bottom, not to mention the size differences. It used to be that the touch screen was the main thing about DS - now the whole thing's focus shifted to 3d screen.
Didn't seem to be a problem to me. Nintendogs used the bottom screen extensively, I could look down and up without issue. What it means is, the second screen is going to be used as Nintendo originally intended it - as a secondary-info screen and not where you are looking most of the time, and definitely not as a single large picture made from the two screens.
I wonder, to what degree, this is the end of games that utilize the touch screen for a lot of direct interaction.

I really enjoy Kirby's Canvas Curse and Yoshi's Touch & Go. It'd be a shame if devs stop using it because they don't want their main gameplay on the lower resolution, 2D-only screen.


mooooose said:
The design is so ugly. Compare the DSi to the 3DS. Exact opposites, one being good and the other looking like shit. Just put the 3DS tech in the DSi casing.

And why does the top innershell need to be black? It looks like ass. Is that because of 3D?

The demo units at E3 aren't the final design.


Zerokku said:
Don't think they've ever released a new system more than a couple weeks apart. Remodels sure, but not new systems.

Id be pretty pissed if they did. The wait is going to kill me already.
Plus since it'll most likely be region-locked, importing (from Japan) is basically a big no-no, unlike the original DS :/


As a blind-in-one-eye gamer, I wonder if the 3d effect will work at all for me, even like a little. Anyone at E3 care to close one eye and describe what they see?

I can't imagine it will work for me, but who knows. Omnimax films create a pretty convincing sense of 3d depth for me. Sounds like this tech somehow displays two different images though, which would obviously require two working eyes (but without glasses?!? explain this sorcery!)

Anyway ...feelin' left behind in all this 3d hullabaloo ... :(
Freezie KO said:
I wonder, to what degree, this is the end of games that utilize the touch screen for a lot of direct interaction.

I really enjoy Kirby's Canvas Curse and Yoshi's Touch & Go. It'd be a shame if devs stop using it because they don't want their main gameplay on the lower resolution, 2D-only screen.

There's no "if" here - the vast majority of developers undoubtedly will. That's one of the few obvious downsides of the design Nintendo went with, and we'll all just have to accept that.
LCfiner said:
I would have loved it if the bottom screen was the same widescreen size as the top one and had a capacitive multi touch sensor instead of resistive touch.
Not me. Capacitive isn't accurate enough - I'm always wishing I could tap an iPhone button with my fingernail like I always do on DS. And few are the iPhone games that make really good use of multitouch for reasons other than emulating buttons, which the 3DS doesn't have to do.

Zerokku said:
Don't think they've ever released a new system more than a couple weeks apart. Remodels sure, but not new systems.
I got the GBA like 4 months before the US release. Same with the Gamecube.


Haven't been able to check, any impressions on the ... slide pad? and any off screen shots of games? Would like to show 'em to someone.
lachesis said:
Just a few concerns though... that while limited viewing angle might not be much of an issue for most games - but some (I think Mario Kart) would use new motion sensors and gyro. In that case, I'm wondering how they would fix the 3d issue - as the player would constantly turn and rotate the DS physically - or would that just make the game as non 3D? :(

The gyro will let you pivot the ds around, a bit like you're panning a camera around to take a shot, that way you can keep the thing facing straight at you. Don;t know if anyone would want to play like that but it was suggested by Iwata or someone.

I don't think a dynamic filter will be there, as nice as it would be. Large screen tech like that has been seen at tradeshows.
Gravijah said:
Haven't been able to check, any impressions on the ... slide pad? and any off screen shots of games? Would like to show 'em to someone.
I loved the slide pad, it feels better than even the PSPGo's nub. Nice size, good resistance, you can easily control things in analogue.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
This gaming console looks to be one of the greatest gaming consoles ever made. The DS was the PS1 of handheld consoles and the 3DS is the PS2 of handheld consoles (on so many levels).

This is coming from a person who will buy it and turn the 3D off the whole time. The game support, the graphics, everything about it is perfect. I am drooling thinking about playing Castlevania, Ace Attorney, Ouendan, Animal Crossing, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts on it. That is not even counting all the crazy NEW franchises that will be coming out on the consoles.



Parmesan et Romano

Foxix Von

SuperJay said:
As a blind-in-one-eye gamer, I wonder if the 3d effect will work at all for me, even like a little. Anyone at E3 care to close one eye and describe what they see?

I can't imagine it will work for me, but who knows. Omnimax films create a pretty convincing sense of 3d depth for me. Sounds like this tech somehow displays two different images though, which would obviously require two working eyes (but without glasses?!? explain this sorcery!)

Anyway ...feelin' left behind in all this 3d hullabaloo ... :(

It relies on sending each eye different images so, unfortunately you'll only be seeing a 2D image and from the wrong angle, a different 2D image :( However there's a slide on the side to adjust the effect, so turning it down results in just a normal looking display :D
Seeing those screenshots of pilot wings on the site made me remember about pilot wings 64 :D
can't wait, also those remakes of Star Fox 64 and Zelda Ocarina of time are awesome news.
Just need the price of this beast and I'll be there day 1

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Ok...so I need to know price and date. I am going to get this and a Wii. I can't believe how good Nintendo did at E3 this year.
Freezie KO said:
I wonder, to what degree, this is the end of games that utilize the touch screen for a lot of direct interaction.

I really enjoy Kirby's Canvas Curse and Yoshi's Touch & Go. It'd be a shame if devs stop using it because they don't want their main gameplay on the lower resolution, 2D-only screen.

That's what I was thinking. As much as I hated forced stylus games (like the Zeldas), Kirby and Yoshi are two of the best titles on the system. On the 3DS, the tiny touch screen seems like a waste; is it really necessary to see the button controls during gameplay?
Surgeon Rocket said:
That's what I thought at first. I watched that part again, and it seemed more like he was talking about the 3ds.

Then I watched Vicarious Vision's Karthik Bala interview, and he sorta mentioned something similar in regards to the audio capabilities being uh "awesome" and then some.

You've been able to virtualise surround sound over a pair of stereo heaphones with very good effect in the PC space for nearly a decade now, and trust me it works much better than you'd imagine. It'd be awesome if the 3DS included similar technology, that'd really get me hyped and it was something I speculated on (though didn't expect) before the E3 reveal.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I know I am speaking to the chorus here, but this console will dominate the gaming landscape in levels we have never seen before.

The DS is on track to being the highest selling console of all time, this console has a couple of advantages over the DS: Even better 3rd party support, powerful graphics, and 3D capabilities (which will woo casual gamers). I mean, the damn thing was just announced and the console has more games I want to buy than my entire PSP collection.
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