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Nintendo announces Zangeki no REGINLEIV (Wii), Last Window [Hotel Dusk 2] (DS)


ShockingAlberto said:
This is a pretty hilarious sentence regardless of what game you're talking about.

What I enjoyed about HD was that, when text windows popped up, there was really dialogue in them.


neo2046 said:
Last Window -Mayonaka no Yakusoku- (DS)
- Nintendo, CING
- Release Date: Jan 14, 2010
- sequel of Wishroom (Hotel Dusk Room 215)
- Story is located at 1980's Los Angeles

I am beyond happy about this. :D


Cosmonaut X said:
I do rather like the idea put forward in another thread that Nintendo should think about hiving off a new label specifically for more teen/mature-type content - much as Disney established Touchstone and went on to release movies like Down and Out in Beverly Hills, or Pretty Woman which (IMO) would have caused a storm for the company if they had been released under the Disney branding.

In an ideal world, they would do this and start aggressively courting third parties for titles to release under such a separate label, as well as dedicating some internal resources toward it.

Yep, that's been my idea for a while, although I'd have it be more based around new 1st/2nd party studios (in addition to Retro). Would need a cool name like "Rockstar Games".


Hero of Canton said:
Day one for both. I echo the 'SANDLOT MOTHERFUCKERS' comment in particular. 4-player online mediEDFal action? Can I get a 'FUCK YEAH'?

Also, an Eighties return of Kyle Hyde sounds like the best news I've had all month. Maybe he can actually meet up with Morten Harket in this one.

Fuck yeah.

I'll be pissed if NoA leaves this one outside the states. It would be the first time they've pissed me off with a localization affair.

The awesomeness of a HD sequel pretty much goes without saying.
thefro said:
Yep, that's been my idea for a while, although I'd have it be more based around new 1st/2nd party studios (in addition to Retro). Would need a cool name like "Rockstar Games".

Well, I think there would be an issue with the formation of new internal studios as Nintendo seem to have been burned on the idea after the N64/GC. They do have a number of what appear to be strong working relationships with companies like Next Level and Kuju/Headstrong, as well as a series of Japanese companies, and I think that asking them to produce the content that Nintendo can't/won't themselves and publishing it under a new label would be a better use of resources than buying up studios.

Use Retro and Project Sora as the internal resources for the label, encourage partners like Next Level, Headstrong and key Japanese companies to produce content for it and offer full tech support from inside EAD for third parties committing to projects.
thefro said:
Yep, that's been my idea for a while, although I'd have it be more based around new 1st/2nd party studios (in addition to Retro). Would need a cool name like "Rockstar Games".

knowing Nintendo, itd prolly be named along the lines of Clover or something artsy like fyto.
Or they could just i dunno, buy Grasshopper Manufacture.

What I enjoyed about HD was that, it was at times funny, scary and written the way real people talk, they really fleshed out the characters, it was everything A Choose Your Adventure book wished it could be.



Stumpokapow said:
Published by Konami
Not published in the US

Excellent argument.

Because the publishing situation is odd, it was self-published by Rare because Nintendo did not want to publish it? If you want to count it, do, it only serves to illustrate that Nintendo does not like to publish M rated games.

That's Nintendo the platform holder, not Nintendo the publisher. There's a difference between what you allow on your platform and what you choose to stamp your name on.

Today's not my day. I'm screwing everything. I was wrong in every possible way.
I don't believe it'll come here, anyways, so whatever. I mean, NoA will only bring titles with certainty of huge profit margins. We didn't even get friggin Disaster. There is a minimum chance for a EU version, at least.
Nintendo published Perfect Dark, the best console FPS to date. That is more than enough for me, seriously. ED is pretty awesome too.

PS: And please, for fuck's sake, there are plenty of people that finished HD215 here... Please, PLEASE help me!


Cosmonaut X said:
Not sure where Sinobi got the info, but the pics in the OP look like scans of retail flyers so perhaps this is more of a pre-announcement-announcement?
The info comes from Nintendo's monthly retailer briefing.

Last Window (DS)
- 2010.01.14 | 4,800 yen

Zangeki no Reginleiv (Wii)
- 2010.02.11 | 6,800 yen
Cosmonaut X said:
Pretty much.

I think it's probably reasonable to say that Nintendo are not going to block anyone wanting to release more mature (in terms of rating systems, at least) content on their systems, but I think it's also fair to say that as a company it is not something they dabble in much, for whatever reason.

I do rather like the idea put forward in another thread that Nintendo should think about hiving off a new label specifically for more teen/mature-type content - much as Disney established Touchstone and went on to release movies like Down and Out in Beverly Hills, or Pretty Woman which (IMO) would have caused a storm for the company if they had been released under the Disney branding.

In an ideal world, they would do this and start aggressively courting third parties for titles to release under such a separate label, as well as dedicating some internal resources toward it.

The problem is, Nintendo expects other developers to push the sort of software that Nintendo themselves traditionally do not sponsor or care for, and Nintendo should know better because it is through their own premiere titles that the final image of the system is set. Nintendo makes family-friendly game, third parties make family-friendly games; Nintendo creates casual titles, third parties create casual titles.

Microsoft’s ace in the hole is Halo. Always has been, because MS personally pushed it. Third parties followed suit, and the results are clear.

If Nintendo is serious about mature-rated games (and I don’t think they are) they need to set the example early and hard.


schuelma said:
Priced for success Nintendo!
They just try to make as much money as possible from the same 10k people that buy all of their niche titles.

It's so sad to know that this game will bomb as badly as Another Code R, Tact of Magic and Sin & Punishment 2.
comedy bomb said:
This news makes me sad because I know deep down neither of these will be localized.
HD has a chance of being localized in Europe, if that happens just import it from there.

Thats what i did with Another Code R (after so much trouble in getting it)


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
wrowa said:
They just try to make as much money as possible from the same 10k people that buy all of their niche titles.

It's so sad to know that this game will bomb as badly as Another Code R, Tact of Magic and Sin & Punishment 2.

You would think they would realize that this happens virtually every time and try a new tactic. Nope.
schuelma said:
Priced for success Nintendo!

Maybe my knowledge of pricing in Japan is a bit wonky, but a quick trawl of Amazon.co.jp shows titles like Bayonetta going for nearly ¥8,000 pre-Amazon discount, and FFCC:CB for ¥7,000 pre-discount. Although ¥6,800 might be high compared to something like NSMB Wii (¥5,800) it doesn't seem too extravagant.

Or is there something I'm missing?


Oh, I see - are you suggesting a lower price because you think that the relatively higher price is putting people off and limiting the appeal of these titles?


listen to the mad man
Rash said:
I think that, for a game like Hotel Dusk, 100K counts as a passing grade for the US. We'll get the sequel, guys.

Maybe you're right ;)

Trace Memory JPN Sales: 105k
Trace Memory USA Sales: 75k

Cosmonaut X said:
Maybe my knowledge of pricing in Japan is a bit wonky, but a quick trawl of Amazon.co.jp shows titles like Bayonetta going for nearly ¥8,000 pre-Amazon discount, and FFCC:CB for ¥7,000 pre-discount. Although ¥6,800 might be high compared to something like NSMB Wii (¥5,800) it doesn't seem too extravagant.

People want to buy Bayonetta. People don't want to buy FFCC:CB. People really don't want to buy this.

That's the difference.
I'm confident that Hotel Dusk will get a North American and European release, I doubt Sandlot's game will though.

duckroll said:
No. That is an inaccurate representation of the development process. It's more like this:

1. Nintendo green lights production on a game, acting as the publisher, and hence paying for the development of the game.

2. Tecmo made a game in the time and with the money provided by Nintendo, and got a final master approved by Nintendo for release, ending their involvement with the project.

3. The game turns out to have major bugs. Consumers are pissed.

4. Nintendo does not want to pay any further for development on the project for international versions of the game, and is no longer involved in the publishing aspect outside of Japan.

5. The potential publishers overseas do not want to pay for the development time it would take to fix the bugs in the game.

6. Since no one is willing to pay for further development of the game, Tecmo cannot do anything. It is bad business to do work without getting paid.

Pretty much. Nintendo didn't want to publish the game to the West as they found it too niche. And other publishers felt the same. And it being a game that needs work on makes the situation much worse.

duckroll said:
I really, really, really hope NoA doesn't drop the ball on us this time. It would seriously piss me off. And if they do, I hope NoE picks up the slack. :eek:

They don't seem as bad as they were last year. The only profile game to not get a North American release this year was Another Code: R if I'm not mistaken.


Corporate Apologist
duckroll said:
Wow! A Nintendo announcement thread with GOOD NEWS relevant to my interests? World is ending! :eek:
Anther Nintendo annoucement thread without Kirby Wii? Thats it world, you are going down.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Cosmonaut X said:
Oh, I see - are you suggesting a lower price because you think that the relatively higher price is putting people off and limiting the appeal of these titles?

Yeah kind of. I mean, that's a normal price for 3rd party software but its higher than their other 1st party stuff. Why make it even harder for something like this to sell? I mean when this gets released you'll in all likelihood have NSMB Wii still selling loads for 1,000 yen cheaper.
NOA's localization record is weird.

Sometimes they'll do stuff I'd never actually expect them to do, like Endless Ocean. Other times they pass on games they've actually done translations for, like Another Code Wii.

This isn't to say they're up to par, because they're not. There's no good excuse these days not to bring over everything. Just that expecting anything (even if the expectation is of nothing) is bound to leave you confused.


NintendosBooger said:
The problem is, Nintendo expects other developers to push the sort of software that Nintendo themselves traditionally do not sponsor or care for, and Nintendo should know better because it is through their own premiere titles that the final image of the system is set. Nintendo makes family-friendly game, third parties make family-friendly games; Nintendo creates casual titles, third parties create casual titles.

Microsoft’s ace in the hole is Halo. Always has been, because MS personally pushed it. Third parties followed suit, and the results are clear.

If Nintendo is serious about mature-rated games (and I don’t think they are) they need to set the example early and hard.

I wanted to comment on this, because I absolutely agree, and want to expound on this concept.

If I'm not mistaken -- and people who follow Nintendo more closely than I do might be able to correct me -- I'm fairly confident that Nintendo's approach to third parties before teh Wii launched was, "we need you to make the games we don't." That's why the American branch pushed so aggressively for GTA.

I think Nintendo thought this was reasonble because that's precisely how they view a market: find an underserved consumer, and drive your products to them when competition is low. Nintendo provided significant competition for platformers and kart racing and other more family-friendly fare, but if you wanted to make Shooter [X], the market was wide open.

Of course, that's not how Sony, Microsoft, or practically any major third party views the market. Sony and Microsoft are deliberately going head to head, going squarely for the exact same market, and everybody knows it. Third parties work in the same fashion: when the see a success (GTA, Halo, Wii Sports), the iterate on it endlessly because they're confident that's a formula for success.

I still believe this was Nintendo's critical error in misjudging third party behavior. What they viewed as an amazing opportunity -- an install base that is profoundly underserved in M rated, young-male-centric titles -- was viewed by third parties as untested and risky. They didn't bite, and it's cost Nintendo significantly.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Opiate said:
I still believe this was Nintendo's critical error in misjudging third party behavior. What they viewed as an amazing opportunity -- an install base that is profoundly underserved in M rated young-male-centric titles -- was viewed by third parties as untested and risky. They didn't bite, and it's cost Nintendo significantly.

Seems on point.


listen to the mad man
I do not think Zengeki will be localized.

In October 2008, Nintendo (in Japan) announced the following:
Sin and Punishment 2 - Announced the next day by NoA
Endless Ocean 2 - Confirmed at E3 09 by NoA
Spa(w)n Smasher - Confirmed at E3 09 by NoA
Line Attack Heroes - Confirmed at E3 09 by NoA

Takt of Magic - Never mentioned by NoA, released in Japan. Not coming here.
Trace Memory R - Never mentioned by NoA, released this year by NoE. Not coming here.

NHK Quiz Wii - Japan-specific, would never be localized.
Kensax - Japan-specific, would never be localized.
100 Conversation English - Japan-specific, would never be localized.

Dynamic Slash - ???
Cosmic Walker - ???

What does it say to everyone that Nintendo confirmed 3 of the titles on this list at E3 09 and the two that have been released and not yet mentioned by NoA will never come here? I'd say odds are low on Dynamic Slash.

I'd also note that anyone who thought Dynamic Slash was going to be a Motion+ showcase is probably incorrect given that 4p online co-op is mentioned in the info but M+ is not.


Hotel Dusk 2 Hotel Dusk 2 Hotel Dusk 2

I'm so happy. This just made my week.

And regarding localization issues, unlike Trace Memory which launched with the DS and didn't receive a reprint, Hotel Dusk eventually made it out as a touch generations title and is still readily available today. I wouldn't be surprised if its LTD stateside is much higher than most of us would imagine considering its been available on shelves uninterrupted for nearly two years now and most of that time as a budget priced touch gen title.

It's chances of getting localized is ten times higher than Trace Memory R, plus its on the DS, where there's an established adventure gaming niche. You only need to look at the number of third parties releasing thier own adventure games (Broken Sword, Phoenix Wright) ,and plus the slew of Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes mystery adventures being released for the platform.


schuelma said:
Seems on point.

One of the reasons I think this is an important insight, Schuelma, is that it is contrary to the common logic that people don't want to compete against Nintendo. If they don't want to compete against Nintendo, why are they all making Wii Sports / Mario Party clones? You'd figure the easiest way to not compete against Nintendo (on their platforms) would be to make games that compete in a space that Nintendo has no presence in.

By contrast, you have a game like Halo, which has sold as much as Mario Galaxy. Has this driven FPS designers to other platforms, to avoid competition? To put it mildly, that's hardly been the case.

So I'm proposing that, in reality, and despite common GAF wisdom, these supposedly competition-resistant companies strongly prefer competition, in so much as it provides a clear road map to what can be successful.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Cing really is awesome.

And Reginleiv could turn out to be pretty awesome. I'll keep an eye on it.
Stumpokapow said:
I do not think Zengeki will be localized.

In October 2008, Nintendo (in Japan) announced the following:
Sin and Punishment 2 - Announced the next day by NoA
Endless Ocean 2 - Confirmed at E3 09 by NoA
Spa(w)n Smasher - Confirmed at E3 09 by NoA
Line Attack Heroes - Confirmed at E3 09 by NoA

Takt of Magic - Never mentioned by NoA, released in Japan. Not coming here.
Trace Memory R - Never mentioned by NoA, released this year by NoE. Not coming here.

NHK Quiz Wii - Japan-specific, would never be localized.
Kensax - Japan-specific, would never be localized.
100 Conversation English - Japan-specific, would never be localized.

Dynamic Slash - ???
Cosmic Walker - ???

What does it say to everyone that Nintendo confirmed 3 of the titles on this list at E3 09 and the two that have been released and not yet mentioned by NoA will never come here? I'd say odds are low on Dynamic Slash.

I'd also note that anyone who thought Dynamic Slash was going to be a Motion+ showcase is probably incorrect given that 4p online co-op is mentioned in the info but M+ is not.

Well, if it means anything, IGN is expecting to hear an NA announcement for both.

Both titles are currently Japan-only. We do expect to see them on our shores as well, of course, but we'll have to wait for official announcement from Nintendo.


Oh my god. I am so happy (about Last Window)! If only I could read Japanese... I'd import that straight off!

That said, Hotel Dusk was out in English before the Japanese release, right? Any idea on if this one will be getting similar treatment? If it does, I'm going straight to VG+...

Edit: Ignore. Looks like no word on a NA release just yet.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Opiate said:
So I'm proposing that, in reality, and despite common GAF wisdom, these supposedly competition-resistant companies strongly prefer competition, in so much as it provides a clear road map of what is succesful.

Agree. I think you or someone else made this point a while back- companies like predictability, and right now there is little of that in terms of core games on the Wii. That's why Capcom is releasing Darkside Chronicles- because the first one sold well. That's why as you say the Wii overflows with party games, music titles, and casual sports fare. That's why, talking about Japan now, I think Capcom will continue with Monster Hunter being exclusive to Wii console wise- they have concrete figures that establish that the series sells well.


schuelma said:
Agree. I think you or someone else made this point a while back- companies like predictability, and right now there is little of that in terms of core games on the Wii. That's why Capcom is releasing Darkside Chronicles- because the first one sold well. That's why as you say the Wii overflows with party games, music titles, and casual sports fare. That's why, talking about Japan now, I think Capcom will continue with Monster Hunter being exclusive to Wii console wise- they have concrete figures that establish that the series sells well.

Yes, that was me. In fact, I've orbited around this point several times in different ways. Hope I don't bore people with repetition!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Opiate said:
Yes, that was me. In fact, I've orbited around this point several times in different ways. Hope I don't bore people with repetition!

Not at all, I always enjoy your insights and I think you are right on here.


Rash said:
I'm honestly surprised that it took 'em a good three years to come out with another Hotel Dusk game.

I'm not. The Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory games are the brainchildren of one woman, and after she finished with the first Hotel Dusk she started work on the sequel to Trace Memory, which just came out in February 2009 in Japan.

Opiate said:
I wanted to comment on this, because I absolutely agree, and want to expound on this concept.

It's true. I've been saying all of this stuff about the Wii for between a year and a half and two years now, but I think most people tuned me out on Nintendo's errors a long time ago. :lol


Interesting bit of news. It's about time we learned more info on some of Nintendo more obscure announced second-party titles. It looks like this Dynamic Slash game or whatever its new name is called is close to having its development finished.

Nice to see Hotel Dusk is getting a sequel. I've been meaning to pick up the first game.

Nintendo seriously needs to clean up its act and make a real effort to promote its second-party games. I don't want to see a repeat of Excitebots(such a great game). This is especially important to this Zangeki no Reginleiv simply just due to the fact that it's a Mature title (quite the rare phenomenon for Nintendo) an hopefully it will turn out to be a good one too.
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