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Nintendo @ E3 - No Direct, Just Zelda Treehouse Stream

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no direct and only the new Zelda as their focus is bad and laughable to say the least, no matter how you look at it.

From makes janky games with great mechanics, the games are meant to be run through repeatedly, and they wish they sold on the scale Zelda games did.

This too.
are they high selling games? Doesn't matter if they sold more or less than Zelda, and to be fair, some of them did, so reading ''they wish they sold on the scale of Zelda games'' is hilarious. are they high quality? Yes. ''janky'' seems the new cute buzzword for clueless people who enjoy irrational cynicism towards those games but that's not quite true. are they large? I'd say so. so regardless of the comparison being silly (it is), those points are still valid.

So did you completely miss E3 last year or something? Like EVERYONE of GAF said E3 was fun last year.

Now all of a sudden it's not needed at all by anyone?
nah, you can tell some posters here understand very well how this works. E3 last year (Sony conference - mostly) had countless people screaming&crying at some announcements but hey who cares, 2 more years at best and then E3 is done.
Nintendo clearly knows that and thus decided to skip E3. so clever
You'd think they'd at least want to get the NX hype started with more of the general public. Even if it's just some 'not final' details.

Just show something for Christ Sake.
What if you don't have something that's ready to be shown in that exact week?

Yep. Better do something independent when you have something ready if something went wrong then do something hopelessly rushed. It's obvious that something went wrong somewhere and Nintendo had to alter its schedule in a hurry, hence the large showfloor space.


Shhh gotta keep up the nintendoomed image. Remember e3 is the only way to show games and give info and things like other directs though out the year don't exist.

EA dropped out but is doing a two events and a presser with announcements. It's not even comparable with what Nintendo is doing.

And tell me what exactly was super hype in the last, say, 4 directs? Pokemon was a series of concept art that didn't even show any new Pokemon. Almost literally a quarter of another was spent on defending against the negative backlash from Metroid Prime: Federation Force.

The Smash direct had two new characters we didn't already know about, one another sword wielder from a game that hadn't even come out yet.

Are some people overreacting? Absolutely. But it's ridiculous to look at what Nintendo has been doing the last year and actually be super confident about what and how they've been doing.


E3 is maybe the one time of year that fans of one manufacturer will watch the show of another as part of the 'event'. It's a good way of winning over people who don't naturally gravitate towards your stuff, unlike the Nintendo Directs, which are unlikely be watched by anyone other than hardcore Nintendo fans. In other words, Nintendo are skipping out on a major piece of promotional space in favour of something most likely more insular-focused in future. Doesn't seem the best strategy, but let's see...


I think the point is if Nintendo isn't ready by E3 OR if they want to reveal it at their own separate event then what's the problem?? The NX doesn't release until March anyway.
How can they NOT be ready? The NX is going to be released by March 2017. Most of their launch games should be more than half done by now if they plan on releasing them on time.

Also, last year's E3 had 21 million unique viewers overall and is hardly irrelevant. Showing some stuff there would build interest and excitement for their future event.


41 > 38
no direct and only the new Zelda as their focus is bad and laughable to say the least, no matter how you look at it.

are they high selling games? Doesn't matter if they sold more or less than Zelda, and to be fair, some of them did, so reading ''they wish they sold on the scale of Zelda games'' is hilarious. are they high quality? Yes. ''janky'' seems the new cute buzzword for clueless people who enjoy irrational cynicism towards those games but that's not quite true. are they large? I'd say so. so regardless of the comparison being silly (it is), those points are still valid.

It amazes me that someone would criticize Souls games as being "janky" in the face of Skyward Sword. And I say that as someone who loves Skyward Sword.

And again, my point wasn't to say that Zelda is the same as Souls or should become Souls, my point was that From has been able to release multiple large, highly acclaimed, and high selling games in the amount of time that Nintendo has been able to release a couple of teasers. Dark Souls 1 and the most recent Zelda released at the same time.


My hype for E3 deflated to the point where I just don't care anymore.
I'm still interested in what MS has to show but dammit Nintendo.


How can they NOT be ready? The NX is going to be released by March 2017. Most of their launch games should be more than half done by now if they plan on releasing them on time. Also, last year's E3 had 21 million unique viewers overall and is hardly irrelevant. Showing some stuff there would build interest and excitement for their future event.

They are totally in a position in which they can make themselves look even more miserable in front of the entire industry like this, lol.
Good luck to them somehow fixing their completely broken public perception during some NX event later in the year, when VR and the Sony/MS revisions already have full mindshare and are on people's preorder list. If they are honest about NX in March, it should have been at E3 regardless. Now they just make everyone believe they dun goofed again.

I think this post sums up my thoughts on the matter. Nothing says confidence like not showing up for a huge event and literally phoning it in.


People who say "But E3 doesn't isn't a good place for Nintendo to show off anymore!" need to go and stay go. Nintendo's E3 2014 show was a solid performance and unless I'm mistaken, it was the most well received of the big 3 that year. All it takes for a good E3 showing is simple, show good and interesting games.

The consensus used to be that Nintendo needs to get rid of the "Cammie" moments of their E3 conferences because the expanded audience doesn't tune in to E3 anyway, so they should advertise games like Wii Music and Nintendogs through other means while focusing purely on core games.

My take is that NX will be a low cost device that doubles down on attracting casual gamers, if so, then it makes sense to abandon E3 in the same way you don't see Rovio announce the next version of Angry Birds at E3. This will not be a system that has AAA multiplats, so it makes no sense to use E3 as a venue for NX.


How can they NOT be ready? The NX is going to be released by March 2017. Most of their launch games should be more than half done by now if they plan on releasing them on time. Also, last year's E3 had 21 million unique viewers overall and is hardly irrelevant. Showing some stuff there would build interest and excitement for their future event.

Well March is 9 months from June. Sony revealed the PS4 in February and it released in November which was 9 months later. Did they show off games in February. MS revealed the X1 in May, did they show off a lot of games?

I'm not in their offices to know what's going on, but if they feel like their not fully ready and what to reveal the NX in its own event then why are you so mad? The NX doesn't release until March so why are you mad if they show it at E3 or a few months later?
All of this would be far less "upsetting' if they'd just come out and say "hey guys, we''re working on this this and this, but they aren't ready, sorry. Next year maybe"

Instead of that we'ell get 3 days of Reggie saying "I can't talk about NX but it will be a whole new experience, never seen before, blahblahblah"


Junior Member
Ya this worries me.

Are you telling me 9 months before a whole new console launches and you only have 1 game to show! That is not a good sign for the NX and has me really worried and honestly worried enough not to buy the console unless they blow me absolutely away with the announcement. I only buy Nintendo consoles for their 1st party and I don't like Zelda so if that the only game you got ready then I'm out
Activision is out, as well, but they typically show COD/etc through sony/MS. No showfloor presence. EA is doing E3 adjacent.

Nintendo simply didn't have enough to show on time, and rather than rush and show SOMETHING, they're choosing to reveal NX on their own terms, either out of necessity or because they deem their reveal method to be more worthwhile than revealing what was ready at E3. Nintendo is seemingly 'out' of E3 more than the others - simply using it as one REALLY REALLY big zelda commercial. They probably debated internally, wanted out entirely, but I'm sure some marketing dude had the idea of making it a zelda commercial and that idea stuck.

Nintendo fucked up the Wii U reveal and they know it.

I still have the text messages from friends in the conference at the time and they're completely confused as to whether it's a Wii add-on, or a tablet or what the fuck it is. Remember they originally ONLY showed the tablet. Not the console. At all.


It doesn't look good to have nothing but Zelda there, but it really doesn't feel like E3 is a big deal anymore. And certainly not for Nintendo. They can just have a dedicated event for the NX and their upcoming games later in the year and get 100% of the attention, instead of trying to fight for attention at E3.

Nintendo's absence does make E3 this year lose about 99% of it's fun factor since Smash-tournaments, World Championships and the Treehouse have been by far the best part of it the last few years.

Ya this worries me.

Are you telling me 9 months before a whole new console launches and you only have 1 game to show! That is not a good sign for the NX and has me really worried and honestly worried enough not to buy the console unless they blow me absolutely away with the announcement. I only buy Nintendo consoles for their 1st party and I don't like Zelda so if that the only game you got ready then I'm out
The NX reveal is very important for Nintendo. Just because it's not ready for E3 doesn't have to mean something is completely going wrong with it. They just need to get it right and I think they realize E3 is the only place where you can show off upcoming games/Hardware anymore.
This is just freaking weird.... I'm not happy with this direction at all.
It's like when you having one family member who decides not to show up to Christmas because they don't want to.. COME ON NINTENDO THIS IS A FAMILY EVENT


Then they are idiots. Especially since the ,,E3 becoming irrelevant"-narrative is a very gullible myth that's not true.

E3 isn't close to irrelevant, not yet anyway. I'm sure the return on investment for it isn't as much as it used to be, though. Mainly because there are now other outlets to reveal your information that cost you less. E3 still important, just LESS important when you can message directly to your customers for 'free' on youtube/twitter/instagram - something that wasn't possible 5-10 years ago. Other messaging vectors water E3 down a bit.

E3 is a good opportunity to reach out to people who aren't following you on social media, though. I'm way more likely to watch a trailer for an EA or activision game if it's at E3 than if it's uploaded to youtube, as i'm not one of their 'followers.' It's a really good opportunity to reach other hardcore gamers who don't normally buy your products.

Nintendo fucked up the Wii U reveal and they know it.

I still have the text messages from friends in the conference at the time and they're completely confused as to whether it's a Wii add-on, or a tablet or what the fuck it is. Remember they originally ONLY showed the tablet. Not the console. At all.

Oh for sure. They're probably going to try to copy MS/Sony by doing a standalone, non-E3 reveal. Timeline for launch means it happens AFTER E3 and not before, unfortunately.


"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever."

have to applaud miyamoto. this quote has come up EVERY time a game gets delayed, and fanboys actually believe this marketing PR garbage.

newsflash: zelda keeps getting delayed because they don't know what the fuck they're doing. they're struggling with HD development. then they delayed it again to port it to NX. has absolutely nothing to do with the game being good or bad. maybe I'm pessimistic, but I get the feeling this game is going to be a disappointing entry in the 3D Zelda franchise.


Well March is 9 months from June. Sony revealed the PS4 in February and it released in November which was 9 months later. Did they show off games in February. MS revealed the X1 in May, did they show off a lot of games?

Nintendo isn't even revealing it, let alone showing off games.


The actual Nintendo logo on that PR is bigger than the amount of text of what they will be doing at E3. Sighhhh. Well let's just hope they don't spoil the whole game.


There are a lot of parallels between the Souls games and Zelda, that much is undeniable and I don't get why people is downplaying them so much BUT:

I mean, since you are comparing 2 games vs 1 why don't you also add Twilight Princess too?

Let's check ourselves a bit because we are talking about a series that managed to sell more than 1 million copies each time they release a remaster (OoT 3D, MM 3D, WW HD) on dead and/or decaying consoles and even a "lesser" title like the online focused Triforce Heroes is a million seller on 3DS in 2015.
have to applaud miyamoto. this quote has come up EVERY time a game gets delayed, and fanboys actually believe this marketing PR garbage.

newsflash: zelda keeps getting delayed because they don't know what the fuck they're doing. they're struggling with HD development. then they delayed it again to port it to NX. has absolutely nothing to do with the game being good or bad. maybe I'm pessimistic, but I get the feeling this game is going to be a disappointing entry in the 3D Zelda franchise.
Like you know anything, chill. Lets see it at e3 how it look since you know all that
Remember when people were disappointed at last years E3 direct from Nintendo and Iwata said "we'll do better?" Now we WISH they had the content last year's E3 had...

What a joke. There's nothing wrong with a low key E3 presence but this is just ridiculous. This isn't how you assuage the fears from the few WiiU-owning consumers that they'll have enough to play for this holiday. All I'm seeing here is a complete disregard for their fans. I'm not gonna waste my time watching the live stream if this is their attitude.
I hope this means the'll just have their own event later this year. I never liked the concept of E3. I'd prefer devs/console manufacturers show off their stuff at their own pace. Not just one big show a year. Do it similarly to Apple, 3 or so events a year from Nintendo, Sony and MS.
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