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Nintendo NX won't use Android. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.


How Nintendo handles most rumors is to ignore them. When Nintendo comments on a rumor with a public statement whether for or against, it generally means they have something actually at stake in said rumor.

Me: NINTENDO, NINTENDO! Is it true you are going to clear the rest of your Wii-U stock by giving them away in boxes of cereal?

Nintendo: "No, that is not true"

Me: Got ya! Hello free Wii U


The only thing they were "wrong" about was Seaman 3DS, but that could have been cancelled. The rest of the article is correct, since they announced Bayonetta 2 (IP revival) later that year.

Nikkei often gets the details wrong (Seaman 3DS, 3DS game installs, etc) even if their larger story leans in the right direction. I expect this Android story will turn out similarly.

Not a perfect track record by any means, but usually pointing towards the truth.


I don't understand why some Nintendo fans are scared to death of the mere idea that it could use an android based OS. You think Nintendo is going to give you access to the play store or something? Start making all their games F2P? It will probably be so heavily modified that you would have no idea it was even android unless you were told. And whatever the NX is, whether it's a tablet, some sort of hybrid, a ouya set top box or even a fucking watch it probably would have been that with or without android. You guys are working yourselves up and getting overly defensive over nothing.

People in the previous thread saw Android and immediately though "Google Phone or Tablet". So the first couple of pages was posters thinking Nintendo fully converting to phone based games/making an allegiance with Google. In addition, you have some posters with bad experiences with Android Phones/bad impressions about the Android phone user base seeping into the discussion in regards to hacking and piracy.

The key is as you stated, Nintendo is free to modify Android into anything they want. It's just a base to give them something to build off of vs people thinking they will be downloading Nintendo games from the Google Play store and using Google+ accounts.


Footage of the PR release.

sörine;166171584 said:
Nikkei often gets the details wrong (Seaman 3DS, 3DS game installs, etc) even if their larger story leans in the right direction. I expect this Android story will turn out similarly.

Not a perfect track record by any means, but usually pointing towards the truth.

Indeed. I'm not saying the rumor is true, but I wouldn't discount it completely. Even if they are using a version of Linux instead of Android, Nintendo are likely switching to a new CPU architecture and would have quite a bit of work cut out for them if they are to build an OS from scratch that is hardware agnostic.

The one poster who wrote about Nintendo liking to control their narrative had a good point. If Nintendo were to go w/ an Android-based OS, they wouldn't want people to think it was out of desperation and third party abandonment.


Woo... I'm relieved. It's better with the closed platform coz it reduces the amount of crap being released on the console.


Unconfirmed Member
I take this as a confirmation that Nintendo isn't going to use stock android ala Ouya, MOJO or Shield Console.
(As if there were any doubts about that...)
That's a peculiarly worded response. It's as if they wanted to shoot down that particular report without committing to say whether it will actually use Android or not.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
That's fine with me. Nintendo is the only company in the console business that consistently tries to bring "unique" ideas to the table. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.

All I know is, I'm having fun with my Wii U and I hope Nintendo stays stubborn for as long as possible. I can't wait to get home and SPLAT.


People who believe it'll be Android - you have to admit it's incredibly out of character for Nintendo to adopt a OS that, even if custom, could get cracked in a matter of days. Is there any custom Android build that has remained un cracked?


People in the previous thread saw Android and immediately though "Google Phone or Tablet". So the first couple of pages was posters thinking Nintendo fully converting to phone based games/making an allegiance with Google. In addition, you have some posters with bad experiences with Android Phones/bad impressions about the Android phone user base seeping into the discussion in regards to hacking and piracy.

The key is as you stated, Nintendo is free to modify Android into anything they want. It's just a base to give them something to build off of vs people thinking they will be downloading Nintendo games from the Google Play store and using Google+ accounts.
I'm sure Amazon didn't want people having access to the at store on the kindle fire or the fire tv but it happened because android will always be android.


Junior Member
People who believe it'll be Android - you have to admit it's incredibly out of character for Nintendo to adopt a OS that, even if custom, could get cracked in a matter of days. Is there any custom Android build that has remained un cracked?
Android can be built and made secure if Nintendo wanted it that way. Look at verizon's phones and how much trouble they are to get into. They're locked down.
People who believe it'll be Android - you have to admit it's incredibly out of character for Nintendo to adopt a OS that, even if custom, could get cracked in a matter of days. Is there any custom Android build that has remained un cracked?

The AT&T and (I think) Verizon versions of the Note 4 still haven't been cracked and it's been out for 7 or 8 months already. There's even an ever growing bounty of a few thousand dollars for anyone that does manage it, but there's been no news about progress at all from what I've seen.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
It basically not matter if the base for NX is android, freebsd, linux or even windows. The user will not realize which OS is used as base.

Exactly. They could use freebsd base like the PS3, PS4 Vita does... How many even know this or try to run PS3, PS4 games on a FreeBSD PC? Or try to get FreeBSD software running on one of those systems out the box, no modding?
I'm sure Amazon didn't want people having access to the at store on the kindle fire or the fire tv but it happened because android will always be android.

The kindle is 100% android though for pure compatibilities sake, there is no reason why Nintendo would have to or want to maintain compatibility with Android proper like Amazon would.

L Thammy

I know fuck all about Android to be honest. Is it more or less secure than the systems Nintendo's been releasing now? Because Nintendo's systems have been hacked almost instantly as of late.

Would Android be useful as a shortcut to developing an account system that fits with modern expectations?

Is it possible to make games that are still exclusive if using an Android-based OS?


This denial really means nearly nothing. Even if they do use Android, it will be customized to the point that it is basically unrecognizable unless you're a dev.

I know fuck all about Android to be honest. Is it more or less secure than the systems Nintendo's been releasing now? Because Nintendo's systems have been hacked almost instantly as of late.

Would Android be useful as a shortcut to developing an account system that fits with modern expectations?

Is it possible to make games that are still exclusive if using an Android-based OS?

Android can be as secure as Nintendo wants to make it. The main benefit of using it is so that they don't have to start from square zero making a new OS. If Nintendo customizes the OS enough (which they most likely will if they decide to use it) it is easily possible to still have exclusive games.


Yo, NX. Let's Nikkei it!
(Android Device, baby)
(Android Device, baby)

Alright, STOP. Postulate and listen.
Nintendo's back with their brand-new invention.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
This denial really means nearly nothing. Even if they do use Android, it will be customized to the point that it is basically unrecognizable unless you're a dev.

Exactly. So I wouldn't read much into any of this.

IMO they're dumb to totally develop their own OS. OS design has never been their strong point, and it's more complex now since they want to keep any future handhelds and consoles unified on an architecture and OS basis per statements from Iwata. Android already scales easily and is easily modifiable. Why not use it vs. spending tons of money on R&D to build a new OS that may not end up working as well?

I think too many people just think "simple phone/tablet OS" when they hear Android, vs. the reality of it just being a fairly robust OS that companies can customize however they want for their devices.
People who believe it'll be Android - you have to admit it's incredibly out of character for Nintendo to adopt a OS that, even if custom, could get cracked in a matter of days. Is there any custom Android build that has remained un cracked?

iOS confirmed!
I know fuck all about Android to be honest. Is it more or less secure than the systems Nintendo's been releasing now? Because Nintendo's systems have been hacked almost instantly as of late.

Would Android be useful as a shortcut to developing an account system that fits with modern expectations?

Is it possible to make games that are still exclusive if using an Android-based OS?

#1: Wii U is still unhacked beyond Wii mode, and it took several years for hackers to do anything meaningful to 3DS outside of DS BC mode as well. As for security, as mentioned above it can be as secure or insecure as Nintendo and it's engineers can make it. The key advantages would be not reinventing the wheel and it would be easier for middleware and developers to adapt and program for it.

#2: Not unless Nintendo is going to use Google for it's accounts, it won't. Nintendo's lack of accounts has nothing to do with any sort of real difficulty and has everything to do instead with their own stubborness and lack of any ambition on the subject.

#3: Easily.
Me: NINTENDO, NINTENDO! Is it true you are going to clear the rest of your Wii-U stock by giving them away in boxes of cereal?

Nintendo: "No, that is not true"

Me: Got ya! Hello free Wii U

By all means, point to me to a press statement Nintendo has made on your cereal box question and we may yet have them in raisin brand yet.
This thread made me realize that once it's fully confirmed, it will be a very funny thread.

Even if Nintendo using Android as a base for their new OS can only mean good things.
People who believe it'll be Android - you have to admit it's incredibly out of character for Nintendo to adopt a OS that, even if custom, could get cracked in a matter of days. Is there any custom Android build that has remained un cracked?

Sure. Look up people trying to root the Motorola Photon 4G. Or virtually any Verizon phone.

Only because of Google's requirements to leave certain things usable (Bootloader, ADB, Unverified apps) are Android devices open to exploits.

It's very very easy to make an Android-based OS locked down. You need simply remove the vectors that are used.


Is anything root-proof?

Kind of Sort of.....

There are devices out there where you have to jump through extreme hoops to root, and some where the bootloaders remain locked to this day.

I say kind of sort of, because at the end of the day, Android on Mobile devices (Phones, Tablets) all run on similar hardware, so the kernels are typically the same (with differences here and there).

So these hard to root device, usually have a temp root, or fastboot/ ADB pain in the ass work around.

I assume Nintendo's device would be unique enough to were you just cant throw towel root on there and open it up. Im not familiar with how the Shield is, and if it can be rooted, but it may be similar.

Of course the scene will be heavy on finding a way to root the NX, but Im sure Nintendo would have security in place, and maybe update the games to try and stay in front of them.

Pretty much if you want to this of how Androids work, just imagine you are talking about Linux (because you pretty much are). Where I work, we use Red Hat on lots of servers, do you think companies are worry because Ubuntu is so easy to modify? Same thing


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Everyone keeps posting that Miyamoto statement about the 3DS, but he dodged the question--he never actually came out and said "no, it's not happening."

This time we got a definitive "no." It isn't the same situation.


The main takeaway, even if the Android rumours are untrue, is that they came about because Nintendo is shopping around for a pre-built OS instead of trying to roll their own again like they did with the Wii U and failed.

So either way, it's a good thing for everyone, we'll end up with a better user experience because of it. I don't think anyone can disagree with that. :)
The main takeaway, even if the Android rumours are untrue, is that they came about because Nintendo is shopping around for a pre-built OS instead of trying to roll their own again like they did with the Wii U and failed.

So either way, it's a good thing for everyone, we'll end up with a better user experience because of it. I don't think anyone can disagree with that. :)

Indeed, all I care about is that they don't try to make it themselves.


Sad news. Android would give them ease of game development and easy access to scalable modern hardware architectures.

But no, they will use some exotic and poorly documented stuff again...

android development is a mess, so no.

people are overestimating how much the OS matters for porting. Typically you want as little to do with the OS as possible in your code, but android forces you to do some weird stuff and the way it handles multitasking is just needlessly complex for a game console.
As for the APIs. they could still use OpenGLES and OpenSL even without android (they probably won't), and any other hardware features, their accounts stuff and online functionality will have custom APIs anyway.


I still would rather have a Android OS than a made from ground up for the next console. Maybe they ARE using Android, but so heavily modified it won't resemble what people know about Android at all. It makes sense to use it since there are loads of different interfaces for different devices, and Nintendo wants to connect their platforms. That would be a easy way to do it.


Even though I'm a happy Android user since 2.3 I'm glad about this news. Don't understand the mostly negative perception of the OS for Wii U. In it's concurrent version it runs great, looks great and just works. My PS4 doesn't feel faster or smoother. I think in terms of the HW specs of Wii U it is quite an achievement of Nintendo. PS3 feels very slow, sluggish and janky up until today.
I'm looking forward to NX and it's OS.

At the end of the day I don't care as long as it works like 3DS and Wii U and runs my Ninty games. Especially Splatoon 2 :D


Even though I'm a happy Android user since 2.3 I'm glad about this news. Don't understand the mostly negative perception of the OS for Wii U. In it's concurrent version it runs great, looks great and just works. My PS4 doesn't feel faster or smoother. I think in terms of the HW specs of Wii U it is quite an achievement of Nintendo. PS3 feels very slow, sluggish and janky up until today.
I'm looking forward to NX and it's OS.

At the end of the day I don't care as long as it works like 3DS and Wii U and runs my Ninty games. Especially Splatoon 2 :D

You mean your PS3 right? Otherwise that'd be a defective PS4, because pressing the home button, switching between the store and a game, accessing your friends list etc. is just much faster on the PS4. Obviously due to the better hardware and all, but navigating the PS4 OS is a much snappier experience.
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