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Nintendo Shares Drop 5% Following Pre-TGS Announcements, Analysts Comment


maabus1999 said:
Interesting. Some guy in another thread said the move for MH4 was a "bad" move because of Japanese culture (he claimed to be an expert). Basically said for a culture based on honor and shame, this smacks of betrayl. I wonder if he had a point with that chart above...

That reply was a parody, based on a legendary post by a GAFer who got really bent out of shape after Square announced FFXIII for Xbox 360.


Zaptruder said:
So how does the 3DS compare to the DS at this same point in its life cycle?

How long has the DS been out anyway? Less than a year right?

I remember the DS launch line-up not being that great. But I wanted one because of the touchscreen.


Nintendo just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase 3DS, nor will they purchase any of Nintendo's stock. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Capcom has alienated an entire market with this move.

Nintendo, publicly apologize and cancel all hardcore games for 3DS or you can kiss your business goodbye.


GAF parliamentarian
stilgar said:
Then it will be angry bird until the end of times. Dark times are ahead.
Or Nintendogs on the iPad, Pokemon on your phone (better connectivity than Nintendo would ever offer on their systems).

Is it that bad?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
"The only possible way for Nintendo to revive would be to stop concentrating on mobile games and switch to Wii-type games for the whole family," said Makoto Kikuchi, CEO of Myojo Asset Management. "However, at the moment, I can't see this change coming."
Yes, this would totally revive Nintendo.
To be fair, most analysts have predicted that the Vita will be an unmitigated disaster as well. I don't think it's possible that both will flop inside of one generation.
Eteric Rice said:
- Announce shitloads of games.
- Doomed.


Well, the logic of the investors is basically "Sure, they showed loads of games, but no-one wants these games because people are retarded'- that's true enough, I guess- "and prefer free shit, emphasis on shit.". It's a fair enough argument, but it's always been true. I think the majority of the iOS gaming customer base would never have bought a DS, nor a GBA, nor a Game Boy before it. It's the problem of generalising a market- not everyone is in it for the same thing. Unfortunately, these investors are pretty short-sighted.

The iOS threat is real, but nothing Nintendo showed today did themselves any harm at all.

Also, I can't fucking wait for this industry to get to the point where the opinions of men in suits are laughed at and ignored. It happened to film and music, it'll happen to games soon enough.


Nothing which we didn't know before game wise which exites me and the new information for various titles where quite conflicting.

I agree with the shareholders desision.


Ulairi said:
The iPhone has brought new gamers in and picked up people who never really cared about handheld gaming or people that view handheld gaming as inconsequential. They don't mind that they can get a better experience on the 3DS or Vita, because they'd rather play 40 $1 games that may not be as good as one $40 real game.
1; You're wrong. I was a diehard handheld guy until smartphones caught up. I even bought a PSP-Go on launch day. Hell, I own a GP32.

2; You didn't answer my question. Can you entertain the notion that they might not be wrong?

Cipherr said:
What if they are not wrong about what exactly?
The increasing importance of smartphone gaming and the fact that it's really putting the squeeze on dedicated handhelds, particularly the 3DS due to audience overlap.
PdotMichael said:
But you get no dividend with Nintendo shares, it's all about growth.

Huh? Who do they think they are, Apple? Betting on share "growth" isn't investment, it's speculation, pure and simple. Might as well bet on the property market.
confused said:
This, when the DS launched, it launched with defining software. Software that exhibited the new style of play the DS brought to the dance. It was fresh.

You forget your history. It did not launch with any compelling, let alone defining, software.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Maybe analysts were expecting great innovation from Nintendo after the NDS/Wii/Wii Fit/Brain Age phenomenon (they were new, identifiable, and unique)?


I sometimes wonder if all the talk about Nintendo moving to mobile platforms or whatnot is ever fully thought through.

Like, the idea that you can take a business model that relies on selling $40 or $50 games on your own hardware, with all the benefits that entails, the whole design philosphy and budgets that go behind that, and transplant it into mobile/tablet games.


SmokyDave said:
What if they're not wrong?

No, seriously, can you even imagine that possibility?

It would be glorious. They can port pretty much everything up to the N64 era to mobile phones and sell them for a few bucks and make billions. Open themselves up to a new avenue of income while keeping Newly developed titles exclusive to their own consoles.


Frankly, I just hope Nintendo forgets about analyst and investors and find success with their own way. If the future for handhelds are cheap apps, we are screwed (and I say this loving some iOS games, but come on.)


Corporate Apologist
Sho_Nuff82 said:
To be fair, most analysts have predicted that the Vita will be an unmitigated disaster as well. I don't think it's possible that both will flop inside of one generation.
The PSP "flopped" by selling 70 Million Units.

Nintendo, doomed since 1889.


In the eyes of the investors, Nintendo simply can't win anymore. It doesn't matter what they are doing or announcing, as long as they don't announce iOS support investors will continue to doom them.


Well I understand investor thinking, but thank god I'm a gamer and not an investor because today was a good day.


SmokyDave said:
1; You're wrong. I was a diehard handheld guy until smartphones caught up. I even bought a PSP-Go on launch day. Hell, I own a GP32.

2; You didn't answer my question. Can you entertain the notion that they might not be wrong?

I did answer your question, there is a 100,000,000 people out there that played the Gameboy and DS and they aren't gone. There may be a lot of mobile gamers out there but that broadened the market.

I don't believe any diehard handheld gamer can be happy with what is offered on iOS or Android.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
To be fair, most analysts have predicted that the Vita will be an unmitigated disaster as well. I don't think it's possible that both will flop inside of one generation.

If there is one thing the crazies here can look forward too, its shutting these idiots up once these two handhelds get going. Jesus this shit is so absolutely stupid. A handheld launch not that dissimilar from the ones in the past, yet they are so eager to try and prove handhelds are dying that they cling to this shit like crazy. Going to be fun come January when Vita and 3DS kill those charts.

SmokyDave said:
1; You're wrong. I was a diehard handheld guy until smartphones caught up. I even bought a PSP-Go on launch day. Hell, I own a GP32.

You being a diehard handheld owner, and being satisfied by a smartphone speaks as much about the smartphone gaming markets demographics as myself being a hardcore gamer and spending most of my console related gaming this gen on a Wii. That sure as shit doesn't mean the Wii was the place to be this gen for the common hardcore gamer, that's for damn sure.

Just go ahead and put yourself out there, what exactly are you expecting to happen with the handhelds. Because right now, all you and the other talking heads are doing, it pretending like a moderate uptake on launch of a new console is some radical new occurrence that hasn't ever happened before. When in actuality, its absolutely normal. When these handhelds build a userbase and get going, you will disappear until the they eventually begin to slow down as one generation ends and their successors are set to be announced.

The same way you did when the PSP and DS were doing gangbusters
Ok Nintendo just one more thing you can do to stay afloat, we all know it, now just do it.

PC Pokemon MMO with help from Blizzard, it will make billions, get on it.


wrowa said:
In the eyes of the investors, Nintendo simply can't win anymore. It doesn't matter what they are doing or announcing, as long as they don't announce iOS support investors will continue to doom them.

I don't play games, I don't like games, I think games are a waste of time. But I have a question, why don't you release games on the iOS?


Calcaneus said:
And you're more qualified? If these same people said "eh, I'm not worried" would they be more trustworthy?

I'm not, but I have a feeling the people saying this don't really give a damn about games or nintendo, they just want to turn a profit on their stock.


gundamkyoukai said:
These people don't care about the next MH they care about next Wii fit and other types of games like that .
Nintendo is going after the hardcore again because some of it's market has move to smart phones etc etc and investors not seeing Nintendo try to win them back.

I dont think thats the issue here. Investors are clearly seeing something thats different to consumers at the moment. They see the same lineup, and don't think it will sell like gangbusters. Consumers see the lineup and the reception is positive.

I might hazard a guess that this is Nintendos share price just being re-evaluated, but I do think a lot of these "experts" frankly don't have a clue.

On a positive note, makes buying Nintendo stock cheaper for their inevitable rising


GAF's Bob Woodward
To put things in perspective I guess, even if 3DS sells - say - 100m, it'll still be a big drop from where Nintendo was before. And that's what these people care about - growth. Nintendo can't really win with them, I don't think, because success for them is probably defined as more or less matching or exceeding DS's performance.

I think we just have to accept that for this audience, dedicated handhelds are just fundamentally not very sexy anymore. Beyond the meta-game of iOS vs Nintendo vs Sony, who cares though, really? Dedicated systems should still be more than successful enough to sustain good software development.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
duckroll said:
I don't play games, I don't like games, I think games are a waste of time. But I have a question, why don't you release games on the iOS?

All everyone talks about today is iOS. Therefore, all shareholders will think about is iOS.

I say fuck them.


F-Zero on the iPhone!

or any other console or handheld ;_; Heck; make a tabletop game. I just want more F-Zero.


confused said:
This, when the DS launched, it launched with defining software. Software that exhibited the new style of play the DS brought to the dance. It was fresh.

The 3DS so far has been retread after retread of past successes.
So why does the cod's, fifa's, maddens keep selling every year? People will want the new Pokemon, new Mario Kart, new Mario Land, new MH. When you've reached the top, the only way you can go is down. What's the chance the 3DS is gonna sell more than the DS? PS2->PS3?

The DS could have a lot of new gameplay ideas because Nintendo went from standard button controls -> touchscreen, same with the Wii. Unfortunately going from touchscreen to touchscreen isn't very different now is it?
Erethian said:
I sometimes wonder if all the talk about Nintendo moving to mobile platforms or whatnot is ever fully thought through.

Like, the idea that you can take a business model that relies on selling $40 or $50 games on your own hardware, with all the benefits that entails, the whole design philosphy and budgets that go behind that, and transplant it into mobile/tablet games.
Nintendo would easily have the most recognizable games on the app store, and they'd probably get away with charging $10-15 in the face of $1 competition.

They should pull a swerve and start making Android games exclusively, fuck Apple's shit up pretty good.


nckillthegrimace said:
You forget your history. It did not launch with any compelling, let alone defining, software.

manueldelalas said:
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. One year it took the DS to have any worthy software, one fucking year.

You clearly make honor to your user name.

I know my history. Feel the magic/Project rub and trauma centre defined the difference between a gameboy and the DS. They defined how games would play on this new system. They may not have been great, but they were groundbreaking.


Well, to be honest Nintendo seem to be a tad confused about their strategy. I will wait for the holiday season before rendering judgement.
While this hyperbole isn't useful, Nintendo really does need to address that sliding stock price. Putting games on phones is hardly the answer, but some drastic steps are needed. Neither the 3DS or the Wii U have improved the stock price in over a year, and that might not matter to many, but you're not allowed to slide that far that fast.
duckroll said:
I don't play games, I don't like games, I think games are a waste of time. But I have a question, why don't you release games on the iOS?
Pretty much.

Nintendo are catering for more traditional gamers now while the casual audience flocks to iOS shit. As a gamer, that's great! Sucks for investors, but whatever.


needs 2 extra inches
By this weird logic, if Sony comes tomorrow, and announces an underwhelming 1st and 3rd party line-up, but reveal plans for their still-mysterious PS Suite initiative, and how they plan on putting their games on smartphones and smartphone games on their gaming devices, they'd be lauded as visionaries.



Just to be sure, I was checking the bigger vg news sites and browsing the thread here, but Nintendo DID NOT announce a new model of the 3DS with the second circle pad built in - Correct?


I'm really surprised that Nintendo bought into the 3D hype after the virtual boy did so well. I'm sure they will never concede that the 3DS was a failure but more of a calculated risk in which they didn't meet the market where they wanted to.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Nintendo would easily have the most recognizable games on the app store, and they'd probably get away with charging $10-15 in the face of $1 competition.


Heck, sony made a phone for the android. They are at least testing the waters. Making the apps exclusive to the phone though. Well, they better keep that thinking no longer then 4-6 months after the phone becomes dated.


Ulairi said:
I did answer your question, there is a 100,000,000 people out there that played the Gameboy and DS and they aren't gone. There may be a lot of mobile gamers out there but that broadened the market.
You don't actually know this, you just want it to be true.

I don't believe any diehard handheld gamer can be happy with what is offered on iOS or Android.
What the fuck is a 'diehard handheld gamer'? How many of those do you actually think exist?

Diehard gamer, sure, but diehard handheld gamer? I didn't notice the 'handheld' bit before, that's weirdly specific.

Cipherr said:
You being a diehard handheld owner, and being satisfied by a smartphone speaks as much about the smartphone gaming markets demographics as myself being a hardcore gamer and spending most of my console related gaming this gen on a Wii. That sure as shit doesn't mean the Wii was the place to be this gen for the common hardcore gamer, that's for damn sure.

Just go ahead and put yourself out there, what exactly are you expecting to happen with the handhelds. Because right now, all you and the other talking heads are doing, it pretending like a moderate uptake on launch of a new console is some radical new occurrence that hasn't ever happened before. When in actuality, its absolutely normal. When these handhelds build a userbase and get going, you will disappear until the they eventually begin to slow down as one generation ends and their successors are set to be announced.

The same way you did when the PSP and DS were doing gangbusters
I think these handhelds need to match the form factor and feature set of their competitors or risk becoming obsolete. I don't think there are enough 'diehard handheld gamers' to keep 2 platforms afloat.
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