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No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle |OT| of Ultimate Vengeance (loli too)


doomed1 said:
Well, it was an assignment, so I don't really have much motivation to continue on it for now. As for how it's incomplete, or at least unspecific, I'm fully aware of that. I had more material than I had time or space on the page, so I ended up not getting too specific. The Otaku reference was entirely cultural, basically a disguised "for further reading" on a concept that I didn't really want to deeply explain. The Empire reference was unfortunately a victim of how broad I was being. I was taking a concept and applying it to the medium after exploring the various *ehem* global aspects of the franchise. I'm going to keep to my Jungian (within the realm of the archetypical bosses) psycho-sexual reading of the first game, but the second game doesn't really expand on that reading. Rather it moves to the punk in it's anti-corporate globalist stance that came to in the 70s and 80s with the origin of the punk movement.

I largely agree with your examination of the conflict and interaction of global and local values as portrayed in the game, it just isn't a theme that I find particularly compelling from a narrative perspective.

I don't think it's entirely accurate to say that the second game doesn't expand on the psycho-sexual coming of age narrative of the first. There's a rather dramatic shift in focus and tone, but I attribute that to the continued forward movement of this narrative. Travis has already reached sexual and personal self-actualization and maturity of a sort - He's still a creature of libido when it comes to both sex and violence, but he's in control of this aspect of himself rather than controlled by it. He's not the same person he was at the beginning of the first game, and as a consequence the second game is quite different, even if it continues the same narrative.

I'm still not entirely sure how I want to read it, but I think that there's definitely a switch from the internal to the external - Travis is now a more mature, complete person. He's not struggling with dissatisfaction towards his own nature and identity, but now he has to come to terms with the fact that the world outside himself is not as he thinks it should be.

Also, now that he's grown up, he's built a family (of sorts). If this wasn't true,
The heads on platters bit
wouldn't have impact for either Travis or the player. For me it was quite powerful - I truly felt a genuine desire for murderous revenge against a character in a videogame, for the first time in my life. This is by contrast to the murder of Bishop, which enrages Travis but is something of an amusement or joke from the players' perspective. Bishop's relationship was with the shallower Travis who began the first game, but by the end of the second Travis has become much more capable of supporting the empathy of the player.


TwinIonEngines said:
I don't think it's entirely accurate to say that the second game doesn't expand on the psycho-sexual coming of age narrative of the first. There's a rather dramatic shift in focus and tone, but I attribute that to the continued forward movement of this narrative. Travis has already reached sexual and personal self-actualization and maturity of a sort - He's still a creature of libido when it comes to both sex and violence, but he's in control of this aspect of himself rather than controlled by it. He's not the same person he was at the beginning of the first game, and as a consequence the second game is quite different, even if it continues the same narrative.

Some of the boss fights have pretty strong sexual, errrm... undertones ? (is that word OK ?) Chloe, Kimmy,
new Destroyman
All I know is that I want Suda to be the director of the third entry.

John Harker said:
disformed? it never even existed :D
Okay now this is confusing. Because in the first you find out that Slyvia was a con-artist. But in the second you find that the "UAA" is still alive and well having tons of participants. I don't get it. Is there such thing as a UAA? Is it all just con men/women? What gives?


Maybe it's a con in the 1 and not anymore in the second ? Santa Destroy has changed, everyone wants to become an assassin, there was little work to do to create a real UAA.


after my hiatus (cause rank 24
Matt Helms
was a bitch) I got back to the game, up to Loli Robot
. I must say, Loli Robot was the weirdest boss so far.
I guess she was a part of Henry's mind? maybe somewhere in him, he didn't want to go back.
. also, if this is explained, don't tell me.


Just finished this game tonight. Not as good as the first, but still really thought-provoking and Suda-ish. I must say one thing, though, about the weapons: the default sword (blue) is the best sword in the game. It is stronger than the green one and dual-wielding (much, much stronger than dual wielding) at the expense of only a tiny amount of speed and battery. The long/heavy sword is useful, too, for chainsaw guys/STRUTTIN' LIKE YOU OWN THE PLACE, but 90% of the game you are better off using the default sword.

Also, the final boss was pretty fun, but absolutely lame in design.


beat #4, Wallabee Beetles
lol KND joke, Margaret
. I kinda like this boss the most. mainly because of her personality and weapons. not to mention she reminds me of Bad Girl.


beat #2
. I actually feel sorry for her.
all she wanted was a way out. I wish she could have done it without dying.
she was pretty hot.

and is there a secret ending? if so, do I get it by beating all the revenge missions?


ILikeFeet said:
beat #2
. I actually feel sorry for her.
all she wanted was a way out. I wish she could have done it without dying.
she was pretty hot.

and is there a secret ending? if so, do I get it by beating all the revenge missions?
No secret ending this time. At least, no one's discovered another ending so far.


I think I should have upped my stats more. after I get more than half his health down, it seems like I'm not doing any damage to him. it just stays at the same square.


ILikeFeet said:
I think I should have upped my stats more. after I get more than half his health down, it seems like I'm not doing any damage to him. it just stays at the same square.

Initiate a sword clash with him when he rushes across the room.


Parmesan et Romano
I just wanted to ask, if anyone here has any idea if the
extra DeathMatch boss battle with Shinbou that was cut would have a chance of making it into the European version?
There was a recent comment made by either someone on the development team or at Rising Star that mentioned something about extra development time for the PAL release.


So I'm watching those walkthrough videos and the guy that's playing it isn't using the little finisher boost (waggle during the finisher slow-mo). When I found out how to do it in NMH, it made the finishers much more enjoyable. Looking at plain slow-mo doesn't excite me as much. :/

(Bump). So, I cannot notice the difference. Someone told it was dark stepping, but that's the dodge move. I want to know how does it change (if any) if you waggle during the slow-mo, what exactly is that finisher boost.

Oh, BTW Nintendo is distributing this one in Spain ^^ Is that May date floating around confirmed?


^ the boost allows you to kill every enemy within your katana's range during the execution, and not only the one you're locking.
G.O.O. said:
^ the boost allows you to kill every enemy within your katana's range during the execution, and not only the one you're locking.

i can honestly say the game would suck without it. one of my fave parts of the original and this one.


G.O.O. said:
^ the boost allows you to kill every enemy within your katana's range during the execution, and not only the one you're locking.

then how is that I actually killed every enemy within my katana's range without waggling? Hmmm... I'll try and notice the difference later.


CaVaYeRo said:
then how is that I actually killed every enemy within my katana's range without waggling? Hmmm... I'll try and notice the difference later.
Maybe you did it without noticing ? there's a visual effect to tell you (squares or triangles appearing on the enemies, I don't remember).
Ok so I've just finished it and I'm a bit conflicted. The game is much more polished than the original and the decision to ditch the sandbox map and do retro style minigames was a good one, but it's a bit too "normal" compared to the original. You can tell that Suda 51 didn't direct the game in the fact that it's no where near as crazy and nonsensical as his other games.

I cracked up when I saw the Bizzarre Jelly video :)lol @ the incredibly obvious fanservice!) and anything that involved Jeene was super cute and really funny!


ok, still haven't beaten the game yet. the 2nd form of last boss is kicking my ass when he pulls out that 3 hit combo with the wind. at least with Jeane, you could dodge her 3 hit combo >_<

but, oddly enough, most of my favorite boss battles in the series happen to be women: Holly Summers, Bad Girl, Jeane,
New Destroyman, Margeret Moonlight, Cosmonaut Vladmir, and Alice Twilight
. and the music right before fighting #2 was prolly the best damn music in the game. one thing I don't really remember was the song from the first trailer/Nathan Copeland demo. is that even in the game?


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Just started playing today.

Some quibbles of mine:

-Wow, I had no idea they completely ditched the sand-box. Thought it was just more streamlined this time , not fricking dropping exploration completely!! That to me seems like a big downgrade.

-Lots of cut-scenes so far... almost too many.

-I do understand what Suda was saying now. Working to get the money up to play the bosses did make them seem so much more.... EPIC.

-mech battle was kinda lame.

-Game seems a bit easier to me.

Other then that, loving it so far. Boss battles are still great, game seems much more streamlined, mini-games are much better this time around, and the same old awesome style of No More Heroes is still here (so far). Also, loving the variety.


Skiesofwonder said:
Just started playing today.

Some quibbles of mine:

-Wow, I had no idea they completely ditched the sand-box. Thought it was just more streamlined this time , not fricking dropping exploration completely!! That to me seems like a big downgrade.

-Lots of cut-scenes so far... almost too many.

-I do understand what Suda was saying now. Working to get the money up to play the bosses did make them seem so much more.... EPIC.

-mech battle was kinda lame.

-Game seems a bit easier to me.

Other then that, loving it so far. Boss battles are still great, game seems much more streamlined, mini-games are much better this time around, and the same old awesome style of No More Heroes is still here (so far). Also, loving the variety.

Yeah, Suda 51 decided to completely get rid of the overworld from the first game based on the fan feedback while making the sequel. He felt that fans liked the combat side of the game and the exploration part of the overworld wasn't necessary since it took away from the main focus of the gameplay. Besides, the overworld and inconvenient mission structure just served as a way to artifically lengthen the game and drag down the pacing.

Glad you like the mini games. Do you have any favorites ?


Skiesofwonder said:
-I do understand what Suda was saying now. Working to get the money up to play the bosses did make them seem so much more.... EPIC.
That's not the point, actually.
Bosses in NMH1 ARE more epic.
But still, that's a valid point/complaint.

Yes, it's easier.

@Hiltz: pretty sure that's just an excuse he made up in the interviews; if you read some of the first NMH2 interviews he was all about how "overworld is going to the bigger, with lots to do, you'll see, we are pumped"


Wizpig said:
That's not the point, actually.
Bosses in NMH1 ARE more epic.
But still, that's a valid point/complaint.

Yes, it's easier.

@Hiltz: pretty sure that's just an excuse he made up in the interviews; if you read some of the first NMH2 interviews he was all about how "overworld is going to the bigger, with lots to do, you'll see, we are pumped"

That could be the case. Quite frankly, Suda 51 likes to talk lot and in doing so, he seems to contradict himself at times.


30% Failure Rate
New Suda51 interview at Guardian UK.

SUDA51 said:
With No More Heroes 1, the idea came when I was literally sitting on the toilet. It was the result of trying to empty my bowels, if you like. With No More Heroes 2, I tried to get rid of whatever was left over in my bowels, and luckily it all happened. What we are hoping to do now with No More Heroes 3 is probably to digest everything we eat, and then purge absolutely everything in our guts, just like diarrhea!

It sounds like NMH3 is a sure thing.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Flying_Phoenix said:
All I know is that I want Suda to be the director of the third entry.

Okay now this is confusing. Because in the first you find out that Slyvia was a con-artist. But in the second you find that the "UAA" is still alive and well having tons of participants. I don't get it. Is there such thing as a UAA? Is it all just con men/women? What gives?

I was operating under the assumption that a
'real UAA shell' formed after NMH1 because of the crazy news media hype. So now it's become a sponsor-backed sort of kill sport. So once this sprung up, she got 'back in the game' so to speak. So the first round was conned, but hey, if everyone believes something is real, it becomes real (particularly with financial backing), so in effect she created the UAA inadvertently


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Hiltz said:
Yeah, Suda 51 decided to completely get rid of the overworld from the first game based on the fan feedback while making the sequel. He felt that fans liked the combat side of the game and the exploration part of the overworld wasn't necessary since it took away from the main focus of the gameplay. Besides, the overworld and inconvenient mission structure just served as a way to artifically lengthen the game and drag down the pacing.

Glad you like the mini games. Do you have any favorites ?

Maybe so, but I still liked the option. I hope it comes back in the third.

My favorite mini-game is the steak cooking (so far). Super simple, fun, and hilarious. All of them are surprisingly fun though. Coconut collector is a fav as well.

I've played a bit more
Just started playing as Sinobia
and I am a bit disappointed in how the bosses are much easier and less....epic. Then twice (so far) the game gets your hopes up with something extremely epic and great but instead either turns out to be just good or lame. And WTF at no more calls from sylvia? I loved that part, and it was implemented well.
And WTF holding the phone to your ear in the cutscene of talking to the hooker(?) not using the wii remote speaker? WTF?

And I don't know why but I find the camera a lot more frustrating and "broken" this time around compared to last. So many times I have wanted to scream at the game for not looking where it should be looking!!!!

But, I do have to applaud Suda 51 and company for actually succeeding in making a more streamlined and FUNNER experience. The mini-games are brilliant, the world feels more alive this time (even if it's not sand-box anymore), and the game is just FUN.

So right now I think No More Heroes was a better experience while No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle is a funner game.... if that makes sense. Of course I still got a lot to go (I hope) so this opinion is not final.

p.s. Travis Touchdown is still the funny badass I remember :D


the game's story and bosses feel like Suda just wrote the main plot points and left the new guy to fill in the rest. they improved the gameplay, but at the expense of the story/charcters and music.

if I had to rate both games, they'd both get an 8/10


Parmesan et Romano
Skiesofwonder said:
Just started playing as Sinobia
playing as Sinobia


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Just finished the game. Kinda conflicted on my feelings. Overall I think I had a better time with Desperate Struggle compared to the first, but I think ten years down the road I will remember the experience of playing the first more. Just a more memorable story and boss battles.

Overall I loved both games and I look froward to the third. I just hope they revamp the structure a bit to add even more variety (walking room to room killing countless amounts bad guys got a little old in the end) and bring back the sand-box but leave the option to play it stream-lined like this (among other new additions of course).

By the way, I like
how every boss battle had been a breeze up until one of the most frustrating bosses I can remember in recent history
the fricken last one with Jasper Batt Jr the 3rd
. That was reallll nicceeeee.

So would you guys be up for Wiimotion+ No More Heroes 3? Suda 51 wanted one-to-one swordfighting in the first.... so you never know....


Skiesofwonder said:
So would you guys be up for Wiimotion+ No More Heroes 3? Suda 51 wanted one-to-one swordfighting in the first.... so you never know....
Outside of more interesting/dynamic finishers, no. NMH's combat is way too frantic and stylish for it to be enjoyable if you were given more control.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
PounchEnvy said:
Outside of more interesting/dynamic finishers, no. NMH's combat is way too frantic and stylish for it to be enjoyable if you were given more control.

Well of course they would have to revamp the fighting style completely with Wiimotion+. But I'm game for it as long as Suda 51 and gang are involved and Travis is back.

I'm just trying to imagine some epic awesome boss fights that Suda 51 could create with one-to-one swordfighting... :D

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Played about 2 and a half hours so far. I LOVE the side jobs, but the actually fighting has been...boring? I checked to make sure I had picked mild and not sweet for difficulty. I know they start you off easy, but it feels like Travis swings slower than the previous game and the enemies are even more like walking punching bags. I'm only at the 49th ranked fight, but it has yet to pull me. I don't like how few minions you fight before the boss, but I suppose since they're low ranking that's expected.

I hope it picks up soon.


At 8th ranked fight now and very disappointed so far.

It seems absolutely nothing was added to the combat system from the first game. No evolution whatsoever in combat for a game focused on combat? Pretty lame.

The Shinobu parts were just awful. Who the hell thought the platforming was ok?

The camera is pretty bad to the point of being really frustrating (and I generally dont mind a wonky camera from time to time).

Though I have to admit the retro games replacing the older side missions (though wtf is up with one that is not retro???) and the lack of gta-like driving to missions is a great plus.

It feels like a slightly more refined NMH, and I wasn't expecting a huge jump, but there is so little evolution to the series that I feel shafted and overall a bit disappointed. I still find it enjoyable, as the style and over-the-top antics keep me pulled in, but I was hoping for so much more.


Neo Member
This is Amazon's video game deal of the day today (4/16), knocked down to $34.99 in case anyone was waiting for a deal. Prime eligible and all that jazz too.

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