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November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013

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I'm calling bullshit on eating cigarette butts. Tobacco is from the nightshade family and extremely toxic if eaten. If you ate cigarette butts you'd puke for sure.
Some weekends when I'm off from work I like to watch a sappy anime or drama with a horrible premise and watch it while eating a large fruit salad.

I don't know why I do it but I do it. : /

Mike M

Nick N
I'm calling bullshit on eating cigarette butts. Tobacco is from the nightshade family and extremely toxic if eaten. If you ate cigarette butts you'd puke for sure.
Plenty of food is from the nightshade family, so that's a bit of a non sequitur. I don't think there's enough intact tobacco left in a butt to cause that kind of reaction short of a gag reflex because it's fucking revolting.

Plus, aren't the filters made of fiberglass? I'd be more concerned about that, I think.
Plus, aren't the filters made of fiberglass? I'd be more concerned about that, I think.
Among other things that are bad for you. The only tobacco left would be residue from what got smoked.

No way, people never smoke every last bit.
Yeah but the cig will still smolder after you are done. There might be a tiny bit of unburned tobacco left but it'll have been likely squished out when stepped on.


I'm in love with my best friend. I have OCD so I used to pass it off as just unwanted, intrusive thoughts but I've cum (lol Fiction) to realize that that simply cannot be the case anymore. I enjoy it too much; I've learnt to accept it in the best way I can. When I thought it was simply HOCD causing my obsessions with him, I did what I thought was best and told him the truth: about how I did have these thoughts and that I would understand if he wanted to see me less often, even offering to fade myself out of our social circle until I controlled the impulsive intrusions in my head. He said that was silly and we had to continue our friendship, but told me to tell him whenever I felt I needed space from him. The thing is, they didn't stop - and I couldn't tell him that! I could tell that he was clearly uncomfortable with this new situation so I feigned that I was losing these thoughts over a period of months, to the point where I told him that was a complete absence of painful thoughts thanks to my ongoing therapy. Our relationship has deteriorated even after I told him this, perhaps more so than when it was in the background. I don't want him to have to deal with my issues, with my shit, so I refused to bring it up again. It's been about a year and a half since I told him that it had stopped. We still speak every few days but I just don't know whether to act upon it or not. I feel like I shouldn't and I don't think I will, since he's recently left for University.

I just can't continue our relationship without letting him know at some point, and sooner is better than later - right? I don't know, maybe this is all HOCD, because I've only felt this way about him and no other guy I've ever seen or met. Maybe it is just him and I have to deal with it.
Blowjobs. Blowjobs solve everything.


So many things.

When I was very young, before 1st grade, my cousin(female) and I use to get naked and make out. She taught me how to kiss and French kiss. Looking back at it I believe she may have been abused and was finding comfort in doing that stuff with me at our young ages(we are the same age). We both have troubles with our personalities. Only it's more obvious for her because of her drug use, I'm able to hide my mental problems pretty well.

When I was in 3rd grade I saw a lot more girls naked and some would even flash me and thought it was funny. I saw many girls(my age at the time) naked. One of the girls always tried to get me jealous, but it never worked.

I used to handcuff my neighbor girl when we were both twelve and had to make her kiss me to be released from the handcuffs. I always released her(I had a crush on her). I also saw her naked once when walking down the street, and she was changing in her room and I saw her playing with her breasts.

When I was in 8th grade I was raped by a girl who used me to lose her virginity because she wanted to have sex with a much older guy. She pulled off my pants and got ontop of me. I guess I should have stopped, I had told her I didn't want to, and I wanted to save myself for marriage, she said that was "cute" but kept going. I've only told a handful of people what happened as I felt ashamed and hurt of the whole thing as we had become bf/gf that day but she broke up with me after that. She also used to claw my arms with her nails and I had scars on my arms for years because of her. I avoid her at any group gathering, and do my best to not talk to her.

The second time I had sex, I was fully aware of what I was doing but I didn't have any respect for myself and let an 18 year old talk her way into having sex with me, I was 15 at the time. She bit my dick and I was bleeding.

I have been tested for STDs and I am clean. Thank god I am so lucky.

I know someone who always used me to be that "nice guy" that she would rely on to talk to all the time while dating assholes or seeing jerks. I'm not a "nice guy" but I did talk her down from killing herself multiple times. I ended the friendship as it was unhealthy for me, and was affecting my life.

I love talking about sex. Probably to an unhealthy amount.

One person I know, woman, wants to be dominated sexually while her boyfriend watches, and I have a hard time not trying to engage in discussions about that as I'm a dom and love that kind of fetish.
So much here.
Another ronito funfact: I used to be a counsellor for male rape victims. I'm by no means professional but if your or anyone needs to talk PM me.


I'm sexually attracted to my friend's sister. My family and his family have known each for a really long time. The one girl in the family is a few years older than me and she is very sexy. She has a girly, bubbly personality, with big boobs and an amazing ass (it's one of those perky bubble butts). The girl and her family are hardcore conservative Christians, and boy did the lord bless her. I'm not a religious man, but her ass almost makes me a believer. You know how some people pray for rain? I think she prayed for ass, and god answered her prayers in abundance. I want to split her ass like Moses split the Red Sea and venture forth into the unknown, and make the unknown known. What the hell am I talking about.

Anyway, throughout my adolescent years, I would fantasize about her and check her out whenever she was around. One time she was sitting at the computer and her thong was popping out from her pants. Hnnngg. Another time a friend jokingly shoved me and my hand accidentally(?) touched the girl's boob because she was standing behind me. Hnnngg. Of course when I touched her boob, I got a boner so hard and so fast that it detached from my body and rocketed into outer space and is now currently orbiting Uranus (I wish it was orbiting HERanus hehehe). Strangely enough, I found out later that two of my friends had their own stories of physical encounters with her boobs.

So one time I was over at my friend's house and I was horny because of these perfumey smells that were wafting through the house. I went into the bathroom right next to the girl's bedroom. I took off my clothes and told myself I wasn't going to masturbate, but I knew deep down that it was inevitable. I stepped into the shower that the girl used and I laid face-down on the floor of the bathtub. I started rubbing against the floor while thinking about how this was where the girl would stand naked and take a shower, all the while assuring myself that I wasn't actually masturbating, just innocently rubbing my dick against the bathtub floor.

Then before I knew it, I started to come/cum/kum/whatever GAF has decided is the appropriate term. I didn't notice until that point that there wasn't enough toilet paper to clean up the mess, and I couldn't turn on the shower because I had been in the bathroom for 20 minutes and the family was already wondering wtf I was doing in there. So I started cupping small amounts of water into my hands from the sink and splashing it onto the come until it inched its way to the drain. My friend knocked on the door and asked if I was okay. Oh yeah, I'm fine, just cleaning my jizz out of your bathtub.

It's been a few years since I've seen the girl, but I would still gladly slice off my face and give it to her as a seat cushion just so she could sit on my face. She's married now, and I'm so jealous that her husband gets to bang her every night. If there were nude pictures of her, I would probably shell out hundreds of dollars for them. And then I would probably realize how pathetic my life was.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine, just cleaning my jizz out of your bathtub."
That's my quote of the day.
I took off my clothes and told myself I wasn't going to masturbate, but I knew deep down that it was inevitable.
I'm not sure I follow the logic here anon. You just instinctively took off your clothes and then tried to resist the urge to masturbate?
I want to split her ass like Moses split the Red Sea and venture forth into the unknown, and make the unknown known.

Of course when I touched her boob, I got a boner so hard and so fast that it detached from my body and rocketed into outer space and is now currently orbiting Uranus (I wish it was orbiting HERanus hehehe).

Reminds me of that facebook pic of that King Arthur kid/meme? lol


all the while assuring myself that I wasn't actually masturbating, just innocently rubbing my dick against the bathtub floor.

The male mind fascinates me.


I have been tested for STDs and I am clean. Thank god I am so lucky.

Anon it sounds like you've had a rough time sexually, but you seem to be pretty mentally healthy in spite of it. Good on you.
I'm not a religious man, but her ass almost makes me a believer. You know how some people pray for rain? I think she prayed for ass, and god answered her prayers in abundance. I want to split her ass like Moses split the Red Sea and venture forth into the unknown, and make the unknown known.

I'm laughing so much, haha
Confession time for Ice.

I have depression, and trust issues.
Even though I've been dating my girlfriend for over a year, I still feel like I can't trust her to go out on her own to a bar with her friends. I feel like she'll cheat on me, or talk bad about me. Its always been like this. I feel I can't trust a single person in this whole planet. So if I get lost, I won't ask anyone for help, I'll just stand there, stranded, 'till I can figure a way out.

I'm terrified of people. Everytime I see someone, I feel they are judging me, or planning something. I've been mugged 6 times in the past 2 years, losing money, getting beat up and having items stolen from me. What I fear most is humans, and I think it will be that way for a long time.

I feel all I can ever do is wrong, so I say sorry for every little thing I do. I honestly think I can't do anything right. I'm surprised I can get a job even, and being able to keep a girlfriend for this long is something. I don't know what she sees in me, and well that goes for everyone. I don't understand. I don't think I'm funny, a good person to talk to, or even someone that could be fun. I'm what I would consider the biggest party pooper in the world. I don't drink and I hate going to bars/clubs or any of that. Why? Because of people.

I don't think I'm a good poster on GAF, and I always question why I even post. I feel like I'm just a waste of space for a potential user who would use this username, and even though everyone helped me out in the suicide thread a few months back, all I can think is that they just did that to be nice, not because I'm likeable. Another reason why I never go to any of the Toronto Meet-ups.

A few months ago I attempted suicide, went to a hospital was deemed sane. End of story...well sort of. I still think about attempting suicide, why? Because i have depression.
Will I do it? I don't think so. But the three things in the world that made me happy, don't really make me happy anymore. Its all fake. Music, Video Games and Walks don't cheer me up anymore. Nothing changes. My girlfriend is the only thing and person keeping me sane.

I'm just filled to the brim with issues.


I'm a straight girl but I'm very bi-curious. I wish I could just act out on my curiosity. I'm not interested in a relationship with a girl but if I die without having a woman I'd regret it. That other girl's confession about how she felt left out because none of her friends hit on her might as well have been me. I flirt with my friends all the time and try to get them to be flirty with me but it never gets serious. That's not much of a confession but my real confession is that since I was in high school I'd make an excuse to go back to the locker room earlier than everyone else I'd go into my friends lockers (they left them unlocked) and put on their panties and rub their bras on my chest. We grew up and went to different colleges and I thought my rubbing of other women's underwear would stop but I just made new friends and got roommates and I continued to do it even when I had boyfriends I'd still take my friend's underwear and lingerie and wear them in secret. Now I'm out of college and have a good job and an apartment of my own and I thought that'd be the end of it. But now I find myself stealing underwear from the company gym. Thing is I know they've been reporting it and people are worried about men stealing women's udnerwear and there's been company wide emails about it. But it's me. No one knows or even has the slightest clue I do this. They all think I'm a very vanilla girl.
Welp, time to fap.


I don't know if this is necessarily a confession, just something that I'd like to get off my chest.

A little backstory: I'm 23. I still live with my parents. I'm also single. I graduated from college in April of 2012 with a degree in game art and animation, but I don't really think it was worth it. I'm abysmal at 3D modeling (something about it just doesn't click in my head...) and I'm nowhere close to being industry ready with concept art. I decided to switch things up a bit and pursue a degree in graphic design. I'm currently working as a graphic designer part time and substitute teaching on the days I have "off".

To put things bluntly, I'm just disappointed in myself. I didn't want to be living at home at 23. I want a full time graphic design job (I don't necessarily care what I end up doing, as long as I have room for creativity). I don't feel like my GD job is going anywhere and I feel like I've reached the peak as far as the learning potential it has goes. I'm insanely introverted and tend to over think things way to much, so I don't see myself getting into a relationship any time soon (I'm not even sure if I know how...). On social networks, I constantly see friends and acquaintances making advances in their lives. They're getting jobs where they're challenged, yet respected. They're getting married, or even having kids. I just feel like a failure in comparison. I guess what I'm getting at is that even though I'm legally an adult, but I don't feel like one. I've also been the kind of person who has a plan for the future - what I'll be doing, where I'll be going, but for the first time in my life I don't. I'm just not sure how to react to that, and I hate it.
Don't ever compare yourself to anyone other than an earlier version of yourself.


But now I find myself stealing underwear from the company gym. Thing is I know they've been reporting it and people are worried about men stealing women's udnerwear and there's been company wide emails about it. But it's me.

Wow, how many undies has anon stolen?
I'm a straight girl but I'm very bi-curious. I wish I could just act out on my curiosity. I'm not interested in a relationship with a girl but if I die without having a woman I'd regret it. That other girl's confession about how she felt left out because none of her friends hit on her might as well have been me. I flirt with my friends all the time and try to get them to be flirty with me but it never gets serious. That's not much of a confession but my real confession is that since I was in high school I'd make an excuse to go back to the locker room earlier than everyone else I'd go into my friends lockers (they left them unlocked) and put on their panties and rub their bras on my chest. We grew up and went to different colleges and I thought my rubbing of other women's underwear would stop but I just made new friends and got roommates and I continued to do it even when I had boyfriends I'd still take my friend's underwear and lingerie and wear them in secret. Now I'm out of college and have a good job and an apartment of my own and I thought that'd be the end of it. But now I find myself stealing underwear from the company gym. Thing is I know they've been reporting it and people are worried about men stealing women's udnerwear and there's been company wide emails about it. But it's me. No one knows or even has the slightest clue I do this. They all think I'm a very vanilla girl.

Goddamn, this has to be fake. That's a male fantasy if I've ever seen one.


Goddamn, this has to be fake. That's a male fantasy if I've ever seen one.

I thought so too but then I remembered that in one of my hotels I stay at they had to fire a maid because they'd find her going through the tenant's drawers and putting on their lingerie. So there's at least someone else that's doing it.


So, I decided to try out some of the services and testing sending myself emails. I have a gmail account. Here are the results:
  • sendanonymousemail.net - Didn't arrive
  • send-email.org - Arrived in junk mail
  • 5ymail.com - Arrived in inbox
  • anonymailer.net - Arrived in inbox
  • anonymouse.org - Randomly delays emails by up to 12 hours so I don't know yet
  • deadfake.com - Arrived in junk mail
  • silentsender.com - Didn't actually send the message by mail but rather sent a mail saying the person had a PM to read on silentsender.com. I personally wouldn't click on any of the links in the mail and thus never got to read the message.

So to be safe, I guess use 5ymail or anonymailer.

guerrillamail.com works.


Can we send it multiple confessions, or should I just put it all in one, bullet points?

Depends if you want everyone to know all the confessions were from the same person. I've gotten multiple confessions from the same person and I post them separately so people don't know it's the same person. If it's a bulleted list everyone will know it's the same person.


My wife and I are into minor ass play in the bedroom. Nothing super frequent though. She doesn't realize that I'm way more into the notion of it than I let on, I really want her to get one of those inflatable plugs to use on me, preferably with a vibrator built in. The thought of my rectum filled to capacity and vibrating against my prostate is an instant boner generator for me.

Shit's expensive though, and it may be a bit too degenerate for my wife's tastes, so I just sit here saying nothing for almost a decade now...
Inflatable plugs...why do I google? Why do I always google?!

Mike M

Nick N
Inflatable plugs...why do I google? Why do I always google?!
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