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NPD Sales Results for October 2015 [Up1: Xbox #1]


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.

Lol ok.
I read up to about 50 pages last night, and the OP only has Xbox One numbers based on percentage increase from last October.

Unless I'm going blind?

There are leaked numbers for the console sales and for a few games (including Halo and AssCreed) in the thread. Leaked numbers are never put in the OP, because if leaks would be very easy to find, NPD would not tolerate them. Interested people will be able to find numbers by going through the thread. It is not worth it to risk the possibility of not getting such leaks in the future just to accommodate people that don't feel like reading the thread.

You don't have to read everything. Read a few posts then skip several pages and read a few more posts. You will be able to figure out when things are getting interesting, and then maybe you'll find a username you can Ctrl+f or use as input into gaf's search function to find the good stuff quickly.


Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.

Thread was dead and going nowhere around post #170.

You look to your "4,500 spin posts", I'll look back to posts giving way more detailed numbers, the insightful analysis that followed and some of GAF's finest fun moments in recent times.


Wait, you seriously think Halo 5 will catch up to the sales figures of the previous titles?

Not really. But that just 5 days of tracking plus it get a whole month of crazy holiday to catch up.
With heavy bundle and discount and no more big AAA to choose from until Quantum break, Xbox owner might eventually pick up a copy if 343 keep making fresh content for it.


extra source of jiggaflops
Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.
So what you're saying is this month was interesting.

I need to sit down and think about this.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Not really. But that just 5 days of tracking plus it get a whole month of crazy holiday to catch up.
With heavy bundle and discount and no more big AAA to choose from until Quantum break, Xbox owner might eventually pick up a copy if 343 keep making fresh content for it.

You said it's too early to call it a decline. I think that's pretty silly.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'm assuming that November's NPD will be much more interesting just because of the bundles and games on offer.

We've acknowledged Halo to not be the system seller it once was, and PS4 didn't have a major exclusive last month.

This month both are going to be fighting tooth and nail, especially around black friday


Microsoft should start releasing Halo in July. That way people can claim epic victories for the franchise even if it sells AC Syndicate numbers. After all, that number 1 is all that matters!


I think the universe will be stuck on fall out 4, black ops 3 and battlefront for a long time

Anything else that came before that (or on that same day) will be forgotten by the true monsters of the holiday season, the AAA multi platform titles

The days of exclusives ruling the holidays and pushing consoles are over, they are done
Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.



Does anyone have the first week NPD numbers for past Assassin's Creed games? I trying to get them for a friend who wants to put some context behind this sales drop for Syndicate.

Not first week, but first NPD

Assassin's Creed - 1,357,000
Assassin's Creed 2 - 1,243,000
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - 1,143,000
Assassin's Creed: Revelation - 1,200,000
Assassin's Creed 3 - 2,900,000

We have not numbers for Black Flag and Unity.
Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.

There's really no need to downplay the Halo 5 numbers.

They are bad enough as it is.
There are leaked numbers for the console sales and for a few games (including Halo and AssCreed) in the thread. Leaked numbers are never put in the OP, because if leaks would be very easy to find, NPD would not tolerate them. Interested people will be able to find numbers by going through the thread. It is not worth it to risk the possibility of not getting such leaks in the future just to accommodate people that don't feel like reading the thread.

You don't have to read everything. Read a few posts then skip several pages and read a few more posts. You will be able to figure out when things are getting interesting, and then maybe you'll find a username you can Ctrl+f or use as input into gaf's search function to find the good stuff quickly.

Appreciate the tips, I guess I've been on GAF way too long...NPD threads are full of misdirection and rambling from people who don't know much :)
I think the universe will be stuck on fall out 4, black ops 3 and battlefront for a long time

Anything else that came before that (or on that same day) will be forgotten by the true monsters of the holiday season, the AAA multi platform titles

The days of exclusives ruling the holidays and pushing consoles are over, they are done

Exclusives never rule the holidays .
I mean you can say so during the PS2 era but that was because PS2 was monster market share wise.


Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.
A spin on spins?

This thread delivers
Are Google Trends in anyway useful for roughly comparing the interest in a title over time? I know you can't really get any useful specific data out of it, but it does show the popularity of a search term relative to other Google searches (note it is not absolute searches). If anything, at least it isn't effected by the tracking period... Here's the Halo search trend over time (I put Halo + the numbered Halo titles in for comparison).

There's simply too many indications that the popularity of Halo is dropping over time to try and argue otherwise by citing tracking periods, digital, etc.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.

Mmmmmh. Mmmmmh.
It tastes so good. Your salt is high quality salt. Delicious.

Seriously, there's no need to downplay Halo 5 sales: less than 1 million retail + bundles in the first few days is an insane drop compared to the past performances. At this point, I doubt its US LTD will be much more than, let's say 60% of Halo 3/Halo 4 first month sales.

Come on Splatoon, you can do it!


Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.

The sooner some people accept the fact that Halo 5 sold much worse than the previous few games, the better.
Sooo, we are almost at 4,700 comments in this thread. Last months NPD thread got to 1,784 before it died. Xbox and Halo 5 was acknowledged to have won Oct. in hardware and software respectfully around post #170. After that we have around 4,500 spin post downplaying Halo 5 sales which only account for the last 5 days of October. Preseason is over indeed.

Downplay? Spin?

No. It's the cold hard truth. Some just won't accept that, others will only see it how they want to see it. The rest of us hunted the truth. #findthetruth


It really is s shame we can't make dedicated threads for the AC and Halo sales to discuss them at length and make people aware of where they stand historically with each respective franchise. As it is very few people will actually read this thread and see the real results behind all the PR buffoonery.


It really is s shame we can't make dedicated threads for the AC and Halo sales to discuss them at length and make people aware of where they stand historically with each respective franchise. As it is very few people will actually read this thread and see the real results behind all the PR buffoonery.
You want NeoGAF to meltdown, bruh? :p
But seriously, I don't like servers to be slowing down to a crawl, although it is funny at times. Anyway, you can show them the evidence if it is brought up in other threads.


It really is s shame we can't make dedicated threads for the AC and Halo sales to discuss them at length and make people aware of where they stand historically with each respective franchise. As it is very few people will actually read this thread and see the real results behind all the PR buffoonery.
As much as I would love to see the spin and tears....it's probably for the best. My father taught me to never kick someone when they're down


It really is s shame we can't make dedicated threads for the AC and Halo sales to discuss them at length and make people aware of where they stand historically with each respective franchise. As it is very few people will actually read this thread and see the real results behind all the PR buffoonery.

Yea we need a thread to rub it in to make ourselves feel better. Halo 5 decline has already been discussed the last 50 pages.



The sooner some people accept the fact that Halo 5 sold much worse than the previous few games, the better.

Won't happen with some, sadly.

Too many times this gen so far we've already seen that certain fans will sooner choose denial over acceptance in the face of truths too harsh to deal with.

Gonna be a tough gen for some.
Congrats to Microsoft. I believe with the Black Friday deals they will win November.

Halo sales would be considered a blockbuster for ps4 exclusives this gen to date. Will be interesting to see how it ends the year. I predict it around 2..5 million with holiday sales.


I guess Halo 5 can reach 7m LT with big bundles.
But I stay safe this time with ~5.5m LT.

Catch previous Halos? Wont happen this gen anymore.


Won't happen with some, sadly.

Too many times this gen so far we've already seen that certain fans will sooner choose denial over acceptance in the face of truths too harsh to deal with.

Gonna be a tough gen for some.
I understand that it is saddening for some that their favorite franchise hasn't sold this bad since the first game, but damn. Some of the bullshit made up almost makes up feel as if some are completely disjointed from reality or refuse to accept it and make up their own fantasy instead. To be fair, I would be disappointed too if Uncharted 4 sold less than, say, 300K, but I'm not gonna make up shit to cover it up.

Case in point:
Congrats to Microsoft. I believe with the Black Friday deals they will win November.
But I hope he hasn't been keeping up with sales discussions.


Yea we need a thread to rub it in to make ourselves feel better. Halo 5 decline has already been discussed the last 50 pages.

The problem with the NPD threads is that the revelations within often have relatively little exposure with the members at large. The vast majority of GAF likely has no idea how much either series has declined with their most recent release and likely never will. In fact many probably believe the opposite thanks to some incredibly misleading PR that was paraded around.

This isn't about drumming up controversies it's about cutting through all the or bullshit and providing transparency for sales of two of the biggest gaming IPs in the business. Making sure publishers can't spin their way out of public awareness. That seems like a pretty worthwhile topic to me.


there are 94 pages now and I am late to the thread/party, just like many others....

can someone please be kind enough to put the highlights in a single posts? no sources or links needed, just what we know for a fact is right and worth commenting (halo 5, AC, hardware, etc)

thank you in advance whoever takes their time to put it together.
4 276k
1 305k

All include bundles below:
5 935k
AC 391k
U ~300k

All from my head so it can have mistakes.


I guess Halo 5 can reach 7m LT with big bundles.
But I stay safe this time with ~5.5m LT.

Halo franchise grown from 60m to 65m after Halo MCC, so I suppose 4 million (or more) is because of the Collection.

5.5m is low for Halo 5 LTD because no doubt Microsoft will abuse of bundles in the future.
The last few pages are weird.

I wish I could have the optimism for anything like some do on Halo. I also wish I still believed in Santa Claus, that I could play in the majors and that I could be an astronaut. Sadly, reality is a harsh mistress.

The problem with the NPD threads is that the revelations within often have relatively little exposure with the members at large. The vast majority of GAF likely has no idea how much either series has declined with their most recent release and likely never will. In fact many probably believe the opposite thanks to some incredibly misleading PR that was paraded around.

This isn't about drumming up controversies it's about cutting through all the or bullshit and providing transparency for sales of two of the biggest gaming IPs in the business. Making sure publishers can't spin their way out of public awareness. That seems like a pretty worthwhile topic to me.

I get what you're saying, and I appreciate it. But after having looked at some other boards yesterday and seen the things that were being said about people posting, well, without official NPD numbers from official sources, the conversation would likely devolve and not be about the numbers but rather about where the numbers came from. I can't imagine the end result would be what you'd want it to be. Some people would just rather not know. Those that are here, generally, do want to know and can (for the most part) talk about this stuff rationally and dispassionately. The general community though? Not sure.

If IGN or some major site did a story? Then sure, my opinion would be that a thread would be justified. But right now? No, I don't think the sources are solid enough for the public to accept. Know what I mean?
Congrats to Microsoft. I believe with the Black Friday deals they will win November.

Halo sales would be considered a blockbuster for ps4 exclusives this gen to date. Will be interesting to see how it ends the year. I predict it around 2..5 million with holiday sales.

These jokes are getting better and better. :) 10/10


Congrats to Microsoft. I believe with the Black Friday deals they will win November.

Halo sales would be considered a blockbuster for ps4 exclusives this gen to date. Will be interesting to see how it ends the year. I predict it around 2..5 million with holiday sales.

What do PS4 exclusives have to do with Halo?
Congrats to Microsoft. I believe with the Black Friday deals they will win November.

Halo sales would be considered a blockbuster for ps4 exclusives this gen to date. Will be interesting to see how it ends the year. I predict it around 2..5 million with holiday sales.

So this is how far Halo has fallen eh?! Being compared to Knack.



Halo franchise grown from 60m to 65m after Halo MCC, so I suppose 4 million (or more) is because of the Collection.

5.5m is low for Halo 5 LTD because no doubt Microsoft will abuse of bundles in the future.

We know the MCC has not even sold 1 million in the US by end of 2014... i really don't see how is at 4 million WW now, even with the XB1 bundle released in March.

That said, as for now, Halo 5 seem like is not selling much better than the MCC, so, 5.5 million seem a good bet. Maybe 6 million, but i really don't see 7 million.


We know the MCC has not even sold 1 million in the US by end of 2014... i really don't see how is at 4 million WW now, even with the XB1 bundle released in March.

That said, as for now, Halo 5 seem like is not selling much better than the MCC, so, 5.5 million seem a good bet. Maybe 6 million, but i really don't see 7 million.

In fact Halo MCC sold more than 1 million by the end of 2014. This come from creamsugar.


The last few pages are weird.

I wish I could have the optimism for anything like some do on Halo. I also wish I still believed in Santa Claus, that I could play in the majors and that I could be an astronaut. Sadly, reality is a harsh mistress.

Abdiel's comments that BlOps3 effectively killed any continuing Halo 5 sales at BB was certainly a bad sign for legs. Halo 3 was the last release where Halo was the preeminent FPS (arguably) on the market. COD4 came out two months later, and the market has been shifted toward COD ever since. The fans already on 360 continued to buy Halo, but new FPS fans went toward the new king of the genre. You can argue (effectively) that Halo 4 and then MCC soured many in the Halo fanbase on the series. Halo 5 would seem to be better in that regards, but it remains to be seen how much of the previous fanbase they'll get back and on a non-360 system. It's tough to get people to come back after they leave, so Halo 5 seems destined to underperform LTD compared to the previous entries. These terrible first month sales and early reports of legs dying due to COD certainly do nothing to change that expectation.


We know the MCC has not even sold 1 million in the US by end of 2014... i really don't see how is at 4 million WW now, even with the XB1 bundle released in March.

That said, as for now, Halo 5 seem like is not selling much better than the MCC, so, 5.5 million seem a good bet. Maybe 6 million, but i really don't see 7 million.

Actually, I expect Microsoft to start shoving Halo 5 in multi-game hardware bundles (as the secondary game to whatever the bundle is based on) a year or so from now. Sort of like what they did with Halo 3 and Halo Reach. That will drive LTD "sales" up quite a bit. Sony did the same thing with the Naughty Dog games. In the later part of the generation, you started seeing first party games like Uncharted 1/2 bundled with dual shock 3s.


I get what you're saying, and I appreciate it. But after having looked at some other boards yesterday and seen the things that were being said about people posting, well, without official NPD numbers from official sources, the conversation would likely devolve and not be about the numbers but rather about where the numbers came from. I can't imagine the end result would be what you'd want it to be. Some people would just rather not know. Those that are here, generally, do want to know and can (for the most part) talk about this stuff rationally and dispassionately. The general community though? Not sure.

If IGN or some major site did a story? Then sure, my opinion would be that a thread would be justified. But right now? No, I don't think the sources are solid enough for the public to accept. Know what I mean?

Good point. I suppose deniability would be an issue. Perhaps we should light the press sneak fuck signal.


Really hoping for MS to do another temp price slash as unsure how else they'll compete in Nov/Dec. I thought the whole 'holiday exclusives' would do more but cant tell really what effect they've had - post the Halo 5 bundling I'm not sure what other official bundles MS have (FO4 I presume as I don't think RoTR did in the US)

If it stays like it is I can see the PS4 regaining whatever ground it lost last Nov/Dec - for some reason I feel the price cut effect has been delayed due to people picking up the Nov bundles in particular the Star Wars one.

BF pricing no doubt had an affect on why anyone would buy a XO/PS4 in Oct

ps3ud0 8)
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