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Oklahoma cop shoots and kills family dog during birthday party

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This ever happened to my dog they would probably kill me too. I would be in a fit of rage.

Cops need to be restrained and retrained. They don't even do shit most of the time when there is crime and many times they are the ones doing the crimes.

Friends house got broken into yesterday and they don't do shit about it but file a report.


jesus fucking christ.

You know, blind hate against cops is really stupid. BUT, it is becoming ever so increasingly evident that cops are either not being trained properly or are all complete cowards who think they can fire a gun the moment something or someone looks in their direction funny.

Can't wait for next week when a cop shoots a fly out of the air because it landed on him and "it seemed like it might bite" him.

Unleash fucking PETA on this fool.
Man I just lost my dog but we had to put him down to old age, having some random fucker come to the property and shoot him with an assault rifle is just devastating. Like why do the cops always shoot the fucking dog? Like everytime, the dog is shot...


That cop gave that boy one really rotten birthday....

Seriously, stop being so damn trigger-happy and scared of your own shadow, officers.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I have an 7 year old Alaskan Malamute female who is the sweetest thing next to sugar. I don't think I've met a person who didn't like her that didn't have some extreme dislike of dogs in general. She does look like a wolf but most Malamutes sort of due so people can be nervous around her if they don't know her.

I was pulled over a few months ago for something like hugging the white line and she was in the back sleep fast asleep and even after telling the cop that she was back there and a totally sweetheart he put his hand on his gun and was staring hard. I was seriously praying that she didn't wake up and do anything remotely aggressive but she loves people and sometimes goes to kiss them or the like. It sounds weird but I haven't been that nervous in years.
So he claims the dog TRIED to attack him and then said he had to shoot the dog because he couldn't get it off his leg, which was it asshole? Did the dog attack you or not? Why the fuck would he even be walking up to the house with an assault rifle in the first place? This sounds like a planned execution.

El Odio

The things that seriously piss me off about these stories about cops killing dogs is that its basically a damn fact that if a police K9 unit somehow starting biting some random for no reason if they hurt or attacked the dog they'd be receiving some serious fines, possibly on top of the cops fighting them as well. But no, a cop themselves is free to walk to someones yard and murder their dog for no damn reason.


Gold Member
Bad cops need to go, and those that defend the cop are in the same league. all of them need to be sued, fired and shamed.


41 > 38
Any situation like this would end in my death as well. It's actually been a concern of mine when my alarm goes off and I'm not home, because I know there's a high chance that any cop who decides to check the situation out will just execute my dog.
I'm curious, who here would kill the cop in order to save the dog's life?

Most of us here would't hesitate if it was our human family members, I'm sure.

I would, that's my family. cops have lost the benefit of the doubt.

I have a feeling that I hope is wrong and I'm not just talking about this post specifically.

I feel like we get stronger reactions when an animal is killed by a cop than when a black man is.

so basically you wanted to start shit where there was none. good job.

So, seriously, is police reform ever gonna come?
what's reform to you? police shooting unarmed innocent civilians goes way the hell down or that cops stop killing so many minorities? it's never happening. the police will always be like this.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Who polices the police? Nobody. They're practically free to do whatever they want over here because they have a fraternity of brothers who will vouch for each other whenever something bad happens. Good cops who try to stop this have their careers ruined by the scum who keep the shitty system going.

The public is supposed to, but considering how any criticism of the police gets you branded as a "terrorist" these days by most of the population, people won't care. Police are considered heroes and all their actions are justified.

Incidents like this are why so many people end up having a "fuck cops" attitude. You can't expect someone who's pet was shot and killed in front of them on their 5th birthday to grow up and have the same amount of respect towards cops as your average "#BlueLivesMatter" person.


What the hell. Even more sad that he used a freaking AR 15 on a dog.:|

That's the weird and unnecessary part. If he went back to his car to get the rifle, he had no reason to kill the dog. Plus using a long gun around people is a lot less safe than using something that fires a smaller pistol caliber.

Guy is probably a psycho and should be fired.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Y'all really need to stop this..sheesh.
Seeing as how the literal interpretation is a rather ridiculous image, I'm pretty sure it's just a poetic expression of anger over a completely unnecessary psychotic murder of a dog and traumatization of a child. What's wrong with that?


That is what blows my mind. The cop wasn't in danger (I don't buy his story) and just decides to kill the damn dog for whatever reason. All a cop has to do is claim their life was in danger and it is a free pass to kill anything and anyone.
Yeah it's sickening...


Seeing as how the literal interpretation is a rather ridiculous image, I'm pretty sure it's just a poetic expression of anger over a completely unnecessary psychotic murder of a dog and traumatization of a child. What's wrong with that?

Because many, many people are boiling with rage right now against anyone wearing a badge and probably don't need any encouragement.
Yeah, well, how would YOU guys feel if you were paid to walk around with all these cool guns and stuff and you never get to kill anything with 'em?

Cops are only human

RIP innocent doggie :(


That no presidential candidate had ever made a proposition about police reform shows me the good old usa is going to depend on some psychos' kindness for a long time.


So, in today's America, the solution of solving everything is by using a weapon and not just any weapon but an assault rifle, like the dog was humongous as a bear. Not that he had to use a pistol (he didn't had to use weapon at all), but it amazes me how peoples think this is the most proper way to solve situations like that.
Seeing as how the literal interpretation is a rather ridiculous image, I'm pretty sure it's just a poetic expression of anger over a completely unnecessary psychotic murder of a dog and traumatization of a child. What's wrong with that?
Because the other thread, where a cop literally ate glass, we had a bunch of conspiracy theorist acting like someone purposefully put glass in an officer's burger and kept talking of the impending race war led by Hussain and BLM militia vs real Americans..so it's a little annoying, considering no one maliciously put glass in the man's burger..hope that explain it enough..


Because many, many people are boiling with rage right now against anyone wearing a badge and probably don't need any encouragement.

People are boiling with rage, yet for cops its business as usual. No change in policing based on the growing unrest. Let's just continue to shoot people and dogs because we're not citizens, we're enemy combatants.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Because the other thread, where a cop literally ate glass, we had a bunch of conspiracy theorist acting like someone purposefully put glass in an officer's burger and kept talking of the impending race war led by Hussain and BLM militia vs real Americans..so it's a little annoying, considering no one maliciously put glass in the man's burger..hope that explain it enough..
I see what you're saying now. I don't give a single shit, but I see the context. I'll maybe start having concern to help stifle the free speech of my fellow citizens when cops stop protecting each other from justice for the unaccountable murders of hundreds of civilians.

If the good cops don't want to have the threat of social backlash from unstable individuals, maybe they have a decision to make about the safety of their own lives being more important than protecting murderers among them.

Maybe we need to see more cops not giving random people a hug or playing basketball with some kids, but crying out against these injustices that make them look bad, breach trust with the populace, and most importantly ends the lives of innocent people and destroys the lives of their families.

I don't trust cops at all. Not just from this shit, but from my neighborhood growing up. If I'm walking along and see some cops up to some shit I decide that this block here is the one I need to turn on. I limit my speech to cops as much as possible because I don't know what crazy suspicions they might have (possibly implanted by pure BS called in to them by a paranoid asshole) or how they might decide to twist some innocuous shit against me. If I need help or see some fishy stuff I won't call the cops because I'm afraid it is more likely that someone might unnecessarily lose their life with a cop checking it out than it is for me to just be mistaken or to handle my own business. If I am threatened by someone on the street and a cop intervenes, I'll still feel more threatened by the cop. If I ever get in a situation where cops have their guns drawn nearby I'll be on the ground with my arms and legs spread out still expecting to get beat up or killed for no reason.

I am by no means alone. That is the country we live in. That is a problem they made and a problem they need to help fix. If they aren't helping, I'm not covering their asses from the natural social repercussions of the environment they are creating.

I do not condone violence at all, but hate away, haters.
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