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Pachter Says “Why Would Anybody Buy A Wii U? [Except to play Nintendo games]”


Why would I buy a Wii U? For the same reason most people buy a Wii U, Pachter. It's the go to console for exclusives right now.

NSMBU, Lego City Undercover, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, Sonic Lost World, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros, X, Yarn Yoshi, Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

Yes, these are all Nintendo exclusives. But that doesn't rob them of being actual quality exclusives, and out of all the games on that above list I'd sooner want to play those than any other game announced on the PS4 or Xbox One. Out of what I know is coming to each system the Wii U looks a lot more appealing to me right now, even though the two former will probably end up better in the long run.

Plus I don't mind me some Off-TV Play, and Miiverse is fun.


He's right you guys keep listing games but none of them are out. Maybe eventually will have enough reasons to get one. But currently there are none.


I think people should take into account the "at this point in time" part of his statement. I agree, there's little incentive to buy a WiiU at the moment but they've announced some good stuff and will surely have more coming which will turn it into a console worth owning.
Well, sure. But which average consumer in general thinks it's worth owning a launch system?

Yeah, the Wii U is in more trouble at this point than any other system looking at historical figures and PS4/Xbone won't struggle this much out of the gate, but those will hit a point in which sales will be sluggish in their first year. Excluding the Wii, all the other systems didn't find success (or just don't perform) until they hit a more mass market price with a more varied software line-up.



There isn't really anything compelling out now for the Wii U. And Why should people invest in a Wii U now for the 2-3 interesting games coming in 2014? It's probably best for people to invest in a console where they know there will be a lot of diversity and potential for new, unique experiences. People might argue that the Wii U does offer unique experiences, yet it seems to be constantly marketed right along side the Wii controller.


Patcher said:
Why would you buy a Wii U? You know, unless you just have to play Nintendo games. I think the way it actually shakes out is - anyone who buys a Wii U, who really is a hardcore gamer, is going to buy a PS 4 or an Xbox One in addition. So that they can play those third party titles that they love. And I think Nintendo becomes a distant third in this console race.

Is he for real with this? I can't say there's a reason to get an Xbox if you already have a PS4, but there will definitely be a compelling reason (once Nintendo gets it together and releases all the games) to get a Wii U if you already have an Xbox or PS4.

Then again, I'll easily buy a console just for Smash Bros. If you don't think Smash Bros is worth 400 bucks, you don't have friends, or you have some delusion that hobbies are supposed to be cheap.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I find it interesting that so many people admit not having a must-have game yet for the Xbox One and PS4, and yet they are preordering the system. It does make you wonder what exactly compels people to buy a new console.
If this is a honest question then I would like to recommend you getting comfortable with an idea that Nintendo is a business. Just look at how F-Zero has sold historically compared to Mario Kart. It's not a secret which one is the priority and for what reason.

I'd like for you to get comfortable with the fact that, when I don't like the food I get, I complain about it to the waitress and ask for it to be cooked more, or ask for ketchup, and ask to see the manager if I need to... and you should too.

With the concept of businesses comes the existence of customers. Your logical fallacy is of no deterrence to my outlook.


i don't....this...

This is joke post, right?

no no, you have to understand, the Wii U is actually a very successful console, it's just that the market is shit, we'll all see it when the PS4 and XBone inevitably launch to incredibly poor sales. It's not that the Wii U is emblematic of a series of poor decisions at Nintendo and suffering due to strained relationships with the rest of the industry, it's just that people don't want consoles anymore, that's it.
To me it seems it seems obvious that Pachter is saying that the vast majority of single console gamers are not to going to look at the Xb1 or PS4, then decide to go with the WiiU. The way I'm seeing the rest of the gen playing out, is unless you are a Nintendo fan there is little reason, if any, to buy a WiiU. I have no idea what Nintendo can do to turn this around. As far as I see it the WiiU is a dead console.


When I think of Nintendo I just assume the consoles are bought by soccer moms for young children or super nerdy guys.

I don't know a single person that owns a Wii U I knew a couple that got the original Wii and they played the thing for maybe a month before the novelty wore off.

When I think of Xbox, I think of guys who perpetually wear their baseball hats backwards, have cheeto-stained fingertips, and use the word rape way too often.

When I think of Playstation, I think of those same guys, except they also watch Lifetime movies.

Card Boy

Hes not wrong. The system is in a worst situation than the VITA was, i don't see a reason to buy one especially with region locking which means i cant get cheap games (not to mention it has no games)

The publishers are pretty excited to support the Xbox One and the PS4 – they really didn’t say anything about the Wii U

Spot on Patcher (for once)


I find it interesting that so many people admit not having a must-have game yet for the Xbox One and PS4, and yet they are preordering the system. It does make you wonder what exactly compels people to buy a new console.

This is NeoGAF dude. If something is new and shiny it's a reason enough to buy it. I bought both Vita and Wii U day 1 and it was more than a slighty stupid move. Won't make that mistake with PS4 and Xbox One though.


For a shitload of fantastic Nintendo platformers and the odd non-platformer here and there every quarter.


Yeah, they've been generating no hype whatsoever. Especially with those weak preorder numbers. Meanwhile, the Wii U has been flying off the shelf.

Also, I'm really disappointed in the amount of people in this thread using fanboy logic instead of actually being intelligent in their posting. It's painful to read. Yeah, Bayonetta 2 is a great game for the tiny niche that wants to play it. Not for a substantial number of people though. Nintendo games are decent sellers, but they won't make a mass market success all by themselves.

The XBox One and the PS4 is going to do great with the gamer market. The causal market will want answers on why they should spend another $400-500 to buy a new box to play netflix when they already have a roku, PS3, or XBox 360. In that sense, the Kinect 2 is a better play than the PS4 and its decision to not emphasize motion controls.


"Wii U is a Nintendo-only gaming device which is what they were back with the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985."




Skipped this and now I regret it. It puts a whole lot of perspective into his words.

The thing is what he calls hardcore gamers doesn't have to think about getting a WiiU or not, they have to make a choice between PS4 and XBone wich are the machines trying to get them on board as both companies have profiled them as their product's early adopters. So did WiiU at launch, but now it's clear that that bait didn't work for Nintendo and they are targetting just families -not even die hard Nintendo fans at all, they think those will come when certain franchises show up.

Nintendo's plan is not get as many consoles sold this holiday so third partys get more into the platform and Nintendo doesn't have to kill themselves in software production because no one else is doing anything for their console. And for having a chance at that, they have to target a different audience of what the other two companies are doing.

If the are able to get their message right this time and have good marketing that presents their console and their games right, they may have a chance. But I really don't think they will be able to keep WiiU relevant to the mainstream while the other two companies do their thing, even if their market the console right -wich I think they won't do at all, if prior campaigns are any evidence.
I want to know Pachter's take on Skylanders and Disney Infinity's prospects on the WiiU.

If neither gains traction I dare to think what Activision and Disney might do.


Pachter being Pachter.

I agree though that the Wii U is another Gamecube and not a Wii. The Wii managed to become a hot item with casuals for Wii Fit and Wii Sports and thats why it sold 100million instead of 25million like the Gamecube. The Wii U is back to 25million. If Nintendo is happy with that, I don't see a problem. I wonder though what Nintendo will do with a possible successor. Will they bother? Or just go handheld. The 3DS is selling really well, so that might be an option.


no no, you have to understand, the Wii U is actually a very successful console, it's just that the market is shit, we'll all see it when the PS4 and XBone inevitably launch to incredibly poor sales. It's not that the Wii U is emblematic of a series of poor decisions at Nintendo and suffering due to strained relationships with the rest of the industry, it's just that people don't want consoles anymore, that's it.

Your crow is ready.
I have fun with my Wii U. When I have friends over. Other than the occasional playthrough of Mario or Zombie U, it never gets used.
Because I'm a glutton for (relatively cheap) punishment.

also it being on sale here coincided with me having a week and a bit off work so NintendoLand/NSMBU/ZombiU have been doing me fine until Pikmin 3 comes out
To play Nintendo games?

Well yeah.

But you can't buy it for 8th-gen console games. You have to purchase a PS4 / XBONE as well. It's not an independent player in the 8th-gen market...it's an accessory that requires an investment in another console to fully enjoy the 8th gen.

To this date I still haven't purchased an Xbox 360, yet I was able to fully enjoy the breadth of 7th-gen HD games with just my PS3. You can't do that with the Wii U. Its usefulness is limited exclusively to Nintendo games.


What he said made plenty of sense to me. The Nintendo faithful simply are'nt going to add enough to the companys bottom line without something to entice the general audience. Fact. I don't know a single person who has or is thinking of buying a wii-u


no no, you have to understand, the Wii U is actually a very successful console, it's just that the market is shit, we'll all see it when the PS4 and XBone inevitably launch to incredibly poor sales. It's not that the Wii U is emblematic of a series of poor decisions at Nintendo and suffering due to strained relationships with the rest of the industry, it's just that people don't want consoles anymore, that's it.

I know you are being sarcastic, but you simply don't know how popular consoles will be in 2014. Wii U isn't the best example, but the low sales of current consoles right now is a sign.


Why would I buy a Wii U? For the same reason most people buy a Wii U, Pachter. It's the go to console for exclusives right now.

NSMBU, Lego City Undercover, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, Sonic Lost World, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros, X, Yarn Yoshi, Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.
The problem is that only three of those games are out now.

That's his point. Nintendo's given gamers every reason to wait. Not only are the games not there yet, people are expecting a price drop too.


I'd like for you to get comfortable with the fact that, when I don't like the food I get, I complain about it to the waitress and ask for it to be cooked more, or ask for ketchup, and ask to see the manager if I need to... and you should too.

With the concept of businesses comes the existence of customers. Your logical fallacy is of no deterrence to my outlook.

You asked why they're making Mario Kart instead of F-Zero. I just told you. Gravity element in the gameplay is rather insignificant.

Feel free to complain about Nintendo not making a F-Zero but there's really no reason to act like it's a big mystery to mankind why such is the situation.

The problem is that only three of those games are out now.

That's his point. Nintendo's given gamers every reason to wait. Not only are the games not there yet, people are expecting price drop too.

That's the problem currently of course. Yet Patcher mentioned how he doesn't see a reason for people to buy a Wii U without 3rd party support. There's a reason in the post you quoted. It doesn't matter if they're still coming or not. They're still reasons to buy the hardware without 3rd party support which Patcher didn't see as a possibility.
Super Mario
Super Smash Brothers
The Wonderful 101
Yoshi's Yarn
Project Cars
Mario Kart
Pikmin 3
Rayman Legends
Mario Party
Wii U Party (maybe)
Ducktales Remastered (hell yes!)
Zelda Windwaker HD
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
Disney Infinity (maybe)
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (maybe)
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
A Hat in Time (maybe)
Kirby (maybe)
Oddworld New N' Tasty

That's 24 games I want right off the bat.

I assume that, throughout the course of the Wii U's lifecycle, there may be an additional 24 games that I'll want.

That's 48 games.

Why is everyone treating the Wii U like it's Paula Deen?

Castle of Illusion got confirmed for Wii U? It seems like an obvious decision but I thought Sega isn't publishing it on the Wii U -- which would be very odd considering they have an exclusive Sonic on the system.


Not Wario
In the video he says:

I can understand where's he coming from re:the general populace, but, as a "hardcore gamer" (which I'm taking here to just mean informed enthusiast) I think he's off here. As, imo, Sony and MS' first party efforts have dwindled and their hardware become increasingly like PCs, it's becoming harder and harder for a primarily PC gamer like myself to justify purchasing their systems while the Wii-U, being both decidedly different and relying on a lineup of great first party exclusives rather than third party multiplatform titles, IS worth getting.
The quote in the OP is missing some words. He didn't say why would anybody buy a Wii U, he said "why would anybody buy a Wii U unless they just have to play Nintendo games".

Seems like the site in the op is just fishing for hits if you asked me.

OP wants this to be the new "Why would you live there?". A mod should change the title because that is crucial information.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Families with kids will see the WiiU this holiday at $299 with NSMBU packed in along with many games to choose from far more compelling than the shiny new consoles that are $100-200 more.


That's the problem currently of course. Yet Patcher mentioned how he doesn't see a reason for people to buy a Wii U without 3rd party support. There's a reason in the post you quoted. It doesn't matter if they're still coming or not. They're still reasons to buy the hardware without 3rd party support which Patcher didn't see as a possibility.
I agree.


It is a fair question, at least as far as 2013 releases are concerned. Besides 101, the release calendar is barren of anything even remotely interesting.

Pikmin 3? Tropical Freeze? 3D World? Lost World? Although you raise a fair point if you mean anything totally original.

Assassin's Creed 4, BF4, CoD: Ghosts... Such an inspiring selection of software. I'm pretty sure you can already play them on 360/PS3/PC. No need to drop in 400 or 500 dollars just for that pleasure.

As opposed to Mario and all the gazillion spinoff games he is in every generation? Why would you need to buy another Mario Kart when there is already one for Wii and 3DS?


C'mon at least say N64 or Gamecube.
That is pretty much the only thing i reacted to in his statement. The NES was very popular all alround and it had a lot of 3rd party support. The other thing he says about "why would anyone buy a WiiU", i'm pretty sure he means the general consumer, and the sales numbers shows it as well so far.


I think people should take into account the "at this point in time" part of his statement. I agree, there's little incentive to buy a WiiU at the moment but they've announced some good stuff and will surely have more coming which will turn it into a console worth owning.

Well, the intent of the "why would anybody buy a Wii U?" is clearly in regards to making a decision this holiday with Xbone and PS4. By then Wii U will have a good lineup compared to its competitors. It makes the most sense for a consumer to buy a PS4 and a Wii U. Xbone is $100 more and not worth it unless you absolutely gotta have Halo and Forza. Wii U has a stronger lineup of exclusives.

The weirdest statement is the one he makes about NES.
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