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Pachter Says “Why Would Anybody Buy A Wii U? [Except to play Nintendo games]”

Families with kids will see the WiiU this holiday at $299 with NSMBU packed in along with many games to choose from far more compelling than the shiny new consoles that are $100-200 more.

I bet you most families with kids don't even know what the Wii U is. A much larger audience will be clamoring to buy the PS4/XB1 for Fifa, Call of Duty, Battlefield, or other games that people actually want to play.

It could be argued that these games are already on current gen systems, but a lot of people will be clamoring to play their favorite series on the new systems with better graphics and different controls.


Castle of Illusion got confirmed for Wii U? It seems like an obvious decision but I thought Sega isn't publishing it on the Wii U -- which would be very odd considering they have an exclusive Sonic on the system.

IGN placed it on the list, but I put a maybe next to it because it's not confirmed yet.

I'm confident it will be on Wii U eventually.
Nintendo games and a few interesting 3rd party titles like X.

I'm also OK with this. It's the only place you can get their games and the vast majority of them are consistently stellar.
I'm sure a hundred people have corrected you in the time my phone took to load these 3 pages, but X isn't 3rd party, its 1st.


the Wii U is a Nintendo-only gaming device which is what they were back with the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985

I assume he means just 1985 and not later in the NES' life when nintendo ruled 3rd parties with an iron first.


Assassin's Creed 4, BF4, CoD: Ghosts... Such an inspiring selection of software. I'm pretty sure you can already play them on 360/PS3/PC. No need to drop in 400 or 500 dollars just for that pleasure.
Those games arent out yet, so you cant play them already, or what do you mean? Those three games will have a PS3/Xbox 360/PC version though. But there are many exclusives for PS4 and Xbox One as well, so the arguement is the same there as it is for WiiU.


The most surprising part of this is GAF giving attention to Pachter saying the same things about Nintendo every time.


The problem is that only three of those games are out now.

That's his point. Nintendo's given gamers every reason to wait. Not only are the games not there yet, people are expecting a price drop too.

When PS4 launches, it's also looking to only have three "core" exclusives, which is what I mostly look out for in terms of consoles. How long are we going to have to wait for them to come out with more?

While I realize Nintendo has horribly mismanaged their line-up I don't see anything in the other consoles' lineup that has me in a rush to buy any of the next-gen consoles when all the ancillary games will be on consoles I already own. I'll be legitimately surprised if there won't be a drought.
You asked why they're making Mario Kart instead of F-Zero. I just told you. Gravity element in the gameplay is rather insignificant.

Feel free to complain about Nintendo not making a F-Zero but there's really no reason to act like it's a big mystery to mankind why such is the situation.

Look. This is no different than if someone kept smoking crack, whoring themselves out and coming to my door looking for a place to crash. I'd say

"Why are you here again? Why are you doing this to yourself"

You act like "I'm a drug addict" as an acceptable response to a rhetorical question that infers the need to "get your shit together" and your answer to me, explained nothing that I didn't already know.


I absolutely love my U, and I'm excited for Nintendo's upcoming games. But I'm the minority, and Pachter is not saying anything outlandish. Sadly he's right about this.

The U is missing out on the big name third party games, and developers have zero interest in it. I mean, can we even get Call of Duty on thing? Activision can't even tell you. It's very bad in U land, and the only customer Nintendo can reel in is the person who doesn't mind buying the system strictly for Nintendo games. Those people are the minority.

Hopefully as Nintendo gets more games out, gamers will pick the U up as their secondary system.
This whole "families will buy WiiU" thing is weird to me. You must be talking about a specific subset of families.

If Dad is a gamer, is he going to want WiiU.. seems many dads like the PS3 and 360. Does the family have a teenager? Are they really going to be satisfied with the WiiU? Some families I can see where you're coming from but not all.
Families with kids will see the WiiU this holiday at $299 with NSMBU packed in along with many games to choose from far more compelling than the shiny new consoles that are $100-200 more.

Families with kids will most likely already have a Wii. Maybe they will buy a copy of NSMB if they don't have it.

If the kids are over 5 they will probably be asking for COD/Battlefield/Sport (FIFA/Madden/NBA).

That's the issue Nintendo has right now, trying to claw back that market that bought a shitton of Wii's back in 06 or 07 but didn't buy any Wii games since then.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Pachter said:
the Wii U is a Nintendo-only gaming device which is what they were back with the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985. They’re not going to sell a lot of consoles

Wait, what?

1) The NES had a TON of 3rd-party support.

2) The NES sold like crazy.

What is he talking about? Does he really not know the history of the NES? Because that's my only explanation for this--he truly has no idea what the NES was. When did he start providing analysis in the gaming industry?
The Wii U is definitely a horrible choice if you want only 1 console. If you have the money though, I would see a good reason to own it for the nintendo titles a few years from now when its under 200. I can probably pick it up used on Kijiji for $100 in a few years.


Get Inside Her!
He lists EA, Activision, Take 2, etc, and asks that moronic question. I wonder if he considers that there are a lot of people who just.. do not give a rats' ass about these publishers? That the "Nintendo gamer" is not a myth, they are a real person who likes those gamey kind of games and just doesn't buy into today's AAA blockbusters? I gotta tell you, it does not feel good to be treated like a footnote in cryptozoological textbook.

"Gaming" is not limited to this subset of publishers that almost exclusively target the stereotypical 22 year old male. Get your head out of your ass, Patch. The world is wider than your image of it.


He's right; Krillin is terrible value at the moment. There is no reason for the wider gaming audience to choose him. Lack of third party support, over priced and basically a generation behind tech wise.


The Wii U is definitely a horrible choice if you want only 1 console. If you have the money though, I would see a good reason to own it for the nintendo titles a few years from now when its under 200. I can probably pick it up used on Kijiji for $100 in a few years.

not if you mostly game on pc
The most surprising part of this is GAF giving attention to Pachter saying the same things about Nintendo every time.

He's a heavily-quoted, well-respected analyst that posts on GAF. Clearly the man is important and deserves topics about his projections.


Those games arent out yet, so you cant play them already, or what do you mean? Those three games will have a PS3/Xbox 360/PC version though. But there are many exclusives for PS4 and Xbox One as well, so the arguement is the same there as it is for WiiU.

I guess I meant that people can play them on platforms they already own with no need to buy new expensive hardware. Many exclusives including Knack, Killzone and DriveClub. Not to forget XBONE which will set the charts on fire with Forza and F2P Killer Instict made by studio nobody had heard of until Rare only showing Kinect Sports at the biggest show of the year really happened.. Yeah I'm afraid I don't see any heavy hitters there.

Look. This is no different than if someone kept smoking crack, whoring themselves out and coming to my door looking for a place to crash. I'd say

"Why are you here again? Why are you doing this to yourself"

You act like "I'm a drug addict" as an acceptable response to a rhetorical question that infers the need to "get your shit together" and your answer to me, explained nothing that I didn't already know.

You have such a way with the words yet I can't say I follow you.
Wait, what?

1) The NES had a TON of 3rd-party support.

2) The NES sold like crazy.

What is he talking about? Does he really not know the history of the NES? Because that's my only explanation for this--he truly has no idea what the NES was.

he is maybe confused that the NES had mostly Japanese support. Well, that's because there weren't a lot of western developers back then.


3DS has that, it's cheaper and has a more matured and varied catalog. If you just want Nintendo games, it's the best option you have.

3DS is never going to get a galaxy-tier Mario game, so I'll need a Wii U eventually. Same with Zelda, a LTTP 'enhanced' clone doesn't quite cut it.

I mean they may mess up with Mario, but they have been pretty good with mainline ones.

I do love my 3DS though, and got the Zelda game pre-ordered, but would be far more excited for a new console mainline Zelda, especially if it looks like the first tech demo, and Zelda games tend to look better than their tech demos.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
This whole "families will buy WiiU" thing is weird to me. You must be talking about a specific subset of families.

If Dad is a gamer, is he going to want WiiU.. seems many dads like the PS3 and 360. Does the family have a teenager? Are they really going to be satisfied with the WiiU? Some families I can see where you're coming from but not all.
I am a dad gamer with a Wii U. I love being Batman and using the Gamepad. My wife and daughter love Nintendoland, Lego City, and exploring MiiVerse. The videos of upcoming games give us plenty to play. I will be buying a PS4, but I find the Wii U is a high-def Nintendo system for everyone in the house. Good value.


You must have seen the future going by your attitude.

Not so much as I'm aware of thinly veiled wishful thinking and cognitive bias. Current gen sales slow because it's an old gen already, it's been going on for a long time. Wii U and vita sales are poor because they are products that failed to find a market. PS4 and even xbone have already garnered more consumer interest speculation and coverage than "Wii U who?" ever had. Preorders are looking good, there is speculation at a little weakness but nothing to a degree that would explain the Wii U. The only thing that suggests that next-gen consoles are going to perform as poorly or worse than Wii U seems to be coming from these particular narratives. They seem to be spun out of nothing, which suggests that it comes less from an appraisal of the facts as they are and more from a desire or ingrained belief that they must be true, in spite of everything. I find it simply impossible to take such stories seriously.


Your crow is ready.
Admittedly I can see XB1 launching to bad sales just by Microsoft undermining it from the word Go, but if BOTH PS4 and XB1 do badly then we have a problem.

On the flip side, I wonder if there's actually the possibility that the PS4/XB1 launch ends up helping Nintendo. Maybe with those two new consoles consumers at large will realize there really IS a new Nintendo out there and to pick it up. Doubly so if they actually drop the price at least on the Deluxe and make that the only option.


I agree with Pachter here (even though I own a Wii U).

The fact that the first handful of posts in this thread are all about games with release dates TBA 2014 is a great indication why no one would buy a Wii U right now.


I'd like to think his point was all that Vaunted Nintendo software doesn't actually exist for the consumer yet, and likely won't for some time yet. Yes, you buy Nintendo system for the big Nintendo games, but where exactly are those right now?

You can sell hardware on promises to the faithful, but most people want to see the actual games in the stores. Its one reason why companies get so worked up by launch periods. Nintendo even had a year to convince people to buy a WiiU, but they mostly just sat on their hands going "some day!"


If he wasn't well-respected, he wouldn't get SO many requests for interviews, he wouldn't have SO many clients, and he wouldn't have SO many sites reporting on his opinions.

That has little to do with respect. He is just well known that's all. He is the only "industry analyst" I can name.


When PS4 launches, it's also looking to only have three "core" exclusives, which is what I mostly look out for in terms of consoles. How long are we going to have to wait for them to come out with more?

While I realize Nintendo has horribly mismanaged their line-up I don't see anything in the other consoles' lineup that has me in a rush to buy any of the next-gen consoles when all the ancillary games will be on consoles I already own. I'll be legitimately surprised if there won't be a drought.
I see what you're getting at, but their situations are very different. The PlayStation and the Xbox are seen as investments in a new generation. Consumers know that if you get one of the two, you're set to enjoy everything that happens in console gaming that isn't the other guy's exclusive or a Nintendo game. You don't know what's going to come out; you've just got a ticket to the show.

Nintendo home consoles aren't seen that way; the Nintendo games have to be on the shelves. Everyone knows Nintendo's cards, and Nintendo can't expect many gamers to buy the Wii U before they've played them. Gamers know they can't rely on third parties to entertain them between releases.
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