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Phil says January is time to talk about games for Windows

That would be revolutionary, I just hope Gwfl won't have an actual client again.. We just got out of that ghetto with many games. I want Steamworks.

Their client would be the current Xbone Dash. But they would need first to separate the store from the dash, and xbone games/apps would be delivered by the new unified store.


Up to 2003 MS was pretty fantastic on PC, which Phil Spencer was involved in as a developer at that time (I believe he worked on Rise of Nations). To bring games like MechWarrior, Age of Empires and the like back to PC would be anything but toxic.

GFW was bad, no doubt about that, but I won't write off all those years of great support because of it. Hoping for the best from this conference!

This! Their PC strategy since the announcement of Live Anywhere was a zig-zag course that lead to a lot of heartache and closed studios, but around the turn of the century, MS as an absolute PC powerhouse, with some of the greatest PC games of all time under their belt.

Which makes everything since that much sadder, really...


The only thing I want from MS in regards to PC gaming is to actually to be able to play Freelancer again and maybe some of the stuff they released when they seemed to give a shit about the PC.

Honestly fuck MS for holding back a lot of their older PC ip. A shame that in a world where we have GOG and digital platforms that I still can't play the Mechwarrior series or Freelancer without scouring for physical copies because of reasons.

Goddamn I just want to play Freelancer.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Going on the past history of Microsoft I think it is a safe prediction that whatever good ole Phil jabbers on about with regards to PC gaming will never actually happen anyway.

Yep. A decade of empty promises and horribly botched DRM services do not give me much hope either. MS is not serious about PC gaming, and until they start acting (not talking) like they do then I won't believe anything they have to say on the matter.

It is actually crazy if you think about it- when the first Xbox came out, MS had one of the best hardcore PC line-ups of all big publishers. Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, MechWarrior, MechCommander, Crimson Skies, MS Flight Simulator... And then they went and killed three of the most prestigious PC development studios within three years -.-

I really hope that the recent success of some of their Steam remakes for AoE and RoN convinces them that they can be successful on both PC and console, and not just with quick and dirty ports, but dedicated games for each.

What they did to MS Flight Simulator still to this day pisses me off. They had a long running successful franchise with a hugely devoted following and they simply killed it because they couldn't fit it onto the Xbox. It was worse than Fox killing Firefly after only 13 episodes. And now they have loaned Flight Sim out to Lockheed and Dovetail like some afterthought just to get a few scraps from the community that still exists for Flight Sim.

Yeah, they aren't acting like they care yet, not even a little.

What I'd like to see is MS bringing all (or most) of their Xbox exclusives to PC too, with cross play for the online stuff. I don't even care if it's through the WinStore or if they use XboxLive on the PC or something, not every game has to be on Steam IMHO. Just make the effort. Then bring back games like Freelancer, MechWarrior, and yes even Flight Simulator. MS could actually be a force on the PC if they even bothered to try. I just don't see them trying at all.


GFWL like APIs are already built into Windows 8 just without the terrible client. Look at what Project Spark does with the API.

I agree there is a small chance of it happening. It would be the 'new' Microsoft thing to do. Microsoft have become a cross platform company over the last year with their previous Windows lock in products going cross platform. Microsoft have also become a unified company so it does not make strategic sense for Xbox to continue to be a silo. Then there is the demo of Forza running on Nvidia hardware...

If you put all this together then it should happen Of course it wont though.



Universal Apps across Xbox and Windows and Windows Phone for gaming and apps will be announced.

What I believe will happen:

Microsoft will talk about Universal Apps on Xbox One. These Universal Apps are apps that can run from a Windows Phone, to Windows Tablet, to Windows PC, to Xbox, to Microsoft PixelSense (look it up). Microsoft already has universal apps that run on pc and phone (Halo: Spartan Assault is one of them). It lets the developer create one big code base on one platform and with minimal code changes for other platforms. Khan Academy is the first universal app that is on the Xbox One (if I remember correctly). These universal apps are bought once on any of those platforms and a "free" version on the others.

Microsoft will open up development (more on that at //build/ 2015 conference later in the year) to the store (the Microsoft One Store) that will be available on the Xbox. That means that those apps (or games...granted not AAA games...yet...that may be announced at //build/ along with each Xbox being a devkit) will have 3rd part devs on board. Basically creating the appification of TV, the thing that every company has been trying to do. What Microsoft has been trying to do with Xbox from the beginning, which is put a PC in the living room. This can possibly revolutionize the way we interact with TV. We'll have TV apps that we can navigate and use with our voice or controller or gestures. Think about companies like Nest with home automation, Dominos that's already making an app for the UK and I'm sure soon the US (Xbox "Feed Me"). It has that type of potential.

Windows gaming will be through the Windows Store. Phil Spencer may very well say that developers will be given the opportunity to make their Universal Game Apps play across Xbox Live to Xbox One players but that is up to the developer. The game section of the Windows Store won't be called games but Xbox as Xbox is a gaming brand. It will start with the release of Windows 10 but it will take time before those games that are out (or coming soon) to be universal apps.

This presents a unique opportunity for Microsoft that no one else has. They can leverage the ability to buy PC games through their store and whenever a person decides to get an Xbox, "all" of their PC games come with them, or vice versa. Let's say Killer Instinct does come out on PC, I already bought the game and all the DLC, I can play it on my PC as well because it was already bought on my Xbox. This also helps with the ever growing market of digital sales. Buying a digital game, you at least know that you have two copies of a game instead of one. There's more incentive. Also and this is the biggest thing in my opinion, if the next generation Xbox runs on Windows 10 code base (which I believe it will), then backwards compatibility will forever be there. The biggest problem when changing generations has been solved and makes it easier to buy into the next generation of gaming than it has in the past and a huge leg up on Nintendo and Sony.

What I believe what won't happen:

Partnership with Steam. This won't happen because Microsoft is changing the way they are going to monetize on Windows. They want to make money through apps (as one way). Gaming gives the highest payout for apps. Partnering with Steam would diminish the return. They have to come up with ways that they can compete with Steam, it won't be great like Steam out of the gate (just as Steam wasn't great out the gate) but the crossplay with Xbox will make it enticing.



This old song and dance again.

Every year or two we hear about some vague plans from Microsoft to re-embrace PC gaming, and we get nothing of any value. I'm not only skeptical regarding their history, but I can't think of anything I actually want from them. PC gaming is already in a good place without MS doing much of anything at this point.


This won't happen because Microsoft is changing the way they are going to monetize on Windows. They want to make money through apps
That's exactly what they will try, and it's the biggest threat to PC gaming (and PC as a platform for anything) ever.



Universal Apps across Xbox and Windows and Windows Phone for gaming and apps will be announced.

What I believe will happen:

Microsoft will talk about Universal Apps on Xbox One. These Universal Apps are apps that can run from a Windows Phone, to Windows Tablet, to Windows PC, to Xbox, to Microsoft PixelSense (look it up). Microsoft already has universal apps that run on pc and phone (Halo: Spartan Assault is one of them). It lets the developer create one big code base on one platform and with minimal code changes for other platforms. Khan Academy is the first universal app that is on the Xbox One (if I remember correctly). These universal apps are bought once on any of those platforms and a "free" version on the others.

Microsoft will open up development (more on that at //build/ 2015 conference later in the year) to the store (the Microsoft One Store) that will be available on the Xbox. That means that those apps (or games...granted not AAA games...yet...that may be announced at //build/ along with each Xbox being a devkit) will have 3rd part devs on board. Basically creating the appification of TV, the thing that every company has been trying to do. What Microsoft has been trying to do with Xbox from the beginning, which is put a PC in the living room. This can possibly revolutionize the way we interact with TV. We'll have TV apps that we can navigate and use with our voice or controller or gestures. Think about companies like Nest with home automation, Dominos that's already making an app for the UK and I'm sure soon the US (Xbox "Feed Me"). It has that type of potential.

Windows gaming will be through the Windows Store. Phil Spencer may very well say that developers will be given the opportunity to make their Universal Game Apps play across Xbox Live to Xbox One players but that is up to the developer. The game section of the Windows Store won't be called games but Xbox as Xbox is a gaming brand. It will start with the release of Windows 10 but it will take time before those games that are out (or coming soon) to be universal apps.

This presents a unique opportunity for Microsoft that no one else has. They can leverage the ability to buy PC games through their store and whenever a person decides to get an Xbox, "all" of their PC games come with them, or vice versa. Let's say Killer Instinct does come out on PC, I already bought the game and all the DLC, I can play it on my PC as well because it was already bought on my Xbox. This also helps with the ever growing market of digital sales. Buying a digital game, you at least know that you have two copies of a game instead of one. There's more incentive. Also and this is the biggest thing in my opinion, if the next generation Xbox runs on Windows 10 code base (which I believe it will), then backwards compatibility will forever be there. The biggest problem when changing generations has been solved and makes it easier to buy into the next generation of gaming than it has in the past and a huge leg up on Nintendo and Sony.

They already announced universal apps for xbox/pc/phone at build 2014


They already announced universal apps for xbox/pc/phone at build 2014

True but I think they'll show more how it works from a consumer point of view. They showed targeting it last year but not buying and playing it on both. Plus, it really didn't get that much attention last year, I think with Phil saying it at a big Microsoft event it will get the attention it needs.



Universal Apps across Xbox and Windows and Windows Phone for gaming and apps will be announced.

This guy gets it.
I was afraid of no Steam as well considering they want cross play in that fighting game. No way they're ditching social features when PC player plays against console player.
I hope it's cross buy/cross play.

IMO that's how they can do things right on PC. Cross buy works through MS or steam with code if you buy XBO version of a game.

Cross play should have happened years ago. Make sperate matchmaking for PC so if you wasn't too jump into KB&M FPS game you can or you can avoid.

Yes, this would be awesome and the best way to handle it


- An option to use an 360/One controller on Win 10
- Bring MCC, Halo 3 ODST, and Gears Collection to PC
- Release a Wireless dongle for using Xbox One Controllers on PC.

Make any of these happen Phil and I will be quite pleased.


It's an incredibility naive view. If Microsoft games appeared on PC then Microsoft has a bigger audience to target with their games which means they are more likely to fund first party games. Them lists though? damn.


- An option to use an 360/One controller on Win 10
- Bring MCC, Halo 3 ODST, and Gears Collection to PC
- Release a Wireless dongle for using Xbox One Controllers on PC.

Make any of these happen Phil and I will be quite pleased.

The last one is by far the most realistic and that's may be reaching somewhat.

I'm not expecting anything really.


. This presents a unique opportunity for Microsoft that no one else has. They can leverage the ability to buy PC games through their store and whenever a person decides to get an Xbox, "all" of their PC games come with them, or vice versa

Apart from it functioning with a console, hasn't this been happening for years with SteamPlay? Buy your game and DLC on any PC platform it is available for, and get all of that on every other PC platform it is available for. Of course this is limited to Windows, Mac & Linux, but is a god send for those who change OS or use multiple OS.


Apart from it functioning with a console, hasn't this been happening for years with SteamPlay? Buy your game and DLC on any PC platform it is available for, and get all of that on every other PC platform it is available for. Of course this is limited to Windows, Mac & Linux, but is a god send for those who change OS or use multiple OS.

Yea it has but it's not a mass market thing compared to console gaming and PC gaming. A lot of PC gamers also have a console. SteamBox would do it if SteamBox was popular. It isn't. It won't make headlines (for now) with that possibility. If any of the Big 3 would do it, it will and will change the minds of gamers.

Also the changing to next generation consoles is the biggest draw for me (albiet if it happens). Keep with x86 architecture and let me play my games (it must be digital games for obvious reasons) for years to come...yea, that's huge imo.
You should write off those years of support, since it was so long time ago, and GFWL really was that bad. You can only live on old merites for so long.

The one good thing they have done the recent years (well, the recent ports were nice I guess) is that they handled GFWL so bad, that a new attempt with something similiar should be impossible for them now. They really ran that crapfest into the ground as hard as they could.

If anything I feel, even though I like the platform a whole lot, Xbox was much worse than GFW. GFW didn't get the needed support to become something worthwhile.

I remember listening to a podcast (one of the 1up ones if I recall) where someone mentioned that, when asked about the game he most wanted to come to the platform, the head of GFW said Halo 3 but it wasn't able to happen. GFW was a symptom of the shift of focus away from PC, if MS wants to bring some of their attention back to the platform I'm all for it.
I really wish Microsoft fully supports PC along with Xbox One and an overall great integration but they said they will show plan for PC/Xbox bla bla bla too many times and nothing was ever done.

Microsoft always talk about the next version will be the best, wait for the next version... but still nothing. While their competitors are going full aggressive with straight to the point plans.

So my expectations are very low at the moment.

I almost dream of Spencer to come on stage and surprise us with something nice for once, like pretty much any app on Windows compatible with Xbox One. Cross platform play between Windows and Xbox. Remote play on Windows PC's to Xbox One and of course a new UI design that is just better designed and especially faster and snappier.


I don't get why people instantly assume console warrior when they see stuff like that. I assume you're a PS4 owner, so wouldn't you be a little miffed if Sony started releasing all their PS4 exclusives on PC? People bought these consoles with the expectation of there being games they couldn't play anywhere else. If they knew in advance that everything was coming to PC, many of them would have probably just saved the money from buying a console and put it towards a PC.

I'm fine with MS having a bigger presence on PC, but they should use their traditionally PC franchises to do that. Flight Simulator, Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, etc. Keep Xbox exclusives on Xbox and make some PC exclusive games.


Doesn't feel like a possibility to reveal MCC for pc.

More like a storefront for apps/games on win10 sadly.

We already have a storefront for Windows 8 and Win 10 will have the same thing. It's either more interoperability (e.g. play Win 10 games on Xbox One) or hopefully actual games, quite possibly for Steam (they've been more okay with Steam recently, probably related to GFWL's slow death).

I really think people talking "steam competitor" are way off unless they mean ramping up the Windows Store, basically the entire point of Windows Store is to be a one stop for apps and games (not that it is yet), MS would be insane to both cannibalize sales on both platforms and add significant confusion/effort for consumers by making them use two stores.

I don't get why people instantly assume console warrior when they see stuff like that. I assume you're a PS4 owner, so wouldn't you be a little miffed if Sony started releasing all their PS4 exclusives on PC?

Honestly my biggest problem with these exclusivity deals is everything is 100% exclusive then one day a totally random period of time later it's not. If Sony/MS said straight up "our games will/will never be availible on PC, usually after X time period" I'd be way more okay with that. Sony's non-pub fund stuff never hits PC aside from SOE, so that's at least understandable. With MS who friggin knows.
I don't get why people instantly assume console warrior when they see stuff like that. I assume you're a PS4 owner, so wouldn't you be a little miffed if Sony started releasing all their PS4 exclusives on PC? People bought these consoles with the expectation of there being games they couldn't play anywhere else. If they knew in advance that everything was coming to PC, many of them would have probably just saved the money from buying a console and put it towards a PC.

I'm fine with MS having a bigger presence on PC, but they should use their traditionally PC franchises to do that. Flight Simulator, Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, etc. Keep Xbox exclusives on Xbox and make some PC exclusive games.

A wild, logical response appears!

Dunno how wanting the platform your invested in to retain it's exclusives makes you a fanboy/console warrior.
We already have a storefront for Windows 8 and Win 10 will have the same thing. It's either more interoperability (e.g. play Win 10 games on Xbox One) or hopefully actual games, quite possibly for Steam (they've been more okay with Steam recently, probably related to GFWL's slow death).
That would be ace. Hope you turn out right. I have to say, I am really happy how xbox's exclusives found their way on pc eventually.


If they knew in advance that everything was coming to PC, many of them would have probably just saved the money from buying a console and put it towards a PC.

1. Not everyone wants to play games on PC. This wouldn't hurt those people a bit.

2. If someone would prefer to be playing games on PC to begin with, they would be ecstatic that they could sell their console + games and still enjoy all those former exclusives but now on a platform that provides countless more benefits.

Exclusives are purely for list wars.
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