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Photoshopped Ryse Shots from Xbox.com

How do you know that everyone does it for sure? Is that your job to handle those? Do you have a list of games that you can name?

Any game with downsampled screenshots would be a candidate as they're doing it for the sole purpose of hiding imperfections(jaggies).


Here's an Edge article on bullshot practices in the industry. I think some people here might find it illuminating. Compared to some promotional screenshots, this Ryse one is nothing - as the only thing doctored here is clipping artifacts.


Nice read, liked this excerpt:

"There seems to be an increasing detachment between big game studios’ developers and their own marketing departments,” believes Dear Esther and Mirror’s Edge environment artist Rob Briscoe. “It seems like some marketing teams have little idea about what goes on behind the actual product they’re promoting – the tech, or what the spirit of that game is about.

“Instead, they seem to be obsessed with the notion that videogames should look like big-production action movies to appeal to their male teen demographic in the most obvious way possible. The result being ‘screenshots’ with lots of added J.J. Abrams lens flares, enhanced boobies, Photoshopped explosions and motion blur, [but] with nary a trace of actual gameplay in sight. FPS games especially seem to be one of the biggest culprits recently.”

“A screenshot, to me, should be exactly what it sounds like: a taste of actual in-game footage, a frame of what you’ll experience when you eventually play the game,” explains Briscoe. “I really despise all these heavily choreographed and composited ‘screenshots’, which seem to be all the rage right now. For me, it serves as a warning: if they can’t capture any real, compelling screenshots from their actual game, then in reality it’s likely to be a most un-compelling experience. That sucks for the developers, who may actually have created something really worthwhile but [the game] has been branded as something entirely different.”
I realised images were often supersampled etc but I honestly didn't know it was common practice to add actual stuff to images to make them look better.

only because most of the stuff right now on next-gen don't have the exact same angles on the gameplay vids.

the picture being enhanced is in the same vein of games which look okay in trailers but run at 20 fps in reality.

meaning, pretty standard practice.
Crytek media assets site


First batch release, its on gamersyde.com


Did they add clipping in the second pic?

The armor over the shoulder of the main character now clips when compared to the first picture.

Edit - got it backwards...

Anyway, the images look like two different points in time, not a doctored image.


The sad thing is that they'd risk being caught for something as small as this - I couldn't even notice the difference until the larger picture pointed it out and from reactions it doesn't look like even most gamers on here could tell. If you can't be honest about something this inconsequential then that's a bad sign IMO.


The sad thing is that they'd risk being caught for something as small as this - I couldn't even notice the difference until the larger picture pointed it out and from reactions it doesn't look like even most gamers on here could tell. If you can't be honest about something this inconsequential then that's a bad sign IMO.

It's probably a good idea you don't look closely at ANY of the upcoming games outside of their "promo" videos/shots.


The 60fps commercial for GTAV... now the is pure bullshit. Showing PC footage instead of actual 360or PS3 footage is pretty freaking misleading.


The sad thing is that they'd risk being caught for something as small as this - I couldn't even notice the difference until the larger picture pointed it out and from reactions it doesn't look like even most gamers on here could tell. If you can't be honest about something this inconsequential then that's a bad sign IMO.

I don't think it's a sign of anything, it's just common practice. Marketing enhances photos and snapshots just because they can. Even for real photographs, you couldn't find a magazine cover that hasn't been digitally edited. That's not a sign that models or actors/actresses are getting ugly.


This is a common practice not only in the video game industry but in pretty much any industry that is trying to sell you something. Photoshop is king. Everything needs to looks perfect, or better than perfect @_@. It's unfortunate in my opinion because it can be very misleading but that's business I guess. To single out this game for this console seems to be an attempt to add more fuel to the console war fire.
This happens all the time, you just don't know it because you don't have a second picture to compare it to. At best, it's just to fix errors that were not at the time gotten around to yet. At worst, it's to completely deceive the viewer.

This example here is a non-issue and it's sad that someone spent so much effort "uncovering" it.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Hahahaha if people are only noticing and making a fuss over Ryse...



Who cares? It looked pretty good in that Crytek video (visually, animations still look janky as can be). I guess we don't know if it was running on Xbone hardware though.


I feel blessed that I possess the ability to simply play games without caring about the minor imperfections within them.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I can understand quickly fixing images like this, for something that will be fixed eventually for sure, instead of fixing it and re-rendering it just for one screenshot that needs to be done for some timely marketing effort.

I think it's potentially bigger problem that the aliasing on the 'original' picture is much worse than on the 2nd one.

Thanks OP for showing the original pic looks better. It really does imo.
It really does not. Aliasing is far more visible on it. It only has stronger contrast, which is probaby due to video/image color mode conversions, and if not, it's something you can always crank up on your TV if you want.
Man, the op is upset with this and took the personal sacrifice of bringing this IMPORTANT ISSUE to the forefront. Next, he has the world of movie posters, magazine covers, and fashion and celebrity shoots to take care of. He took the burden of the world on his should so please people, cut him some slack.


Every gaming company does this. Sometimes it's the "community" team that's assigned by marketing to create screenshots. Yes, I said create. Many games have a debug mode where marketing, again usually the community department, can go in and stage screen shots. Then they photoshop them to make them look perfect.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Et tu, Brute?

It really is a non-issue because I can see no deception.

A deceptive screenshot would show a game in a way that it could never achieve in actual real-time gameplay. But that clipping is a minor glitch that will most probably be sorted out in the final version. As I already said, most probably the guy at who captured the footage didn't notice it. Another guy noticed it and made a quick fix instead of calling other people and causing unnecessary work for them by requesting new footage.


Actually the only company that doesn't do this is Nintendo,
look up any promo shots for Wii or even Pikmin 3 and you'll see that in all the cases the games look better than the promo shots.
Heck in Pikmin 3 they showed lower rez anti bullshots, pretty funny.
Every gaming company does this. Sometimes it's the "community" team that's assigned by marketing to create screenshots. Yes, I said create. Many games have a debug mode where marketing, again usually the community department, can go in and stage screen shots. Then they photoshop them to make them look perfect.

This people. I'VE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES!!!1 And then I shrugged my shoulders and walked on.


You got to love Nintendo for always showing actual game-play.

Or not really, some of the shots they provide are even less helpful.
I mean just look at what poor job they did on Prime 3.
Heck people here probably disregarded Pikmin 3 because of the shitty shots Nintendo gave.


I can't see a difference?

/Thread backfire

Pretty much my reaction. If anything, I prefer the black values in the original pics.

Fake edit: Also, if someone could re-host the comparison images from the OP, it would probably be helpful too.


Come on guys, every publisher is a liar. Just check the released pictures for any game you want...

But when it's Microsoft, it's really really bad...
On a side note, I'm wondering if there's an easy way of taking a bullshot, more precisely a downsampled image and resize it into a jaggy mess it usually turns out to be. I've dabbled with it for a while but have never got a realistic, or even degraded enough result. Not trying to stir things up, genuinely curious.


Sony fanboy much? Forza smokes Drive Club in visuals

Lol, photo mode compared to actual gameplay.

DriveClub is a better looking game:
Realistic Lighting (DC) vs Baked Lighting (F5)

Not even counting DriveClub has night and midday settings, also weather effects which Forza doesn't have.

DriveClub also has a much more impressive draw distance than Forza 5


Please get uninformed verses arguments about driving games out of here so we can get back to saying how silly the premise of singling out one game for an industry practice is.
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