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All I'm saying is Sony has only lost franchises over the past generation, I don't think they've gained anything. Microsoft managed to garner more support from Japanese publishers for 360 after Xbox's failure than Sony seems to be getting for Vita after PSP's roaring success.


Mr_Brit said:
So on a scale of 1 to 10 how likely is it that Vita won't fail? I was at 8 but I'm now down to a 6 after the disastrous Japan showing.

Depends what you class as a failure. I don't expect it to do much better hw numbers than PSP ever did, hoping software will do better this time though.
See, to me so much weight is put on these pre-existing titles at launch that it comes across as no one giving a single fuck about new franchises. Hell, PS3's launch was a total trainwreck and people were predicting it's complete demise within a year or two -- that is, until Uncharted came out. Arguably the greatest new IP of this generation. Why can't we focus on the new for once instead of sequel after goddamned sequel?


24FrameDaVinci said:
It can't be any worse than the 3DS launch.

Sure it can, 3DS was allowed to have a shitty launch because it had no competition, as opposed to Vita, which is going to be competing against mario, mario kart, and monster hunter right outside of the gate with pokemon, animal crossing etc... looming, plus its even more deceptively expensive than it initially seemed with the memory card thing, some games even requrie the memory cards, which some consumers will not be aware of and will lead to negative backlash...

It could get bad, what is going to sell the system. At least with 3DS there were titles we could point to in the future and be like BAM these are giong to sell no matter what, and move hardware... with vita what do we have that we can say the same about.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Chuck Norris said:
There are exclusive games in all those franchises coming to 3DS?

i dont see how making a game for a console means rheyre being developed exclusively for nintendo systems.


Junior Member
Jmanunknown said:
Thats even worse oh well at least the vita's still shaping up to be a great system with a good set of features. Its crazy to think as of right now the biggest announced games coming to the vita are ports which will also be on the ps3. Sony has to hope they hit lighting in a bottle with their new ip's or square enix's games preferably theirs that way whats apparently happening now with monster hunter will not happen again.

Actually, no, Square's announcement's were also there and seemed pretty interesting. Or total shit. Who knows, we saw nothing but logos. And LoA is supposed to be a MonHun game, for crying out loud. AT LAUNCH.
Famitsu revealed a game from Cave for the Vita.

Seriously, this keynote tomorrow better deliver, deliver in spades. Because the press today was certainly so unimpressed it was depressing.


Any regular importers have any rough idea of how much it will cost to import a Japanese WiFi model to the UK?

I imported a launch PSP way back when and remember it working out expensive, but not sure how much it would likely cost now.
Parallax said:
i dont see how making a game for a console means rheyre being developed exclusively for nintendo systems.
I'm saying Nintendo is the only one getting exclusives in these franchises. And if you break it down to just handhelds, Nintendo is the only company getting them.
Thread title should be updated.

It's only $249 if you have zero plans to go to the PS Store. Want to access PS Store content, you have to pay a high price for memory sold seperatly.


Good Art™
AndrewDean84xX said:
Thread title should be updated.

It's only $249 if you have zero plans to go to the PS Store. Want to access PS Store content, you have to pay a high price for memory sold seperatly.

I was really liking the fact that i could buy everything from the psn..
AndrewDean84xX said:
Thread title should be updated.

It's only $249 if you have zero plans to go to the PS Store. Want to access PS Store content, you have to pay a high price for memory sold seperatly.

Nobody did that with the 360 and the xbox live fee, don't be silly.

Also, not that much ago I had to pay 23€ for an 8GB memory stick (cheapest place around here), so 30€ is not really that bad, if that is indeed the final price. I might go for the 16GB one though... we'll see.
24FrameDaVinci said:
See, to me so much weight is put on these pre-existing titles at launch that it comes across as no one giving a single fuck about new franchises. Hell, PS3's launch was a total trainwreck and people were predicting it's complete demise within a year or two -- that is, until Uncharted came out. Arguably the greatest new IP of this generation. Why can't we focus on the new for once instead of sequel after goddamned sequel?
Because nobody is making new stuff in Japan anymore apparently


I'll buy a MC later, when they will lower their price... Like it was for PSP MSticks...
Games are on MCs, you can store DLCs and saves and this is not enough again...


AndrewDean84xX said:
Thread title should be updated.

It's only $249 if you have zero plans to go to the PS Store. Want to access PS Store content, you have to pay a high price for memory sold seperatly.

Are you new to the game? They're biting the loss on HW in hopes of making money on accessories and software/dd content. Stop complaining.
stilgar said:
Here, I fixed it.

Not really. The definitive versions of Viewtiful Joe and RE4 were on Gamecube, not the PS2. Not to mention the window of exclusivity. The DS and the 3DS have both received a lot of love. Even the Wii got the RE shooter games, which weren't fantastic, but were hardly bad games.


24FrameDaVinci said:
See, to me so much weight is put on these pre-existing titles at launch that it comes across as no one giving a single fuck about new franchises. Hell, PS3's launch was a total trainwreck and people were predicting it's complete demise within a year or two -- that is, until Uncharted came out. Arguably the greatest new IP of this generation. Why can't we focus on the new for once instead of sequel after goddamned sequel?

Im with you on this. This gen is being fed with regurgitated IP's but I think the fact that games these days cost an exorbitant amount to make, with slimmer profit margins in comparison to yesteryear, that developers and publishers are hesitant to put out something thats not a sure bet.


24FrameDaVinci said:
Valkyria Chronicles? Bayonetta? Ni No Kuni? Child of Eden? MGS Rising? The Last Guardian to name a few.

Didn't you hear? Two of those bombed. Then another two are never going to come out.
24FrameDaVinci said:
Valkyria Chronicles? Bayonetta? Ni No Kuni? Child of Eden? MGS Rising? The Last Guardian to name a few.
Most of those are out and announced years ago or in development hell

Seems like TGS this year is retreading a lot of ideas, or just flat out porting old games. I mean Kojima actually has a stage show dedicated to his HD Ports. It's silly


GAF's Bob Woodward
Kyoufu said:
The UI shown today was excellent. Really loved it. I just hope the browser doesn't suck.

It looked super fast, but was disappointed that they didn't show 'in-game' multitasking - i.e. hopping from game to other apps and back again. I wanted to see that and/or how fast it would be.

I think they've been taking notes from Nintendo, with that 'chill' background music etc. Gives a pretty different personality to the device than - say - PS3.
Jarmel said:
Didn't you hear? Two of those bombed. Then another two are never going to come out.
So did Okami. Hell, doesn't take away from the fact that they're better than 95% percent of the garbage that's out there. Also, these companies make so much off shovelware that they damned well SHOULD be making new IPs. R* took their sweet time and did it with Red Dead and LA Noire this gen, why can't Japanese devs do the same?


So...there was a little talk about a possible trade-in program for people who want to play their umds on Vita. Something about a discount. I really hope they go through with it.

Jarmel said:
So Japan isn't like the West where I can preorder stuff far in advance?

October something...is when preorders start.


needs 2 extra inches
gofreak said:
It looked super fast, but was disappointed that they didn't show 'in-game' multitasking - i.e. hopping from game to other apps and back again. I wanted to see that and/or how fast it would be.

I think they've been taking notes from Nintendo, with that 'chill' background music etc. Gives a pretty different personality to the device than - say - PS3.
The OS was the highlight for me, even though it didn't seem to respond to some swipe gestures at a couple of points, I hope that gets ironed out.

But over all? it really did feel like an entirely different experience from anything Sony has offered up until this point.


Ratrat said:
October something...is when preorders start.

Ah okay. Just want to make sure I can try and preorder before things get crazy. Are there retailers that handle this stuff better than others? I'm currently in Osaka so there are a few stores around me.

Oh and that treadmill.gif is godly.


I wonder if we can expect cross system play in games aside from that Vanillaware beatem up. Yes, UMVC3, I'm looking at you.
Japanese gamers have a few different options when picking up a Vita. For the 3G equipped model (with service courtesy of Japanese telco DoCoMo), MSRP is ¥29,980 (roughly $389.80 USD). For the wifi only model, it'll be a more modest ¥24,980, or $324.80 USD. While comparisons are being made to the 3DS launch, whose ¥25,000 launch corresponded to a US launch price of $249.99, it's early to speculate, given how strong the Yen continues to be against the dollar.

I know it's joystiq, but why exactly are they questioning the already announced $249 US price?


Chuck Norris said:
LOL SCEJ completely lost the entire franchise, These guys are the bane of Sony's existence

They just fail to maintain good developer relationships left, right and center. There is not a single franchise left that was a Playstation exclusive 6 years ago. I mean Tekken, Monster Hunter, Ace Combat, Dragon Quest, Resident Evil all being developed exclusively on Nintendo systems, but not Sony ones. Its crazy

LOL... what a joke of a company they have became, crazy stuff. Did they realize what revived the PSP in Japan? Looks like they didnt...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Hey all, I'm confused.

I see something saying it has a 5" 960x540 screen but then I see something about games being 60fps 640x480. I'm like hold up, that aspect ratio isn't even the same wtf is this.

That said, DAMN this thing is stacked. That screen is OLED, two sticks, multitouch both sides, motion control, insane power. Hell of a lot more than I got for the $250 I dropped on a PSPgo.


Kyoufu said:
The UI shown today was excellent. Really loved it. I just hope the browser doesn't suck.
I was really impressed by that stuff too. I also really liked the slide puzzle game in welcome park.


Mr_Brit said:
So on a scale of 1 to 10 how likely is it that Vita won't fail? I was at 8 but I'm now down to a 6 after the disastrous Japan showing.

I don't understand this. If the 3DS survived basically no game worth owning a 3DS for until Zelda, which was a 12 year old game, Vita, with 26 launch titles, is supposed to be worse, how?

If Vita and 3DS were both coming out soon in Japan, and nintendo showed what they had shown yestarday prior to launch, I would understand, but in comparison, the Vita seems to have a much greater launch.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Midou said:
I don't understand this. If the 3DS survived basically no game worth owning a 3DS for until Zelda, which was a 12 year old game, Vita, with 26 launch titles, is supposed to be worse, how?

If Vita and 3DS were both coming out soon in Japan, and nintendo showed what they had shown yestarday prior to launch, I would understand, but in comparison, the Vita seems to have a much greater launch.

The problem is the 3DS was given that time to fail because there was no competing system.

Vita is going to be launching against a competing system with a much lower launch point and quite frankly a much superior lineup. Sony gets not extra points for launching second.


Midou said:
I don't understand this. If the 3DS survived basically no game worth owning a 3DS for until Zelda, which was a 12 year old game, Vita, with 26 launch titles, is supposed to be worse, how?

If Vita and 3DS were both coming out soon in Japan, and nintendo showed what they had shown yestarday prior to launch, I would understand, but in comparison, the Vita seems to have a much greater launch.
And to make matters worse they want to compare the lineup of games of a system that has been on the market for a year to one that is about to launch. They got brains.


GAF parliamentarian
Dice said:
Hey all, I'm confused.

I see something saying it has a 5" 960x540 screen but then I see something about games being 60fps 640x480. I'm like hold up, that aspect ratio isn't even the same wtf is this.

That said, DAMN this thing is stacked. That screen is OLED, two sticks, multitouch both sides, motion control, insane power. Hell of a lot more than I got for the $250 I dropped on a PSPgo.


SSJ1Goku said:
And to make matters worse they want to compare the lineup of games of a system that has been on the market for a year to one that is about to launch. They got brains.
Of course you have to make that comparison, that is the problem with launching your hardware after your opponent (and at a higher price) is that they have had the time to build up their software library. Now I'd argue that Nintendo has done an awful job at doing that but their fall and early 2012 line up is pretty damn nasty and I don't see Sony having a suitable system seller at launch (in Japan) to retaliate. Hopefully something big will be announced during the remaining TGS.


Bento said:
Of course you have to make that comparison, that is the problem with launching your hardware after your opponent is that they have had the time to build up their software library. Now I'd argue that Nintendo has done an awful job at doing that but their fall and early 2012 line up is pretty damn nasty and I don't see Sony having a suitable system seller at launch (in Japan) to retaliate. Hopefully something big will be announced during the remaining TGS.
We were on the conversation of Sony "losing exclusives." They have not lost anything, they just have not had a chance to be developed. There was never a chance of Tekken and Ace being there at launch.


Has it been confirmed that all PSP games from PSN will be rendered at a higher resolution and have the ability to map the second analog stick to the dpad?

If so: Will this be available at launch.

I might import a japanese PSV if so. I'll probably wait until it gets released in NA/EU otherwise.


Grokbu said:
Has it been confirmed that all PSP games from PSN will be rendered at a higher resolution and have the ability to map the second analog stick to the dpad?

If so: Will this be available at launch.

I might import a japanese PSV if so. I'll probably wait until it gets released in NA/EU otherwise.
No. It's not upscaling or rendering at a higher resolution.


SSJ1Goku said:
We were on the conversation of Sony "losing exclusives." They have not lost anything, they just have not had a chance to be developed. There was never a chance of Tekken and Ace being there at launch.
Oh, well then, missed the context :p And yeah, considering the way stationary gaming has gone I would be not surprised if we eventually see both Tekken, Ace Combat and even Monster Hunter on the Vita. Been far too many supposed exclusives last generation that have gone multiplatform for that to not happen.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
SSJ1Goku said:
We were on the conversation of Sony "losing exclusives." They have not lost anything, they just have not had a chance to be developed. There was never a chance of Tekken and Ace being there at launch.

The immediate issue as I see it is if the 3DS games do well, developers may not bother with a Vita version.
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