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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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It's just incredibly stupid people thinking they've found a "loophole" in the diversity initiative. Shitty people thinking it's a carte blanche to spread their putrid views unfettered.

Unfortunately for them this is a battle they lost before they even stepped into the ring. Playtonic removed Jon, and the crying brigade from these jackasses is not going to make a considerable dent into the game's sales, because most people aren't fucking crazy. All they can do is bleat into a microphone and make angry YouTube comments, that's it.

It's hilarious he vomits shit like this and pretends he's still a centrist. Who the fuck says this and pretends they're reasonable?

Their loophole sucks and so easily countered.

I mean, if you want a a lot of diverse thought, you get a lot of diverse people. Things like racism and misogyny do more harm and hinder diverse thought because it limits your world view, discovery, and overall potential.



You know who might not like his views, African Americans who he claims no matter how good they are will always be criminals regardless of their education or income level. Immigrants and Refugees who he claims is polluting the white gene pool. Any minority group who are actively discriminated against on a daily basis. The list goes on and on. Boogies must think his audience is full of racists and is being very careful not to piss them off. It must suck to have to have no morals and feel like you have no choice but to placate to Bigots or else your lively hood may become effected. I say that cause the alternative is that he aligns with those view but is smart enough not to say it loudly. Either way I pity him.


Can't these 'people' please stop trying to destroy this racists career? Why can't we all just forget that time when he spouted ignorant bullshit and made up statistics to support his ignorant beliefs and go back to laughing at his videos?!?

Because it's *really* hard for a lot of people to go back to laughing at someone once they've been revealed to be a crazy racist.
Was this posted? Nice guy Boogie still batting for Jon by claiming peeps are out to get him.

Hi there, can we pretend I am a key player? Because I don't like what JonTron has said. I find it incredibly xenophobic and dangerous. I think his statements SHOULD damage his career and credibility because they are past opinions, they are hateful positions.
Boogie is an enigma of a man, he wants to be centralists so badly but people point out how this is damaging, and he agrees, and then continues to be a fencesitter.



Was this his legit reply?


YouTube is apparently losing advertisers as they realise some of their adverts are appearing next to hate speech videos.

Looks like it started with UK firms and now US firms are pulling their advert spots from YouTube.

It started when the UK The times reported on adverts appearing next to neo nazi videos back in early February (paywall blocked but the first two paragraphs are peeking over the wall).
Note The Times is a Murdoch paper and has traditionally even before his involvement been a conservative paper.
Tangentially related, but also the 'stop funding hate' social media campaign in the U.K. has also been encouraging advertisers to stop funding the more virulent papers that just raise hatred towards immigrants and refugees like the Daily Mail. They've had some limited success here.


In September 2016 Specsavers withdrew an advert from the Daily Express after hundreds, including Stop Funding Hate, complained that it was funding "fear and division".[13]

Gary Lineker showed support for the campaign, saying that he had spoken to Walkers about their advertisements in The Sun.[14] Following calls from the campaign and its supporters, Lego announced in November 2016 that it was ending its advertising with the Daily Mail, stating they were "not planning any future promotional activity with the newspaper", making it the first company to end its advertising in one of the targeted newspapers since the campaign's inception.[15] In February 2017 the internet service provider Plusnet withdrew adverts from The Sun and The Body Shop announced they had no future plans to advertise in The Daily Mail after social media criticism.[16][17]


Was this his legit reply?

His new tweet doesn't surprise me.
Boogie is an idiot, that doesn't excuse him though. He's just so blindingly ignorant and constantly tries pleasing everyone to the point that he ends up defending scum like Jon. I hope people don't go to hard on him and focus on Jon, because Boogie one of the few who admits when he's wrong and learns from it (cough H3H3/Total Biscuit/Colin/Pewdiepie could all learn from him). Or at least that's how I viewed him in the past


Un Rama
It's simple

He has self esteem issues. So he plays both sides to get as many people to like him. Then when somebody isn't taking that crap, he immediately begs their forgiveness and says they're right so they still like him. Guy seeks approval like a madman

He did the same thing with Patrick Klepek a few hours ago.
Also he didn't actually know what Jon said...not sure I buy that but either way it's a really bad look for him.


My post 3 days ago in the older JonTron thread will continue to remain relevant.

Boogie has this strong desire to appease others to appease himself so it's in his own self preservation he doesn't want to offend anyone. But because of this, he has no stance on hardline issues, he often shows no moral code or ethics because he wants to remain neutral and is terrified of possible backlash.
That would be pretty horrible considering everything he's done and said since
Well, he's lying, I think. It's his attempt to save face by looking foolish rather than approving.

He'd rather be the affable idiot who aw shucksed his way into Mistaketown on the Wagon of Good Intentions than the guy who defended a racist saying racist things and was called out by people who extended beyond his reach.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
I can't believe how his statement is starting off with "Yo now I actually took the effort to read what the racist said" and


fucking repeats everything he did before, sitting on fences, blaming his childhood and mental disorders instead of standing by fucking anything,

"I so believe in tolerance but please be kind to Jontron"

Yeah Boogie, I'm sure you're reading this, because you're still obsessed about what people think about you, and that "I should shut up" realization is way too late. Now it's time to actually, finally position yourself, because you're just making it worse and worse.

Also, ctrl+f "sorry", zero results. Not surprised.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, he's lying, I think. It's his attempt to save face by looking foolish rather than approving.

He'd rather be the affable idiot who aw shucksed his way into Mistaketown on the Wagon of Good Intentions than the guy who defended a racist saying racist things and was called out by people who extended beyond his reach.

Few people will believe this, but at the time of filming I was not fully aware of EXACTLY what jon said and EXACTLY how damaging they could be. But that doesn't matter, I should have done my due diligence.

If he really thinks that makes him look better I just don't know what to say
YouTube is apparently losing advertisers as they realise some of their adverts are appearing next to hate speech videos.

Looks like it started with UK firms and now US firms are pulling their advert spots from YouTube.

It started when the UK The times reported on adverts appearing next to neo nazi videos back in early February (paywall blocked but the first two paragraphs are peeking over the wall).
Note The Times is a Murdoch paper and has traditionally even before his involvement been a conservative paper.
While this is fantastic news and probably the best chance we have of Google actually doing something about videos spouting hate speech, I am troubled that a video about abortion is lumped in with racist commentary.

In no way, shape or form should abortion be considered as an extreme or negative subject and especially shouldn't be comparable with racism.
They dropped PewDiePie after his comments and some media pressure. No such luck with JonTron. Disheartening.

Someone is not trying hard enough. With PDP there is definately an angle to see it as a stupid joke for internet audience that went too far, with JonTron you have a full blown actual nutcase.
I have a bit of sympathy for Boogie. He is indeed a fencesitter, and as he eluded to in his twitlonger, not a person who will or even can stand up for something that will cause criticism. He recognizes that, and has come to terms with it. The next best thing to do when you are ill equipped or ill informed is to shut the fuck up.

From the twitlonger it seems he understands how fucked up Jontron's words were now. So if he can't or won't stand for what's right, then it's fine for him to, as Jesse Williams so eloquently put it, "sit down". Let him stick to his toys and video games.
Just finished reading boogies twitlonger tweet with his apology.

First point - I don't believe boogie didn't read jontrons comments, because reading even one sentence would show how wrong he is so for boogie to comment he has to have at least known some of the content surely otherwise he is admitting to commenting on something with 0 knowledge on it.

Second point - while his letter is otherwise good taken at face value, he then responds to a tweet saying that this won't stop the haters and that he is their next acceptable target by saying he is probably right.

This means he still believes he is the victim of a witch hunt and not someone that many people have a legitimate complaint avout. This also makes his whole letter disingenuous since he is still of the mind that the hate he will get isn't deserved even though he just detailed why he was wrong and how he needs to change!


I have a bit of sympathy for Boogie. He is indeed a fencesitter, and as he eluded to in his twitlonger, not a person who will or even can stand up for something that will cause criticism. He recognizes that, and has come to terms with it. The next best thing to do when you are ill equipped or ill informed is to shut the fuck up.

From the twitlonger it seems he understands now how fucked up Jontron's words were now. So if he can't or won't stand for what's right, then it's fine for him to, as Jesse Williams so eloquently put it, "sit down". Let him stick to his toys and video games.

Good way of putting it, but I still have no respect for the man. It's your job as a human being to stand up for what's right, and in 2017 it's easier than ever to do that. I can't even conceive of how someone who makes their money off talking to a camera wouldn't be able to talk about how something fucked up is fucked up.

I also don't even really believe he's being honest. He's terrified of upsetting people yet doesn't realize that "not taking a side" is taking a side.
I have a bit of sympathy for Boogie. He is indeed a fencesitter, and as he eluded to in his twitlonger, not a person who will or even can stand up for something that will cause criticism. He recognizes that, and has come to terms with it. The next best thing to do when you are ill equipped or ill informed is to shut the fuck up.

From the twitlonger it seems he understands how fucked up Jontron's words were now. So if he can't or won't stand for what's right, then it's fine for him to, as Jesse Williams so eloquently put it, "sit down". Let him stick to his toys and video games.

I'd have sympathy if he didn’t do this literally every time... also if his criticism wasn't always directed at the wrong people


I believe in peace rather than war, and I also believe in tolerance. But my tolerance doesn't extend to things like racism, nor does racism bring about peace.

If you're unwilling to draw the line somewhere then everyone is going to step over it, and they're going step all over you and everyone else because you continue to let everything slide.


"Can't be sure but I believe holocaust survivors would find genocide jokes funny-not 100% suretho"

Is this boogie guy fucking serious with that shit?

And further, did all the deplorable youtubers decide to just start publicly outing themselves as awful human beings in the last few weeks? Seems like these guys can't jump up fast enough to ruin their own reputations.


semen stains the mountaintops
Boogie's now said he didn't actually read what JonTron said before he defended him.

Yeah, that was a pretty WTF thing for him to say...

He did also go on to say this

Over the past few days, certainly many people have shown me why that is. Sure, progressive thinking people have shown me that but more importantly so have people DIRECTLY affected by this type of thinking. They have shown me they no longer wish to tolerate bigotry and that I should no longer do the same. By normalizing and allowing it to exist, much less signal boosting it as I did, can be very harmful. Times have changed and I should change with it, seems to be the message that has been delivered loud and clear.

Sounds like he is learning, though.


never left the stone age
I can't believe how his statement is starting off with "Yo now I actually took the effort to read what the racist said" and


fucking repeats everything he did before, sitting on fences, blaming his childhood and mental disorders instead of standing by fucking anything,

"I so believe in tolerance but please be kind to Jontron"

Yeah Boogie, I'm sure you're reading this, because you're still obsessed about what people think about you, and that "I should shut up" realization is way too late. Now it's time to actually, finally position yourself, because you're just making it worse and worse.

Also, ctrl+f "sorry", zero results. Not surprised.

Yeah Boogie is already a part of it I think. In that Twitter chain there's a lot of fans trying to appeal to his senses and he only responds to the person who says "Ya man, THEY will be coming after you now!"

Edit: Dirtyshubb's post above expressed my same thoughts in a more elegant manner :p


Yeah, that was a pretty WTF thing for him to say...

He did also go on to say this

Sounds like he is learning, though.

Baffles me how a grown man who has presumably gone through school is just now being introduced to the bold new concept that bigotry shouldn't be normalized.
Urgh, still playing the victim.

Until he comes out and says something like "racism is totally unacceptable" and JT can F himself, I don't give two monkeys about what this guy is saying.

Get off that fence, Boogie.
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