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PoliGAF Jan 26 Debate/Florida Primary Topic

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This primary is so weird. Mitt is leading Newt in Florida by 10 points, but Newt is leading Mitt nationwide by 6 points? Make up your mind GOP!


Can you guys imagine how dirty Romney's campaign against Obama is going to be? I have never seen Republicans savage themselves this way and Mitt will get even dirtier in the general. He will say/do ANYTHING to win


Is the reason that every single fucking ad on YouTube is for Mitt Romney because I'm in Florida? Can you buy ads per state with Adsense?
Can you guys imagine how dirty Romney's campaign against Obama is going to be? I have never seen Republicans savage themselves this way and Mitt will get even dirtier in the general. He will say/do ANYTHING to win

Did you miss the 2008 elections? Television sets were doused with Obama's ads. His campaign spent a fuck load of money shitting on McCain.

SPOT TV ADS: June-Nov 2008

Barack Obama 419,667
John McCain 269,992


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
You can buy ads down to the city in adsense btw.

It's not always reliable though, fairly reliable to the state though.
In a blind situation, all they have is geolocation, which is mostly dependent on your ISP. Mine shows being in the next city over.
Huh? Did you read the post you were responding to?

He's trying to say Obama will be just as bad. The funny thing is, he is only comparing number of ads. He has no proof at all that any of those ads were dirty.

Wow that post flew over your head. Hes not talking about number of adds. Hes talking about dirty tactics.

Have you lot never seen a single SEIU ad?

Obama is as much of a politician as Romney. Thinking otherwise is just ignorant.
I can't recall any candidate that's had two failed, unsustainable spikes in support like has Newt over the last few months. Did conservatives simply forget who they supported and disregarded mere months earlier?

Also, I am not sure whether the tepid support that conservatives and moderates seem to have for Romney will translate to a lack of support in the general election. When you consider the overall enmity the public has for Congress, the President, our government institutions, these candidates, etc., this is shaping to be an election cycle completely unlike any in modern record. While conservatives may not like Romney much, I think they'll still come out in droves to support him simply to drive Obama out.

And considering this massive level of disgust in our politics, I'm somewhat shocked there hasn't been more of a sustained third-party push on the local level.
It's amazing people still fondly look back at Obama's 2008 campaign.

Because it was a positive campaign. It was based on change and that our best days are ahead. McCain was runing on you can´t trust this guy he´s going to ruin us all America is doomed if he wins.

The funny thing is that´s how it looks like 2012 is going to be. Just look at the State of the Union versus Mitt Daniel´s "America is going to collapse if Obama gets another 4 years" speech.

People don´t remember specific adds when they say it was positive or negative the are responding to the tone.
You responded to a post about Romney's honesty with a post about the number of ads Obama ran. Now you are citing an SEIU ad in response to this being pointed out....

Did you miss the part in my original post where I wrote that a lot of money was spent on ads to shit on McCain? I then followed that up with the number of ads they both ran to to highlight that much shitting on was being done.

And now I am citing SEIU because they spent millions on ensuring Obama's victory with dirty ads. I'm well aware you followed the 2008 elections as close as anyone, but if your memory is a bit shoddy, just search SEIU on youtube and you'll find hours worth of anti-McCain entertainment.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I can't recall any candidate that's had two failed, unsustainable spikes in support like has Newt over the last few months. Did conservatives simply forget who they supported and disregarded mere months earlier?

Also, I am not sure whether the tepid support that conservatives and moderates seem to have for Romney will translate to a lack of support in the general election. When you consider the overall enmity the public has for Congress, the President, our government institutions, these candidates, etc., this is shaping to be an election cycle completely unlike any in modern record. While conservatives may not like Romney much, I think they'll still come out in droves to support him simply to drive Obama out.

And considering this massive level of disgust in our politics, I'm somewhat shocked there hasn't been more of a sustained third-party push on the local level.
I just don't see anybody getting that excited about Romney. He's got Kerry's personality and serious concerns among the conservative base about not being conservative enough or trustworthy.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Did you miss the part in my original post where I wrote that a lot of money was spent on ads to shit on McCain? I then followed that up with the number of ads they both ran to to highlight that much shitting on was being done.

And now I am citing SEIU because they spent millions on ensuring Obama's victory with dirty ads. I'm well aware you followed the 2008 elections as close anyone, but if your memory is a bit shoddy, just search SEIU on youtube and you'll find hours worth of anti-McCain entertainment.


Okay, try this one. How many of those 419,667 ads were actually 'shitting' on McCain. And how many of those ads 'shitting' on McCain were filled with lies?

Okay, try this one. How many of those 419,667 ads were actually 'shitting' on McCain. And how many of those ads 'shitting' on McCain were filled with lies?

Where in the world did 'lies' come up from? It's not like the pro-Romney ads are lying about Gingrich. It speaks volumes that you're just not willing to accept that the pro-Obama ads were as dirty to McCain as the pro-Romney ads are to Gingrich.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Where in the world did 'lies' come up from? It's not like the pro-Romney ads are lying about Gingrich. It speaks volumes that you're just not willing to accept that the pro-Obama ads were as dirty to McCain as the pro-Romney ads are to Gingrich.

You haven't answered the question. Okay, change lies to dirty. How many of those 419,667 ads were dirty? And how do the dirty ads compare to Romney's dirty ads? What exactly makes each dirty?

I haven't seen any of the Romney ads, but you seem to be comparing things that are not directly comparable. You threw out numbers, then showed one negative ad, then said it was just as comparable as Romney's. You can't make comparisons like that. It's completely laughable.


It's kinda funny that you guys seem to think that Obama wasn't running negative ads. But I guess it depends on your definition of "dirty".


That's true but my point is that candidates (Republicans especially) don't typically bring personal attacks to the debates but it's the norm in this campaign. Romney doesn't even need to unload on Gingrich like this to beat him. Gingrich is totally unelectable and the Super PACs are there to do the dirty work.
You haven't answered the question. Okay, change lies to dirty. How many of those 419,667 ads were dirty? And how do the dirty ads compare to Romney's dirty ads? What exactly makes each dirty?

I haven't seen any of the Romney ads, but you seem to be comparing things that are not directly comparable. You threw out numbers, then showed one negative ad, then said it was just as comparable as Romney's. You can't make comparisons like that. It's completely laughable.

If you weren't being obnoxious I would probably discuss this further, but I will say that it doesn't take a research paper to know when a political ad is dirty and hitting below the belt. If you can't recognize the SEIU ads for being what they are, then you're nothing more than a partisan hack.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I don't know. Probably ads that focus on the bad things about the fucker you run against rather than the great things you're going to do for the country.

They don't really define it in that post though.

some of the comments their actually bring up good points (really surprised me):

Measuring Negativity on its own is not a criteria that makes sense in this case. The important difference is which campaign featured more misleading and nonfactual information. The McCain campaign was rightly derided for their lies, not so much for their negativity. I don't have a real problem if a commercial runs telling me that such and such a candidate voted against the minimum wage increases over 19 times in the last year, if it is accurate. However, an ad stating that a candidate is going to raise my taxes when it isn't true; that's just plain lying. Of course, both ads are negative.

Please define negative. I have seen some reports that say mentioning your opponent in an add makes it a negative add. How about how factually correct an add is? Please give us your definition or the whole thing is meaningless.

If you weren't being obnoxious I would probably discuss this further, but I will say that it doesn't take a research paper to know when a political ad is dirty and hitting below the belt. If you can't recognize the SEIU ads for being what they are, then you're nothing more than a partisan hack.

I'm being obnoxious because you are making vague comparisons? I already stated that the SEIU were negative... you still haven't provided any legitimate comparisons.
That's true but my point is that candidates (Republicans especially) don't typically bring personal attacks to the debates but it's the norm in this campaign. Romney doesn't even need to unload on Gingrich like this to beat him. Gingrich is totally unelectable and the Super PACs are there to do the dirty work.

Yeah. This has been a tough campaign. Maybe the most personal in a long time. It's been entertaining though.


Yeah. This has been a tough campaign. Maybe the most personal in a long time. It's been entertaining though.

No doubt but if I was a GOPer, I'd be kind of upset that Perry, Newt and Mitt have all attacked each other with arguments only Dems typically would use on taxes, business dealings, immigration etc. For example, if Mitt wins, it'll be hard to cry "class warfare" when Team Obama just replays primary ads over and over. Then again, maybe that's why Mitt took the gloves off too lol
If you weren't being obnoxious I would probably discuss this further, but I will say that it doesn't take a research paper to know when a political ad is dirty and hitting below the belt. If you can't recognize the SEIU ads for being what they are, then you're nothing more than a partisan hack.

Man this is some high-level cheating boyfriend stuff. Get caught not responding to the words of a post, and spin it into a personal attack on someone else.


No doubt but if I was a GOPer, I'd be kind of upset that Perry, Newt and Mitt have all attacked each other with arguments only Dems typically would use on taxes, business dealings, immigration etc. For example, if Mitt wins, it'll be hard to cry "class warfare" when Team Obama just replays primary ads over and over. Then again, maybe that's why Mitt took the gloves off too lol

I think some of these things have come up because the GOP has fractured into many things, and those fragments are starting to really separate now. I feel like as a whole the GOP doesn't really know which direction its going, and as a result you have different pieces of the party appealing to some of the different pieces of the base. And the base is getting increasingly aware of differences amongst each other.
In other news, Herman Cain endorsed Newt today.

Probably will have a a near zero impact but it definitely seems the anti-GOP establishment favors Newt. Too bad for them, the GOP establishment has revealed its true form with gnashing claws and fangs. They've let the Tea Party play with the car keys long enough and are now exerting their full power and influence to get the elections results they approve of.

Little did they know, the Tea Party lost this election two years ago with the Citizens v. United ruling. With that ruling, it gave the GOP establishment veto power (via Super Pacs) to strike down any non-approved Tea Party candidate.

The irony.
I think some of these things have come up because the GOP has fractured into many things, and those fragments are starting to really separate now. I feel like as a whole the GOP doesn't really know which direction its going, and as a result you have different pieces of the party appealing to some of the different pieces of the base. And the base is getting increasingly aware of differences amongst each other.

This is an important point. The coalition that Reagan built is beginning to come apart. It's actually remarkable that it lasted this long.


I think some of these things have come up because the GOP has fractured into many things, and those fragments are starting to really separate now. I feel like as a whole the GOP doesn't really know which direction its going, and as a result you have different pieces of the party appealing to some of the different pieces of the base. And the base is getting increasingly aware of differences amongst each other.

This is what happens when you have a party that is built on appealing to what it thinks people might like or fear rather than a party that proposes solutions to make the country a better place. I'm sure somewhere there is some issue that I agree with Republicans on, or a couple of ideas they may have that could merit a trial, unfortunately their constant pandering and fear mongering tactics is completely unappealing to me, and I really hope it proves to be their downfall.

Democracy vindicated.
Little did they know, the Tea Party lost this election two years ago with the Citizens v. United ruling. With that ruling, it gave the GOP establishment veto power (via Super Pacs) to strike down any non-approved Tea Party candidate.

The irony.

Intriguing theory; I never looked at CU as having that effect on the development of third parties.
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