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Polygon: Xbox One policy "gross, despicable, greedy, pathetic, cowardly"

I can't argue an opinion from anything but my own viewpoint. The issues you object to aren't issues to me. Xbox One actually does some things that I wish Steam did with digital purchases. The stuff it doesn't do, like an inherient compatibility with other systems, is something I'm accustomed to with console gaming. It doesn't stop me buying PS3 games knowing they won't work on PS4, and i'm not put off buying an Xbox One game because it's tied to the Xbox one system.

No one is complaining that XboxONE games will only work in an XboxONE. not a single person. This is literally the dumbest false equivalence i've heard in defense of the Xbone since the last one you made.

The complaint is that XboxONE games will work in an XboxONE...for 24 hours, at which point microsoft requires you check in with them again. No console game ever has done this. Not one. Steam does not do this either, so false equivalence ahoy! If I don't, or can't, my hardware is rendered worthless. do you see how some people might be concerned about this? Especially since hacking and "network outages" are not a rare thing?

The complaint is that XboxONE games cannot be sold or loaned freely. No console game ever has done this. Not one. PC games typically have this restriction, but not all of them. Some games have DRM, some do not, and the implementation varies wildly. If I do not like this, I'm free to find another game to play. The Xbox ONE does not give me this option besides "buy another platform. it's the future."

Dead Man

I think people just like a good whine and bitch. If people are constantly being actually affected by these design choices in a year, there will be a retaliation. Right now I don't put much value in the outrage because its not based on actual experiences they've had.

Wow. People are now unable to infer from current facts about how things will impact them. Planning is now impossible. Well done.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
This sentiment really give me the shits. Can you not see why they are issues and why people are talking about them even if you don't think they will impact you? Can you not see that dismissing them simply because they don't concern you does nothing to placate other consumers who are worried about such issues, it just makes you look like a dick?

Not to mention xbox's marketplace has Microsoft's imposed price floors so steam-like discounts are not possible.

Or that Steam works on an open platform (pc) and thus you can buy games from multiple sources benefitting as a consumer of the competition while the Xbone is a closed platform with only one allowed digital storefront so Microsoft has 0 incentive to do things like lower royalties to compete with other storefronts.

Steam also offers unlimited offline play.

Steam also supports games bought from other stores and even has DRM-disables games on offer.

This PR talking point keeps popping up, and there's been several threads debunking it.

Full list of articles by RobbieH

Good lord I think I might be in love.
The 24 hour check in complaint from people with dozens of posts on a message board per day are hard to take seriously, personally.

Are you missing the point purposely now? I'm usually connected all the time, but hell late last year around Christmas I had a week internet outage and I played my consoles more than ever at that point. So yeah, even I who am connected pretty much all the time would find this a huge pain in the ass.

Then there's people I know who has never connected their damn console to the internet and don't want to, there's actually a fairly significant % of those out there. Then there's the concerns about Microsofts servers...
Are you missing the point purposely now? I'm usually connected all the time, but hell late last year around Christmas I had a week internet outage and I played my consoles more than ever at that point. So yeah, even I who am connected pretty much all the time would find this a huge pain in the ass.

Then there's people I know who has never connected their damn console to the internet and don't want to, there's actually a fairly significant % of those out there. Then there's the concerns about Microsofts servers...

Your issue should be with your ISP.

I've not had an Internet outage that's lasted more than 3 hours for...I dunno, 15 years?


Are you missing the point purposely now? I'm usually connected all the time, but hell late last year around Christmas I had a week internet outage and I played my consoles more than ever at that point. So yeah, even I who am connected pretty much all the time would find this a huge pain in the ass.

Then there's people I know who has never connected their damn console to the internet and don't want to, there's actually a fairly significant % of those out there. Then there's the concerns about Microsofts servers...

And heaven help you if you want to take your console to a family member's place over the holidays.
The 24 hour check in complaint from people with dozens of posts on a message board per day are hard to take seriously, personally.

You're the best marketing shill I've seen in some time. You seem pretty smart, how did you end up in marketing in the first place? You probably could have become a Lawyer or something.

Read: just because we have Internet access does not mean that we want something checking up on us.
Your issue should be with your ISP.

I've not had an Internet outage that's lasted more than 3 hours for...I dunno, 15 years?

and it certainly was. But these kinds of things happens and if I buy an xbox one it will also be a problem with just playing my consoles, I'm not going to let that happen and am not going to buy a console that relies on me being online at least once every day. I'm simply not having that and I think it's ridiculous to demand that.

Good on you though, have you also never moved house? That period before your ISP comes and sets internet up for you is the worst.


Second-rate Anihawk
You're the best marketing shill I've seen in some time. You seem pretty smart, how did you end up in marketing in the first place? You probably could have become a Lawyer or something.

Read: just because we have Internet access does not mean that we want something checking up on us.

Do you have *proof* he's a shill?
and it certainly was. But these kinds of things happens and if I buy an xbox one it will also be a problem with just playing my consoles, I'm not going to let that happen and am not going to buy a console that relies on me being online at least once every day. I'm simply not having that and I think it's ridiculous to demand that.

Good on you though, have you also never moved house? That period before your ISP comes and sets internet up for you is the worst.

I recently moved, actually. I arranged the transfer a few months in advance and had the engineer come the day I moved in. Was a pretty smooth process, can't complain.
I recently moved, actually. I arranged the transfer a few months in advance and had the engineer come the day I moved in. Was a pretty smooth process, can't complain.

and since it didn't happen to you, it can never happen ever. Clearly anyone it does happen to is simply too irresponsible to own a console.


How about not giving him attention and just wait out what happens to all of them. He has not responded to some valid points anyway.


We have been playing into the shills' hands. Let's be honest. We've secured the validity of our indignation (and in consequence the validity of a discussion) to fringe cases (say deployed soldiers without Internet), ignoring that it's exactly those cases that are most easily addressed without impairing the overall rotten principle and its generous application.


Agent Dale Cooper said:
Your issue should be with your ISP.

I've not had an Internet outage that's lasted more than 3 hours for...I dunno, 15 years?
I recently moved, actually. I arranged the transfer a few months in advance and had the engineer come the day I moved in. Was a pretty smooth process, can't complain.

Xbone Defense Form - Select One or Multiple

[] You are getting too emotional, allowing me to ignore what you say
[] Gamers are getting entitled again
[] You're a fanboy/You just hate Microsoft
[] NeoGAF/Reddit/the hivemind is biased
[] Doesn't matter, you'll change your mind and buy the console anyway
[] Gamers just don't like change
[] Gamers are just mad because it's not about them
[] Opinions don't matter, only sales matter
[] Debating about games is meaningless anyway
[] This is the future
[] It's the exact same thing as the PC market because of Steam, so you're a hypocrite
[X] My perfect internet connection invalidates your imperfect internet connection


We have been playing into the shills' hands. Let's be honest. We've secured the validity of our indignation (and in consequence the validity of a discussion) to fringe cases (say deployed soldiers without Internet), ignoring that it's exactly those cases that are most easily addressed without impairing the overall rotten principle and its generous application.

Ok then, the Xbox One doesn't need an internet connection ever, it's only to justify cloud services that would close in 3 years, shove ads down your throat 24/7, and monopolize gaming to chain stores and big biz.


It can happen. If you're not confident in your ability to have a reliable Internet connection, don't buy an Internet device I guess.

Hey, super genius. Always online connections are dependent both on your internet service and on the game publisher's internet connection.

Or did you somehow magically miss both the Sim City and Diablo 3 launches?


Stormy Grey
You're the best marketing shill I've seen in some time. You seem pretty smart, how did you end up in marketing in the first place? You probably could have become a Lawyer or something.

Read: just because we have Internet access does not mean that we want something checking up on us.

That's not an attitude, that's a promise. Agent Cooper is the finest lawman I've ever known. I've had nothing but respect for him since he arrived in Twin Peaks. Now, I don't know what information or evidence you have against Agent Cooper or where you got it from, but it is dead wrong.

I have no idea if he really is a shill or just strongly opinionated. I just wanted a chance to geek out Twin Peaks a bit
Hey, super genius. Always online connections are dependent both on your internet service and on the game publisher's internet connection.

Or did you somehow magically miss both the Sim City and Diablo 3 launches?

The type of always on with Diablo 3 and Sim City is different to requiring a connection to Xbox Live. Super genius.


It can happen. If you're not confident in your ability to have a reliable Internet connection, don't buy an Internet device I guess.

Not everyone even has that choice. Just because you live in an area where good solid internet access is readily available doesn't mean it is for everyone else. Your viewpoint must be incredibly narrow-minded if you can't think of any situation in which this 24 hour check-in might cause a problem. It'll happen to you one day as well and there'll be nothing you can do about it because some things are just out of your control.


i would hate to see what would happen to those people who are in a natural disaster like what happened in OK recently.

the online check in is a bit bothersome. living in michigan and with the massive thunderstorms we get every summer, the power gets shut off completely in a entire neighborhood. when went 3 days on a generator once summer when i was staying at my moms
Not everyone even has that choice. Just because you live in an area where good solid internet access is readily available doesn't mean it is for everyone else. Your viewpoint must be incredibly narrow-minded if you can't think of any situation in which this 24 hour check-in might cause a problem. It'll happen to you one day as well and there'll be nothing you can do about it because some things are just out of your control.

If my Internet connection ever died, I'd tether my Xbox to my iPhone and connect to Xbox Live through it for a minute.

It's really not that difficult.
If my Internet connection ever died, I'd tether my Xbox to my iPhone and connect to Xbox Live through it for a minute.

It's really not that difficult.

How many fucking people do you think are even capable of doing that? It doesn't excuse this bullshit Big Brother policy.

Seriously if Microsoft thinks internet savvy consumers like you will carry them to success despite the MILLIONS of Xbox 360 owners who have never bothered to log in to Xbox Live, they deserve to fail. Much of the world does not have stable Internet like you are blessed with, friend. That oversight will fuck them over in the global market.


If my Internet connection ever died, I'd tether my Xbox to my iPhone and connect to Xbox Live through it for a minute.

It's really not that difficult.

that certainly is an option...and to be honest, i didn't even know you could tether you connection until i got a galaxy note 2 lol


If my Internet connection ever died, I'd tether my Xbox to my iPhone and connect to Xbox Live through it for a minute.

It's really not that difficult.

Explain how I could do this at my cottage where I have no internet connection and my phone is lucky to have 1 bar.

The point is that this restriction shouldn't even be there in the first place.


You have completely missed the principle. It's about the console being restrictive from the get go.

The 24 hour check in complaint from people with dozens of posts on a message board per day are hard to take seriously, personally.

You don't seem to understand the inherent problems that come with requiring a 24h check-in to use your games. Did you not follow that huge disaster with Sim City? People bought it, expected to be able to play a single player game, and could not. Not because of anything they did wrong, not because a natural disaster knocked out their internet for over a day, but because EA fucked up. And now Microsoft wants to implement a system wide restriction on the ability to use your purchases. They get all the power, you get none of it. You'll be completely dependent on them. It's not only grossly autocratic, but it opens up the very real likelihood that you won't be able to play any of your game, and for reasons that have no benefit to the consumers.


Neo Member
The type of always on with Diablo 3 and Sim City is different to requiring a connection to Xbox Live. Super genius.

I guess it's a good thing that Microsoft isn't trying to push an agenda of requiring a persistent online connection for games by obfuscating it with claims of it offering unrealistic performance gains to make up for inferior hardware.

Oh wait...

You have a very clear agenda in this thread. You aren't debating conflicting views, you're maintaining a narrative for others to read, even if you don't change the minds of anyone actually posting.

It's pretty obvious.
How many people do I think own a smartphone?

I dunno, few hundred million?

Meanwhile if Sony is smart, people won't have to jump through bullshit hoops to play the games they paid money for and own.

It's the principle of the matter, it's not that it somehow doesn't personally bother you. Microsoft wants to own the games you're paying full price for. Just like they wanted to charge people a subscription fee for the ability to join a peer-to-peer multiplayer game. They are basically putting their hands on everything where they don't belong in order to maximize control and profitability.
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