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(Portions of) Yakuza 3 coming to the West - March 2010


An blind dancing ho
Segata Sanshiro said:
I was replying to the guy that was specifically asking about the cigarette.

Yes, somehow I am aware that images can be altered using some sort of executable program on this here... personal confuser thing. Although let me be the first to say, the cover looks stupid without the cigarette anyway. It looks like he's whistling into the air.

Ah well, keep on whining about it, guys. I hope SEGA never localizes a single word of RGG4.

oh come on just because some of us think it's an ugly cover ? , I bought RGG3 and don't I understand Japanese ,I already pre ordered two copies of this , I am a supporter here I am thankful they are gambling with this Series in the west again.

but this is not whining , I want the best for SEGA the best for this franchise that I care about , I just don't want this cover to turn off any possible costumers from buying the game , the point is ( I think many guys' point here ) , is that it it will cost SEGA nothing to very little money to do better cover than the official one , that all.
Totobeni said:
oh come on just because some of us think it's an ugly cover ? , I bought RGG3 and don't I understand Japanese ,I already pre ordered two copies of this , I am a supporter here I am thankful they are gambling with this Series in the west again.

but this is not whining , I want the best for SEGA the best for this franchise that I care about , I just don't want this cover to turn off any possible costumers from buying the game , the point is ( I think many guys' point here ) , is that it it will cost SEGA nothing to very little money to do better cover than the official one , that all.
And yet you're sitting there going "BUT AFTER ALL THIS *IS* SEGA LOLOL". Way to show respect to the company that is basically bringing out a localization that is *guaranteed* to lose money to appease their fans. Y'all are real mensches.


Segata Sanshiro said:
And yet you're sitting there going "BUT AFTER ALL THIS *IS* SEGA LOLOL". Way to show respect to the company that is basically bringing out a localization that is *guaranteed* to lose money to appease their fans. Y'all are real mensches.
While I understand your point, people are only whining about a very shitty boxart. Not only that, but it would also be cheaper to use the Japanese boxart instead of paying some dude to get a close up of Kazuma's face and slap a dragon in the back. There's no reason for this to be happening, it's not like the boxart is going to get more people to buy the game, so why bother making it more appealing to the West?

That being said, a shitty boxart is no excuse to stop buying a game.
Well, honestly, complain about the box art all you want. It's weak, for sure. But all the snide comments about SEGA really show how fucking ungrateful some people can be. You guys should be applying chapstick to your lips in preparation for laying a moist smacker on the right butt cheek of SoA's president for getting this in English. It defies all good business sense but they're doing it for their fans anyway. And some people can't even show the decency to not fall back on their usual slams.


Junior Member
I know for a fact that a lot of French gamers who love the Yakuza series are pissed that the PAL version of Yakuza 3 will only offer subtitles in English. They don't like the cover either but that's not the biggest problem they have with the game. I know that translating a game is expensive but a lot of people won't be buying the game because of that. Not everyone here speaks English and I'm pretty sure other European players will feel the same way.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, honestly, complain about the box art all you want. It's weak, for sure. But all the snide comments about SEGA really show how fucking ungrateful some people can be. You guys should be applying chapstick to your lips in preparation for laying a moist smacker on the right butt cheek of SoA's president for getting this in English. It defies all good business sense but they're doing it for their fans anyway. And some people can't even show the decency to not fall back on their usual slams.

They will get my money that's enough "respect". Next time be faster and don't uck with the cover. kthxbye.
We'll see how the runup begins in February, but yeah, the cries of "oh Sega" are kinda correct on regards to the boxart. As I said, you're an idiot if you dont buy the game because of it, but its unsurprising people are going to be disappointed with the way Sega is handling this. I mean release in March? seriously?

There doesnt appear to be a big web grassroots push like with what Valkyria got (that actually had a big impact on sales half a year in), the boxart is appalling but as I said we'll see in February if theyre even going to try and stand out a little. Valkyria showed what could be done with a very small advertising budget of web community stuff (Facebook, giveaways, persistant blog activity) and thats near enough to free marketing.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, honestly, complain about the box art all you want. It's weak, for sure. But all the snide comments about SEGA really show how fucking ungrateful some people can be. You guys should be applying chapstick to your lips in preparation for laying a moist smacker on the right butt cheek of SoA's president for getting this in English. It defies all good business sense but they're doing it for their fans anyway. And some people can't even show the decency to not fall back on their usual slams.
Then don't you whine either.
Guess what. I'm really glad they are bringing the game over AND I think that's a horrible cover that they didn't put enough effort into. OMG I'm going to buy the game day one, and I think that cover sucks, sorry. Ungrateful? :lol


SecretBonusPoint said:
We'll see how the runup begins in February, but yeah, the cries of "oh Sega" are kinda correct on regards to the boxart. As I said, you're an idiot if you dont buy the game because of it, but its unsurprising people are going to be disappointed with the way Sega is handling this. I mean release in March? seriously?

There doesnt appear to be a big web grassroots push like with what Valkyria got (that actually had a big impact on sales half a year in), the boxart is appalling but as I said we'll see in February if theyre even going to try and stand out a little. Valkyria showed what could be done with a very small advertising budget of web community stuff (Facebook, giveaways, persistant blog activity) and thats near enough to free marketing.

I am so looking forward to this, especially since we do not have to deal with horrid dubbing.
I do agree, especially with "you're an idiot if you dont buy the game because of it".
I was afraid that this would never hit these shores, and I for one would also love to get Yakuza 4 and Kenzan over here.
Unfortunately like many games like this, many will talk and many will feed the hype but when it comes launch day it will be excuse time.
I hope I am wrong though :D
Segata Sanshiro said:
and I re-assert to the lot of you, I hope SEGA doesn't bother localizing RGG4.
Well, that would put us in our place and stop us from not liking the cover of part 3 wouldn't it.
After everyone who hasn't played Yakuza before runs from that cover, it may not matter : (
BobTheFork said:
Well, that would put us in our place and stop us from not liking the cover of part 3 wouldn't it.
You have reading issues, don't you? I never said you couldn't dislike the cover of the game. What does chap my ass is watching you guys bust jokes about SEGA's apparent lack of business sense when the biggest fucking business mistake they've made with regards to RGG is localizing it to begin with.

Which is the bigger business fuck-up here, guys? Slapping shitty generic box art on a game or localizing something that's going to sell worse than Bionic Commando 2009?
Segata Sanshiro said:
and I re-assert to the lot of you, I hope SEGA doesn't bother localizing RGG4.

This is a real dumbshit stance to take though. "Hey you guys stop whining at Sega to 'give it support so it least has a snowballs chance in hell of selling so we can see the other games', you assholes!". You saw what happened with Yakuza 2, I dont want them to do the same thing with part 3. I've mentioned lots of ways I'd like to see them big it up, and hope they come to pass. Shit boxart is shit boxart, we'll still buy it. One of the main reasons people hate it so much is because it presents yet another obstacle to fucking anyone in Gamestop picking the game cover off the shelves out of interest.

Quit the pessimism, theres no reason Yakuza 3 shouldnt outperform the previous part simply due to its positioning as a relevant action RPG in the mid-life of the PS3 and not something shuffling into existence to no hype or fanfare right at the end of the PS2's run.

I shouldnt have to be "grateful" to Sega for giving one of their best studio's games a fair run in the west. Its not like they have much to choose from these days, and I'd rather see RubyEclipse and co bigging this game up for a month of full on community stuff over "HEY HAS ANYOEN FORGOTTEN THAT THERE WERE SONIC THE HEDGEHOG GAMES???" week.
SecretBonusPoint said:
This is a real dumbshit stance to take though. "Hey you guys stop whining at Sega to 'give it support so it least has a snowballs chance in hell of selling so we can see the other games', you assholes!". You saw what happened with Yakuza 2, I dont want them to do the same thing with part 3. I've mentioned lots of ways I'd like to see them big it up, and hope they come to pass. Shit boxart is shit boxart, we'll still buy it. One of the main reasons people hate it so much is because it presents yet another obstacle to fucking anyone in Gamestop picking the game cover off the shelves out of interest.
Uh hunh, but you can make those comments without falling back on the fucking ridiculous trope of acting like SEGA has no idea how to conduct business, given that the English Yakuza fans are at this point apparently beneficiaries of that lack of business acumen.

The cover isn't the problem here. Who buys a game or doesn't buy a game for a cover? You really think the fucking cover was the problem all along? Really? Christ, what a brain trust.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, honestly, complain about the box art all you want. It's weak, for sure. But all the snide comments about SEGA really show how fucking ungrateful some people can be. You guys should be applying chapstick to your lips in preparation for laying a moist smacker on the right butt cheek of SoA's president for getting this in English. It defies all good business sense but they're doing it for their fans anyway. And some people can't even show the decency to not fall back on their usual slams.

We are grateful, but something as simple as a cover isn't hard to do well. Look at Atlus covers - small company, yet they go all out AND even include bonuses. In terms of marketing, something so generic will do the complete opposite for Yakuza 3. It's not like they are cutting costs on ink either. Sega could have kept the Japanese cover everyone creams themselves over and it probably would have been cheaper - all that red probably costs more than all that white.
As I said theres loads of "free" marketing for this title they could have done/ still do. If they did want to super-scrimp on paying anyone to do boxart, follow ARC Euro's lead and have a boxart competition to cover the web and forums and get people drawing/making Yakuza shit so people cant browse a gaming site without seeing THE DRAGON OF DOJIMA'S badass face. This isn't 1997 when its mag ads/tv commercial or utter silence.


We are grateful, but something as simple as a cover isn't hard to do well. Look at Atlus covers - small company, yet they go all out AND even include bonuses. In terms of marketing, something so generic will do the complete opposite for Yakuza 3. It's not like they are cutting costs on ink either. Sega could have kept the Japanese cover everyone creams themselves over and it probably would have been cheaper - all that red probably costs more than all that white.

Atlus' treatment of the games is also appreciated by the fans and makes them loyal. Just look at one of the Atlus announcemnet threads. Every time there are people that will buy the game just to support the great work they are doing. Sorry I don't have any kind feelings left for SEGA left. My money for the few great titles they still produce has to be enough.
Segata Sanshiro said:
You have reading issues, don't you? I never said you couldn't dislike the cover of the game. What does chap my ass is watching you guys bust jokes about SEGA's apparent lack of business sense when the biggest fucking business mistake they've made with regards to RGG is localizing it to begin with.

Which is the bigger business fuck-up here, guys? Slapping shitty generic box art on a game or localizing something that's going to sell worse than Bionic Commando 2009?
No, you never said quotes you guys can't dislike the cover quotes, but you said that the group of people likely most dedicated to buying this game were ungrateful to Sega because we are making fun of the cover. Don't act like you don't know what you are implying. Also, saying you hope part 4 never gets released here is just being a huge dick. Seriously? You hope Sega does what? reads what we say and gets mad and says, 'if that's how they feel, then NO MORE! They made our photoshop guy cry'
BobTheFork said:
No, you never said quotes you guys can't dislike the cover quotes, but you said that the group of people likely most dedicated to buying this game were ungrateful to Sega because we are making fun of the cover. Don't act like you don't know what you are implying. Also, saying you hope part 4 never gets released here is just being a huge dick. Seriously? You hope Sega does what? reads what we say and gets mad and says, 'if that's how they feel, then NO MORE! They made our photoshop guy cry'
That isn't what I said at all, you fucking suck at making inferences. I very directly said I was targeting the people making LOLOL SEGA jokes. If you're reading more into that because you're fucking insane, hoopy-doop for you, friend.

And yeah, I do hope they don't localize the next one, because it will hurt other people and not me, and that's pretty much what life is all about.


Dot Hacked
I'm up to Chapter 7 in Yakuza now! Thats about the halfway mark I think? I never knew how many freaking missions this game has x_x; The upside is random battles have pretty much ceased whereas my first playthrough I encountered them around every turn! Its so nice to run around the town without fear of being knocked into a battle. I still don't see nothing wrong with the dub...

Alex Anderson said:
Gamestop.com has $7 off orders 39.99+ and free ground shipping with code DEALTASTIC

Makes the game 47.99 + tax

Canceling my in-store preorder since I asked the cashier today what the price is, he looked at the computer and said "looks like 59.99"

Yesssssss! Thanks for the tip o.o!

Non-$60 this gen game get! That makes 7! Can this coupon be used on multiple orders or just one time only?


Alex Anderson said:
Gamestop.com has $7 off orders 39.99+ and free ground shipping with code DEALTASTIC

Makes the game 47.99 + tax

Thanks for sharing this, and thanks to Lindsay for quoting this in the post above otherwise I would have missed it. This is the first time I've bought from Gamestop in years. :lol


nods at old men
Strange kind of inverse trolling going on.

As for the GS DLC, I've no doubt it will wind up on the store later for free as with many other of their "bonuses".
Xater said:
They will get my money that's enough "respect". Next time be faster and don't uck with the cover. kthxbye.

This. And fuck 'em, if they don't localize 4 I'll just play it in Japanese, no sweat off my back. I'm doing them a favor by buying Yakuza 3, even though I already own RGG3. I'd just like to see them stop stepping on their own johnsons and get it right for once.


don't know if this was posted yet... but lol. They want this game to fail.



Well, it's not like it's going to stop anybody that wants to buy it from buying it. I don't give a shit about Final Fantasy.

Fuzz Rez

I really do hope EU doesn't get that shitty box art :mad:
Then again you can always print new covers if you like so I guess I don't mind what I'm getting.


Never played any of the previous games, but for some reason I'm really psyched about this one. I watched the original Japanese language trailers for the jdm release, and it looked wicked. I'm definitely picking this up day 1.

Fuzz Rez

I heard that some mini-games will be removed from the EU/US versions, is this true ? If it is true then is something else being removed from the game ?


Dot Hacked
fu3lfr3nzy said:
Reusable until the 25th. Just make sure you apply the code one game order at a time :D

Cools super nice deal. Wonder if I should cancel my amazon Lunar order and get it with this... and Sega All Star Racing.... and Sakura Wars.... $39.99 exactly is applicable right? hm..... Can't believe I'm getting 4 games in like a month its like the good old days =_=


The packing slip included in each shipment also serves as your receipt and makes a great paper airplane.



i hope people can excuse my ignorance, ive seen alot of love for yakuza series (especially on gaf) but i don't really have a clue what sort of game it is? my initial impression from what little ive seen of it is that its like Shenmue? Just wondered if some gaffers could compare it to similar games?


Alex Anderson said:
Gamestop.com has $7 off orders 39.99+ and free ground shipping with code DEALTASTIC

Makes the game 47.99 + tax

Canceling my in-store preorder since I asked the cashier today what the price is, he looked at the computer and said "looks like 59.99"

Awesome! I revised my order so now I'm getting the game for 10.88. Thanks! :D
It's actually not a dumb idea at all that they're releasing it on March 9th. Lots of people will be IN STORES buying FFXIII. That's the point -- exposure. I know I'm buying both. Lots of developers do it, happens all the time. Far from stupid at all.


The cover is ugly, but it really doesn't affect one MB of data on the disc, so I don't see it being that big of a deal.

If I have the money at the time I will definitely buy it. But if it's that big of a deal, just print out the Japanese cover or something :p

As for the release date. Meh. Makes no difference, just gives it more exposure.
Man, I still need to play the first 2 games. I've had 'em for a long time and checked out the first game briefly, but I really need to sit down and play them for realsies.

Darkman M

Not like it makes a difference anyways, this game was never gonna be a great hit here Final Fantasy or not. Im getting it, all that matters to me.


I'm actually already working on paying off my March gaming purchases right now. I know it's fashionable to hate Gamestop but pre-orders are useful in at least that way! February is pretty much already in the bag (WKC and Heavy Rain) but March is just going to be killer.

And yeah, FFXIII and Yakuza 3 on the same day is like some sort of cosmic incident. My 2 most anticipated games of 2010 (and in Yakuza's case a game I've been wanting in English ever since it appeared in Japanese) and they wil be coming out on the same day. Not only in the same year but in the same month and ON THE SAME DAY! Sort of shocking, really.

The only way I can possibly feel good about that is to play some of both games on that first day (obviously will be taking a vacation day for the event, duh!) and then commit to trying to finish one or the other as soon as possible.
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