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Project Natal - controller free gaming on 360

A wide-scale online-focused Viva-like community garden using Natal to control your avatar in that place, sort of Keflings-style, could be pretty fun. As long as it's easy to access and drop in and out of.


B-Rad Lascelle said:
Microsoft's renewed focus on integrating cloud computing philosophy into everything (including games) means that you will see exactly that concept come to fruition sooner rather than later.

It's kind of funny that the first time I can recall hearing about interacting with your game character AWAY from the game and then returning to it was that silly chao garden stuff in Sonic Adventure's VMU component. That concept may well soon become an established norm.

I used to love taking my VMU out and about.:lol

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
DMeisterJ said:
Goddam, I can't wait to see this conference. Girl from iCarly and Kelly Rowland hosting? Should be... Something.


And this is just E3 imagine what they are going to spend in the weeks before this thing comes out on publicity.

I think a lot of people are going to know about Natal by Tuesday morning.:lol
qirex said:
I don't really get this, Times Square sucks and the only people watching it will be foreign tourists randomly passing by and Olive Garden and TGI Friday's employees on their smoke breaks.

But this will get unveiling reported in all mainstream news outlets as special news.


qirex said:
I don't really get this, Times Square sucks and the only people watching it will be foreign tourists randomly passing by and Olive Garden and TGI Friday's employees on their smoke breaks.

I see it more in the fact that MTV owns it and they have an exclusive deal with MTV so they can pretty much put anything on it they want.


Mizzou Gaming said:
I saw where the name "Wave" was being reported to be the real name, are there any other names people have been saying?

So, xbox wave, playstation move. Kinda like Mario and Wario:lol
Raide said:
Now, being able to walk around and interact with your garden as your own avatar would be pretty awesome. Add in being able to take a party into your garden, or visit a friends garden, and I will be all over it.

Come on Rare!

No! I've been avoiding purchase of avatar stuff mainly because I never see it ... if they include it in games I'll be buying all the crap!
snoopeasystreet said:
If Rare were to release a Viva Pinata Natal game with farmville style facebook integration would be a killer app for the casual market.
Raide said:
Now, being able to walk around and interact with your garden as your own avatar would be pretty awesome. Add in being able to take a party into your garden, or visit a friends garden, and I will be all over it.
TheOddOne said:
I just came.... ooahhwhwhahwwhwhwh.
sw33tclyde said:
Mind fucking blown.



Jtyettis said:
When you think about how much money they are spening on this, filling that place up, the hosts, MTV, circus et al. It's got to be around the budget of a small core title heh.

That's interesting, but I was talking about the fact, that he's an iCarly fanboy. :lol

snoopeasystreet said:
If Rare were to release a Viva Pinata Natal game with farmville style facebook integration would be a killer app for the casual market.

You're thinking way too far. It's Microsoft we're talking about. :lol


formerly cjelly
GAME have got a pre-order countdown on the front page of their site (look on the right): http://www.game.co.uk/

Odd thing is, it's counting down until midnight Saturday BST. Wouldn't they mean they'd be taking pre-orders before the event on Sunday?
BiasedGamer said:
:lol My avatar is there. The future of GAF browsing?
Slightly OT, but have you seen the demonstration? It's not just a badly executed technical concept but also one of the worst UIs ever designed.

I'd say if Microsoft delivers the dashboard controlhow they have shown last year it's probably 5 years ahead of that garbage tech demo above. Technically and UI-wise.
which1spink said:
Slightly OT, but have you seen the demonstration? It's not just a badly executed technical concept but also one of the worst UIs ever designed.

That's a bit harsh, learning sign language can be a very beneficial activity. Wait, weren't Valve talking about Alex learning to use sign language in future Half Life episodes? hmmmm...
Graphics Horse said:
That's a bit harsh, learning sign language can be a very beneficial activity. Wait, weren't Valve talking about Alex learning to use sign language in future Half Life episodes? hmmmm...

Using hand signals to command your squad in a Rainbow 6 type game would be badass as well.


Will Eat Your Children
m0dus said:
Honestly, I'm interested in this in the gaming space, but the potential for some home brew motion capture for home-studio 3D artists has got my interest piqued.
From the tech standpoint this is my most wanted piece of hardware since the Wii. The possibilities that exist with this is crazy as hell. If they fuck this up they can pack it up imo AKA don't just do casual bullshit

If they manage to make it work with PC though it can be salvaged yeah. Browsing Neogaf with my hands? Who wouldn't be down for that. Not sure if it'll be good enough for mocap though


Teetris said:
If they manage to make it work with PC though it can be salvaged yeah. Browsing Neogaf with my hands? Who wouldn't be down for that. Not sure if it'll be good enough for mocap though
Hope you don't mind the RSI in your wrist from F5'ing GAF during NPDs and other big announcements. :p


Will Eat Your Children
m0dus said:
From what I've seen, it would be more than adequate.
Yeah? Then the tech must be even better than I thought. I'd love to play around with mocap.

Mad_Ban said:
Hope you don't mind the RSI in your wrist from F5'ing GAF during NPDs and other big announcements. :p
Just clap your hands to refresh :D

That'd be crazy during the conferences :lol
Teetris said:
From the tech standpoint this is my most wanted piece of hardware since the Wii. The possibilities that exist with this is crazy as hell. If they fuck this up they can pack it up imo AKA don't just do casual bullshit

If they manage to make it work with PC though it can be salvaged yeah. Browsing Neogaf with my hands? Who wouldn't be down for that. Not sure if it'll be good enough for mocap though

I see them releasing natal for the PC in a short period of time. I'd love to see natal like controls integrated into something like zbrush.

Mad_Ban said:
Hope you don't mind the RSI in your wrist from F5'ing GAF during NPDs and other big announcements. :p

natal has voice controls right? so you could just snap your fingers or say refresh. Plus MS's voice recognition is getting really really good now.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
2real4tv said:
Will Natal be compatible with PC
Not sure if the Xbox-branded one will be, but it's coming regardless. Can't wait for the inevitable 3D scanning software.
2real4tv said:
Will Natal be compatible with PC
It uses USB so even if ms doesn't make the drivers I'm sure some Internet hacker gangs will.

Natal brain storming:

World of goo: natal would be pretty sweet.

Natal based ads for the (rumoured) hulu app. "drinking" a starbucks coffee, trying to save a penalty in a world cup ad or singing along to a song in an ad and then getting scored on how you how well you matched the words would all be fun ways to make ads bearable.

Head tracking in the dashboard.

Custom avatar animations for the dashboard friends list

The ability to read xbl codes.

Take a pictures or video of the player during emotional/shocking points during during the game and play them back during the credits.
snoopeasystreet said:
Take a pictures or video of the player during emotional/shocking points during during the game and play them back during the credits.
Nice. I think Natal could be fantastic for a none-action horror game. This would be perfect for that.

Anyone else think Child of Eden, the "spiritual successor to Rez", could be a Natal game? It's in first person apparently, and I think the gameplay could be perfectly suited. It could also be what the Ubisoft frag dolls were hyping up as it's apparently being published by Ubisoft. And someone, granted someone who's reliability is completely unknown, posted this in the thread - "It'll disappoint a lot of people, as this is a Natal game... Expect more news on monday :)". I thought it a possibility before I even read his comment, but it's interesting...
I don't get the infatuation with using motion controls for navigation. Yeah, it's cool, but it requires many times more effort than pressing a simple button or scrolling a wheel. Why do you think the mouse was made the way it was? So that you could control the cursor with great precision with very little effort, so you don't get tired.
CrayzeeCarl said:
I don't get the infatuation with using motion controls for navigation. Yeah, it's cool, but it requires many times more effort than pressing a simple button or scrolling a wheel. Why do you think the mouse was made the way it was? So that you could control the cursor with great precision with very little effort, so you don't get tired.

Not really. It all depends on what you use it for. As a home entertainment device, it could be awesome. Walk into the room, tell Natal to turn the 360 on, and play a DVD right from your couch without having to grab the remote. Navigating menus should be easy enough if you're playing some casual Natal games.

It's all about what the devs do with it. I'm optimistic, it has party potential. Having Natal support in Guitar Hero and Rock Band would be badass too with Natal tracking the singers motions and reacting it on screen, etc. MS's gonna bring the technology, and hopefully it works well enough, the rest falls on the devs creativity.
riceandbeans said:
Not really. It all depends on what you use it for. As a home entertainment device, it could be awesome. Walk into the room, tell Natal to turn the 360 on, and play a DVD right from your couch without having to grab the remote. Navigating menus should be easy enough if you're playing some casual Natal games.

It's all about what the devs do with it. I'm optimistic, it has party potential. Having Natal support in Guitar Hero and Rock Band would be badass too with Natal tracking the singers motions and reacting it on screen, etc. MS's gonna bring the technology, and hopefully it works well enough, the rest falls on the devs creativity.

Exactly. It's not like you'll have to wear mom pants and flail from one side of your living room to the other to navigate a menu ... I'm picturing little flicks of the wrist no more than a few inches to go left or right. But NOT having to look for a remote to start Netflix or something would be awesome.

I'm really excited for it. With the Wii I've really seen what is possible with the Move and I think it will only be an extension of that (still excited for that too) but Natal really could be something totally different if implemented correctly.


CrayzeeCarl said:
I don't get the infatuation with using motion controls for navigation. Yeah, it's cool, but it requires many times more effort than pressing a simple button or scrolling a wheel. Why do you think the mouse was made the way it was? So that you could control the cursor with great precision with very little effort, so you don't get tired.

The funny thing is that the mouse is also a form of motion control, it requires more "effort" than using a keyboard, but it was created because it allowed a more natural interaction with the computer : "when I move my hand, the little arrow which is a virtual hand moves too".
CrayzeeCarl said:
I don't get the infatuation with using motion controls for navigation. Yeah, it's cool, but it requires many times more effort than pressing a simple button or scrolling a wheel. Why do you think the mouse was made the way it was? So that you could control the cursor with great precision with very little effort, so you don't get tired.

Because you don't need any device. Less junk attached == good for casual people. Imagine all TVs have Natal like UIs. No more searching for the remote in the couch ;)

Motion UIs might not be the best for gaming, but they will be here soonish for consumer TVs (3D is just shitty hype anyway).
qirex said:
I don't really get this, Times Square sucks and the only people watching it will be foreign tourists randomly passing by and Olive Garden and TGI Friday's employees on their smoke breaks.
I've not been there but this was my exact thought regardless.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think motion in UI is the less interesting thing to anticipate.

I can think of few scenarios where gestures and hand motion will get me to what I want to do 'better' than a d-pad or analog stick, at least in what I've seen so far.

You want your UI to be

Minimal effort

There is an effort to picking up a remote or whatever, but once you have it, the 'effort friction' involved in using it IMO is a lot less than using your hands for gestures or motion.

I also don't see how motion actually addresses the big emerging problems in UI today.

There is something on the horizon far more exciting/compelling on all these fronts. Voice. While y'all might dream about being Tom Cruise, I think this is again an example of science fiction overlooking more obvious or more 'real' solutions. Robust voice control can get me what I want on my TV faster than anything I do with either a d-pad or my hand. It has the same advantage of controllerless motion interfaces in terms of not having to find a remote or whatever, but has none of the extra 'effort friction' of posing your hands or whatever. It actually addresses the emerging problems in home media - the content haystack.

Who the heck wants to either flap their hands or use a d-pad or analog stick if you can simply say 'Play WipeoutHD' and the game will start playing? Why do I even have to 'manually' navigate to a game - or video, or music, or photo set - at all? Motion UI is just another way to manually navigate.

(I don't think manual navigation will go away, but I think a lot of our typical use could revolve around direct 'oral search' for content...become an 80:20 thing in favour of commanding content to appear vs manually looking for something per controllers or motion control. Most of the time I know exactly what I'm looking for...the rest of the time I can then use my d-pad or my hands or whatever.)

In short, I want to see a generalisation of that interface shown for Singstar. And you know, per the rumours we've seen MS is working on voice control for the dashboard and I'm sure that'll be shown at E3. That's the compelling idea here, IMO.
Monty Mole said:
I've not been there but this was my exact thought regardless.

Come on now do you honestly think MS cares who sees it on this huge TV in Times Square. The simple idea that it is being reported to be shown live there is what its all about.


gofreak said:
There is something on the horizon far more exciting/compelling on all these fronts. Voice.[\QUOTE]

I agree on voice being more natural and effortless than gesture or regular controls. But I think it's mainly adapted to isolated commands, like "power up", "go to facebook" or things like that. For operations requiring several commands, it would be less convenient. It's something that we can already experiment in real life when speaking to another person, it's not ideal to say to someone "a bit on the left... a bit more... now towards me... stop !". Actually in such situations we frequently use gestures, in addition or in place of voice.

So for browsing, zooming, moving things etc., I think that gestures may prove more efficient (that or regular controllers, of course).
I wonder if Suda 51 could surprise us with a Natal game at E3. He's tweeting about E3 (nothing specific) and he has stated his desire to create a unique IP for Natal on more than one occasion. We also know he is working on a horror project for the Wii, 360 and PS3 which has been in development since before Natal's announcement, but I don't see why he couldn't implement something if he loves the technology so much. It's likely it will involve motion with the Wii, which could be translated over to the Move easily enough.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Alx said:
I agree on voice being more natural and effortless than gesture or regular controls. But I think it's mainly adapted to isolated commands, like "power up", "go to facebook" or things like that. For operations requiring several commands, it would be less convenient. It's something that we can already experiment in real life when speaking to another person, it's not ideal to say to someone "a bit on the left... a bit more... now towards me... stop !". Actually in such situations we frequently use gestures, in addition or in place of voice.

So for browsing, zooming, moving things etc., I think that gestures may prove more efficient (that or regular controllers, of course).

You absolutely wouldn't map voice to browsing, or for spatial manipulation of content (which is getting into different territory anyway than what a dashboard or xmb cover).

When you know what you want to do, though, voice commands will trump all.

Most of the time when I turn on a games console, I know exactly what I want to do. And it is a failure of current UIs if I have to 'browse' to get to something, rather than shortcutting to it directly.

Browsing still has its place, and I'm not really saying we shouldn't seek improvements there or seek to apply motion and gesture to that. But I honestly thing it would be subordinate to good voice control for most people, most of the time. And to finally have good robust voice control in our console interfaces would be more exciting.
gofreak said:
Most of the time when I turn on a games console, I know exactly what I want to do. And it is a failure of current UIs if I have to 'browse' to get to something, rather than shortcutting to it directly.
Well, that would be like building a private road that cuts directly past all of the off-ramps and billboard advertisements. And there are obvious reasons why circumventing that main roadway would not be in interests of the first or third parties. You know that.
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