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PS3 launch event in France: guess which troll is banned until the first price drop

Musashi Wins!

Tieno said:
Regardless of what you prefer, that xboat is funny.

That and the chairs are hilarious. I wish more of the console wars were funny like that, rather than creepily serious like some of the fans.
Musashi Wins! said:
That and the chairs are hilarious. I wish more of the console wars were funny like that, rather than creepily serious like some of the fans.
No shit. The past couple of weeks here have been a bit...odd. I hope I never end up like some of the people here.
lol@this thread. Glad altogetherandrew got banned, what an annoying viral marketer. He's whining about every aspect of every non-sony game but then fappin over stuff like Uncharted and Motorstorm.


Thread is too long for me to read all the pages. Just wanted to give Stinkles props for posting this on the OP URL:

6 hours ago by Stinkles on Bateau XBOX au lancement PS3

Zut alors! Le Xbox ces't bon! Triomphe! Blim Blim!


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
It seems they only sold 20 consoles yesterday evening at the launch event in front of the eiffel tower, out of the 1000 units stock they had. The reportage also said there were more journalists than customers. Only people who showed their credit card in the entrance could go in. I think that was a bad move from Sony, the important thing was to get good press coverage with crowded pictures. Notesworthy, it was a cold night yesterday in Paris, which didn't help.

mckmas8808 said:
These are not my pictures but here's the country info.


So from what I can gather, PS3 is doing badly in


And it's doing well in:

New Zealand


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Flek said:
as far as i know there where 2 events :

1. climbing up a wall with your 360 - i f you reach the top an throw it down you got a ps3
2. smashing 360s on stage calling them crap...

So Sony and MS did the fighting against each other today. Only in EU.


vasuba said:
Urltakes you to this


Bravo MS, this kind of thing is great. Kick them while their down I say, it's a competitive industry so be harsh and keep us 360 fans laughing.

I'm sure Sony fans will have their day too, it's a vicious cycle.

Nintendo ......... who know.s
Just about every post from Vasuba and AltogetherAndrew consisted of trollish idiotic hyperbole. Good job on the bannings, they won't be missed.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
mckmas8808 said:
So who was the troll that's banned until the first price drop?

The captain of the Xboat?


Just walked to work through Manchester city centre and I saw about ten people milling around HMV waiting for the doors to open (around 8am) and then wandering through to GAME I saw one guy leaving with his PS3 and just one other person inside the already open store (that has STACKS of PS3 boxes in the window).

Looking not so hot for the moment...We'll see how it does in Monday's UK chart update, anyway :)


The Inside Track
terrene said:
Thread is too long for me to read all the pages. Just wanted to give Stinkles props for posting this on the OP URL:
I've always known stinkles was crazy. Now I have proof :D


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Cerebral Palsy said:
This just shows how desperate and afraid MS is of the launch of the far superior PS3. MS needs to live with the fact that Sony has introduced true next gen gaming to Europe and try to act like adults.

Try to lay off the joke character shit when you return in June.
gluv65 said:
could someone explain to me, if it's not selling well in europe. Why when using folding @ Home you see PS3 all over on the folding Globe?

Its not that it isn`t selling well, its just that people won`t queue for something they can have delivered to their home the next day. Why would they?

The problem is that this is yet more bad press, which sony strangely caused by having too much supply (if that's possible). I expected them to go with a smaller allocation and then restock next week, to allow a sell out and then generate buzz off that. Who knows if it matters, but it isn`t good to have the media draw these conclusions.


About the Xboat

A friend reported (back then) that during the Xbox launch party in Milan there was a truck waiting (parked) outside the party location which sported a similarly themed banner from Sony so it's a deja-vu.


Project Midway said:
lol@this thread. Glad altogetherandrew got banned, what an annoying viral marketer. He's whining about every aspect of every non-sony game but then fappin over stuff like Uncharted and Motorstorm.

I like(d) Andrews!


The Innocent X said:
The problem is that this is yet more bad press, which sony strangely caused by having too much supply (if that's possible). I expected them to go with a smaller allocation and then restock next week, to allow a sell out and then generate buzz off that. Who knows if it matters, but it isn`t good to have the media draw these conclusions.

I'm glad they didnt do that.


gluv65 said:
could someone explain to me, if it's not selling well in europe. Why when using folding @ Home you see PS3 all over on the folding Globe?

If it's showing every terminal folding, then it would be quite large. Folding@home isn't a new thing you know. People have been doing it on PCs for many, many many years.


Project Midway said:
Yeah, I have nothing personal against him, his act was just getting so old.

I was a little surprised myself, he's usually pretty logical. Still, with all that's happened this week, I don't really blame him. I'm pretty much ready to crack myself. (But then I went back to playing games).


chibcicylist said:
For the most populous and richest country in Western Europe, thats it?
Sony had a big show, with live music and stuff, so there were quite a few (several thousand) visitors at the launch party. But the sales weren't all that impressive ( a few hundred) according to German media.
wsippel said:
Sony had a big show, with live music and stuff, so there were quite a few (several thousand) visitors at the launch party. But the sales weren't all that impressive ( a few hundred) according to German media.

Did they say how many PS3s were in stock at the official launch party and how many sold?


chibcicylist said:
Did they say how many PS3s were in stock at the official launch party and how many sold?
No, but it was at Sony Center Berlin, Sony Europes headquarters. The Berlin event also was the main launch event in Europe according to Sony reps, so I guess they had many, many units in stock...

This is the Sony Center, BTW:



Got my PS3 last night. There were about 60 people waiting for one, so divide by 2 (since some people were with other people) and the store shifted at least 30 while I was there. Since I was #181 on the waiting list I expect they'll sell even more today and tomorrow.

And this was just a regional toystore, not some flagship event. I don't believe any trolls who claim the launch it was a washout. There was clearly a lot of sales and a lot more this weekend.

I would agree that the launch was muted - simply because there were enough PS3s for everyone so the hype and blind hysteria of other launches simply wasn't there. There just wasn't any point queuing up all day because the PS3s were all guaranteed and plentiful.
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