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PS4 demo kiosks are starting to pop up at Gamestop & Best Buy

So I played Knack today and I was VERY underwhelmed visually. I wasn't expecting that. I double checked the TV model to make sure it supported 1080p and sure enough it was the KDL-32W650A. 1080p LED.

Textures seemed flat, simple geometry, and I just noticed lots of jaggies or blurriness. I don't know what was going on guys, just didn't impress me at all. Combat was very basic too, I kind of got bored after 10 minutes. I'll get this game but probably only after it reaches $20 or so.

I will say the Dualshock 4 felt absolutely spectacular in my hands. Extremely ergonomic, the sticks felt nice and tight which was a VERY welcome change to the looseness of the Dualshock 3. Awesome triggers, touchpad felt so good, handles felt perfect. Can't praise it enough.


So I played Knack today and I was VERY underwhelmed visually. I wasn't expecting that. I double checked the TV model to make sure it supported 1080p and sure enough it was the KDL-32W650A. 1080p LED.

Textures seemed flat, simple geometry, and I just noticed lots of jaggies or blurriness. I don't know what was going on guys, just didn't impress me at all. Combat was very basic too, I kind of got bored after 10 minutes. I'll get this game but probably only after it reaches $20 or so.

I will say the Dualshock 4 felt absolutely spectacular in my hands. Extremely ergonomic, the sticks felt nice and tight which was a VERY welcome change to the looseness of the Dualshock 3. Awesome triggers, touchpad felt so good, handles felt perfect. Can't praise it enough.

I think I heard somewhere that the knack build might be an ancient one. Hopefully they don't take too long to release full game trials on PSN for PS4 games.


So I played Knack today and I was VERY underwhelmed visually. I wasn't expecting that. I double checked the TV model to make sure it supported 1080p and sure enough it was the KDL-32W650A. 1080p LED.

Textures seemed flat, simple geometry, and I just noticed lots of jaggies or blurriness. I don't know what was going on guys, just didn't impress me at all. Combat was very basic too, I kind of got bored after 10 minutes. I'll get this game but probably only after it reaches $20 or so.

I will say the Dualshock 4 felt absolutely spectacular in my hands. Extremely ergonomic, the sticks felt nice and tight which was a VERY welcome change to the looseness of the Dualshock 3. Awesome triggers, touchpad felt so good, handles felt perfect. Can't praise it enough.

I just can't get behind Knack. Personally, I think Ratchet and Clank Nexus looks better.


. The Canadian kiosks that launched today include a Killzone, AssCreed, Trine 2, and Awesomenauts demos so I wouldn't be surprised if those demos get pushed out via a download to the US kiosks sometime later this month.

WAT? any videos from this?
I think they're just coming in hot and those demos weren't ready in time to be preinstalled with this first batch of kiosks. The Canadian kiosks that launched today include a Killzone, AssCreed, Trine 2, and Awesomenauts demos so I wouldn't be surprised if those demos get pushed out via a download to the US kiosks sometime later this month.

In the US in-store Kiosks don't have demos for M rated gams so we probably won't see Killzone or AC over here.
So I played Knack today and I was VERY underwhelmed visually. I wasn't expecting that. I double checked the TV model to make sure it supported 1080p and sure enough it was the KDL-32W650A. 1080p LED.

Textures seemed flat, simple geometry, and I just noticed lots of jaggies or blurriness. I don't know what was going on guys, just didn't impress me at all. Combat was very basic too, I kind of got bored after 10 minutes. I'll get this game but probably only after it reaches $20 or so.

I will say the Dualshock 4 felt absolutely spectacular in my hands. Extremely ergonomic, the sticks felt nice and tight which was a VERY welcome change to the looseness of the Dualshock 3. Awesome triggers, touchpad felt so good, handles felt perfect. Can't praise it enough.

Felt the same exact way as I posted above. Game looks like a damn PS3 game and has very simple combat. Sony made a horrible choice of demos to showcase a new system. There is not one graphical showcase title in there to wow people. I get that at launch it won't matter, but this thing needs to be updated asap.


Unconfirmed Member
I played one at Best Buy today! It wasn't all that interesting, honestly. I tried Knack, which felt really one dimensional and dull. I laughed my ass off while playing Octodad, but it's not a game I'd ever consider purchasing. I really wish there was something with more meat being demo'd.


So I played Knack today and I was VERY underwhelmed visually. I wasn't expecting that. I double checked the TV model to make sure it supported 1080p and sure enough it was the KDL-32W650A. 1080p LED.

Textures seemed flat, simple geometry, and I just noticed lots of jaggies or blurriness. I don't know what was going on guys, just didn't impress me at all. Combat was very basic too, I kind of got bored after 10 minutes. I'll get this game but probably only after it reaches $20 or so.

I will say the Dualshock 4 felt absolutely spectacular in my hands. Extremely ergonomic, the sticks felt nice and tight which was a VERY welcome change to the looseness of the Dualshock 3. Awesome triggers, touchpad felt so good, handles felt perfect. Can't praise it enough.

Aww man all the jaggies talk has me very worried, how come games don't have good AA on next gen D:

Please tell me these are very old builds , one thing i was looking forward was jaggie free gaming on consoles :(
Aww man all the jaggies talk has me very worried, how come games don't have good AA on next gen D:

Please tell me these are very old builds , one thing i was looking forward was jaggie free gaming on consoles :(
I hope it was an old build, but if it is, I'd question the competency of Sony in this regard. Putting an ugly old build of your game on your demo units that consumers will try out is completely illogical.


love on your sleeve
So I played Knack today and I was VERY underwhelmed visually. I wasn't expecting that. I double checked the TV model to make sure it supported 1080p and sure enough it was the KDL-32W650A. 1080p LED.

Textures seemed flat, simple geometry, and I just noticed lots of jaggies or blurriness. I don't know what was going on guys, just didn't impress me at all. Combat was very basic too, I kind of got bored after 10 minutes. I'll get this game but probably only after it reaches $20 or so.

I will say the Dualshock 4 felt absolutely spectacular in my hands. Extremely ergonomic, the sticks felt nice and tight which was a VERY welcome change to the looseness of the Dualshock 3. Awesome triggers, touchpad felt so good, handles felt perfect. Can't praise it enough.

Preorder cancelled.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
WAT? any videos from this?
Nope, but CREMSteve posted his impressions over in the Canadian thread:

So I went to this today in Calgary, thought I'd recap my thoughts for GAF.

The games I played were Killzone, Knack, Contrast and Octodad. Of these 4, only Octodad failed to capture my interest. It seemed genuinely current gen (visually) in comparison, and the controls were far too convoluted for me to confidently grasp them in the brief time I had with them.

Oddly enough, my 5 year old daughter really took a liking to Octodad and spent almost her entire time in there playing it. It's doubtful that I purchase it though.

On to the games I enjoyed.

Killzone was the first game I played, it looks amazing. The 1080p is in fine form here, with a crisp sharpness that was unmatched by any of the other games I sampled today. I played through the first few levels, and I was a little disappointed by the lack of gunplay in these sections, probably not the best spots to demo the game for guys like me that just want to play with the triggers and see how they react.

That being said, the game looks and plays wonderfully. I came across a few texture seams by exploring nooks and crannies that I probably shouldn't have been, but otherwise, the game is gorgeous. It's a testament to the game, that although the single player campaign isn't locked at 60fps, it felt smooth and responsive the whole time.
Easily the showpiece of this event.

Should also be noted that the KZ gameplay featured quite a bit of verticality, jumping down from upper to lower decks, traversing narrow beams spanning deep chasms, stuff of that ilk. All very fun and at times, devilishly tricky to spot.

Next up was Contrast.

I had only seen one brief teaser for this, and wasn't terribly excited for it, but after playing it, I'm happy that I'll be receiving it as a part of PS+ in November. The shadow gameplay dynamic is put to great use, and I adore the effect of jumping into the shadows and making use of routes that weren't otherwise accessible or available.

Contrast runs at a rock solid 60fps and is most definitely 1080p. Skipping cutscenes results in some pretty long load times, so they are clearly using the cinematics to mask the loading screens.

Next up was Knack.

I was already leaning towards purchasing this, based on the fact that I wanted a family-friendly game I could enjoy with my kids, but this hands-on cemented my decision. I mentioned in another thread earlier, the game didn't seem as high-res as Killzone or Contrast, so I was assuming it wasn't running at 1080p, but I've been told I am wrong, so take that for what it's worth. To my eyes, it didn't seem like a 1080p title, but that didn't take away from how great it looked.

Characters animate extremely well, and the game world is colourful and varied. There are many hidden areas with destructible walls hiding secrets and upgrades. Enemies utilize a lot of ranged attacks, which resulted in me taking a quite a few more hits than I would typically expect from a "family friendly" game like Knack. This is balanced however, by the inclusion of a second playable co-op character.

Player 2 is a support character, who cannot stray too far from Knack else he be teleported back onto the screen. I believe destroying enemies gave player 2 some health, but any destructible objects broken by them would immediately come to Knack.

You can also hit each other, which resulted in a few laughs, but overall, the co-op worked just as it should and allowed me, as a beginner, to romp through the level without too much hassle.

Both the camera (constantly changing fixed perspectives) and combat are very similar to God of War. The right stick is for dodging enemy attacks, different buttons are for light and heavy attacks, and comboing them results in more powerful attacks. There are orbs scattered about, that when collected, build up a special attack bar, which allows you to lay the smack down on your foes in style.

Cutscenes were skippable, and doing so did not result in any unwanted load times, a major plus in my books. The cinematics do seem to be rendered at a different resolution than than the game itself, as they were sharper, almost as if the contrast was cranked higher. Might just have been me imagining it, but it certainly stood out as something I noticed.

It should also be noted that Sony gave me $20 off Knack for attending this event, so for $39.99, I couldn't pass up picking up a copy before I left. ^^

Couple other points worth mentioning... I enjoyed my time with the DS4 immensely. The triggers, while smaller than I expected, feel great in the heat of the moment. They don't depress as far as you'd think they would, but it's something that just "works" when you use it.

The speaker on the DS4, used for when you pick up audio logs in Shadowfall, is higher quality than I expected. Even in a fairly loud environment with gamers playing stuff all around me, I could still hear the dialogue with no issues.

My demo cut short just as I got the OWL, so I wasn't able to mess around with the touchpad.

I did manage to get into the PS4 GUI once very briefly, to change the controller settings, and it was extremely fast and responsive. There was no delay going from game to XMB (or whatever you want to call it), which I was thrilled to see.

That's about all I've got for now, if anyone has any questions, I'll do my best to answer.

Oh, and while I was picking up Knack, I also snagged an extra DS4 and the PlayStation Camera. Now I just need the console, only a few more weeks! ^^


I hope it was an old build, but if it is, I'd question the competency of Sony in this regard. Putting an ugly old build of your game on your demo units that consumers will try out is completely illogical.

If it releases like that and it's made by the guy that designed the hardware...not good. But as others guessed, it's probably the same early build that wasn't impressing people at E3, Gamescom etc. Waiting for reviews. It definitely lacks the immediate appeal of Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank.
If it releases like that and it's made by the guy that designed the hardware...not good. But as others guessed, it's probably the same early build that wasn't impressing people at E3, Gamescom etc. Waiting for reviews. It definitely lacks the immediate appeal of Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank.

Even if they fix the jaggies, I have seen nothing to suggest the dull/boring environments will be addressed. When I played Knack on Thursday, it screamed generic and by the numbers


I hope it was an old build, but if it is, I'd question the competency of Sony in this regard. Putting an ugly old build of your game on your demo units that consumers will try out is completely illogical.
The Knack demo is the very same as the E3 demo, as far as I could tell.

That said, I haven't seen any reports of more recent builds that are materially different or better.
I hope it was an old build, but if it is, I'd question the competency of Sony in this regard. Putting an ugly old build of your game on your demo units that consumers will try out is completely illogical.

Not that I expect Knack to be a powerhouse visually... but the kiosk build is, in fact, the e3 demo.

So it likely looks better than that... but not to an insane amount.


If it releases like that and it's made by the guy that designed the hardware...not good. But as others guessed, it's probably the same early build that wasn't impressing people at E3, Gamescom etc. Waiting for reviews. It definitely lacks the immediate appeal of Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank.

Eh no. Just because the game designed by the guy who made the hardware doesn't mean jackshit. The guy is great at designing great hardware BUT it doesn't mean he knows how to make interesting art and design. Not to mention texture work. Many of Knack's problem stems from lack of great art direction and interesting texture work.

Look at Killzone and look at inFamous: Second Son. While I don't doubt both studios contributed in having a say on how PS4 is made, they don't directly make the console themselves. And yet the games' art direction and texturing work is far superior to Knack.


I am probably going to check out a demo unit tomorrow.

Is knack upscaled from a lower resolution? I keep hearing how it has horrible blurry image quality.
I hope it was an old build, but if it is, I'd question the competency of Sony in this regard. Putting an ugly old build of your game on your demo units that consumers will try out is completely illogical.

I was hoping this gen would be the death of jaggies but looks like that was asking too much.

I did not step away with that sort of impression though. The game had a few jaggies yeah, but nothing that really got in the way or even really caught my attention. I had to look for em. When actually playing they were not noticeable. The kiosk I played off of was a 1080p LED Samsung, about 32 inch I would say.

Graphically, it was clearly next-gen. The background textures were unfinished and you could tell it was an older build, but the Knack design itself was pretty incredible. I loved watching individual pieces suck into the specific spots of knacks form, and yes if you watch the pieces actually do go into various random places, stick, and become a part of his form. The Ice section was impressive, the section your in the air duct with knack's stealth form was cool due to the very impressive liquid metal reflections going on within the purple ambience ( reflection, transparency, etc. ), and the end part where you are massive and picking up tanks to chunk them at aircraft and such was fun. I liked how when you transformed you had hundreds of little particles flying around along with being able to watch each individual piece fall off his body and bounce around with their own physics and such. No way anything in today's gen could handle that. Each piece has its own lighting, reflections, physics, etc. Very impressive.

All the games I played had framerate issues, but that is normal in demo's like this. Whenever I did a shockwave in knack I think the framerate went from high 40's, 50's into the 20's. Contrast when I spun the camera around it would have frequent standard FPS drops from 60 to dunno what. But again, normal Beta stuff. Look at the Battlefield 4 beta thread for comparison lol. The performance in that game pre-launch was horrid, now even I'm able to play with my 6770 smoothly.

Is knack upscaled from a lower resolution? I keep hearing how it has horrible blurry image quality.

I dunno. Was not blurry for me at all. Maybe people are not used to what AA looks like in the console world on their TV's? That is just AA ... the way it always is lol. The blurry look is due to the AA doing what it is supposed to be doing. Basically blending the edges of each poly into the ones next to it. Instead of having super sharp, jagged edges, you have softened blurred edges that blend into the environment or the body or clothes or whatever. The effect heightens depending on what type of AA is being used. FXAA is the fastest and less resource intense, but overall the worst. Supersampling takes a calculated algorithm to check each edge and blend it with the proper color. Same with MSAA and others. Takes more computational power of course.


Good site to see for yourself. Click where it says " click here to see interactive " and you can move the slider back and forth to see the picture of no AA vs. FXAA and other types of AA. Each time, the image feels " blurry "

Maybe if they would make TV pixels out of circles and not squares, we could eliminate this issue altogether? Or make everything out of circles instead of triangles. Who knows lol.


Tried it at EB this morning. I'm not walking away with this as any form of accurate representation of the PS4 experience. It was pretty terrible.

I already own a controller, so I knew that was great. But you are forced to stand far too close to the TV. And everything was displayed at a terrible resolution for that distance. They should have went with smaller screens. They felt like 720p displays or less...

The game demos were terrible. Unfinished assets all over the place. Clearly E3 demos or older. They looked worst than many current gen games. These kiosks could do more harm than good.

I hope they plan to immediately update them after launch at least. I walked away pretty much disgusted. But I know it was a terrible setup and am still excited for the complete versions of these games. Knack was still fun to play, which removes any worry about that game at all. I got killed and I was satisfied.

The one take away is how small the camera is. Wow, I didn't expect that!
I'm heading to a pretty populated mall, gets lots of people and I'm hoping a PS4 or Xbox kiosk is set up, I wanna see this thing.

I also wanna play it :3


Tried it at EB this morning. I'm not walking away with this as any form of accurate representation of the PS4 experience. It was pretty terrible.

I already own a controller, so I knew that was great. But you are forced to stand far too close to the TV. And everything was displayed at a terrible resolution for that distance. They should have went with smaller screens. They felt like 720p displays or less...

The game demos were terrible. Unfinished assets all over the place. Clearly E3 demos or older. They looked worst than many current gen games. These kiosks could do more harm than good.

I hope they plan to immediately update them after launch at least. I walked away pretty much disgusted. But I know it was a terrible setup and am still excited for the complete versions of these games. Knack was still fun to play, which removes any worry about that game at all. I got killed and I was satisfied.

The one take away is how small the camera is. Wow, I didn't expect that!


The one take away is how small the camera is. Wow, I didn't expect that!
This is true. I saw this hanging on the back wall of my local gamestop and it is extremely small, even more so than the kinect 2.0 it seems. Literally looks like small black bar. Don't know the exact measurements but it looks 1 inch high 1 inch deep and 7 inches long.
The Best Buy at the Mall of America had a PS4 demo unit set up today that I had a chance to try out.

Pros -
  • Small camera
  • DS4 Controller feels great!
  • PS4 design looks great in person

Cons -

  • Underwhelming game demos - Knack looked like an average PS3 game and played worse
  • Seems there was a special demo OS so I was unable to try out the actual PS4 OS
  • Quitting a game to return to the OS took FOREVER, I hope this is just because its a
    special" demo OS.
Took a spin at the Sony Store in the Mall of Millenia.

Kind of disappointed with the graphics of the games. Everything looked pretty next gen. The controller is pretty dang sexy and the hardware...woo.
Controller is amazing. Console looks beautiful.

However, the Knack demo has confirmed what I suspected all along: it fucking sucks. The art is beyond boring, it looks worse than Ratchet and Clank with heavy aliasing, and the action is one note. Can someone really tell this much from just a 10 minute demo? You betcha.

Still excited for the launch. Day 1 with Killzone, BF4, and Black Flag in hand + PTO from work.


The Best Buy at the Mall of America had a PS4 demo unit set up today that I had a chance to try out.

Cons -

  • Underwhelming game demos - Knack looked like an average PS3 game and played worse

However, the Knack demo has confirmed what I suspected all along: it fucking sucks. The art is beyond boring, it looks worse than Ratchet and Clank with heavy aliasing, and the action is one note. Can someone really tell this much from just a 10 minute demo? You betcha.


Damn it, I just preordered it.


This is true. I saw this hanging on the back wall of my local gamestop and it is extremely small, even more so than the kinect 2.0 it seems.

That's quite an understatement, kinect2 is at least 4 times the volume of the PS4 camera. ;)


I called my Gamestop to see when they are getting a demo unit.

"We won't be getting one. Our store is too small... Try Best Buy :("

I oughta give my local Gamestop a call to see if they're getting one, though I doubt it. The closest kiosk to Pittsburgh is in Philly.
So I played Knack today and I was VERY underwhelmed visually. I wasn't expecting that. I double checked the TV model to make sure it supported 1080p and sure enough it was the KDL-32W650A. 1080p LED.

Textures seemed flat, simple geometry, and I just noticed lots of jaggies or blurriness. I don't know what was going on guys, just didn't impress me at all. Combat was very basic too, I kind of got bored after 10 minutes. I'll get this game but probably only after it reaches $20 or so.

I will say the Dualshock 4 felt absolutely spectacular in my hands. Extremely ergonomic, the sticks felt nice and tight which was a VERY welcome change to the looseness of the Dualshock 3. Awesome triggers, touchpad felt so good, handles felt perfect. Can't praise it enough.
I had the exact same sentiments as you.

Personally I find that Knack is comparable to Werehog stages from Sonic Unleashed. The double jumps barely making higher platforms got annoying quick
Went into Best Buy yesterday (Perimeter Mall, Atlanta, Georgia). I was surprised to find that both the XBOX One and PS4 displays/aisles were up. Xbox One was placed in front of PS4. Both had a completely filled-out aisles - eg pre-order slips, fake console boxes, monitors ready for streaming units, etc. PS4 was complete except there were barely any pre-order slips on the shelves, and those that were there were in disarray.

I was there to pre-order BF4 for PS4 (after much back and forth consideration).

No pre-order slips up front, none on the BF4 end-aisle display up front, none at the PS4 aisle.

Long story, and 20 minutes at customer service later - the PS4 slips at MY Best Buy were completely gone for BF4. As in none in back. Had to use the SKU off of the Buy Buy in store flyer to get the SKU so I could pre-order.

COD was full for all console. This blew me away.

Crazy times!


Gold Member
Just got out of the bestbuy here in Clearwater. Unfortunately neither console was in demo mode. They haven't recieved a ps4 unit yet and they simply have the display with a tv playing the greatness video.

On the Xbox side they have the unit in the display case and finally looking at it in person I can say it is not as big as I was expecting given the impressions here. They had the cradles for controllers on both sides but no controllers to be seen. I asked a bestbuy person and he said they expect to have a playable xbox one as early as Tuesday and Friday at the latest. They have played it themselves but have not gotten the Ok from corporate to allow customers to demo it.

He also said they expect a playable ps4 this week but wasn't too sure when.


Went yesterday to my Gamestop in the mall. Was the only one there and got to get some good time in on Knack. Game looked a lot better then I thought it was going to be. The graphics are colorful and vibrant. Nothing too crazy going on but the gameplay sure reminded me of god of war, crash, and spyro. Framerate was pretty constant. I watched plenty of vids on the game so I knew how to dodge and attack already, so when I while I was playing, I made the game look really good to the people behind me in the line. The demo actually made me want to buy the game so ill be adding this on my list.

Controller felt surprisingly tight. The sticks especially considering the large amount of slack you had from the DS2 and 3. Triggers felt great and the overall size of the controller is perfect. A line started forming behind me so I stopped after knack, but there seems to be a few more games on there that you can play as well. They also had a vita connected so you can see the remote play.



Damn it, I just preordered it.

Think a lot of people are going to be surprised by the high review grades knack will be getting. I think they are going into expecting a totally different experience. The game is good, a kick back to the older platform playstation games. Many were itching for this type of experience and when they finally give us it, they whine.


I was tempted to go see the pop up store in Montréal but I think I'll just wait for Nov.15.

There are so many different TVs and settings, lighting etc.
I know how games look on my TV, its calibrated to my liking, to my living room's lighting, distance from the TV etc. So it will be fair to judge the games while seeing and playing them at home.

Hell, I remember seeing God of War 3 at a friend's house and being shocked by how bad it looked compared to when I play it at home.
Well it's the E3 build which did look pretty bad. The game saw massive improvements at Gamescom/TGS.

Which makes you wonder why they would even use the build if it is not the latest.

I do not understand gaming companies with demo kiosks, they always do this.

You will have E3 6 months ago, filled with playable demos of awesome games. Then you have shows later on that have enhanced versions of those demos, or new demos off new builds of the game or whatever.

When it comes time to show off to the consumer, you go back to using the oldest known build of the game and then fill the kiosk full of games that are destined not to impress anyone. ( ok, certain people will walk away with a good impression of Contrast )

Res0gun ... that is the game right there. I honestly have no clue how SCEA sent out kiosks without this game. Hell there is not even a video of the game to play! WTF??
I was tempted to go see the pop up store in Montréal but I think I'll just wait for Nov.15.

There are so many different TVs and settings, lighting etc.
I know how games look on my TV, its calibrated to my liking, to my living room's lighting, distance from the TV etc. So it will be fair to judge the games while seeing and playing them at home.

Hell, I remember seeing God of War 3 at a friend's house and being shocked by how bad it looked compared to when I play it at home.

At the Ailes the La Mode mall next to the Eaton center has a PS4 place on street level of the mal


I had the opportunity to check it out at my local Best Buy yesterday and my god, I could not believe how good the Dualshock 4 felt. It was amazing in every possible way.

They had Fifa up and running and I was a bit blown away of how strikingly good it looked.

I definitely can't wait now.
Had a play in my local ARGOS today. Didn't expect to see one in there.

My girlfriend loves the feel of the Dualshock 4. She's a massive Xbox fan but she reckons its the most comfortable controller she's ever held.
Had a play in my local ARGOS today. Didn't expect to see one in there.

My girlfriend loves the feel of the Dualshock 4. She's a massive Xbox fan but she reckons its the most comfortable controller she's ever held.

What Agros was that? I'm getting my arse down to one of their stores if they have PS4's to play!
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