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Rage at Rage Reviews Thread

diffusionx said:
Eurogamer's review read more like a 6-7 to be honest. I think there is some serious grade inflation with this game - it's looking like a C+/B- game that will be forgotten in 3 months (actually more like 3 weeks).
Harsh, but I can't say I disagree.


I guess it's gonna be a perfect rent for me.

I'm disappointed, I really wanted a game to be great in a post-apocalyptic open space world where you can do whatever you want. Like Fallout or Borderlands, but without the RPG stuff.
Do you know what's stupider than scores? Second guessing them. Read the review and ignore the score.

Issues are subjective as to how much they detract from the experience.

Reviews are where I expected them to be. Praising the tech (though the of version is currently in a right state), praising the way the game feels and plays, but criticizing the game design. Yep. That's ID in the post Romero days.


There are tons and tons of websites posting reviews that don't get reflected on Metacritic. The vast majority of them are 4.5/5, 9/10, 10/10, etc. YMMV.


Edge - 7/10

In its later stages, Rage becomes a slog. Enemies get tougher, and the repeated pattern of rooms filling with monsters – which must be killed before, say, a door falls off its hinges – begins to drag. Objectives, meanwhile, rarely move beyond simple fetch quests. There’s a fine line between sticking to what you’re best at and being stuck in your ways, and id occasionally crosses it. Rage is a stunningly rendered FPS, but one that seems caught between a desire to innovate and the desire to be true to the template its creators defined. [7]

EDIT: Old, didn't see it in the OP


I'm buying the game regardless of reviews. But I hope that one about the game being only 8 hours long is wrong.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
From Ars Technica:

Here's how you can tell the creative team has checked out completely: the Resistance is the group fighting the Authority. The Authority seems to be bad, and no one has really explained why, but that's fine; you seem perfectly content to just slaughter whoever your new friends tell you deserves death. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if my character was also lobotimized at the beginning of the game.
This is something that has bothered me in Half Life 2. Freeman was like an errand boy doing whatever anyone tells him, with no reasoning provided for him to do it. Him being silent was like an insult to an injury, as the NPCs keep conveniently forgetting to explain stuff he clearly can't have any clue about, and he can't even ask anything about any of it.


Lord Error said:
From Ars Technica:

This is something that has bothered me in Half Life 2. Freeman was like an errand boy doing whatever anyone tells him, with no reasoning provided for him to do it. Him being silent was like an insult to an injury, as the NPCs keep conveniently forgetting to explain stuff he clearly can't have any clue about, and he can't even ask anything about any of it.

He was working with colleagues from Black Mesa that he trusted. It's expressed again and again that these are friends.

There's none of that context in RAGE.
Lord Error said:
From Ars Technica:

This is something that has bothered me in Half Life 2. Freeman was like an errand boy doing whatever anyone tells him, with no reasoning provided for him to do it. Him being silent was like an insult to an injury, as the NPCs keep conveniently forgetting to explain stuff he clearly can't have any clue about, and he can't even ask anything about any of it.

What? There are clear motivations throughout HL2 of why Freeman is going against the Combine.


Interesting comment from Ryan Davis of Giant Bomb:

garywhitta Gary Whitta
Is RAGE the beginning of the end for the PC's decades-long dominance in a genre it created? Worth talking about.

taswell Ryan Davis
@garywhitta no, Halo was the beginning of the end. Rage (and, probably, BF3 and MW3) are the end of the end.
interesting in that it makes no sense, really I'd like that to be explained because I'm trying to wrap my head around what either of those dudes are talking about.

Even with lack of graphical options in the setting menu it's still arguably better to play on kb/m and unequivocably better looking/performing on the pc.

Angry Fork

Vire said:
Interesting comment from Ryan Davis of Giant Bomb:

garywhitta Gary Whitta
Is RAGE the beginning of the end for the PC's decades-long dominance in a genre it created? Worth talking about.

taswell Ryan Davis
@garywhitta no, Halo was the beginning of the end. Rage (and, probably, BF3 and MW3) are the end of the end.
Gordon Freeman can still save us all.
Unless Valve downgrades the PC version so it's similar to consoles. Then PC FPS is fucked.


Discotheque said:
interesting in that it makes no sense, really I'd like that to be explained because I'm trying to wrap my head around what either of those dudes are talking about.

Even with lack of graphical options in the setting menu it's still arguably better to play on kb/m and unequivocably better looking/performing on the pc.
Have you visited the official thread yet?...


Vire said:
Interesting comment from Ryan Davis of Giant Bomb:

garywhitta Gary Whitta
Is RAGE the beginning of the end for the PC's decades-long dominance in a genre it created? Worth talking about.

taswell Ryan Davis
@garywhitta no, Halo was the beginning of the end. Rage (and, probably, BF3 and MW3) are the end of the end.

Really? How was Halo the beginning of anything? The series has never been more desirable than a PC FPS.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Vire said:
Interesting comment from Ryan Davis of Giant Bomb:

garywhitta Gary Whitta
Is RAGE the beginning of the end for the PC's decades-long dominance in a genre it created? Worth talking about.

taswell Ryan Davis
@garywhitta no, Halo was the beginning of the end. Rage (and, probably, BF3 and MW3) are the end of the end.

I don't know how BF3 which is developed with PC as a leading platform can be the end of PC. So much idiocy, it hurts.


OK 2 hours in the 360 version..enjoying game a lot but whoever says its best looking console game..ill just say no to them
It's got like an 83 on metacritic as of right now, seems to be doing very well critically. I can't wait to play it, waiting for a patch.

All the problems with the PC version are lame, especially the all the people who pre-ordered. Payed the inflated 60 dollar price and got let down. However, I don't think this is such a significant event as to spark some incensed dialog on the state of the PC FPS.

When within the next week or two (hopefully even sooner than that) when RAGE has been patched, the PC version is the technically definitive version and it comes down to control preference again, all this hyperbolic talk of ID's betrayal or some sort of languishing state of PC FPS's will seem silly.
Once again GAF hype proves to be just that, overinflated. I'm like a battered spouse who keeps coming back for more. NO MORE, YOU HEAR ME! NO MORE!


ChuckNoLuck said:
Me feeling on a few outlets.

EGM: yeah, no
IGN: hahahaha
RipTen: LOL
GameTrailers: No thanks
GameSpot: How full was the hat?
G4TV: not anymore

The best response in this thread! Lulz. I am glad I didn't preorder RAGE.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Who else laughs at the low quality Game Chronicles reviews have? I'm going to love the game but their review is L O L.


The reviewers I trust don't inflate games due to hype/wanting to get skyrim exclusives/early review copies gave the game 6s and 7s. Considering only completely broken games get under 6s now a days I'm really glad I didn't buy this.

Some people in this thread sure are earning their viral marketing paycheck though running damage control lmao.


Amir0x said:
Rage is amazing, reviews full on fail confirmed, better luck next time once again

Gameplay is definitely great. I think peoples opinions are being tainted too much on the graphical issues (reviewers are graphic whores) or due to play this with a gamepad (game does not feel right on a gamepad!).


I don't know what Whitta or Ryan are talking about really. Console FPS have outsold PC FPS for...a really long time now.

Nice to see the metascore slowly tick up as more and more reviews are entered. This morning it was 80, now it's 83. I predicted yesterday it'd settle in at 84, so I'm *this* close!


SalsaShark said:
PC? no performance issues?

Really severe texture pop in, but other than that it looks amazing pretty much all the time. I hope they patch the texture pop-in, it's absurd. I'm also glad I didn't Steam dl it, seems like the fucker takes forever to download right now with the traffic.


TrojanBlade said:
Metacritic is the biggest shit I have ever seen. Once they do an initial score by some magical criteria, it never changes no matter how many more positive or negative reviews that get added later.
I know. Math is crazy like that am I right?

No - with every review added - the importance of one individual review becomes less and less important. To sway a score with 40 reviews is much harder to than a game with 10 scores. This isn't rocket science.
TrojanBlade said:
Metacritic is the biggest shit I have ever seen. Once they do an initial score by some magical criteria, it never changes no matter how many more positive or negative reviews that get added later.

What? Even from the post you quoted the score has changed.


Amir0x said:
Really severe texture pop in, but other than that it looks amazing pretty much all the time. I hope they patch the texture pop-in, it's absurd. I'm also glad I didn't Steam dl it, seems like the fucker takes forever to download right now with the traffic.

Glad to hear. Guessing Nvidia card? game needs to come out here already D:
scytheavatar said:
LOL @ those expecting anything different. It should be obvious and undeniable that when you buy an ID Software game, you are paying for the game engine and not for the game.
Nobody expected the single player in an id game to set the world on fire, but there's something everybody in this thread seems to be forgetting, and that is the lack of an earthshattering multiplayer experience. To me, Rage currently looks like a Call of Duty game released with no multiplayer. Who the fuck plays CoD for single player? Who the fuck plays an id game for single player?

It perplexes me that id has strayed so far from their arena shooter multiplayer. I know that era is all but dead, but if there was one company with a chance to keep it alive, it was them. Instead they just released generic brown-grey dystopian FPS #3052385 and are going to be buried beneath games that matter like Arkham City, Skyrim and Uncharted 3 over the course of the next month.

They aren't taking the "sell the engine" angle either like Epic did with UT3 a few years ago either. The engine is internal to Zenimax for the time being and by the time Carmack releases the source code it will be a relic of a bygone era of tech. I could excuse a game that played like a techdemo if they had intentions to license the shit out of it and make money that way. UE3 is used in like 50 games, so while UT3 was a piece of shit, at least it got the engine some recognition.
At E3 2010, IGN awarded RAGE "Best Overall Game." Upon release, IGN awards RAGE an 8.5.

At E3 2010, X-Play awarded RAGE "Best Multi-Platform Game." Upon release, X-Play awards RAGE a 4/5.



krameriffic said:
Nobody expected the single player in an id game to set the world on fire, but there's something everybody in this thread seems to be forgetting, and that is the lack of an earthshattering multiplayer experience. To me, Rage currently looks like a Call of Duty game released with no multiplayer. Who the fuck plays CoD for single player? Who the fuck plays an id game for single player?

It perplexes me that id has strayed so far from their arena shooter multiplayer. I know that era is all but dead, but if there was one company with a chance to keep it alive, it was them. Instead they just released generic brown-grey dystopian FPS #3052385 and are going to be buried beneath games that matter like Arkham City, Skyrim and Uncharted 3 over the course of the next month.

I'm with you. Nothing wrong with a throwback/old school design sometimes...I have had some of the most fun gaming in the past year while playing DNF on PC.


kodt said:

Unfortunately, if you're playing on an Xbox 360, choosing to jump in multiplayer games takes a concerted effort since all of the matchmaking is handled via a third disc accompanying the two-disc campaign. You can't start off with Disc 3 in the tray however. All of the navigation has to first be initiated from Disc 1, so that's at least one swap needed to play with or against friends. If you happen to be on the second disc of the solo affair and get an invite, choosing to accept it forces you to put in Disc 1, then 3. So, if you tally it up, in this scenario, you would have to change the discs in and out of the tray four times to play a game with a friend. That's dedication—and unwelcomed exercise.


Also nothing more than a rental it seems.
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