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Rayman Legends coming to Xbox 360/PS3, all versions releasing in September

Personally, I'm not upset at being multiplatform and I'm not even upset it being pushed to delayed. What I AM upset about is that Ubisoft has essentially sent this great franchise to die at the hands of other competing video game items on the verge of release at the time. If we were in October, and Ubi opted to push the game to Spring, I would have understood -- less competition.

But who in **** will be thinking about Rayman in September, situated in the shadow of the looming new consoles, GTAV, and Nintendo's first party games on everyone's mind? Rayman Origins BOMBED. It fucking bombed and it didn't deserve to, now they're sabotaging its successor's chances. People are not going to pick this game up but if they do, it'll be AFTER it retails at $20 like the last time.
Bayonetta was dead Nintendo saved it,
Rayman had one of the versions finished and ready to release this month but got delayed

The most messed up thing is that NoA had Rayman as the ONLY demo in stores. What the hell is that all about? Imagine if they had a small section of Nintendo Land, like Chase Mii or a level or two of New Super Mario Bros U with Gamepad and Wii-mote for 2 people to try.


I would in this gen. And we're talking about Rayman here not Mass Effect or Final Fantasy or other high-profile titles.

i would imagine that'd make it even more likely to be exclusive, not less. much harder to secure a title that'll actually sell units than one that won't.

Which people?

probably no one, BGamer90 has this nintendo fan persecution complex that he carries to almost every nintendo related board

The most messed up thing is that NoA had Rayman as the ONLY demo in stores. What the hell is that all about? Imagine if they had a small section of Nintendo Land, like Chase Mii or a level or two of New Super Mario Bros U with Gamepad and Wii-mote for 2 people to try.

this reminds me a lot of the 3DS third party fiasco where they screw their own console + software sales over to give third-parties a chance but no one takes it


Unconfirmed Member
This could easily be remedied with a Nintendo/Apple or Nintendo/Sony console. Most on here argue that it won't happen, but I think it's highly possible in the future unless Nintendo just abandons the console realm and sticks to handhelds.

How would that work though, money is made on licensing fees, and royalties. Do they just decide to split that 50/50?
Nintendo will be fine in the long run. Horrible move by Ubi to delay the Wii U version. Releasing it the same month as GTA V and New consoles on the horizon. Rayman Origins sold 50K its first month on all platforms because it got overshadowed by bigger releases. Same thing will probably happen to Legends now.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
How would that work though, money is made on licensing fees, and royalties. Do they just decide to split that 50/50?

Yeah, they'd have to. It would definitely have to be a special relationship, that's for sure. I think it might be necessary at this point, though.


Why? For all we know it'll sit on a shelf until the other two versions are done.

How do we know this ?

Usually one team is making the port and another is handling the content, so content and gameplay can be refined and then adopted to the engines in the other systems

But TBH i think the engine is ready too, since they use the same framework as Origins probably

So, only enchancements may occur during the waiting time and more content may be added


A remake of Zelda is always going to be more popular than a Rayman platformer.

Are you arguing that any console where a remake sold more than the 50,000 copies of Rayman Origins is the wrong console for a third party exclusive? Cause even God of War collection sold more than 700,000 copies on the PS3.

I am sure tons of hd remakes on the ps3/360 are going to outsell Rayman Legends.

Pretty much. The problem with Ubisoft releasing it in September is that they lose the advantage they would have if they released in two weeks. Wii U owners are dying for a game in this drought and I'm sure they would have gladly picked up Rayman Legends. By September, the Wii U will have plenty of first party titles for people to choose from and Rayman Legends won't be an option at that point.


If Nintendo don't respond immediately to this, it'll be a complete act of disregard of their userbase and third-party support. Wii U's version is pretty much finished and holding them to match a multiplatform release is unacceptable.



My problem from a business view is, isn't there some sort of exclusivity contract for the game between Ubi and Nintendo? Nintendo let Ubisoft show the game and a first look at any WiiU gameplay with an actual game at E3 a day before their own conference. So The Ubisoft conference got even more publicity by first and exclusive demoing a new console. Furthermore Nintendo put the game in the demo stations and featured the game in a few Nintendo directs, so they marketed it quite well by themselfs for a third party game. And now this?

I'm btw not speaking about going multiplat, I'm speaking about no sort of exclusive deal? Not even timed? Something went wrong between the companies big time imo
Some have posted in this thread from what I remember.

Don't want to randomly call people out though.

You'll call them out but not specify? Seems like an odd line to draw.

People getting upset solely about the loss of exclusivity and were mocking people about the same thing before should probably be called out. Don't see how it's random if they're clear enough that you can remember them.


Yes... a few people on a message board vs. millions of people who don't have a Wii U but have a 360 or PS3.

Definitely not "smart".

Yes, because those millions of people will be buying Rayman Legends, not GTA V or any other big AAA games coming out that month.


So in other words, #3, which you didn't read? The point of contention here isn't "Is Ubisoft correct?" it's "Is the very shallow analysis presented by the argument 'The PS360 versions sold 50k first month and then bargain basement ergo this is a bad decision' enough to undermine whatever private information Ubisoft has?"
I'm sorry, I missed the last part of the sentence. But consider this: why would they not make this game multiplatform from the start if it was successful on PS360? It would reduce the costs of development, it would make it come out earlier in the end on all platforms. As now we can exclude Nintendo moneyhatting Ubisoft, perhaps they saw it as an opportunity to highlight their game to Nintendo audience, who is still willing to pay full price for 2D platformers (as shown by Wii), and give it a spotlight during launch window when there isn't much competition, then port it to PS360 and sell at a price that PS360 owners who bought the original game would go for. It sounds like a reasonable plan, and delaying it the first time was even more reasonable in order not to compete with NSMBU. But what changed for the last three months? Were they so disappointed by how Wii U performed in January that they decided to delay the game just before it was about to be released?


I just can't get over the September delay, I KNEW Ubisoft was going to port the game to PS3/360 but to delay the Wii U version 6 months because of it, damn

My Wii U is going to collect serious dust for the next 6 months with Nintendo already doing a pathetic job supporting this system

Pretty much. the next game i'm buying is pikmin 3 and i wouldn't be surprised if that manages to get delayed.

The joke is on us wii u owners, i might as well return it now.
The fact that the game was going to be released in 3 weeks makes this all the more disappointing. Bah.

That is what hurts the most. A barren Wii U release schedule, and this one game everyone knew they could count on to be good, is just week away.

Them BAM it's not coming out for another 7 months.


It's a channel on YouTube called HowToBasic, where a guy pretends like he's going to cook or do something simple, but he ends up making a huge mess. It's kind of funny.

He has a dark anime past with Eggs.

Also among the funny wii u miiverse posts:
Sorry for the lack of pics.

"Cancelled my preorder will buy rayman legends used so ubisoft doesn't get a penny"


"Here is how to make your game bomb: Release it at the same time as GTAV"

"I guess my Rayman money will have to stay with me for 7 months. Better hope it doesn't get lured away by something else... Oh hello, what's this?... :Lego City"...


Yes... a few people on a message board vs. millions of people who don't have a Wii U but have a 360 or PS3.

Definitely not "smart".

If you have a compelling reason that makes a simultaneous release in September the right choice in this specific scenario, I'm all ears. All I see is a delay from a time of relatively low competition to the holiday death period that will be even more death than usual due to GTA V's release and the impending release of Orbis and Durango in addition to the regular annual AC/CoD/Halo.


well here are some possibilities:

1) ubisoft actually has no idea how much their own game sold or what the platform make-up is. they are willing to pay cash for message board posters to give them this information.

2) ubisoft does know, and whatever private information they have contradicts the information you have.

3) ubisoft does know, and your information is entirely correct, but they have private projections that suggest something different about the economics of rayman legends to justify this decision, whether or not it ends up being correct in the end.

4) ubisoft is deliberately sabotaging their own company in an effort to take down nintendo on behalf of all the third parties of the world who hate nintendo for example nomura is a KNOWN sony fan boy and besides third parties said they wouldn't make games for gamecube because of the low install base but then the wii won and SURPRISE SURPRISE they changed their tune and by the way did you know that all those companies wouldn't have gone bankrupt if they made wii games i hate dudebro shooters for example but call of duty black ops 2 on wii u is a good game and

Stump going in on the tinfoil hat men.
Was this the surprising third party wii u announcement ign was talking about?

Yes and IGN are confused as to why Wii-U owners are annoyed at them for hyping an announcement that shits on them. We should be happy that it's delayed for 7 months so other people can play it.

I don't give a flying fart about journalists anymore. Trolls the lot of 'em


Do Microsoft and Sony make statements whenever one of their exclusive turns multiformat? I've never seen any. Why should Nintendo?

I don't know about shaking up NCL but NoA definitely needs a shakeup and NCL needs to stop micromanaging NoA's marketing. Reggie made a few bad calls and NCL is really hurting the marketing here. Just look at how terrible the Wii U adverts are.


4) ubisoft is deliberately sabotaging their own company in an effort to take down nintendo on behalf of all the third parties of the world who hate nintendo for example nomura is a KNOWN sony fan boy and besides third parties said they wouldn't make games for gamecube because of the low install base but then the wii won and SURPRISE SURPRISE they changed their tune and by the way did you know that all those companies wouldn't have gone bankrupt if they made wii games i hate dudebro shooters for example but call of duty black ops 2 on wii u is a good game and
it inspired me this bad gimp


Yes, because those millions of people will be buying Rayman Legends, not GTA V or any other big AAA games coming out that month.
They'll buy both or get one next month? the sales potential compared to the WiiU is very high over there.
Yes... a few people on a message board vs. millions of people who don't have a Wii U but have a 360 or PS3.

Definitely not "smart".

Yes, a late port to 360/.ps3 would only improve sales over wii U exclusivity. But delaying the wii U version will only decrease them.

They should have just released the wii u version now and let the people who want to get the other versions buy it in september when those are done.

I was totally ready to buy Legends at launch, now I'll just wait for it to bomb and get it for nearly nothing again. It's ubisofts loss.
Free hint for 3rd parties on a Nintendo console: Don´t tread the fans like retards and you might actually have success. Ubisoft was in for a really good run on Wii U.

Not anymore.
A remake of Zelda is always going to be more popular than a Rayman platformer.

Are you arguing that any console where a remake sold more than the 50,000 copies of Rayman Origins is the wrong console for a third party exclusive? Cause even God of War collection sold more than 700,000 copies on the PS3.

I am sure tons of hd remakes on the ps3/360 are going to outsell Rayman Legends.

All the more reason to not tie themselves to any one console. I always thought the idea of a Rayman game limited to one console was a stupid idea. Especially when that console is a brand new one.


Junior Member
The perception of value is strong. Hard to get people to shell out full price when there's a copy sitting right next to it that is 40 dollars cheaper. I would have double dipped on ME3 on Wii U if it was the same price as 360. Just to have a game worth playing on my Wii U. For 60 dollars, though? Hell no.

The problem with that argument is that the WiiU has a much smaller fanbase than 360/PS3. It's doubtful it would affect sales that badly. Especially if they treated it as some "ultra-mega collector's edition director's cut".


If Nintendo don't respond immediately to this, it'll be a complete act of disregard of their userbase and third-party support. Wii U's version is pretty much finished and holding them to match a multiplatform release is unacceptable.


The hell? What should they do? Send the Power Rangers over to Ubisoft's headquarters in France or something?

Nintendo needs to re-think their strategy with western publishers. It's not worth the time, hassle, or money. Issuing some sort of statement doesn't do anything.


So.....is anything coming out for Wii U in February?

I was pretty pumped for Rayman. I guess I'll pick up Revengeance or something instead.
What do you think the overlap is between cutesy platformer and gritty open world game is?

When it comes to exposure, fairly large.

Rayman will be a game on a shelf that month. GTA will be the game on covers, in videos, and in store windows the entire month.

There won't be many situations where someone goes in to buy Rayman and buys GTA instead, no. But if marketing and making your game a notable title of its release period weren't important, then no one would bother doing it.


I just have to keep saying to myself that there is always a drought (perhaps not this bad though), and Nintendo first par games are worth owning the machine for.
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