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Reality of console visuals surpassing PC visual fidelity

Here's the thing: Assuming 720 and PS4 titles are @ native 1080p, what major graphical benefits would the PC have over consoles? The biggest problem has always been resolution, not frame rate, when talking about the most immediately visible aspect of graphics.

So if, and it's still a big IF, next-gen consoles hit that 1080p mark, I see no reason why they can't keep up with PC for years. Why? Because barely anyone goes higher than 1080p, like a tiny, tiny percentage would even consider that. So if the consoles "check that box", next-gen is going to be very exciting. This is exactly why I'm so hyped up about it.

Couple all this with the fact that 1st party next-gen games (especially Sony's 1st party studios) are going to take 100% advantage of the hardware and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the best looking game title given to a console game for years on end.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
As I said, it depends on your definition of fidelity; I would say Crysis looks worse than ARMA 3 already by your definition.

ost sure that next ES will look better than Skyrim [just like how Skyrim on consoles look better than heavily modded Oblivion on PC].

Another example is GTA4; it looks amazing with mods on PC, but still GTAV looks more impressive overall and shows a clear advancement over GTA4 that is not limited to few technical points, higher textures and better IQ.
Such games also look better on PC even without mods. I dunno why you respond to me with mods stuff as examples for whatever, plus the mods you find marginally better will probably be done for the sequels too on PC where applicable to make them even better. But I didn't speak of anything like that and pitting Crysis 3 or BF3 vs Beyond (or the console versions of the same games) has nothing to do with carefully chosen mod-like enhancements that you find small and prefer sequel enhancements over them.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Here's the thing: Assuming 720 and PS4 titles are @ native 1080p, what major graphical benefits would the PC have over consoles? The biggest problem has always been resolution, not frame rate, when talking about the most visible aspect of graphics.

So if, and it's still a big IF, next-gen consoles hit that 1080p mark, I see no reason why they can't keep up with PC for years. Why? Because barely anyone goes higher than 1080p, like a tiny, tiny percentage would even consider that. So if the consoles "check that box", next-gen is going to be very exciting. This is exactly why I'm so hyped up about it.

Maybe for you. Plenty of people view 30-60 fps as one of the most visible differences.


I would say depending on your definition of fidelity, PC game lags behind *current* generation best looking games.

Just as an example, I have yet to see a PC game being as good as Beyond in character design.

I would say PC games surpass current gen games mostly in IQ, number of objects, and basically other aspects where little or no further input from the designers are required and it's barely using the raw power of the systems.

And resolution, frame rate, post effects, draw distance....


Dark, What gpu's were you running in SLI? So your saying that the games felt less smooth with SLI? Yet the framerates are obviously higher then with one card.

I am asking because I have one 680 and would like to get another and run in SLI. What your saying worries me because I would not want to make my games run less smooth.

Let me ask this, if you have a game that runs at 30 fps maxxed out on a 680 and if you add another 680 to get 60 fps, your saying that the one card at 30 fps will feel better then two in SLI running at 60 fps?

He may be talking about microstutter.

Yes. If you're sensitive enough to framerate consistencies, it can drive you bonkers. Seeing your fps counter read 60fps, but look like 45 when your camera pans, is quite disconcerting.

Cant say I've had it affect playability though (despite the visual anomaly, higher fps SLI powered games, responded better IMO).


Here's the thing: Assuming 720 and PS4 titles are @ native 1080p, what major graphical benefits would the PC have over consoles? The biggest problem has always been resolution, not frame rate, when talking about the most immediately visible aspect of graphics.

So if, and it's still a big IF, next-gen consoles hit that 1080p mark, I see no reason why they can't keep up with PC for years. Why? Because barely anyone goes higher than 1080p, like a tiny, tiny percentage would even consider that. So if the consoles "check that box", next-gen is going to be very exciting. This is exactly why I'm so hyped up about it.

Couple all this with the fact that 1st party next-gen games (especially Sony's 1st party studios) are going to take 100% advantage of the hardware and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the best looking game title given to a console game for years on end.

Like many developers have said in interviews, I think they'll focus on a cleaner IQ within 720p first, because that's just how they work.

ofc the exclusives developed with the systems in mind will push their respective consoles and I think we'll see some nice 1080p 60FPS games, but I don't expect much effort from 3rd parties at all.


Here's the thing: Assuming 720 and PS4 titles are @ native 1080p, what major graphical benefits would the PC have over consoles? The biggest problem has always been resolution, not frame rate, when talking about the most immediately visible aspect of graphics.
Image quality will probably still be a significant differentiating factor. 1080p with some kind of post-processing AA doesn't really compare to what can be achieved with SGSSAA or downsampling on PC. Add to that the fact that higher-than-1080p resolutions are getting more common on PC.


Still as compared to console
I Got a 360 in 399$ 2006 - 2012 [Jan when i sold for 100$]

7 Years Total Value For Money.
You had launch Xbox 360 for 7 years? That had to be phenomenal model.

BTW its irrelevant how much You payed for it. It cost Microsoft 600$ to produce Xbox 360 in 2006, where PC parts You are buying in retails cost much more than they cost to produce.


Will Eat Your Children
In general it will happen, exceptions are there of course, but PS3 and 360 showed that the consoles pretty much lead the PC for big budget games
Maybe for you. Plenty of people view 30-60 fps as one of the most visible differences.

Well, I don't agree at all. Most of the best looking PC games are just console ports with higher res, no tearing and some DX11 features tacked on, with resolution being the biggest discernible difference. Think about it.

Now if the PS4 and 720 can take care of the res, tearing, apply some nice AA, I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to keep up for years because barely any PC gamer goes higher than 1080p, like an extremely small, insignificant % do.

Image quality will probably still be a significant differentiating factor. 1080p with some kind of post-processing AA doesn't really compare to what can be achieved with SGSSAA or downsampling on PC. Add to that the fact that higher-than-1080p resolutions are getting more common on PC.
That last sentence isn't true. I don't have any facts or whatever to back that up (and neither do you for your claim) but come on, there's just no way that segment is growing in any noteworthy way.
Those games also look better on PC even without mods. I dunno why you respond to me with mods stuff as examples for whatever, I didn't speak of anything like that and pitting Crysis 3 or BF3 vs Beyond (or the console versions of them) has nothing to do with carefully chosen mod-like enhancements that you find small and prefer sequel enhancements over them.
I don't understand what you mean.

However, what I mean, is that PC versions of a game although look better than the console of the 'same' game, however, it is only because firstly the effort has been put into making that console game.

So basically, a lot of the console exclusives 'already' look better than the best comparable PC games [for example, Beyond will probably have the best character graphics for a long time even compared to games on PC, as it will surely stay a PS3 exclusiv]

This is what I mean:

Since there is no word of GTAV on PC, GTAV on consoles will be the best looking sand box games even compared to games on PC.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So basically, a lot of the console exclusives 'already' look better than the best comparable PC games [for example, Beyond will probably have the best character graphics for a long time even compared to games on PC, as it will surely stay a PS3 exclusiv]
Ok, so back to square 1 it is...
So, again, game scope doesn't matter, just one game going for a particular thing is the best across everything regardless of the rest? Some photorealistic pool game would suddenly trump everything? Crysis 3 come february (which won't look anything like THAT on consoles) will lag behind Beyond because it's not a restricted adventure game and instead does larger environments, actual AI, action packed scenes, and so on? Or Battlefield 3 on PC with larger maps and double the players? There's a poly, effect, texture etc (and money!) budget in all these, Beyond just spends it on a certain few things while other games spread them more.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Is anyone else disappointed that it has come to this?

I honestly pine for the days when new console hardware could amaze me. I love that feeling of seeing something truly new and incredible for the first time. I haven't been truly wowed by a game in quite a while and I miss it.
Is anyone else disappointed that it has come to this?

I honestly pine for the days when new console hardware could amaze me. I love that feeling of seeing something truly new and incredible for the first time. I haven't been truly wowed by a game in quite a while and I miss it.

If I'm right about 1080p becoming a standard I really think you'll get that wow factor from next-gen, especially from exclusives. Might take a year or so but it'll be there.


Image quality will probably still be a significant differentiating factor. 1080p with some kind of post-processing AA doesn't really compare to what can be achieved with SGSSAA or downsampling on PC. Add to that the fact that higher-than-1080p resolutions are getting more common on PC.

For most consumers, it wont matter though.

1080p with fxaa will be, well, it. Touting SGSAA or going past 1080p, will only matter to an extraordinarily small niche tech crowd.

...of course, this thread mentions the reality of the situation. By that, you're right. So long as there are display technologies that can achieve more than what most consumers have at home, PCs will be there to leverage them in a way consoles can't.
you are aware how far cry 3 or gta IV with tons of mods look like right?
Haven't seen FC3 with mods; but again, yes, GTA IV will look worse than GTAV ; just like how Oblivion with tons of mods look worse than Skyrim 'on consoles'.

However, don't forget that the first post I asked about what is your definition of 'fidelity'; I think whether a game looks better than another game, to a good extent, is subjective.

Of course GTAV will not run in even full HD, let alone other IQ highs achievable on PC.

just refer to the link I posted above; the user doesn't have much mods, but even if you heavily mod the PC version, at that resolution and disregarding fps, GTAV looks better.
That wasn't the case in the past which is why we're hoping for this to happen once again (it likely won't, though).

SLI is fucking terrible, though. I wouldn't use it if you paid me.

Your memory is WAY off.

The amount of geometric detail and effects (depth of field and motion blur being new) in early PS2 games far outstripped anything on the PC. High-end PS2 games also routinely delivered 60 fps. That Metal Gear Solid 2 demo released in March 2001 blew away anything on any other machine.

The ONLY advantage PCs had at the time was screen resolution.

MGS 2 was a graphical marvel. No question about it. But don't forget what the SEGA Dreamcast was capable of in its short life with games like Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur and Shenmue. All before the launch of the PS2. ;-)
Those games had unbelievable graphics. They blew me away. Especially Soul Calibur, jawdropping graphics and the gameplay was just perfect! This game was much prettier looking than the arcade version!

I don't think there was anything available on PC that could match those graphics at that time.


So basically, a lot of the console exclusives 'already' look better than the best comparable PC games [for example, Beyond will probably have the best character graphics for a long time even compared to games on PC, as it will surely stay a PS3 exclusiv]

Its not like Crysis 3 has worse character models.



And GTA 5 trailer looked awful in terms of graphics, thats not really good game for comparison.


Haven't seen FC3 with mods; but again, yes, GTA IV will look worse than GTAV ; just like how Oblivion with tons of mods look worse than Skyrim 'on consoles'.

However, don't forget that the first post I asked about what is your definition of 'fidelity'; I think whether a game looks better than another game, to a good extent, is subjective.

Of course GTAV will not run in even full HD, let alone other IQ highs achievable on PC.

just refer to the link I posted above; the user doesn't have much mods, but even if you heavily mod the PC version, at that resolution and disregarding fps, GTAV looks better.

Of course it won't run in full HD. No open world game this gen on console ran in 1920x1080...


I wonder if a PC running an Intel i7 (and whatever graphics card that will compete) will be future proofed for next gen. Will that be enough?

It's scaleable, you can go with an I7 through this nextgen but with the passing of time you will need to lower the quality to mantain a playable fps.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Is anyone else disappointed that it has come to this?

I honestly pine for the days when new console hardware could amaze me. I love that feeling of seeing something truly new and incredible for the first time. I haven't been truly wowed by a game in quite a while and I miss it.

Most people have accepted that it is an unrealistic expectation. I can't ask companies to kill themselves with Sony/PS3-esque decisions. I would rather they put together a product that is developer friendly as possible.
Here's the thing: Assuming 720 and PS4 titles are @ native 1080p, what major graphical benefits would the PC have over consoles? The biggest problem has always been resolution, not frame rate, when talking about the most immediately visible aspect of graphics.

So if, and it's still a big IF, next-gen consoles hit that 1080p mark, I see no reason why they can't keep up with PC for years. Why? Because barely anyone goes higher than 1080p, like a tiny, tiny percentage would even consider that. So if the consoles "check that box", next-gen is going to be very exciting. This is exactly why I'm so hyped up about it.

Couple all this with the fact that 1st party next-gen games (especially Sony's 1st party studios) are going to take 100% advantage of the hardware and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the best looking game title given to a console game for years on end.

I'd say framerate has a bigger impact on gameplay and graphics. When it comes to certain genres, there really is a huge difference b/t not just graphical advantages b/t 30 and 60 FPS but input responsiveness as well.


Haven't seen FC3 with mods; but again, yes, GTA IV will look worse than GTAV ; just like how Oblivion with tons of mods look worse than Skyrim 'on consoles'.

However, don't forget that the first post I asked about what is your definition of 'fidelity'; I think whether a game looks better than another game, to a good extent, is subjective.

Of course GTAV will not run in even full HD, let alone other IQ highs achievable on PC.

just refer to the link I posted above; the user doesn't have much mods, but even if you heavily mod the PC version, at that resolution and disregarding fps, GTAV looks better.

The OP was not asking artstyle though but the power to push poligons aka: will consoles be able to do stuff you can't on PC`? The answer is most likely no.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dark, What gpu's were you running in SLI? So your saying that the games felt less smooth with SLI? Yet the framerates are obviously higher then with one card.

I am asking because I have one 680 and would like to get another and run in SLI. What your saying worries me because I would not want to make my games run less smooth.

Let me ask this, if you have a game that runs at 30 fps maxxed out on a 680 and if you add another 680 to get 60 fps, your saying that the one card at 30 fps will feel better then two in SLI running at 60 fps?
OK, it's not that cut and dried. Framerates are rarely that simple on the PC.

First of all, I was using dual GTX580 cards for the test. Why? Well, a Gaffer was selling a GTX580 earlier this year and I wanted to buy it from them...but another buyer had already been lined up. I thought it would fall through so I acted on a deal at Microcenter to get a GTX580 for a decent price. The GAF deal DID come through, however, and I also went with it. This gave me the chance to try the 580 in SLI mode. Ultimately, I returned the card to Microcenter and kept the single card I received from a user here. The two cards were identical and setup was a breeze but the results...were disappointing.

I had jumped from a 5870 to a GTX580 so the improvements were quite obvious. Performance was fast and smooth across a wide range of games. I had no problems hitting 60 fps is virtually everything I tossed at it outside of Metro 2033, which I limited to 30 fps (using a number of solution in parallel).

So, I slotted in the second GTX580 and ran through some tests. I assume that what I was seeing was microstutter, but perhaps it was something else. Regardless, with both cards enabled, all games that I tested were delivering results that looked slower than 60 fps. In some games, it varied, and I would see a smooth framerate in bursts but there was this constant feeling of instability despite FRAPS reading 60 fps. Other times it just felt "off". It was "smooth" in the sense that you could tell the framerate was high, but it just didn't look right. This happens with certain games even with a single card and often requires a lot of tweaking and use of external utilities to solve, but with SLI, I saw it in virtually every game. It's difficult to explain but it jumps out to me immediately and drove me crazy.

I don't actually have a reason to go above 60 fps as I only use 60 Hz displays. Disabling v-sync is ugly, but it does demonstrates the high framerates. I saw some massive increases above 60 fps when v-sync was disabled but all of that was 100% useless to me in the end.

Now, there are occasional games where I use a locked 30 fps instead but it's not simple. Most people will tell you to lock it in the nVidia Inspector or use Bandicam or some other such tool. Those don't work. They DO deliver 30 fps according to FRAPS but also introduce severe microstutter into the image that ruins the consistency. With most games, however, a combination of using the "half refresh" option combined with MSI Afterburner OSD limited to 30 will produce good, stutter free results. This is the ONLY combination that has ever worked properly for me. Unfortunately, this isn't compatible with all games. BethSoft games tend to end up with longer loading or continue to stutter, for instance, and this happens with a few other titles as well. It's not a magic bullet but it's the closest I've seen. Fortunately, I only need to use this in cases where I want to push visuals all the way out while keeping performance consistent. Crysis 2 DX11, for instance, is great with this solution as I can use 1440p + the highest details settings with extra AA while holding 30 fps.

Framerate on PCs are a strange beast, I'm afraid, as a lot of games just don't seem to sync up well with the display and introduce little problems into the mix. SLI just exacerbates this to the extreme.

Obviously, some people don't notice or care (they see a higher number and are satisfied), but I actually do see the difference and it does bother me.

MGS 2 was a graphical marvel. No question about it. But don't forget what the SEGA Dreamcast was capable of in its short life with games like Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur and Shenmue. All before the launch of the PS2. ;-)
Those games had unbelievable graphics. They blew me away. Especially Soul Calibur, jawdropping graphics and the gameplay was just perfect! This game was much prettier looking than the arcade version!
Oh, I have a huge soft spot for Dreamcast and was there on day 1...but it never quite blew me away in the same capacity. Soul Calibur was certainly impressive, though.


I don't understand what you mean.

However, what I mean, is that PC versions of a game although look better than the console of the 'same' game, however, it is only because firstly the effort has been put into making that console game.

So basically, a lot of the console exclusives 'already' look better than the best comparable PC games [for example, Beyond will probably have the best character graphics for a long time even compared to games on PC, as it will surely stay a PS3 exclusiv]

This is what I mean:

Since there is no word of GTAV on PC, GTAV on consoles will be the best looking sand box games even compared to games on PC.

Are you just trolling? You can't be serious.



Hmm I have the feeling that Beyond is using the same Cutscenes method of the Uncharted series (prerendered)
I just post the beyond GIF for reference, as I do not know of any objective way to 'prove' which one looks better:


And GTA 5 trailer looked awful in terms of graphics, thats not really good game for comparison.
Ah, ok!

The OP was not asking artstyle though but the power to push poligons aka: will consoles be able to do stuff you can't on PC`? The answer is most likely no.
If that is what OP is asking [though I don't see him explicitly mentioning this], do we really even need to ask?
Of course they won't; excluding a very short duration, have they ever? Specially now, as a high end PC consumes so much power that putting even remotely comparable hardware in the consoles [which then would make them better than the comparable PC because the lack of OS overhead and lower level access] is almost entirely out of question.


I wouldn't expect the bleeding edge from the next round of consoles. The continued sales of the 360, and the dismal sales of the vita, show there's no value in chasing the apex of tech. I expect both the new systems to equal a modest PC right now.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hmm I have the feeling that Beyond is using the same Cutscenes method of the Uncharted series (prerendered)
They are actually realtime in Beyond, unlike Uncharted.

Like I said above, Soul Calibur looked amazing but really we all knew it being a fighting game had a lot to do with it. The console ports of the PC games that came out around the Dreamcast launch ended up being downgraded to work on there.

MGS2 is a perfect mix of art and performance that I don't think we were seeing on most PC rigs at the time, though. That game was like... Mind melded with the PS2. I don't recall the third game keeping up that 60fps standard, sadly.
60 fps was actually very common on PS2 by all sorts of developers. Even those genres that didn't really require it were being released at 60 fps. I was glorious.

Sure, the image quality wasn't great, but on a 480i display they still looked nice. CRTs did a lot to make up for the limitations of the systems image quality.

Crysis 3 has that level of detail plus detailed backgrounds! The gap is very large.
The actual in-game models in Crysis 3 are not likely to actually contain THAT much detail...but they do deliver a close approximation while handling a much larger game world. Crysis 1 and 2 models were definitely NOT on par with that but, again, same thing (huge world to render). The games are not comparable.


I just post the beyond GIF for reference, as I do not know of any objective way to 'prove' which one looks better:

What i see here is great animation, really good shadows from hairs and low poly necklace that dont even cast shadows. Art is better in Beyond, but thats it.

And yeah, GTA 5 looks bad, especially in trailers image quality, it looked horrendous even. Still, i liked shader simulating indirect lighting on characters.


Dark, What gpu's were you running in SLI? So your saying that the games felt less smooth with SLI? Yet the framerates are obviously higher then with one card.

I am asking because I have one 680 and would like to get another and run in SLI. What your saying worries me because I would not want to make my games run less smooth.

Let me ask this, if you have a game that runs at 30 fps maxxed out on a 680 and if you add another 680 to get 60 fps, your saying that the one card at 30 fps will feel better then two in SLI running at 60 fps?

I have a Dual 680 running my rig. Based on my experience DX11 games runs a lot better than DX9 for some kind of weird reason. Borderlands 2, Guild Wars (DX9 games) some times drop below400fps, sometimes get higher than 80. People tend to blame thew CPU bottleneck but when you have a 3930k at 4.5 GHz it's a pretty stupid excuse.

Crysis 2, on Ultra DX11 sometimes indoors the fps up to 200fps (no joke).

For me it depends a lot if the game is optimized to run on SLI config.
What i see here is great animation, really good shadows from hairs and low poly necklace that dont even cast shadows. Art is better in Beyond, but thats it.

And yeah, GTA 5 looks bad, especially with trailers image quality, it looked horrendous even.
Well, what can I say? Beyond looks much better to me than Crysis 3, and GTAV looks at least comparably good as modded GTAIV.

If I remember correctly, in the E3 awards, the gap between votes for FF and SW and then UE4 was really noticeable, like 4 times more for the two formers; did people really count the polygons, or analysed the technology behind each demo while voting?


I expect PCs to be more powerful than the consoles by the time of their release, but I also expect that developers will be able to get more out of the consoles than the PC for a while. Remember that the consoles are only running a minimalist OS, have a more efficient architecture, and are fixed in nature. This allows for much more aggressive optimization than can be feasibly done on a PC. But, hey, how knows?

They're more powerful right now than these consoles will be when they release.
They are actually realtime in Beyond, unlike Uncharted.

60 fps was actually very common on PS2 by all sorts of developers. Even those genres that didn't really require it were being released at 60 fps. I was glorious.

Sure, the image quality wasn't great, but on a 480i display they still looked nice. CRTs did a lot to make up for the limitations of the systems image quality.

The actual in-game models in Crysis 3 are not likely to actually contain THAT much detail...but they do deliver a close approximation while handling a much larger game world. Crysis 1 and 2 models were definitely NOT on par with that but, again, same thing (huge world to render). The games are not comparable.

Uh... the character models in crysis 3 WILL use that detail. THAT IS AN INGAME SCREENSHOT OF CRYSIS 3. The characters use tessellation and will have very high poly counts up close. According to the post from crytek devs on their forums they only release screenshots that are from ingame...

Seriously.. what an inaccurate post. "The actual in-game models in Crysis 3 are not likely to actually contain THAT much detail..."

They actually will and do.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Crysis 2, on Ultra DX11 sometimes indoors the fps up to 200fps (no joke).
So you have a 200 Hz monitor then? If not, you must have v-sync disabled.

They actually will and do.
Fair enough. I suppose I was expecting the same level of detail as Crysis 2 then.
Pixels and resolution are not the only thing that matter, artstyle is more important. To me, some console games in 720p are visually more appealing than pc games. I have a 2560x1440 monitor running bf3, its awesome, but nothing that wows me.


You don't think these kinds of comparisons should be cost adjusted?

The more practical question is "will the new consoles at least temporarily surpass PC visuals at the same (or lower) price point." Of course you can build the very best PC possible and it will probably be better than new consoles right from the start. But it will cost substantially more, won't it?

Did you just decide to skip the OP?

Cost is not a factor at all in this discussion. When I say PC gaming in 2013 I am talking about the best of the best, high end PC that money can buy.


So you have a 200 Hz monitor then? If not, you must have v-sync disabled.

Ofc is disabled I just wanted to see how much the thing can run, tearing was unbereable.

Another funny fact is that Crysys 2 use both GPUs up 90%, while Borderlands 2 and Guild Wars 2 can't even reach 60% on both.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I heard the same thing before, they are not gonna fool me this time.
From whom?

All of their games have used entirely realtime cutscenes (with a couple videos here and there for good measure). The nature of these games requires them to be realtime.


From whom?

All of their games have used entirely realtime cutscenes (with a couple videos here and there for good measure). The nature of these games requires them to be realtime.

Before Uncharted release they were showing lots of cutscenes telling that all were rendered on the PS3 but that was half truth. I see the same thing here. I'm gonna remain exceptic till release. I can be wrong like so many times.
Pixels and resolution are not the only thing that matter, artstyle is more important. To me, some console games in 720p are visually more appealing than pc games. I have a 2560x1440 monitor running bf3, its awesome, but nothing that wows me.

Yes, b/c all PC games strive for hyper realism. Not only is art style subjective but games with great art style are found on PC as well (with the added benefit of resolution and anti aliasing enhancing beautiful art style on PC). Art style is basically the comfy couch excuse 2.0...


In terms of pure horsepower the PC will always trump consoles. This is coming from a pure console gamer who used to build his own PC and spent time tweaking settings just to get games to run smoothly. It's just the reality of it.


Neo Member
The point is that Xbox360 core model launched for 299USD back in 2005 i don't think that any pc at that price point back or even at double price, couldn't match the quality of the games back then, so i expect the same for the new titles released with the new Xbox.
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