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Reborn (sci-fi action RPG set in Neo-Tokyo) announced for PS3/PS4


I gather you guys didn't read all the posts on this page. They didn't steal the art. Those artists are working for them and the art is licensed.

I don't think all those artists are working for them, I am almost sure that at least some are not since they are already working on very big projects that require a lot of time.

They MIGHT ( I would still like to see confirmation from the artists) have licensed the art, but that doesn't mean the artists are working for them.

What I mean is that at least some of those pieces are not actual concept art FOR the game, they are personal pieces that they suposedely bought the rights to use because they fit their game. There is a big difference here.


Yeah, I also recognize one of the other pictures but I can't remember the artists name.

I don't know what's going on here...maybe they got the license to use the pictures but I find this VERY unlikely...
I think that they might be using art that doesn't belong to them to promote the game, which is absolutely disgusting and illegal.

That is. If its true, very disgusting. However for our kickstarter we did a ton of that(getting the license to use the pictures) and there are of course massive forums just for that. As well as having the artists work for them of course. So its not that remarkable. Its actually fairly mundane if it fits with how you want to use the art and the deal you make with the artist.
For example one of our largest artist was involved in 11 projects and because of the way projects work with all the back and forth there were entire swaths of time that he was available though we were the smallest of all the projects for him.


From the sound it had the potential to interest me and become a great game until I read this;

Now I am kinda nervous that it might not be that great after all.
Because it's made by Americans or because it's set in Japan? Or because Americans are incapable of creating something set in Japan?


$150k? I'd stay away from this unless they explain that the Kickstarter is purely for awareness and that they have real funding from elsewhere.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
All the self-righteous, woefully misplaced outrage in this thread. How about we chill for a bit.

Here's what we know. And nothing else.

I understand that someone stealing your work is very serious, and if you honestly believe that's what happened, then you should contact the artist and remain quiet until you're given confirmation that is IS indeed stolen, because given how many people proceeded to read that information about "art theft" but NOT the retraction, you're doing harm to a project that seems to be legit before it ever even gets off the ground.

As far as the funding for the game? I'm cautious. Not suspicious, cautious. Which is why I asked them on Twitter how they're doing this for 150k. If they respond, I will report back. But keep in mind this game has supposedly been in development since the start of the year. They have to be running on some kind of funding already, especially if they were able to go and announce this thing at TGS.

At any rate, kickstarters are usually launched with a TON of information, as developers are forced to be upfront with the origins of their game, their intentions, plans for distribution, and most especially, any outside funding, if they expect to get any money from fans. And the level of information they have to give raises pretty much exponentially in inverse proportion to the level of notoriety they have. These people, are basically unknowns. So it's probably an all cards on the table situation here.

Now. To all the people saying this looks derivative or unoriginal....can you please kindly point me in the direction of the games you've been playing, because I've had a PS3 for over half its life span and I've never seen a SINGLE title that looks like this, except (kinda) Deus Ex. A cool cyberpunk series with both Eastern and Western influences featuring action and RPG elements sounds amazing, and unlike any title I've seen on PS3/360 thus far. I'm somewhat optimistic, until I see a reason not to be. But then I think I'm doing internet wrong, so what do I know.


Neo Member
So am I crazy or is this concept art,

a direct paintover of this artists' work?

Link to the artists' cghub.


Sounds interesting, but that is a stupidly low funding goal if they don't have outside money coming in. I don't do kickstarters anyway, so I'll place this on the "wait and see" pile.


All the self-righteous, woefully misplaced outrage in this thread. How about we chill for a bit.

Here's what we know. And nothing else.

I understand that someone stealing your work is very serious, and if you honestly believe that's what happened, then you should contact the artist and remain quiet until you're given confirmation that is IS indeed stolen, because given how many people proceeded to read that information about "art theft" but NOT the retraction, you're doing harm to a project that seems to be legit before it ever even gets off the ground.

As far as the funding for the game? I'm cautious. Not suspicious, cautious. Which is why I asked them on Twitter how they're doing this for 150k. If they respond, I will report back. But keep in mind this game has supposedly been in development since the start of the year. They have to be running on some kind of funding already, especially if they were able to go and announce this thing at TGS.

You are absolutely right and I apologized for my outburst, even though I'm still very uncertain about all this, everything just seems weird. I would like some sort of confirmation that everything here is legit to be at peace.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
I agree. I have no interest in supporting a game that has dishonest developers behind it. That's why I say if you feel an artist has been ripped off in anyway, you should contact them and see what they say.

Outside of that, the Kickstarter launches next week. Let's all just chill until then, when they speak to the gaming community seriously, and then we can see where we stand.
I knew something was up when I saw my work desktop wallpaper I've had for weeks being used as "concept art" for a new game. This is really sketch.


I've to ask, why the heels? Do designers ever consider realism pertaining agility and how it fits with heels?

Aside from that, the concept art looks very enticing. There has been a dearth of sci-fi rpg this gen; I hope this is a sign of things to come.

Some Nobody

Junior Member

hm, I wonder who this young lady might ...

you know what, never mind

I can get pretty annoyed by the feminine appearance of male characters in certain artstyles, but uhm...that dude's face is as masculine as they come.

Now, question: Shouldn't the fact that there IS a Kickstarter warrant a new thread? And, if it does, can someone make it? I'm still a Jr. Member so I obviously can't.

As far as the goal, 200,000 does sound pretty impossible for a PS3/PS4 game, but so did Project Phoenix which is supposed to be a PS4 game that was supposed to be done on half the budget.

But like most Kickstarter games I've seen that exceed their initial budget and have a shit ton of stretch goals, I've pretty much figured out how they do it: The base game is nothing special. Look at the stretch goals: all the other playable characters, a decent monster count, a detailed city system, side missions--hell, the game isn't even open world unless it hits over a million dollars.

In all honesty, the game doesn't even look all that impressive at the $200,000 stage. As far as it being a scam, now that I'm at home and can look at the full page...there are a couple fairly high profile names on that list of creators. It seems like at least one or two should have a Twitter or a Facebook or something where you could just ASK them if they have any involvement with the game.

Anyway, I hope its an honest attempt at making something interesting, because as much as I love high fantasy, its time for something different in the RPG world, and there's room in the sci-fi RPG genre for more than just Cyberpunk 2077.
All signs point to scam.

I don't think it's a scam. I think it's probably an example of people not knowing what they're getting themselves. From looking at their Linkedin it appears that this is the first time that these guys have worked on a game. So it seems like they really don't understand how expensive it's going to be.


All signs point to scam.

Ahh good old scamstarter

Now way you can make a real game for ps3/4 at that budget

What am I reading??? Sony licensed developers that has a team full of people that worked on games and other fields of entertainment and you guys think that this kickstarter is a scam?

Anyways, I LOVE the concept and theme of the game. I hope this kickstarter is successful.
EDIT: I recommend the doubters to read the FAQS section on their kickstarter.
3D ARPG on console for that price ? I think the publishing fee is already that price... I don't know what to think. It looks good. But too good to be true
General consensus that this is a scam?

Why don't you just ask them why it's so low on twitter? Already had people going off half cocked about the art and that turned out a false accusation. I doubt very much it's a scam, they've got global distribution approval through Sony.


Neo Member
now that I'm at home and can look at the full page...there are a couple fairly high profile names on that list of creators. It seems like at least one or two should have a Twitter or a Facebook or something where you could just ASK them if they have any involvement with the game.

I agree that some of the concept artists stand out, however I'm seeing an unsettling trend with a lot of the pieces on display. For example that women on the header can be seen on Li's portfolio 3 years ago, with a completely different description attached to it:


Considering that and the images earlier in the thread, it honestly looks like Elemental Labs saw pieces of concept art they liked, and paid the artists for their usage in the game. It would explain the schizophrenic changes in artstyle throughout the kickstarter for starters. I wouldn't necessarily call it a scam, however it is certainly disingenuous to put them on display as their vision of the game when its clear that a lot of the pieces are just lifted from various artists' personal portfolios.

I don't think it's a scam. I think it's probably an example of people not knowing what they're getting themselves. From looking at their Linkedin it appears that this is the first time that these guys have worked on a game. So it seems like they really don't understand how expensive it's going to be.

This is looking more and more like the case considering what I've read today. A release date of Fall 2014 for a game of this size? PS4 as the primary platform for a Kickstarter game? Planning on running the game on both UE3 and UE4? A senior programmer stepping in later in the development cycle? Large publishers often have two separate teams for that sort of thing, not to mention all those licenses will take a large chunk out of their already tight budget. Not to mention this juicy quote:

REBORN is heavily dependent on the script for direction and therefore we consider this to be our most important piece of the game. Without a solid and concrete script that intertwines cut-scenes, in-game player character to NPC interactions by way of dialogs, discoverable texts, player character’s progressive License Board, weapons, equipment, magic’s, various technological augmentations, leveling system, rare loot, various character classes, hardware texts down to the emails that the player characters could access, REBORN will suffer on the latter parts of the game design.

If those are the reasons they feel the game will suffer on game design I'm not sure where they are coming from. Not to mention that 10 minute video had a few token sentences about the what the game will even play like.


Why don't you just ask them why it's so low on twitter? Already had people going off half cocked about the art and that turned out a false accusation. I doubt very much it's a scam, they've got global distribution approval through Sony.

The Kickstarter page explains why it's only 200k
Will you guys be able to make this game with just a minimum of a $200,000?
Yes, we can! We already have the basic game functions written with more advanced functions currently being designed and implemented daily! Our team has considerably grown since the inception of REBORN’s initial team, and with this, we continue to enjoy this positive momentum moving forward. We know how skeptical many of you are, and we have read the forums, but we want to assure to the crowd-funding community and the gamers from around the world that we are very passionate, dedicated and an extremely hardworking indie development team.

We completely understand how expensive making a game is, after all it was our sheer love and passion for REBORN that most of our teammates worked for free despite the out-of-pocket expenses that each of us endured. Furthermore, with our minimum goal of $200,000 achieved, REBORN can only be available via the PlayStation Network, however higher funding through the ‘Stretch Goals’ we have laid out, will allow us to expand on the world and bring to you a more complete vision of REBORN, and possibly a retail release in a physical copy (upon reaching SG-TIER 6).

Please allow us to elaborate on our team’s compensation we have setup. Since most of the senior to mid-level teammates are industry professionals, when Franz approached each one of them, they did not require a salary at the moment therefore, where they could not dedicate time (during other paid projects), they did so by donating personal pieces that they felt would help to expand the vision of REBORN. When they did have the time to do work, they did so with the sheer thought of being a part of an exciting process of creating a video game; plain and simple, each teammate wanted to belong to a project that was creating something original, fun and of course something to call their own. That said, each teammate’s reward will be based on a back-end percentage through royalties of all sales REBORN makes, therefore it is possible for us to release REBORN without failure on PSN with our current development. Of course, with higher funding through our Stretch Goals, we will release on multiple platforms thereby giving our fans a greater accessibility to our game. We do not want to focus on some mythical mass market, rather we want to release REBORN to you, our loyal fans!

On another note, the money we will raise through Kickstarter will be allocated to enhance REBORN via already negotiated deals such as motion capturing via House of Moves and licensing fees for the Unreal Engine to say the least. Rest assured that we are not here to fail and we will ensure that all monies raised here will be allocate towards making REBORN. Finally, we are only here because of you, our fans who care and believe in this concept even if you have never heard of us before. We have taken this project to a personal level where it has become our daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Most of us spend nearly 15+ hours a day working out the code base, refining the game design and working with each of our teammates across different time zones. To us, we have much to prove to the industry, and we want to get our fans to not only believe in this project and our team, but to take a leap of faith with us as we continue our development cycle. Through a successful Kickstarter campaign, and with your help, let’s make REBORN our reality!


I read through that entire kickstarter page as well as the FAQ. They say they've been working on this for about three years and have a game they could deliver for 200k. I'll keep an eye on this Kickstarter. If the Kickstarter has some momentum to it, I think I could opt in at $40. It's about as much as I've put into Cosmic Star Heroine, Torment, and Project Eternity.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Seems cool, maybe I'll back it if it looks like it'll make it's goal.

This is a little backwards. They don't actually charge you unless they actually make the goal anyway, so backing it now would be the best way to show support because there are a ton of people who have similar thought processes (I'll back it if it reaches "x amount") and the closer it is to x the more likely they are to contribute. This creates a circular situation where you have a ton of people who WOULD contribute if it was at x amount but since it isn't they won't but it's not because they won't contribute.

tl;dr: It costs you nothing to make a pledge.

3D ARPG on console for that price ? I think the publishing fee is already that price... I don't know what to think. It looks good. But too good to be true

It does, but I'm willing to try to see what they come up with. I'll toss them a few bucks in the hopes that they reach their goal.

I agree that some of the concept artists stand out, however I'm seeing an unsettling trend with a lot of the pieces on display. For example that women on the header can be seen on Li's portfolio 3 years ago, with a completely different description attached to it:


Considering that and the images earlier in the thread, it honestly looks like Elemental Labs saw pieces of concept art they liked, and paid the artists for their usage in the game. It would explain the schizophrenic changes in artstyle throughout the kickstarter for starters. I wouldn't necessarily call it a scam, however it is certainly disingenuous to put them on display as their vision of the game when its clear that a lot of the pieces are just lifted from various artists' personal portfolios.

Yeah, that part is pretty backwards and I'm not really sure what happened there.

This is looking more and more like the case considering what I've read today. A release date of Fall 2014 for a game of this size? PS4 as the primary platform for a Kickstarter game? Planning on running the game on both UE3 and UE4? A senior programmer stepping in later in the development cycle? Large publishers often have two separate teams for that sort of thing, not to mention all those licenses will take a large chunk out of their already tight budget. Not to mention this juicy quote:

Well, I'll say this:
- They've supposedly been working on this game for quite some time now. At least all of this year, possibly some of the last.
- The PS4 thing may be a Sony issue. They seem really eager to have as many digital titles as possible on their console.
- The UE3 AND UE4 thing doesn't make any fucking sense to me. I'm confused as hell by that, no lie.

I do wonder what they're getting into, but they've got a Twitter in which questions are answered fairly quickly (within a day), so now would be the time to bombard them with questions if you're like me and want this thing to be real, to actually get funded, and to...y'know, be good.


Anyone else thinks this needs a new thread? There's too many posts talking about the false accusations and the kickstarter recently went up.

Not sure why but I'm getting Onimusha vibes from the pics and the little details I've read so far.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Anyone else thinks this needs a new thread? There's too many posts talking about the false accusations and the kickstarter recently went up.

Not sure why but I'm getting Onimusha vibes from the pics and the little details I've read so far.

I definitely think this needs a new thread, but neither of us can start it, apparently lol.

I read through that entire kickstarter page as well as the FAQ. They say they've been working on this for about three years and have a game they could deliver for 200k. I'll keep an eye on this Kickstarter. If the Kickstarter has some momentum to it, I think I could opt in at $40. It's about as much as I've put into Cosmic Star Heroine, Torment, and Project Eternity.

lol, previous point proven.
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