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*Resistance 2 wishlist/suggestion thread*

SupahBlah said:
Most resistance battles are small skirmishes though. :p

I can see the battles growing in scope with the switch to attacking the Chimera in Russia.

True enough, true enough. I still want to move from self-contained bruhaha to self-contained bruhaha, but I would like some more fullscale battlefield stuff to drive home the scale of the fight at large. I loved the big fights from R1.
Kittonwy said:
Then why do you want to ruin the game by adding a cover system to it and slowing it the fuck down?

How come I've never seen you online?


I'll be getting back on line soon, Life gets in the way. Jury duty for 70 days took me out of my resistance zone. I'm not a run and gun shooter, I like the slow and deliberate style of play, this is the way I played R1. Uness, the mission is to finish the level in a certain amount of time then I scurry along.
tanod said:
-Halo 2 does not have split screen online play.

-Friend and clan maintenance systems work perfectly fine. What exactly is gimped about them or what did Halo 2 do that was better?

-The ranking and matchmaking systems in Resistance work VERY well (always providing a decent challenge) and VERY fast but a little less so now since some players are starting 2nd accounts.

-You don't need to know ranks. You can check people's profiles and rank and K/D ratio and online achievements. It doesn't really matter that you know what the ranks stand for but anybody can figure out that a person with one or more stars is a general or supreme commander. You learn as you rank up, and the icons are pretty straightforward even if you don't know anything about ranks.

-As you rank up, you get access to more skins and accessories for your online avatar. Halo 2 has different colors and insignia patches.


One of our clan pics. Yes, we all look the same.

I'm not trying to be a jerk.. or really like halo/hate resistance so much that I'm trying to crush your love for the game... but honestly, yea you all do look practically the same. Also, is there a particular KIND of split screen online play you're talking about? Cause I'm pretty sure my roommate, brother, and myself would get on live with guest accounts and mess around all the time.... did it a few hours ago with halo 3 as well.

I'll agree about matchmaking.. my ranking issues are more about their not being an immediate and simple signal of a players skill. Kill/Death doesn't always account for everything, and the tracking of it tends to just lead to more camping in my opinion.

I know about the rank up/better avatar thing.. and that's what I am complaining about. Plus I think the extra costume really aren't that extraordinary anyway.


when is my burrito
Byakuya769 said:
I'm not trying to be a jerk.. or really like halo/hate resistance so much that I'm trying to crush your love for the game... but honestly, yea you all do look practically the same. Also, is there a particular KIND of split screen online play you're talking about? Cause I'm pretty sure my roommate, brother, and myself would get on live with guest accounts and mess around all the time.... did it a few hours ago with halo 3 as well.

I'll agree about matchmaking.. my ranking issues are more about their not being an immediate and simple signal of a players skill. Kill/Death doesn't always account for everything, and the tracking of it tends to just lead to more camping in my opinion.

I know about the rank up/better avatar thing.. and that's what I am complaining about. Plus I think the extra costume really aren't that extraordinary anyway.

Read my original post. I said it surpassed Halo 2 MP, not 3.
Byakuya769 said:
I'm not trying to be a jerk.. or really like halo/hate resistance so much that I'm trying to crush your love for the game... but honestly, yea you all do look practically the same.

Yeah they do, they all have 2 legs, 2 arms, are holding weapons, and there's a suspicious lack of pink and baby blue.
I don't know why anyone would want to remove Resistance from its alternate 1950's timeline. The way that Insomniac plotted out an alternate history on the Resistance Fall of Man's official website in which the second world war didn't take place was one of the things that attracted me to the game in the first place. And you can't just leap forward in the history, not with the way Fall of Man's campaign ended.

As far as the single player experience is concerned I just wish that there was a greater balance of the real with the sci-fi so that it felt like you were playing a WWII game with bits of strangeness bleeding in before the headlong plunge into the weird. With FoM it was just a headlong rush into the weird after a tiny bit of a build up.
tanod said:
So there's online coop in Halo 2? Don't make me PM Ghaleon.

No need... all you need to do is reread my post and you'll find no mention of CO-OP. Just a mention of split screen online play...


- A bigger focus on co-op, with it being fully integrated into the game's story, with AI controlled teammates for single player.
- Perhaps have Nathan Hale develop superhuman abilities as the Chimera virus progresses, like being able to sprint, go into rage mode, etc.
- The Cloven show up in game and have a prominent role in the story.


- Add more color. Green is whitish-green and everything seems bleached.

- More, better and smarter enemies. Let´s face: it you shoot pretty much the same big-teeth-guy 90% of the time. And he animates, moves, and dies the same. His bullets are usually smarter than him also ;)


Set directly after the end of the first game, it turns out that there were some misunderstandings about the Chimera....

it turns out not all are dead , and they`ve been living under under our noses for some time.

* single player game set in the 70s-80s
* set in Britain again
* two legged campaign from two points of view
* angle 1 :

* player plays as a Chimera - ability to switch out control to a diffent chimera near death.
- Gameplay mechanic : Keeping the Chimera alive longer increases attributes and abilites
- : Switching Chimera can only be done one way - once you switch, penalty on all abilities.
* draw parallels with modern insurgencies/resistance (courting controversy slightly) - ability to "sacrifice" self and swap out etc.
* Chimera campaign involves struggle to get to a new hidden base in Lake District mountainside.
* 70-80s level tech involved in search for Chimeras who are being tracked down/hunted.
* Roll reversal from first game feeling.
* Discussion as to what the Chimera really are : Dumb host bodies with different "intellegences" that can transfer between physical "Chimera" at will.
You are effectively a High Intellence "Chimera essence" , because this is how the Chimera heiracy really works, you can transfer to the vast majority of other physical CHimeras.
Any important NPC Chimera characters will be painted as higher up the Essence ladder, and therefore you cannot transfer into thier body.
* Stealthing possible but not a necessity
* True cover system required
* Boss battles against weaponry of the era - all traditional weaponry - Harriers have to be included.
* Final level more about survival and getting to the base - tightly controlled, but involves all the Chimera from around Britain/Europe pouring towards the hidden base
as the anglo-american task force reigns down fire from all angles - jets scream above, spot lights light the country side, artillery rains down,
soldiers everywhere.
* Again , final battle plays out the idea of transference of control between Chimera, and the importance of intellegence within the structure (drawing terrorism parallels as to how clever people can effectively control the weaker into doing thier will , including suicide attacks) ... end goal of getting to the base only really achievable by transfering control to other host
bodies as death seems inevitable.

Hmmm... need to think more about this and the second half of the gameplay.



- I personally hated the partial recharging health system. Make it all or nothing please. This along with the above is what really prevented me front all out enjoying the game at times; I spent more time being paranoid about my health bar.

- Obviously more clarity on the story. A lot was hinted at we still have no idea WTF is going on.

- Wouldn't hurt to have another adversary thrown in, as long as they're not nearly as annoying as the Flood in Halo (Isn't odd that 3 games in and they're virtually invisible in impressions and media coverage outside the game? All this hype, and you probably wouldn't even know the Flood existed unless you played one of the games yourself).

- More of the big battles, less of the in-corridor shit.

- Less scripted. In harder levels especially, the most efficient way to beat the game is going through the motions reacting directly to the scripted sequences than trying to beat the AI. Yeah they have great AI when they're on the floor with you, but the game is so predictable that if you've played it once, you can kill them all before it even kicks in.

- Bring back the sniper rifle. Best sniper rifle EVER. And rocket launcher. And... etc. Basically, the weapons that were only available on the second time around were the only ones that really weren't very interesting.

- Seamless online co-op on dedicated servers. Lags ruins campaigns, just ask Halo 3. Co-op kinda conflicts with the sniper rifle's alternate mode, but meh. Insomniac's smart, they can figure it out ;o

- Superhuman available from the start, none of this required second run to experience everything crap.
Awntawn said:
Bring back the sniper rifle. Best sniper rifle EVER. And rocket launcher. And... etc. Basically, the weapons that were only available on the second time around were the only ones that really weren't very interesting..

Backlash grenade hater!


tanod said:
Read my original post. I said it surpassed Halo 2 MP, not 3.

I believe Resistance still stands as the online FPS measuring stick this gen... I really thought Halo was going to own the shit out of it, but it hasn't... I was really let down :( ... After playing the CoD4 beta though, I have high hopes for it... I'm sure Unreal will threaten Resistance's measuring stick as well...


TEH-CJ said:
*AltogetherAndrews * idea for this thread

it a good idea to make this thread as the official thread is clutterd with online matching and posting this there would probably be left in the dust ha

Suggestions will be updated

- No more 1950 setting as i feel its restricting insomniac to be more creative in level design, plus the setting is really drab,

- Online 4 player CO OP!

- Limited to 3 weapons

- take place in the future

- More colour!

- Bigger wow moments and set peices

- again no more 1950 setting...

- have missions where we invade the chimera planet

- more oomph with the weapons

- better animations

- 3 hit mellee combos

- more fleshed out story

- vehicle combat, including Air, ground and even sea? also would be great if your allies could control vehicles in real time

- more open ended enviroments

- better grenade explosions

- better physics

- no more linear enviroments

- your allies able to frag enemies with grenades (this wasn't included in res 1)

- your allies able to use other weapons

- lush enviroments, Forest, jungle etc

- more epic battles / ie) descend over a hill and seeing a massive epic fire fight taking place with vehicles , explosions , hundreds of men / chimera , and be one seemless fight

see brucLeeroy post

- better graphics and textures , shaders, dynamic lighting , self shadowing, HDR, post processing.

- Better hit detection and enemies reacting to bullets , aka killzone 2

- Better custimisation / able to choose different alien types , more colours! etc

- a strong theme tune and also need to shy a bit away from just traditional military anthems.

- PSP Remote play. Watch/edit replays, spectate games, manage clans

- No More Video Cutscenes.

- In-game storytelling . Stream the levels together. Make it feel like more of a cohesive world.

- memorable hero

- No more load screens/ No loading between levels

- Characters need more personality

- Less "directed" level design. I felt the heavy hand of the designers came into play way too much in some parts of the game.

- screenshot taking ability at any time

- replay feature

- Improved vehicle physics

- Sprint in Single player

- More chimeran droships deploying troops! shit like that is awesome and epic

- More/ biggers bosses

- More enemy variety + more agressive enemies

- More battle chatter

- Gibs , more releastic gore and blood splatter

- Keyboard mouse support

- Better/ scarier chimera design

- Meatier gun SFX

- Game needs more personality

- Memorable characters

- More grenade types/ Hailstorm type grenade

- Scandinavian/Russian levels

- Improved shotgun

- No loading between levels

- Custom soundtracks

- water physics - Next gen water

- melee grenade attack

- When you step in snow/sand you leave foot prints

- map editor

Agreed on nearly all of the points.

Resistance 2 should do what Killzone 2 is doing: Taking the fight to the alien homeworld. Have the alien homeworld look unique and futuristic, but gritty and diverse with organic and industrial designs (either independent, or intricately woven together).

Also, yeah, make Resistance 2 set in a time period beyond 1950s...and make the main character memorable.

The soundtrack was one of the weakest aspects of Resistance. Totally uninspired feeling, and there's no memorable, melodic tracks. There's no prominent theme song like Halo has, which it needs.

And also: BOSS BATTLES: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take a hint from METROID PRIME 3 regarding what makes BOSS BATTLES fun. Multi-layered, almost puzzle-esque, boss battles that are absolutely epic.

And make MORE ENEMY types.


J-Rzez said:
I believe Resistance still stands as the online FPS measuring stick this gen... I really thought Halo was going to own the shit out of it, but it hasn't... I was really let down :( ... After playing the CoD4 beta though, I have high hopes for it... I'm sure Unreal will threaten Resistance's measuring stick as well...

Agreed. I just beat Halo 3, and honestly I felt the single player of Resistance was a far better campaign. Halo 3 is still a great game and package overall, with a lot of awesome new features, but the campaign almost seemed rushed...something was off to me.


Snah said:
Resistance 2 should do what Killzone 2 is doing: Taking the fight to the alien homeworld. Have the alien homeworld look unique and futuristic, but gritty and diverse with organic and industrial designs (either independent, or intricately woven together).

Also, yeah, make Resistance 2 set in a time period beyond 1950s...and make the main character memorable.
What makes you think the Chimera are from another planet? The Spires or whatever they were called were dug up on Earth. And what's with the wanting to take Resistance out of it's time line. Insomniac went through a lot of work making a believable alternate timeline.


Aeon712 said:
What makes you think the Chimera are from another planet? The Spires or whatever they were called were dug up on Earth. And what's with the wanting to take Resistance out of it's time line. Insomniac went through a lot of work making a believable alternate timeline.

The timeline that they used has been played out. WW2 settings just aren't very interesting or exciting, anymore. They're generic.


InterMoniker said:
This is an FPS!

Water grenades?

I just thought they would look really cool. Its more eye candy then a functional weapon I guess. But you could probably use them to put out fires.. like if someone throws an incendiary grenade then you can counter it.
McLovin said:
I just thought they would look really cool. Its more eye candy then a functional weapon I guess. But you could probably use them to put out fires.. like if someone throws an incendiary grenade then you can counter it.
Meh... :/


Aeon712 said:
What makes you think the Chimera are from another planet? The Spires or whatever they were called were dug up on Earth. And what's with the wanting to take Resistance out of it's time line. Insomniac went through a lot of work making a believable alternate timeline.

Considering the technology the chimera have i very much doubt humanity would be that advanced in those times to have plasma bullseye rifles lol.

and i agree with *Snah* that 1950 setting is really generic...seriously after all the cod and medal of honour games i never want to see another ww2 theme again regardless if theres alien in them or not , the setting is just bleak and not appealing.

this is insomniac after all, they would be best doing something futuristic since thats what there best known for.

p.s dont get me wrong tho i'm still a huge fan of resistance..heck its one of the reason i love insomniac so much ( besides the godly ratchet and clank)and i know how much potential they have to make res 2 something special!


Byakuya769 said:
Absolutely... unfortunately, being humorous doesn't come so natural for you.

Don't mind bcn-ron he's not to be taken seriously.

I look at a lot of these suggestions and I think the scope of the game is being changed way too much.

You can't make this game Resistance + Warhawk + Halo 3 + UT3...

Sure, adopt some elements, but not all.

For example, I would LOVE if Resistance 2 had 4 player online Co-Op.

On the other hand, I think adding flying vehicles is a bad idea. The game really doesn't need it.

Anyways, I'll make a small list here:

-online 4 (or 8) player Co-Op
-more variety in enemies
-fix the enemies so they don't fall once, and then have to be shot again so they fall to die. Should be more like Halo where their armour/cooling systems get blown off
-sprint in single player (honestly it's been a while since I played SP, but IIRC there was no sprint)

I got many more, but can't think of them quickly enough, I should have wrote them down when I thought of them.


Yeah... don't change too much. We might lose the Resistance identity.

I would:
* Add texture streaming provided it does not slow down gameplay
* Add some more colors to highlight key visual elements but not too much. I like Resistance's clean look.
* Beef up the music/score to give it a more unique audio signature
* Beef up large battlefields with more effects and actions
* Clean up Chimera look to make them more scary
* Introduce newer AI so that the Chimera do stuff we have not seen before, and would scare us silly
* Keep the fast and smooth gameplay
* 2/4 Co-op mode to keep up
* 1 more online gaming mode (I would go for 1 powerful player -- like a Stalker -- vs multiple players)

* FPS view throughout (
The third person view in the Goliath fight and tank level took me out of the game
* I don't care about in-game cut scene in an FPS if Insomniac is short of time.
* More weapons/weapon modes
- Like dimensional jump missile that can warp out and into this world (LAARK can't punch through Somerset forest to kill the snipers on Sniper wall. This one can :) ). Actually I suggested this to see the effects. Or just SIXAXIS missile... or the Tornado gun in R&C
- CQC weapon -- Boomerang (knife that would come back if I throw it)
McLovin said:
yeah now that I think about it..
meh :/
A lot of your other ideas were good though :)

Oh and the game definetley needed more checkpoints like Awntawn said. I felt the same way about Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal.

Play for 10-15 mins. die go back play for 10-15 mins. die go back play for 10-15 mins. die go back play for 10-15 mins. die go back ect. ect...

Oh yeah less indoor levels too like someone else mentioned.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
-Carry 3 Weapons maxime?

-in Britain again

-Chimera homeworld setting?

-Less cut scenes?

-"more colors"

-Chimera Angle SP...?

-Cover System?

-More Checkpoints?

GAF is trying to ruin This Franchise with these ideas


Snah said:
And also: BOSS BATTLES: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take a hint from METROID PRIME 3 regarding what makes BOSS BATTLES fun. Multi-layered, almost puzzle-esque, boss battles that are absolutely epic.

And make MORE ENEMY types.

Defending the bridge in London was more epic than any of the craptastic MP3 boss fights*

*the first Ridley fight is not craptastic and therefore isn't included

Edit: Weapon limits? :lol that's what the fucking game is centered around
~Devil Trigger~ said:
-Carry 3 Weapons maxime?

-in Britain again

-Chimera homeworld setting?

-Less cut scenes?

-"more colors"

-Chimera Angle SP...?

-Cover System?

-More Checkpoints?

GAF is trying to ruin This Franchise with these ideas
Carry 3 Weapons maxime is a dumb idea too.

I really like the British setting too

Chimera homeworld setting is a bad idea I agree, since they're not exactly "alien"

The cut-scenes could have fit in better.

More colors wouldn't be bad. I don't want Halo neon colors just a little more

Chimera Angle SP sounds dumb too, you can't be the enemy and the hero. They would have to make two different SP campaigns

Cover System=Nay!

But more checkpoints? Come on Deviltrigger! Why not?


InterMoniker said:
Meh... :/

Wait, put an Insomniac spin on it... Creates a heavy drenching mist then sends out an incredible electrical charge... Now, it's interesting :p

Or, how about a grenade that creates a gas that enters the body, causing it to expand then explode?

Or, one that excites the cells in the body and causes those in the range to vaporize?

Maybe a mini-nuke explosion that does to enemies what hollywood portraits it as it burns and turns the body into dust in a violent radiation-extreme heat wind blast? :p

Insomniac, I patent these weapons btw...

Rolf NB

Re the whole Halo debate (*waves at DCharlie* ... *waves*) and all the suggestions that try to pull Resistance in a more Haloish direction: Resistance, through its gun balance 'n'shit is the more "hardcore" game, in that it rewards aiming skill much more, and rewards strategic weapon selection and use of alt-fire, which Halo games can't do. This is very important for the longetivity of the game. It has real depth for players to explore.

The weapon limitation is a control design choice that side-steps the menu design issue which is solved in Resistance anyway. The RFOM weapon selection system is good. It doesn't need to be fixed. "Fixing" it would mean less depth, less headroom to grow any player skill.

The second comparable big thing is the vehicle stuff. In the SP campaign, this isn't actually a strength of Halo anyway, so it begs the question what should be imitated. Halo CE just throws a vehicle at players whenever the level is too large and boring to explore on foot. The gameplay didn't change at all, even the tank section which is probably the most lauded vehicle segment in the entire game balanced gameplay and scale back out by replacing grunts with enemy hovertanks. It played exactly the same as an on-foot mission. The drive-by shooting challenge in Resistance changed how you played the game and was thus much more interesting than all uses of vehicles in Halo CE combined, which just fixed level design issues that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

The third big one is the recharging health. Managing your health is good. Making your faults semi-permanent encourages you to play better, and use whatever mechanics the game offers you more deliberately. OTOH the PC design balance that has embraced quick-load and quick-save up the whazoo is unworkable, it messes up the difficulty, limits what game design can achieve in terms of challenge and reward, it destroys immersion, and should you manage to save with very low health, far away from a med-pack, your save game may be useless, forcing you to start over.

Halo has made a trade-off that has been widely copied. You playing particularly poorly is completely irrelevant as long as you find any cover a couple seconds before you die.
Resistance makes a compromise. It has longer-term punishments for poor play, but due to the partial recharge you will never be put you so near death that your checkpoint save is unusable. Med-kits are back as a reward, and in a few cases as a thumb-twiddle-level strategic challenge (i.e. knowing when to pick one up while taking damage).

Off-topic Halo criticism alert (*still waves at DCharlie*). I'm only doing this here and now because someone (*stares at DCharlie*) stated a certain bewilderment at the unification of Halo-disrespect and Resistance-like in persons.

Most obviously, Halo CE's level design is a fucking joke. There is nothing good about it, ever, anywhere. Contrary to almost any other fps Halo doesn't even know how to mix things up, it's just a war of attrition. "You fought this group, you manly man, but can you do it fifteen times in a row?, except that due to basic gameplay choices such as the lack of a full weapon loadout, it isn't even equipped for such consistency challenges, like ammo conservation, health management and optimal weapon choice (*hugs Resident Evil 4*). The library is not universally reviled because it was difficult -- it wasn't, your health recharges anyway and weapons drop left and right to replace whatever you may be lacking -- but because it was stupid to just waste your fucking time like that.
It's also a very shorŧ game, which is a popular criticism as of late, for every other franchise that is. It begs the question whether Bungie even thought these levels were fun to play or if that was just them not being able to do anything more interesting, just scrambling to make the single-player game longer than five hours.
Resistance's campaign is a long, varied, flowing, well-paced sequence of finely distinct locations and mixed-and-matched encounters with enemies of all sizes.

Halo fans like to tout the AI of fantasy lala-land Halo, but while doing so they ignore the Halo that Bungie actually made. Watch Blimblim's video. Even in the ultimate and latest refinement and legendary difficulty, enemies still walk slowly towards the player while firing, totally oblivious of the fact that they are being shot at. Citing Halo, over and over no less, as an example of good enemy AI is an insult to the entire game development community.
Halo's friendly AI is no bigger achievement either. It's so exceptionally bad that the campaigns make a point of killing off your squads in tragic accidents, just to make it stop. In Halo CE they are too fucking stupid to fire the gun at an enemy they can even hit ffs, instead prefering to nail a bajillion of MG rounds into rocks, or cliffsides as necessary.

If there's one thing we can learn from the covenant AI it's that screaming and flailing of arms while marching aimlessly in the general direction of death makes people think you're much less stupid than you really are. Or as shield-guy might put it: if you're too dumb to hide behind cover anyway, you'd look much less stupid if you carried your own cover around with you.
Resistance enemies have good enough AI to not just charge the player even over terrain that involves more than two walls and a door, but also to do the behind-cover-out-of-cover-back-and-forth dance with satisfying elegance., until they stop and come around to kill you. 'nuff said.

Perhaps the most grating issue with Halo, and indeed a significant difference between Halo and Resistance, is the absurd extent of imbalance between marketing/hive mind messages and the actual, existing line of product. I don't condone aggressive marketing. Nobody really does. Nobody goes to the cinema early just for the ads. Nobody cuts out the movie parts from their VCR recordings. Nobody uses a "content block" plugin for Firefox. And if a man rings at my door with a vacuum cleaner and a huge grin, I tell him to fuck off.
Likewise the Halo marketing machine, which is obviously obvious in its obviousness, is something I try to resist in a polite, hammer-swinging fashion. I want emperors to compete on merit, not on clothes.


Halo is a game that provides instant gratification for casual fps players. Due to wide and fuzzy firing arcs and weapon balance choices, damaging enemies is easy. Everyone can get a few kills in MP, and shooting the little-kid covenant in the SP strokes the sadist's superiority senses.
Resistance is not. It's a serious fps that delivers depth and a rounded experience for people with more than a passing interest in games. Making it more like Halo would make it meaningless.

I'm not a casual a gamer. I've played a lot of games, among them a lot of shooters, and that has helped me develop a certain taste. I want to play good games, not something that is inviting to everyone but can only achieve that by being shallow as fuck and marketed with more money than catholicism.
Hence I prefer the Resistance way.

Thank you, good night.


i wish for the game to use the same hdr lighting that both halflife2 and halo3 use plz! if it wasn't for the lighting in the later game, it would've look like what everyone else is making it out to be.


bcn-ron said:
Re the whole Halo debate (*waves at DCharlie* ... *waves*) and all the suggestions that try to pull Resistance in a more Haloish direction: Resistance, through its gun balance 'n'shit is the more "hardcore" game, in that it rewards aiming skill much more, and rewards strategic weapon selection and use of alt-fire, which Halo games can't do. This is very important for the longetivity of the game. It has real depth for players to explore.

The weapon limitation is a control design choice that side-steps the menu design issue which is solved in Resistance anyway. The RFOM weapon selection system is good. It doesn't need to be fixed. "Fixing" it would mean less depth, less headroom to grow any player skill.

The second comparable big thing is the vehicle stuff. In the SP campaign, this isn't actually a strength of Halo anyway, so it begs the question what should be imitated. Halo CE just throws a vehicle at players whenever the level is too large and boring to explore on foot. The gameplay didn't change at all, even the tank section which is probably the most lauded vehicle segment in the entire game balanced gameplay and scale back out by replacing grunts with enemy hovertanks. It played exactly the same as an on-foot mission. The drive-by shooting challenge in Resistance changed how you played the game and was thus much more interesting than all uses of vehicles in Halo CE combined, which just fixed level design issues that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

The third big one is the recharging health. Managing your health is good. Making your faults semi-permanent encourages you to play better, and use whatever mechanics the game offers you more deliberately. OTOH the PC design balance that has embraced quick-load and quick-save up the whazoo is unworkable, it messes up the difficulty, limits what game design can achieve in terms of challenge and reward, it destroys immersion, and should you manage to save with very low health, far away from a med-pack, your save game may be useless, forcing you to start over.

Halo has made a trade-off that has been widely copied. You playing particularly poorly is completely irrelevant as long as you find any cover a couple seconds before you die.
Resistance makes a compromise. It has longer-term punishments for poor play, but due to the partial recharge you will never be put you so near death that your checkpoint save is unusable. Med-kits are back as a reward, and in a few cases as a thumb-twiddle-level strategic challenge (i.e. knowing when to pick one up while taking damage).

Off-topic Halo criticism alert (*still waves at DCharlie*). I'm only doing this here and now because someone (*stares at DCharlie*) stated a certain bewilderment at the unification of Halo-disrespect and Resistance-like in persons.

Most obviously, Halo CE's level design is a fucking joke. There is nothing good about it, ever, anywhere. Contrary to almost any other fps Halo doesn't even know how to mix things up, it's just a war of attrition. "You fought this group, you manly man, but can you do it fifteen times in a row?, except that due to basic gameplay choices such as the lack of a full weapon loadout, it isn't even equipped for such consistency challenges, like ammo conservation, health management and optimal weapon choice (*hugs Resident Evil 4*). The library is not universally reviled because it was difficult -- it wasn't, your health recharges anyway and weapons drop left and right to replace whatever you may be lacking -- but because it was stupid to just waste your fucking time like that.
It's also a very shorŧ game, which is a popular criticism as of late, for every other franchise that is. It begs the question whether Bungie even thought these levels were fun to play or if that was just them not being able to do anything more interesting, just scrambling to make the single-player game longer than five hours.
Resistance's campaign is a long, varied, flowing, well-paced sequence of finely distinct locations and mixed-and-matched encounters with enemies of all sizes.

Halo fans like to tout the AI of fantasy lala-land Halo, but while doing so they ignore the Halo that Bungie actually made. Watch Blimblim's video. Even in the ultimate and latest refinement and legendary difficulty, enemies still walk slowly towards the player while firing, totally oblivious of the fact that they are being shot at. Citing Halo, over and over no less, as an example of good enemy AI is an insult to the entire game development community.
Halo's friendly AI is no bigger achievement either. It's so exceptionally bad that the campaigns make a point of killing off your squads in tragic accidents, just to make it stop. In Halo CE they are too fucking stupid to fire the gun at an enemy they can even hit ffs, instead prefering to nail a bajillion of MG rounds into rocks, or cliffsides as necessary.

If there's one thing we can learn from the covenant AI it's that screaming and flailing of arms while marching aimlessly in the general direction of death makes people think you're much less stupid than you really are. Or as shield-guy might put it: if you're too dumb to hide behind cover anyway, you'd look much less stupid if you carried your own cover around with you.
Resistance enemies have good enough AI to not just charge the player even over terrain that involves more than two walls and a door, but also to do the behind-cover-out-of-cover-back-and-forth dance with satisfying elegance., until they stop and come around to kill you. 'nuff said.

Perhaps the most grating issue with Halo, and indeed a significant difference between Halo and Resistance, is the absurd extent of imbalance between marketing/hive mind messages and the actual, existing line of product. I don't condone aggressive marketing. Nobody really does. Nobody goes to the cinema early just for the ads. Nobody cuts out the movie parts from their VCR recordings. Nobody uses a "content block" plugin for Firefox. And if a man rings at my door with a vacuum cleaner and a huge grin, I tell him to fuck off.
Likewise the Halo marketing machine, which is obviously obvious in its obviousness, is something I try to resist in a polite, hammer-swinging fashion. I want emperors to compete on merit, not on clothes.


Halo is a game that provides instant gratification for casual fps players. Due to wide and fuzzy firing arcs and weapon balance choices, damaging enemies is easy. Everyone can get a few kills in MP, and shooting the little-kid covenant in the SP strokes the sadist's superiority senses.
Resistance is not. It's a serious fps that delivers depth and a rounded experience for people with more than a passing interest in games. Making it more like Halo would make it meaningless.

I'm not a casual a gamer. I've played a lot of games, among them a lot of shooters, and that has helped me develop a certain taste. I want to play good games, not something that is inviting to everyone but can only achieve that by being shallow as fuck and marketed with more money than catholicism.
Hence I prefer the Resistance way.

Thank you, good night.

Post of the decade

tho iyho do you think resistance holds up well against halo 3 SP ?

i'm curious as hell because i havent played halo 3 yet.

Ploid 3.0

bcn-ron said:

Wow, well said. I like the health system in resistance. Makes me afraid to get hit and such. The game wouldn't be as tense in the further missions without it. Do not listen to most of these posts trying to make resistance like halo Insomniac. Well stuff like online 4+player co-op yes, put it in (haze announced it was doing this first but Halo launched first).


TEH-CJ said:
Post of the decade

tho iyho do you think resistance holds up well against halo 3 SP ?

i'm curious as hell because i havent played halo 3 yet.

I'm about halfway though the Halo3 single player, and I feel like I'm still waiting for it to start. Halo2 started off with a bang, and then wore on... Halo3 never seems to reach even that high mark (at least as far as I am).

The first level in Resistance is a little slow, but it also introduces you to one of the best FPS weapons ever conceived, so I can't hate on it too much.

So far, its no contest. Resistance has a better single-player campaign.

I haven't played Halo3 online yet, but I imagine it'll be better than Resistance in some ways (Vehicles), and worse in others (16 player, no race abilities, etc).
J-Rzez said:
Wait, put an Insomniac spin on it... Creates a heavy drenching mist then sends out an incredible electrical charge... Now, it's interesting :p

Or, how about a grenade that creates a gas that enters the body, causing it to expand then explode?

Or, one that excites the cells in the body and causes those in the range to vaporize?

Maybe a mini-nuke explosion that does to enemies what hollywood portraits it as it burns and turns the body into dust in a violent radiation-extreme heat wind blast? :p

Insomniac, I patent these weapons btw...

Haha an Insomniac spin I like that :D An acid mist would be cool melt everyone to the ground.

Insomniac, I patent these weapons btw...

Heh maybe you could help them on their next t.v. commercial. :p

Nice post bcn-ron I gotta read that right now.

Damn that was a good post bcn-ron.


Post Count: 9999
bcn-ron said:

Holy shit ... wow ... :lol

I agree btw. I can't say I haven't enjoyed Halo ... but I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment. I would certainly pick Resistance as the better fps (SP and MP) from a gameplay perspective


theBishop said:
I'm about halfway though the Halo3 single player, and I feel like I'm still waiting for it to start. Halo2 started off with a bang, and then wore on... Halo3 never seems to reach even that high mark (at least as far as I am).

The first level in Resistance is a little slow, but it also introduces you to one of the best FPS weapons ever conceived, so I can't hate on it too much.

So far, its no contest. Resistance has a better single-player campaign.

I haven't played Halo3 online yet, but I imagine it'll be better than Resistance in some ways (Vehicles), and worse in others (16 player, no race abilities, etc).

Wow always throught resistance would hold its own again upcomming FPS and i was right :p

what insomniac will do with res 2 ...wow

anyways cheers man :)


theBishop said:
I'm about halfway though the Halo3 single player, and I feel like I'm still waiting for it to start. Halo2 started off with a bang, and then wore on... Halo3 never seems to reach even that high mark (at least as far as I am).

The first level in Resistance is a little slow, but it also introduces you to one of the best FPS weapons ever conceived, so I can't hate on it too much.

So far, its no contest. Resistance has a better single-player campaign.

I haven't played Halo3 online yet, but I imagine it'll be better than Resistance in some ways (Vehicles), and worse in others (16 player, no race abilities, etc).

I was the exact opposite. Everyone kept telling me wait until you get to Manchester etc . . it just didn't grab at me at all. I finished it because I had spent the $60 on it.

Walking tank design, not my cup o tea, the disconnect from the cut scenes also took me out of the game a bit too. Having to visit a website to get further back story on the game? Nah, I'm not that hardcore to care to do so, nor do I care to read about it in game.

Then it was the play it online you'll like it better. For the same reasons why I don't really care for Halo online, it just didn't appeal to me. Whether it was the XBL tards calling me gay or what have you, or the self absorbed Sony fanboys bitching about the other console on PSN, it just wasn't/isn't fun.

I like the story it's there, the game play is somewhat there for me, heck I can sorta live with the multiple weapon selection, but to get my $60 bucks next time, you're going to have to wow me.


Treo360 said:
I was the exact opposite. Everyone kept telling me wait until you get to Manchester etc . . it just didn't grab at me at all. I finished it because I had spent the $60 on it.

Walking tank design, not my cup o tea, the disconnect from the cut scenes also took me out of the game a bit too. Having to visit a website to get further back story on the game? Nah, I'm not that hardcore to care to do so, nor do I care to read about it in game.

Then it was the play it online you'll like it better. For the same reasons why I don't really care for Halo online, it just didn't appeal to me. Whether it was the XBL tards calling me gay or what have you, or the self absorbed Sony fanboys bitching about the other console on PSN, it just wasn't/isn't fun.

I like the story it's there, the game play is somewhat there for me, heck I can sorta live with the multiple weapon selection, but to get my $60 bucks next time, you're going to have to wow me.

I agree insomniac took the safe approach with resistance but there is no doubt that some levels were just fucking amazing

still to this day imho manchester is one of the best levels in a fps....ever.

its frantic, its wild, people screaming , chimera grunting, explosions everywhere , chimeran dropship deploying troops ( i want more of that in res 2 ) and stalker out of no where.

It really felt like you fighting till your last breath to save man kind

thats what i want to experience in every fps.


Treo360 said:
I was the exact opposite. Everyone kept telling me wait until you get to Manchester etc . . it just didn't grab at me at all. I finished it because I had spent the $60 on it.

Walking tank design, not my cup o tea, the disconnect from the cut scenes also took me out of the game a bit too. Having to visit a website to get further back story on the game? Nah, I'm not that hardcore to care to do so, nor do I care to read about it in game.

Then it was the play it online you'll like it better. For the same reasons why I don't really care for Halo online, it just didn't appeal to me. Whether it was the XBL tards calling me gay or what have you, or the self absorbed Sony fanboys bitching about the other console on PSN, it just wasn't/isn't fun.

I like the story it's there, the game play is somewhat there for me, heck I can sorta live with the multiple weapon selection, but to get my $60 bucks next time, you're going to have to wow me.

I agree with you somewhat on the cutscenes. I don't like the way it fades out once you cross some invisible marker. However, Halo3 does pretty much the same thing, except the black letterbox bars come in and the transition is less jarring. Both games should do more to convey the story interactively. Resistance does some with NPC voices and the dossiers. Halo3 does NPCs as well as some odd Cortana interruptions. I wouldn't want to see either go the total Bioshock/HalfLife route, but there's a lot more they could be doing.

I don't relate at all to your impressions of the gameplay. I absolutely loved how the game transitions from large-scale squad battles like the one in Manchester to the almost survival-horror sections in the underground tunnels. I found the level design to be more clear than in any Halo game (including 3) without being overly simplistic. And the weapons are untouchable.
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