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*Resistance 2 wishlist/suggestion thread*


Madman said:
People don't review games based on pictures and videos. If you have never played, you shouldn't comment. That would be like me talking about Metroid Prime 3 and suggesting changes based on videos and pictures. That just doesn't work. Games are interactive media, and should only be judged on that basis.

The reviews do not contradict what I said nor have you.

And it would be an insult to Insomniac if you claim that they in their PR material do not manage to capture the essence of their game.


Gattsu25 said:
Vicarious game impressions...how 'awesome'

Hey I could have said the same without telling that I haven't played the game and you wouldn't have been able to argue my point just like you aren't able to argue it now.


I really want that for Resistance 2, besides making new multiplayer maps, the also update the original ones. That way, if they plan of making 12 new maps for Resistance 2, we would have the new maps plus the original ones.

Also, by the time Resistance 3 comes out, the MP maps count would be huge.


VonGak! said:
Hey I could have said the same without telling that I haven't played the game and you wouldn't have been able to argue my point just like you aren't able to argue it now.
Really, I'm only skimming your points. All it would take to figure out that you've never played the game would be to read you saying that Resistance lacked identity.

To humor you: Resistance already has a style all its own and when the game breaks that style slightly (such as the non-pastel color palette of the Nottingham areas) it gives an eerily disconcerting feel to the action. Traverse through an alley..the horizon tainted with the silhouettes of otherworldly pillars and pylons jutting out of the cityscape like broken ribs tearing their way through a chest..surrounded by the broken images of a scorched city...its an experience that Resistance pulls off and pulls off expertly...to say the game has no visual identity *is* expressing your ignorance of the game. The entire premise of Resistance is also based on the singularly obvious idea of creating an FPS game with badass weaponry. You might have to use them to understand how every aspect of the game was designed around them.


VonGak! said:
Hey I could have said the same without telling that I haven't played the game and you wouldn't have been able to argue my point just like you aren't able to argue it now.
Yeah, but we know the truth here.

I can argue your point. You are acting like watching the preview of a movie is sufficient for writing a review. While you are doing an ok job of damage controling your baseless opinion, it really doesn't mean a thing. You've never played the game and have no grounds for commenting on any of it's positives or negatives. Period.

I don't mean to come across sounding harsh, but you shouldn't be commenting.


Madman said:
Yeah, but we know the truth here.

I can argue your point. You are acting like watching the preview of a movie is sufficient for writing a review. While you are doing an ok job of damage controling your baseless opinion, it really doesn't mean a thing. You've never played the game and have no grounds for commenting on any of it's positives or negatives. Period.

I don't mean to come across sounding harsh, but you shouldn't be commenting.
I feel that he is fully qualified to comment on the game's marketing campaign


the main character needs some work i just couldn't grow to him, by the end of the game i felt more for the steven cartwright* character.

*prequal please insomniac, the original invasion of britain played through the eyes of SC. pretty please.


gluv65 said:
KZ2 cover system

If "touch sense" is in the game, or if you guys have directional rubmble, Use it to show where you are injured, if you get shot in the left leg, let the controller vibrate at a low intensity on the left side of the controller, to indicate to the end-user that he/she has an injury. If the end-user doesn't get to a healthpack the intensity rises.

Good lord NO. The game is fast and furious right now, and YOU CAN USE COVER TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Adding some sort of "press X for cover" completely ruins the pace of the game. This doesn't have to be a tactical shooter, the gameplay simply works great as it is.

Jeebus. Do you even play Resistance?



Kittonwy said:
Good lord NO. The game is fast and furious right now, and YOU CAN USE COVER TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Adding some sort of "press X for cover" completely ruins the pace of the game. This doesn't have to be a tactical shooter, the gameplay simply works great as it is.

Jeebus. Do you even play Resistance?
My exact thoughts while reading an alarming portion of this thread.


Gattsu25 said:
I feel that he is fully qualified to comment on the game's marketing campaign
Sarcasm? I would think marketing and how the game actually matches the marketing is pretty important.


Madman said:
Yeah, but we know the truth here.

I can argue your point. You are acting like watching the preview of a movie is sufficient for writing a review. While you are doing an ok job of damage controling your baseless opinion, it really doesn't mean a thing. You've never played the game and have no grounds for commenting on any of it's positives or negatives. Period.

I don't mean to come across sounding harsh, but you shouldn't be commenting.
I'm not damage controlling anything as I'm the only one who actually argument his case while you run around with silly personal attacks.

How about you pulled your act together and actually proved me wrong, told me how the headcrabs aren't generic (hah, I'm even one of the few who know where the term 'generic' belong).
Tell me about these enemies which stand out and makes Resistance stand out, gives it identity.

I mean you must have seen enemy characters not featured in the game-play videos or else it would be pretty dumb of you to claim that I must play the game before being able to comment on the enemy design.

The NeoGaf boards feature spoiler tags, make use of them.


VonGak! said:
I'm not damage controlling anything as I'm the only one who actually argument his case while you run around with silly personal attacks.

How about you pulled your act together and actually proved me wrong, told me how the headcrabs aren't generic (hah, I'm even one of the few who know where the term 'generic' belong).
Tell me about these enemies which stand out and makes Resistance stand out, gives it identity.

I mean you must have seen enemy characters not featured in the game-play videos or else it would be pretty dumb of you to claim that I must play the game before being able to comment on the enemy design.

The NeoGaf boards feature spoiler tags, make use of them.
Menials, Steelheads, and Angel

You know what I mean.
VonGak! said:
I'm not damage controlling anything as I'm the only one who actually argument his case while you run around with silly personal attacks.

How about you pulled your act together and actually proved me wrong, told me how the headcrabs aren't generic (hah, I'm even one of the few who know where the term 'generic' belong).

Well first off...

VonGak said:
So please, give it some personality instead of those used to death HollyWood inspired body possessing headcrabs; Alien, Half Life, Halo... why go down that generic character design path when the Insomniac artist have proved to be so much more creative?

The "headcrabs" as you call them (Leapers) aren't "body possessing" creatures at all. The Chimera use an entirely different means of reproduction than that, using two completely different Chimera types.

That would be one of the first things you would learn if you ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME, which would go a long way toward you eventually not sounding so utterly foolish.

The only thing the in fact, the only thing the Leapers have in common with the "headcrabs" in Alien is that they are small and can sometimes attack the face, even though they actually usually kill you without doing so.


Pristine_Condition said:
Well first off...

The "headcrabs" as you call them (Leapers) aren't "body possessing" creatures at all. The Chimera use an entirely different means of reproduction than that.

That would be one of the first things you would learn if you ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME, which would go a long way toward you eventually not sounding so utterly foolish.

The only thing the in fact, the only thing the Leapers have in common with the "headcrabs" in Alien is that they are small and can sometimes attack the face, even though they actually usually kill you without doing so.
It's not worth actually trying to dispute with this guy...he hones in on a single comment or completely disregards entire posts to continue his debate on subjective issues
McLovin said:
My list... (not that it matters)
-Online 4 player co-op
-Co-op campaign w/ online
-The ability to jump into co-op or online at any time like in warhawk
-More color (Less photo realistic and more CG like)
-Better character models(chimera and human)
-Replay/movie save feature
-Weapons are good just improve them
-Add shield and/or cover system
-Offline sprint
-Custom Soundtrack :D
-More vehicles air, land, and water
-Take out the intelligence documents and make them part of the story(most people don't even know who the cloven are or who their leader is)
-option to switch to 3rd person
-Better fire(flame thrower/ fire incendiary grenades)
-Destructible environments ala killzone 2
-Water physics(when you fall in the water you just fall through in rfom1)
-Knife option
-The ability to pick up stuff and throw it(in case you run out of ammo)..
(you should run out of amo it would make the game more interesting)
-Sixaxis melee attack would be cool
-melee grenade attack(stick a grenade inside chimera's mouth and watch it blow up)
-Shorter Title :p
-When you step in snow/sand you leave foot prints
-This last one would be cool but I would understand if they don't do it. If you get shot the holes appear on the clothing. If you get burned the clothes get singed. If you get wet your character looks wet.(speaking of getting wet how about water grenades? they would look bad ass) Also blood would be cool w/ the option to turn off for kids.

This is an FPS!

Water grenades?
melee grenade attack(stick a grenade inside chimera's mouth and watch it blow up)

Most of your other suggestions were good though.

I want to see the physics improved. Sometimes when you shoot the dead bodies on the ground they're really stiff. I think in some Ratchet and Clank interview one of the Insomniac guys said with the improvements to their engine they're able to do 4x the amount of physics on screen.
Edit: Ahhh here it is http://www.gametrailers.com/gameone.php?ep=15&movie_id=25023

People getting blown up by grenades and rockets looks good enough now.

Edit: The offline sprint is a really good idea! It could really help in some of the bigger battles.


VonGak! said:
I'm not damage controlling anything as I'm the only one who actually argument his case while you run around with silly personal attacks.

How about you pulled your act together and actually proved me wrong, told me how the headcrabs aren't generic (hah, I'm even one of the few who know where the term 'generic' belong).
Tell me about these enemies which stand out and makes Resistance stand out, gives it identity.

I mean you must have seen enemy characters not featured in the game-play videos or else it would be pretty dumb of you to claim that I must play the game before being able to comment on the enemy design.

The NeoGaf boards feature spoiler tags, make use of them.
Know what? For all of that,I'll counter you points.

"Only having seen screen-caps and videos it seems to me that the game lacks identity.
It would be nice with some overall art style giving the game its own special flavour just like Uncharted, Doom3, Ratchet and Clank, KillZone 2, Zelda WindWaker and LittleBigPlanet."

Lacks identity? I would love to hear what other game makes such excellent use of enemy design and weapon usage. The art style is simple and effective . Big areas, lots of enemies, kick ass weapons all set in a war torn environment with alien structures dominating over human structures. Pretty clear and straight forward.

"Currently to me it just seems... not like a mess but a lot of ideas taken from different places and then mixed together instead of the expansion upon one initial idea ("Let's make a FPS" instead of "I got this great idea for a FPS")."

Once again, enemies and weapons. It makes Resistance truly different from the rest of the pack of shooters out there. No other shooter I have played gives you such a deep combat system where you really have to use your weapons, and I mean all of them.

"So please, give it some personality instead of those used to death HollyWood inspired body possessing headcrabs; Alien, Half Life, Halo... why go down that generic character design path when the Insomniac artist have proved to be so much more creative?"

The enemy design is solid and makes sense if you knew that they are just adaptations of various real creatures (humans, dogs, smaller animals, ect.). Depending on how much conversion they undergoe, they mutate different ways. Menials being the most simple of the humans, and crawlers being the most simple of ground creatures. They more or less rapidly evolve through the conversion process, and get their looks based on what type of creature they originated from.
tanod said:
They did that to some extent with the first game. Some would argue over whether that's a good or bad thing.

Before Halo 3, Resistance had THE premier online gaming experience for FPS games, bar none (beating even Halo 2).

Gotta call BS on that. I failed to put in 50% of the time I played on halo 2 with Resistance... and I didn't even own a x-box.
Kittonwy said:
Good lord NO. The game is fast and furious right now, and YOU CAN USE COVER TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Adding some sort of "press X for cover" completely ruins the pace of the game. This doesn't have to be a tactical shooter, the gameplay simply works great as it is.

Jeebus. Do you even play Resistance?


Played and finished it, backbreaker65, check my gaf clan profile
Byakuya769 said:
Gotta call BS on that. I failed to put in 50% of the time I played on halo 2 with Resistance... and I didn't even own a x-box.

Uh, Halo 2 was actually surpassed as the best online console FPS experience before Resistance came around.

And yeah, Resistance is that good. From the technical aspect of 20 vs. 20 battles and lagless dedicated servers, to the wealth of features, and of course not dismissing free online play, there really wasn't a feature-for-feature, performance vs. performance challenger in the next-gen console space to Resistance before Halo 3 came around, (save for maybe R6:V, which is entirely different in pacing and focus) and even now, Resistance has some bullet points that Halo 3 doesn't have.


Wow, this thread moved really fast! It was a page & a half last nght. First, let me say I've seen some people ask for (to me) drastic changes in gameplay. Some suggestions seemed to want to completely redesign the game. That wouldn't be what Resistance is. I would love for Insomniac to just continue in an evolutionary direction. The core gameplay is already tight. The transitions from gameplay to cut scenes did feel a little weird, the whole fading to grey thing. Perhaps an immediate cut to a cut scene? I also thought the driving levels were just right in length and control. That should stay as is! What I would also like to see in Resistance 2....

More larger enemy types. Not talking God of War type bosses, but more like the enemy where you have to shoot at his cooling unit on his back till he explodes (I'm sorry, can't remember it's name right now).

A sprint button in single player. The game moves fluidly, I loved the game speed. Kinda reminded me of a PC shooter. Please keep that! But I remember a couple of times in the game where I was like "damn, I wish I could get to that point just a bit quicker:D I'd love to have the sprint button mapped to the R2 button, and use the d-pad to sort through the collection of kick ass weapons.

The color pallette in the game to be a bit more saturated. Not Okami colors now! There is a war going on, and the color pallette in Resistance lent itself to the somber vibe of war. But like someone said earlier, maybe a forest level?

Don't limit the weapon count to two, or even three!! Like others have mentioned, having the perfect weapon at the right situation was great. And please keep the weapons from the first game but add some newer ones, or updated weapons from the first game. Maybe different secondary fires. The grenades were great as is, maybe some type of new grenade that sends a type of shockwave that takes the feet out from under a dozen or so Chimera....

Next-gen rumble
oh wait, that's taken care of!

The game already moved at a smooth clip. It already felt like it moved at 60fps. But......
if you can get the game up to 60fps?..... Oh man!

Hale could use a bit more personality. It's war, but when you're a tough soldier like Hale, you can lighten up a bit! Have him rally the soldiers up, have them answer him back. *example* Hale: Come on, fellas! Let's kick these aliens' asses right off this planet! Soldiers: We're with you Hale! Let's do it! Maybe that's a little cliche, but maybe something along those lines....

A 2008 release date?
I hope!
Oh yeah, a replay and screenshot mode is absolutely a must. There were so many intense moments I wanted to capture, but hooking up the video out to the PC just to record the video kind of killed the moments.


Online co-op and no loading between levels to go along with the obvious graphical improvements that a sequel is sure to have, and I'd be one extremely happy camper.

Resistance is already a fantastic videogame, it doesn't need much.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Oh yeah, a replay and screenshot mode is absolutely a must. There were so many intense moments I wanted to capture, but hooking up the video out to the PC just to record the video kind of killed the moments.
Agreed on that. I want to show off my grenading skills. :D


Byakuya769 said:
Gotta call BS on that. I failed to put in 50% of the time I played on halo 2 with Resistance... and I didn't even own a x-box.
I'm quite confident most would agree Resistance is better than Halo 2. Halo 2's only advantage is vehicles.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
you missed the point

I ignored one aspect of his point. Yes lagless battles were great, especially the fact that they could hold 40 people. However, the actual gameplay in those huge battles generally failed to grab me. I'm sure the team battles are great for clans... but for the average player who just hops on, playing in those huge battles can turn into utter chaos or a simple lesson in frustration as you try to make plans with a 20 person team containing 2 players with a mic. Not to mention that you couldn't discuss your stats after each match like you can in Halo 2 (Halo 3 made the mistake of getting rid of this as well).

Other obvious points would include
- no split screen
- in my opinion, levels weren't that great
- friend/party system is gimped compared to halo/live... hopefully things will be better after this fall for games like this on the ps3
- ranking system failed to indicate skill, nor did it give a quick idea on how good someone was... I don't know military insignia.. do I have to learn them so I can tell how good a player is or what my rank entails?
- like I mentioned earlier, customization was more of a tease... I'd rather be locked into only changing the color of my costume than being stuck with pre-made faces and add on items like canteens. Huge 40 player battles? Well let us stand out in those battles.

Those are my feelings on the multiplayer experience. Obviously, you all are bigger fans of it than I am... but to me the biggest mark against the game is when I show it to friends who aren't huge videogame players and it got a "meh" reaction. They didn't enjoy playing it very much, and were left baffled as to why we couldn't do split screen online. Usually the next question about the game would be "want to play some halo instead?" Thus, my enjoyment of the game waned a lot sooner.


Byakuya769 said:
You mean most on gaf or most people in general?
Most people in general. Things like this can't be effectively argued. I could point out Halo's lack of dedicated servers, or the poor weapons balancing, or the sllllooowww matchmaking set up, ect., but the arguement will go no where. Agree to disagree.


As much as I love online multiplayer, it's nice to bring in the friends for four player split-screen from time to time. It'd be even better if we could bring in two big screen TV and link two PS3's for up to eight player split-screen (four on each TV and PS3).


Flesh out the backstory (Resistance: Liberation for the psp!)

Some Scandinavian/Russian levels (ala, lost planet snow)

I love the gun SFX, I don't see the problem there, I like the graphics too.

For the most part I think Resistance was pretty solid. I'd just like for the story to continue and online co-op.

Insomniac know what they're doing. No matter what they do, Resistance 2 will be great.


AzianFury said:
As much as I love online multiplayer, it's nice to bring in the friends for four player split-screen from time to time. It'd be even better if we could bring in two big screen TV and link two PS3's for up to eight player split-screen (four on each TV and PS3).
Yeah, Warhawk does that stuff great, huh. ;)


Loudninja said:
More cool grenades, Resistance had someof the best! They

I've said this before, but Insomniac should totally convert the Hailstorm to a grenade that uses the same turret-style secondary fire when detonated. Since ammo for the Hailstorm was so scarce and because it chewed up bullets rapidly, I only really used its secondary fire function anyway.


gluv65 said:
Played and finished it, backbreaker65, check my gaf clan profile

Then why do you want to ruin the game by adding a cover system to it and slowing it the fuck down?

How come I've never seen you online?

I just want more of the same, Resistance is my favorite console FPS ever. More of the same on a grander scale. Make it feel like more of a large scale war than a series of small skirmishes.

60fps would be nice too.


revolverjgw said:
I just want more of the same, Resistance is my favorite console FPS ever. More of the same on a grander scale. Make it feel like more of a large scale war than a series of small skirmishes.

60fps would be nice too.

Most resistance battles are small skirmishes though. :p

I can see the battles growing in scope with the switch to attacking the Chimera in Russia.


BobTheFork said:
turn the difficulty up, it gets crazy big somtimes

I meant resistance battles in real life. Majority if not all are small skirmishes not the huge battlefield-esque battles people seem to want.


SupahBlah said:
I meant resistance battles in real life. Majority if not all are small skirmishes not the huge battlefield-esque battles people seem to want.

Resistance battles in real life ? O_O

when and where ?

always wanted to see a real life chimera.


when is my burrito
Byakuya769 said:
Other obvious points would include
- no split screen
- friend/party system is gimped compared to halo/live... hopefully things will be better after this fall for games like this on the ps3
- ranking system failed to indicate skill, nor did it give a quick idea on how good someone was... I don't know military insignia.. do I have to learn them so I can tell how good a player is or what my rank entails?
- like I mentioned earlier, customization was more of a tease... I'd rather be locked into only changing the color of my costume than being stuck with pre-made faces and add on items like canteens. Huge 40 player battles? Well let us stand out in those battles.

-Halo 2 does not have split screen online play.

-Friend and clan maintenance systems work perfectly fine. What exactly is gimped about them or what did Halo 2 do that was better?

-The ranking and matchmaking systems in Resistance work VERY well (always providing a decent challenge) and VERY fast but a little less so now since some players are starting 2nd accounts.

-You don't need to know ranks. You can check people's profiles and rank and K/D ratio and online achievements. It doesn't really matter that you know what the ranks stand for but anybody can figure out that a person with one or more stars is a general or supreme commander. You learn as you rank up, and the icons are pretty straightforward even if you don't know anything about ranks.

-As you rank up, you get access to more skins and accessories for your online avatar. Halo 2 has different colors and insignia patches.


One of our clan pics. Yes, we all look the same.
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