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*Resistance 2 wishlist/suggestion thread*

The Jer

MickeyKnox said:
Native keyboard and mouse support please.

Otherwise it will never be anything other than a weekend rental to me.

Enjoy your rental.

SP - ya whatever. add k/m support, but design the game for the pad, and ignore k/m when making the game.
MP - unranked, with a filter so m/k games are completely seperate.
Anywhere else - keep it out of my resistance.

trying to have some use k/m and others use the pad would ruin the online game.


do we have an devs from Insomniac here? Would be kool what they think about all these stuff. But if the game will release in 09 i want it to look like Killzone^2.
My list of things they did right the first time and need to continue with:

Great difficulty levels and 2 player co-op adding plenty of replay value.

Great campaign length.

Great online play, ranking and matchmaking. Match making is notably quick and easy.

Excellent Environment Detail

Great Action pacing. Every encounter is more overwhelming than the last

Great weapons obviously, good move with pausing the game during weapon selection. Its good how easy difficulty levels allow for players to not bother learning 2ndary functions, but on super human it becomes necessary to survive.

Great achievments system.

Great truncated health recovery system. The basic rest to recover system is greatly over-used.

Great controls

Great bonus features/content.

Chimera make great enemies. Some complain that there is not enough enemy variety, but they are dumb. There is plenty variety, its just many of them are humaniod and have subtle differences. I don't hear people complaining that CoD or Bioshock doesn't have enough enemy variety.
KZ2 cover system

If "touch sense" is in the game, or if you guys have directional rubmble, Use it to show where you are injured, if you get shot in the left leg, let the controller vibrate at a low intensity on the left side of the controller, to indicate to the end-user that he/she has an injury. If the end-user doesn't get to a healthpack the intensity rises.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Map creator, not just editor, and ability to rank user's maps. I have a feeling this might not be done as it would limit their ability to hit us for expansions.


Bojanglez said:
Map creator, not just editor, and ability to rank user's maps. I have a feeling this might not be done as it would limit their ability to hit us for expansions.

Oh crap, it begins. Halo 3 total.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
-NO cover system PLEASE

- What ever you do, bring back the BullEye, Auger, Carbine(new version, but same style), LAARK, AirFuel & Hedgehog nades, and improve the Flamethrower.

- We need to fight those Flying Brains with tenticles ...creatures, the ones that collect humans

- Longer vehicle missions, specially the Stalkers

- Hale in SP need some more abilities(other than regeneration). Make it interesting

- as for Multiplayer....not alot of work there. Still the best MP game on Consoles now(Have'nt played Halo 3 yet), just push it even further


GAF's Bob Woodward
glaurung said:
Oh crap, it begins. Halo 3 total.


Map editors - proper map editors - existed long before Forge.

Forge is relatively rather conservative in its scope, compared to PC map editors, obviously bearing the concern of a console experience in mind. But it would be interesting to see someone try and allow for more flexibility and control while still being accessible. I think you could go further than Forge does.


bcn-ron said:
I thought the jeep section and the bunker assault (outside) already were quite Good-Moments-In-Haloish, in pace and scope. I wouldn't want to have those ultra-repetetive indoor borefests and pointless long-range trudges though, so I think the design loans should stop there. It's not really shit, but let's be honest here. There's nothing good left to copy.That's a bad idea. You might think it's a good idea if you can't figure out how to efficiently swap weapons on a standard controller, but Resistance has already done it, and done it well.
Hell no.
The transitions out of the levels into the cut-scenes were really bad. I don't want to see any more fade-outs plz. If control is taken away from me, do it in a cinematic fashion. Cut immediately out of first-person view and show Hale run/do/talk. Do not just leave the player hanging. RFOM already did it in some levels, but I'm really poor at remembering the names :(
I think it was the one directly before the jeep section, where you get the Hailstorm for the first time and fight the wall-crawlers. At the end it just cuts into that cut-scene where Hale enters the house and meets the seargent or whatever.
Try to replace every single instance of fade-out with a scene like that.

(well actually the fade-out where Hale first
gets infected
makes sense, because he actually faints)

I didn't mean it to come out as me wanting to cut the cut scenes! I was answering the question that was posted above on the first page:lol

Please keep the Cut scenes and get rid of the stupid fade outs.

As for the weapon limitation, again I'm all for it. If the game wants to be a pseudo Doom clone then heck keep the walking tank formula. I for one still stand by the limit the amount you can carry. I think it adds more to the game, and makes you think twice on how to approach a situation based on what you're able to carry.

Sprinting is a plus.


time to take my meds
I always thought resistance needed a better central theme song (or music soundtrack in general). Something that gives you chills when you first hear it. Like mgs, god of war, halo.

Oh, and online co-op.

The Jer

glaurung said:
Oh crap, it begins. Halo 3 total.
fine. games can borrow good elements from other games.
Halo 3 has a shield gernade and large scale online battles and man cannons that remind me of stuff out of Resistance.
Resistance has Halo-ish vehicle sequences and regenerating health and other stuff that reminds me of Halo.

Awesome games can borrow elements from other awesome games. It's what makes them more awesome.

I for one am down with a Halo-ish map editor. Yes, lots of other games have had map editors before, but that doesn't make it any more or less awesome or make it suddenly not a good idea.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It's been said many times, but first and foremost, the game needs much more Personality.

Look at the "Experience" part of European Resistance website, understand what they've done right there that you didn't do right in the game, and go from there. Develop some memorable characters with some memorable dialogue.

Lighting & shadowing in general should be more impressive and dramatic, no matter how is that to be accomplished. Like it or not, KZ2 has raised the bar a lot, and Resistance 2 will be compared to it. You don't want to be in the situation where you have to make excuses again like when compared against Gears, or like Halo 3 devs had to do for that matter. Resistance is nowhere near as entrenched in people's minds however, so things like that really hurt it.

Marketing needs to be stepped up as well.


Single player wise I agree that a more varied color palate needs to be used. I like Tieno's idea of audio diaries like bioshock. In regards to the cutscene aspects, I am ok with them but I think they need to be able to sell the dire situation the world is in a bit better. The 'Voices' trailer did this as well as the one with the opening by a English Field Marshall. Those two trailers nailed the atmosphere but nothing really in the game compared to these trailers. In the Multiplayer aspect of the game I don't think much needs to be done. Just simply more of everything. More modes, more maps, more customization of skins. Maybe some added Clan features. A map editor or creator would be wonderful as well. Most importantly though keep the 40 player. 40 player is the perfect size I think for this type of game.


Change time setting

Redesign weapon selection system

Renew overall artstyle and cinematics

Drastically change gameplay

Completely renew character designs

Construct entirely different levels

Make an all new health system


It seems like a lot of you are asking for the game to have drastic changes. Why in the hell would you make drastic changes for Resistance? It sold millions as a launch title. It's got the best on foot online I've ever played on a console. The core game design is outstanding as is. I really hope Insomniac doesn't listen to some of the suggestions here. The last thing this game needs is a major redesign, which is what many of the suggestions are indicating.

Map editors, new guns, and general improvements are fine, but a redesign of virtually anything would be a bad idea unless done very well. I want to play Resistance 2, not Resistan-halo-zone-life-cry-shock. No major changes, just work with what's there.

Also, isn't this thread kind of pointless? The game has been in development for about a year. Odds are, most of the core changes and the such are already determined. Maybe jstevenson could answer that. :D


I think an awesome way to build atmosphere would be radio broadcasts with subtitles that we hear throughout the game on radio's spread around different environments. Basically, something that sells to us that the world is in trouble.

It would also be really cool to run into civilians who are hiding, and maybe has a FEW (note: emphasis on few) escort missions, and even some civilian deaths. The lack of any NPC's that weren't soldiers made the game feel 'dead' in a way. It would have been nice to run into german soldiers, french soldiers, russian soldiers, etc. Just spread out here and there, stranded, etc.

Another thing I think could be cool is some sort of 180 degree turn around move. I've yet to really see a first person shooter that gave you a good 180 degree quick turn, and the ability to just quickly fly around to get INTO a fire fight, instead of running in a half circle only to die, would be awesome.


zallaaa said:
is there something you liked?

The biggest fans of a game usually also are the biggest critics because they can put their finger on the imperfections where as other critics (AKA fanboys trying to put down the competition) just use vague complaints.


Tieno said:
-Less cutscenes, they interrupted the game (and the flow) way too much.
-No slideshow cutscenes, took you out of the game more than more traditional methods: so either really good CG or in-engine or in-game.
-Instead of reading logs, do audio logs.

The cut scenes broke up the flow of the game, yes, but we have to remember that the entire game was a historical recount of what happened (and even then, it's based on what the British, etc., knew; the rest was speculation). So, they had to be done that way - snap shots of specific points in time.

So, if the first one was a history lesson, the second one might be based in real time - that is, we would be playing in "present day". The cut scenes could then be completely different, and the game would flow much better. Of course, this all depends on where the story line goes: more historical recounting or "here and now".
I think the core mechanics of Resistance are pretty much perfect.
The only thing I think they need is to really give us a much meatier story.
I found myself like many people not caring about what was ever actually going on until funny enough the sequence after the credits .
When the cloven take hale away
was problably the most interesting part of the whole game. The next game needs to really flesh these characters out more.

One other thing I would love for one game to make me actually feel like I am part of a epic battle I dont think to this day any game has accomplished this. I want to feel like I am a small part of a much bigger conflict and that me sniping this guy up here and then throwing a grenade on this guy isnt going to be the only thing that wins the battle or begin the next sequence I want everything to feel more organic I get this vibe from KZ2 videos but I would love for Resistance to have it as well.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I think the core mechanics of Resistance are pretty much perfect.
The only thing I think they need is to really give us a much meatier story.
I found myself like many people not caring about what was ever actually going on until funny enough the sequence after the credits .
TWhen the cloven take hale away
I found mayself way more interested in what was agoing to happen in the game. The next game needs to dehave that same deepness from from the first moment on. Give us a reason to care about hese people.
I think that was the point of intelligence and the website. If you wanted the whole story, you had to work for it. I guess they could try to make it more casual and make it so that it lays everything out in front of you, but I wouldn't want them to go that route.


Only having seen screen-caps and videos it seems to me that the game lacks identity.
It would be nice with some overall art style giving the game its own special flavour just like Uncharted, Doom3, Ratchet and Clank, KillZone 2, Zelda WindWaker and LittleBigPlanet.

Currently to me it just seems... not like a mess but a lot of ideas taken from different places and then mixed together instead of the expansion upon one initial idea ("Let's make a FPS" instead of "I got this great idea for a FPS").

So please, give it some personality instead of those used to death HollyWood inspired body possessing headcrabs; Alien, Half Life, Halo... why go down that generic character design path when the Insomniac artist have proved to be so much more creative?


VonGak! said:
Only having seen screen-caps and videos it seems to me that the game lacks identity.
It would be nice with some overall art style giving the game its own special flavour just like Uncharted, Doom3, Ratchet and Clank, KillZone 2, Zelda WindWaker and LittleBigPlanet.

Currently to me it just seems... not like a mess but a lot of ideas taken from different places and then mixed together instead of the expansion upon one initial idea ("Let's make a FPS" instead of "I got this great idea for a FPS").

So please, give it some personality instead of those used to death HollyWood inspired body possessing headcrabs; Alien, Half Life, Halo... why go down that generic character design path when the Insomniac artist have proved to be so much more creative?
Sorry dude, but until you play the game, you shouldn't be commenting on what was right and wrong with it.


BruceLeeRoy said:
One other thing I would love for one game to make me actually feel like I am part of a epic battle I dont think to this day any game has accomplished this. I want to feel like I am a small part of a much bigger conflict and that me sniping this guy up here and then throwing a grenade on this guy isnt going to be the only thing that wins the battle or begin the next sequence I want everything to feel more organic I get this vibe from KZ2 videos but I would love for Resistance to have it as well.

You indeed do make sense and you aren't alone with that wish.

I and many others who I have debate this with would love something like Lair or Heavenly sword but where we aren't the center piece.
I'd like a BELIEVE reference in the voice acting somewhere, perhaps a random NPC discussion about something. Just for us GAFers.

Make it happen if you're reading the thread James.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
How about some competent shooting action?? Make foes that DON'T just absorb shots without reaction and fire crazy spreads of bullets that made dodging AND crouching behind cover futile.


Madman said:
Change time setting

Redesign weapon selection system

Renew overall artstyle and cinematics

Drastically change gameplay

Completely renew character designs

Construct entirely different levels

Make an all new health system


It seems like a lot of you are asking for the game to have drastic changes. Why in the hell would you make drastic changes for Resistance? It sold millions as a launch title. It's got the best on foot online I've ever played on a console. The core game design is outstanding as is. I really hope Insomniac doesn't listen to some of the suggestions here. The last thing this game needs is a major redesign, which is what many of the suggestions are indicating.

Map editors, new guns, and general improvements are fine, but a redesign of virtually anything would be a bad idea unless done very well. I want to play Resistance 2, not Resistan-halo-zone-life-cry-shock. No major changes, just work with what's there.

Also, isn't this thread kind of pointless? The game has been in development for about a year. Odds are, most of the core changes and the such are already determined. Maybe jstevenson could answer that. :D
Thank you for stating what I was about to type.


Madman said:
Sorry dude, but until you play the game, you shouldn't be commenting on what was right and wrong with it.

Well actually I should because it's mainly the pics and videos which make people pick up games.


Brandon F said:
How about some competent shooting action?? Make foes that DON'T just absorb shots without reaction and fire crazy spreads of bullets that made dodging AND crouching behind cover futile.

But that goes for most FPS, but it's nice to see KZ2 doing something about it.


More details and environment interaction.

And some next-gen water. A flooded building, a lakeside village, a river somewhere, maybe even a level in a ship or a port.

Do we know where will the game take place ? More England ? Belgium ? France ? ... Russia perhaps ?
And when ?


My list... (not that it matters)
-Online 4 player co-op
-Co-op campaign w/ online
-The ability to jump into co-op or online at any time like in warhawk
-More color (Less photo realistic and more CG like)
-Better character models(chimera and human)
-Replay/movie save feature
-Weapons are good just improve them
-Add shield and/or cover system
-Offline sprint
-Custom Soundtrack :D
-More vehicles air, land, and water
-Take out the intelligence documents and make them part of the story(most people don't even know who the cloven are or who their leader is)
-option to switch to 3rd person
-Better fire(flame thrower/ fire incendiary grenades)
-Destructible environments ala killzone 2
-Water physics(when you fall in the water you just fall through in rfom1)
-Knife option
-The ability to pick up stuff and throw it(in case you run out of ammo)..
(you should run out of amo it would make the game more interesting)
-Sixaxis melee attack would be cool
-melee grenade attack(stick a grenade inside chimera's mouth and watch it blow up)
-Shorter Title :p
-When you step in snow/sand you leave foot prints
-This last one would be cool but I would understand if they don't do it. If you get shot the holes appear on the clothing. If you get burned the clothes get singed. If you get wet your character looks wet.(speaking of getting wet how about water grenades? they would look bad ass) Also blood would be cool w/ the option to turn off for kids.
Okay hopefully better explained this is what I want from Resistance 2:

Story / Motivation

I want for once in a FPS for them to truly give me a character that I not only want to be but that is given enough personality and dimension that I want to help fulfill his missions. The only game I can think that accomplished this was Max Payne 1 and especially 2. Show me things that make the Chimera not only a threat to our survival but some of the most evil villains I can come across. Take time to set things up to build motivation.

How awesome would it be if you started the game with a flashback where you were on a farm there is a huge field of corn in front of your meager house its close to sunset everything having a slightly pink tint on it you go outside your kids are on a tire swing playing around by a huge oak tree.
You hear your wife call out to you that she needs you to get the kids coats if they are going to play outside. You go into the house through the kitchen your wife asks what you want for dinner and goes on to talk to you about your anniversary thats coming up(I think the Darkness had the right Idea with this I just dont think they executed properly) I want the game to take its time building a relationship dont force it. You go up to the girls room on the way up if you want to take the time you can see the history of your family in photos some letters on the bed stand. You grab the coats and go outside but the once tranquil sky has been replaced with ominous clouds all of a sudden the wind picks up violently your kids screaming it seems as if the clouds are descending right on top of your house all of a sudden through the clouds you see lights and bursting through a huge Chimeran ship erupts through the clouds smashing in front of you it hits the ground sending a tidal wave of debris at you. You run for your girls but before you can get there your slammed to the ground your consciousness ebbing away you pass out to darkness but wake again to noises all around you. You have been thrown into the field and cant move only seeing whats happening through slits in the grass you fight for clarity as your vision is blurred you can barely speak you see the Chimeran walk over and stop above something that is out of your sight they stoop down and pick up your little girls which are completely lifeless they throw them to one of the Chimeran grunts as if they are trash who proceeds to walk away you try to get up to stop them you hear a scream you see your wife among the burning wreckage of your house crawling toward her girls both legs shattered the Chimera watch her slowly attempt to get to her children one of them calmly looks down at her pulls his gun out and shoots her in the head you wake up suddenly in a government stronghold chained to a table.....

Its a little over the top but come on give me a reason to hate these things give me a reason to be in this fight. I dont want the most evil things thsese creatures do to be putting big ass generator cables everywhere they go and all having a severe case of gingivitis


Epic Battles
I want to descend over a hill and be like holy shite that is insane just men fighting all over the place but here is the catchy part. They arent going to die to just be replaced by another infantry man that just appears nor is there invisible checkpoints that say okay he blew up the bridge now lets have all the infantry storm across no I want to be a part of the battle but in no way be the sole influence. You go down some men recognize you most dont the Chimeran are pushing them heavily back there is a finite amount of soldiers you see a huge turret of some sort you can try to fight against the horde of Chimeras guarding it to unleash hell on them if you do it before the army is wiped out those men will escort you to the next area if not you can try and snipe key spots to sneak past leaving the infantry to fend for themselves.

VonGak! said:
You indeed do make sense and you aren't alone with that wish.

I and many others who I have debate this with would love something like Lair or Heavenly sword but where we aren't the center piece.

I am so with you on that
Something that really isn't gameplay related that i'd like to see is a photomode. I think nearly every game should have it. It's a small feature but ever since GT4 added it i've really liked the feature.


My problem with resistance is probably that the enemies didn't really give me much of an impact(design and behavior wise). I would have preferred it if there was a bit more gore when it comes to killing the enemies.

Despite the game looking great with the nice AA, I would have preferred it if the enviroments were a little more dark and gritty. The labs look a bit too clean, in comparison to say Quake IV(now that's a game where the enemy locations are quite unsettling)


VonGak! said:
Well actually I should because it's mainly the pics and videos which make people pick up games.
People don't review games based on pictures and videos. If you have never played, you shouldn't comment. That would be like me talking about Metroid Prime 3 and suggesting changes based on videos and pictures. That just doesn't work. Games are interactive media, and should only be judged on that basis.


TONX said:
Joke post FTL.
Dont see how it's a joke. Are you saying the games AI cant be much better? It may be unfair to compare it to that other game but it certainly was nowhere close to the enemy AI in it.


I'd like to hear much better music, and sound effects. Also much better weapon effects. There were some very cool weapons in the first, but they weren't visually represented well enough in the game. For example, what the auger does sounds cool on paper but I thought it looked weak in the game.

Rolf NB

PhatSaqs said:
Dont see how it's a joke. Are you saying the games AI cant be much better? It may be unfair to compare it to that other game but it certainly was nowhere close to the enemy AI in it.
I've watched Blimblim's 10 minutes on legendary difficulty. Don't ever mention that AI again please. That's just ridiculous.


Unless you didn't play the game in superhuman you shouldn't complain about the ai... its freakin relentless and.. evil.
PhatSaqs said:
Dont see how it's a joke. Are you saying the games AI cant be much better? It may be unfair to compare it to that other game but it certainly was nowhere close to the enemy AI in it.

It's a different type of behavior, dude. Make these guys much smarter, and you'd either have to cut down on the ferocity or no one would be able to finish the game on higher difficulties.


I want to fight in a Chimeran city. The alien architecture scattered throughout London was awesome, the scale and geometry was great. I want an entire city built like that. More Chimeran architecture, less human.

Better vehicle scenarios, the last tank set piece was quite good. We need more like that.

Longer stretches of fighting.


McLovin said:
Unless you didn't play the game in superhuman you shouldn't complain about the ai... its freakin relentless and.. evil.
Oh yeah they'll fuck you up no doubt but that's not what i'd call "great AI". The enemies just dont seem smart to me. The discussion could go for ages so i'll just drop it.

edit: beaten
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