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Rottenwatch: Book of Eli (GAF meltdown incoming?)

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I really want to be able to say that I know the writer of this movie so I can be cool too (because I've already told my entire family to go see it...:lol )

So, let me formally introduce myself.

Hello Gary,

My name is King Of Kong. Pleasure to meet you. I will see the movie this week and based off the reviews here, I will love it. Congratulations on your success and future success. Loved keeping up with these threads (even when I was a lowly lurker).


I saw it last night. So so good.

About the shootout:

Did people just forget how to aim a gun over the last 30 years or something?


I liked this a lot, it was really good. I wanted to see it from the first time I saw the trailer, and I wasn't disappointed. The only thing I would've asked for is more Tom Waits!


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Akia said:
I saw it last night. So so good.

About the shootout:

Did people just forget how to aim a gun over the last 30 years or something?
I doubt they had very much practice, so yeah.:lol


Gary Whitta said:
We shot a scene that shows her using a big wrench to bust open the door and escape, you can see a tiny bit of it in some trailers, but it didn't make the final cut. Maybe it'll be on the Blu-ray.
Thanks. My friends and I were wondering that, and in my smugness, I said, "I'll ask the screenwriter."
Amongst all this praise would it be cool if I said Mila Kunis ruined it for me? From the very first scene she appeared in I was struggling taking her role seriously. Also the ending, are you guys for real? It was cheesy as fuck.

Sorry, I thought Denzel was denzel - he did his thing, but the rest of the cast werent as convincing. Surprised to see Titus Polo in there :)


You now belong to FMT.
I am going to see it this weekend, and will report back.. I have a bunch of people going to see because I said that I had talked with the writer... Funny that everyone asks "how do you know the hughes brothers?" i just laugh


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Just got back. **Unmarked spoilers**

Book of Eli was pretty bad, and it was mostly the screenplay's fault. I liked the visual aesthetic, I liked the music, I always like Denzel, but this flick just hit me over the head with the dumb. Countless gaping plot holes, none of the characters act in a believable way or in more than one note, the world-building is non-existent, and it excuses itself constantly with "this is supernatural...maybe!"

The twist, wow. It's set up throughout the running time, but that doesn't prevent it from being a shockingly dumb reveal. Any twist involving someone you think isn't blind being blind or someone you think is blind not actually being blind is bottom rung for twists. And then Mila Kunis becomes Black Jesus 2? I guess since she's wearing a badass jacket and carrying Denzel's knife she's not going to be gangraped by the next group of bandits she runs across. Or the power of christ compels her to go get gangraped. Either way.

Well, it's not all the Whitta's fault, at least. There's so much wild overacting I had to check to make sure I wasn't watching Punisher: War Zone. If you want to go supernatural then you could argue why the fight scenes are so far-fetched and one-sided, but that doesn't make them interesting in the least; the brief first one, in silhouettes, was the only good sequence, if only for Denzeldevil having to do more than one flick of the wrist to take out the chainsaw fatty.

Thumb down. Movie looks to be pretty successful, though, so maybe you'll do better next time!

P.S, Gary, what are Eli's SPECIAL attributes? :D


Kills Photobucket
Great movie. Nice story, great casting, nice soundtrack. Reminded me a lot of "The Postman" (and that isn't an insult, I thought "The Postman" was a great film) Gary Oldman continues to impress how he can play crazy people so well, and look do different every time. Michael Gambon won't get much praise because of his small role, but I thought it was hilarious.

Followed Gary's thread but stayed away from spoilers or much plot going into it.

Was thrilled that I called the "he's blind, book is braille" twist about halfway through after they spend the night in the Nucular tower.

Great Job Gary. Hope it beats Avatar this weekend so Gary Oldman can take down Cameron a 2nd time :D


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
gdt5016 said:

Not going to filter my opinions, nor would I think Gary would want me to just because he's a gaffer. And I can understand not wanting to respond, since internet criticism is generally not something you want to directly involve yourself with as a creator (or sane person in general).

So it's cool, and congrats to Gary on the film's success.


I was planning to check out the matinee this weekend, but this movie is rated 14a here, so young teenagers will be in the theatre. I'll wait for a few weeks and see a late show.


EviLore said:
Countless gaping plot holes, none of the characters act in a believable way or in more than one note,
I thought Gary Oldman gave a decent showing in alternating turns as snake oil salesman, general ruthless mastermind and sometime caring/manipulative lover/master. Denzel was Denzel, added sufficient depth to his role. Mila kunis and Titus pulo (what is his name by the way) not so much.

Expand on the gaping plotholes bit. Aside the twist what exactly did The Book of Eli do wrong that can't be put down to he conventions of the genre?


So not that it matters to me too much but how did the iPod work after all those years out of curiosity?

Also, he couldn't be blind since he used the iPod controls and read the screen that said the battery was low.


I really liked the movie. The world setting was amazing and gave me a Mad Max / Fallout vibe. A lot of gloomy moments but that's what happens. The ending..not sure. Not what I was expecting but not the worst either. I guess you wanted to leave it open for a sequel?


Hero said:
So not that it matters to me too much but how did the iPod work after all those years out of curiosity?

Also, he couldn't be blind since he used the iPod controls and read the screen that said the battery was low.


I really liked the movie. The world setting was amazing and gave me a Mad Max / Fallout vibe. A lot of gloomy moments but that's what happens. The ending..not sure. Not what I was expecting but not the worst either. I guess you wanted to leave it open for a sequel?

I'm pretty sure it's impossible for the Ipod to work for an extended period of time (especially older models), not because the Ipod itself will break, but because the lithium battery would be unchangeable after that length of time.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Yea, there's a lot of hints that
he may not have been blind during the majority of the movie because of divine power or something similar as there were instances where Eli had to be able to see (like noticing that Serena's mom was blind - I'm pretty sure no amount of sense could have told him that, but he was able to look at her eyes). In essence, Eli's faith was what enabled him to see through the darkness of his blindness? I dunno, sounds good enough for me though.

I have to admit, this movie had me guessing throughout the latter half of the film - I just didn't know where it was going to go. That may be a good or bad thing, I'm not sure. The first half of the film was the best, I believe, but the overall film was still a pretty good one (certainly not the best film I've seen, but definitely not the worst or even close to it).

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hero said:
So not that it matters to me too much but how did the iPod work after all those years out of curiosity?

Also, he couldn't be blind since he used the iPod controls and read the screen that said the battery was low.


I really liked the movie. The world setting was amazing and gave me a Mad Max / Fallout vibe. A lot of gloomy moments but that's what happens. The ending..not sure. Not what I was expecting but not the worst either. I guess you wanted to leave it open for a sequel?

If you noticed, when we, the audience, saw the battery low, Eli continued to click the buttons more even after the message showed up. In the theater I was wondering what he was doing since the message clearly showed the battery dead, but being blind he did not know thus had to figure it out by pushing buttons to see if anything played.
EviLore said:
Just got back. **Unmarked spoilers**

Book of Eli was pretty bad, and it was mostly the screenplay's fault. I liked the visual aesthetic, I liked the music, I always like Denzel, but this flick just hit me over the head with the dumb. Countless gaping plot holes, none of the characters act in a believable way or in more than one note, the world-building is non-existent, and it excuses itself constantly with "this is supernatural...maybe!"

The twist, wow. It's set up throughout the running time, but that doesn't prevent it from being a shockingly dumb reveal. Any twist involving someone you think isn't blind being blind or someone you think is blind not actually being blind is bottom rung for twists. And then Mila Kunis becomes Black Jesus 2? I guess since she's wearing a badass jacket and carrying Denzel's knife she's not going to be gangraped by the next group of bandits she runs across. Or the power of christ compels her to go get gangraped. Either way.

Well, it's not all the Whitta's fault, at least. There's so much wild overacting I had to check to make sure I wasn't watching Punisher: War Zone. If you want to go supernatural then you could argue why the fight scenes are so far-fetched and one-sided, but that doesn't make them interesting in the least; the brief first one, in silhouettes, was the only good sequence, if only for Denzeldevil having to do more than one flick of the wrist to take out the chainsaw fatty.

Thumb down. Movie looks to be pretty successful, though, so maybe you'll do better next time!

P.S, Gary, what are Eli's SPECIAL attributes? :D

Sounds awful. Pass.

I don't know why everyone feels like they need to run out and buy 90 tickets to support Gary. He's an established writer now. He'll be fine.


Joe Molotov said:
I went and saw Doomsday in theaters, so I'll probably see this too.

Doomsday is one of my guilty pleasures. And it has one of the best Aliens homages ever! Neil Marshall would have been perfect for Predators.

Most heart warming thing about Book of Eli whatever you think of the movie (might see it tommorow) is the fact it got made. I'm sure it will encourage a lot of other writers who get put off by the horror stories of trying to get as script sale due to the closed shop nature of the business. Cousain of mine used to be a PA to a famous producer, some of the desperate, random things people did to try and get her to read or pass on their scripts was incredible. She went onto write two scripts of her own, but even with her connects, could never get them made - one in particular had a steller premise that would have made a brilliant flick - got a couple of options, but never went beyond that. I've tried my hand as well - got 50% through one, seemed to be pretty decent, but some ups and downs and the stories from my cousain put me off - but damn it Gary, you may have well tempted me to dust it off and try again! :D


BobFromPikeCreek said:
Sounds awful. Pass.

I don't know why everyone feels like they need to run out and buy 90 tickets to support Gary. He's an established writer now. He'll be fine.
I don't know why you would feel the need to proclaim taking away one ticket to hurt Gary?

He is on the forums, it's neat regardless of your feeling on the actual film. Same goes to people involved with the making or other pop-culture products on this forum.


Jew Gamer
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I don't know why you would feel the need to proclaim taking away one ticket to hurt Gary?

He is on the forums, it's neat regardless of your feeling on the actual film. Same goes to people involved with the making or other pop-culture products on this forum.

Not to mention that opinions are based on the person they are from and the person whose opinion he is taking it seems more like brown nosing than generally caring.

If it was someone else making the comment I am sure he would have asked questions instead of taking it as fact :lol
Listen, it's just the post I happened to quote, alright. I didn't even look at the author.

The sentiments are being echoed in the majority of reviews. 45% on RT with an average rating of 5.4/10. If the movie doesn't sound appealing I don't know why I'm in the wrong for not seeing it just because the writer happens to post on the same forum as me.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
lsslave said:
Not to mention that opinions are based on the person they are from and the person whose opinion he is taking it seems more like brown nosing than generally caring.

If it was someone else making the comment I am sure he would have asked questions instead of taking it as fact :lol

I didn't realize I should've been reading gaf with elaborate brown-nosing hierarchy subtext in mind!

Oh, I was with friends on NYE, didn't see that one. Sigh, Ami :|


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
BobFromPikeCreek said:
Listen, it's just the post I happened to quote, alright. I didn't even look at the author.

The sentiments are being echoed in the majority of reviews. 45% on RT with an average rating of 5.4/10. If the movie doesn't sound appealing I don't know why I'm in the wrong for not seeing it just because the writer happens to post on the same forum as me.
You're not wrong on that. You're wrong for saying everyone who did see it bought 90 tickets just to support Gary.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Since the other thread got locked (...?), I guess I'll post my thoughts here:

Great shit, Gary. Came together really well. The tone and setting were nailed 100%. Nice twist, although i'm note entirely comfortable with
Him being so great at shooting and whatnot when he was...blind. Like, I'd more like to believe that he could read braille, but was still able to see. But I guess it's pretty explicit that he is totally blind. There was just a lot of moments where it felt like he really couldn't have been blind without someone knowing - like when they see the house when they're standing on the cliff, for example.
Outside of that though, it was great stuff. Totally worth seeing if you love great visuals and tone and acting....maybe even if you like a good script, as well!


:lol I only went to see it in theaters because it was Gary Whitta and was in the mood for an action flick. But that doesn't mean I like it because it was Gary Whitta's. I adore Bruce Lee films, love Afro Samurai etc so The Book of Eli is right up my alley. People can of course have different opinions but claiming it has "countless gaping plot holes" requires you know some support.


Jew Gamer
EviLore said:
I didn't realize I should've been reading gaf with elaborate brown-nosing hierarchy subtext in mind!

Oh, I was with friends on NYE, didn't see that one. Sigh, Ami :|

It wasn't that, it was that he came in right after you posted it. I just doubt that other negative reviews, or the fact that other people in this thread have come in and said good things about it, and instantly it was seen as negative. Of course a large part of it can be Gary's fan crew but it seems some people really enjoy it, and really he has nowhere to go but up (well he can get worse but lets hope its all improvements right? :lol )

As for the Rotten Tomatoes score which was mentioned, a lot of movies that I love get bad reviews from the critics. Popcorn flicks / fun movies tend to get bad reviews a lot of the time and I am used to it.

As for how I see it, my facebook wall has a bunch of posts from people who love the movie so I'd say it is a more audience friendly than critic movie.
BobFromPikeCreek said:
Sounds awful. Pass.

I don't know why everyone feels like they need to run out and buy 90 tickets to support Gary. He's an established writer now. He'll be fine.

You are ridiculous. The entire rest of the thread is good impressions with some middling to poor impressions thrown in. You then read one bad impression and instantly throw away the movie as sounding awful? Wtf man. Also, compare the RT community score to the critics one.

The movie has some problems and is perhaps not an 85%, but it's a far better than average movie. Also, you call people dumbasses for assuming you're up EvilLore's ass when you've just done the exact same thing in your post (assuming we've only gone to see it and give good impressions because Gary is here).

Sounds like you made a kneejerk judgement, got hit with backlash and are now falling back on "lololol, i like to exaggerate guyz"
Shrinnan said:
Yea, there's a lot of hints that
he may not have been blind during the majority of the movie because of divine power or something similar as there were instances where Eli had to be able to see (like noticing that Serena's mom was blind - I'm pretty sure no amount of sense could have told him that, but he was able to look at her eyes). In essence, Eli's faith was what enabled him to see through the darkness of his blindness? I dunno, sounds good enough for me though.

I have to admit, this movie had me guessing throughout the latter half of the film - I just didn't know where it was going to go. That may be a good or bad thing, I'm not sure. The first half of the film was the best, I believe, but the overall film was still a pretty good one (certainly not the best film I've seen, but definitely not the worst or even close to it).

Claudia basically tells him she's blind. "I need you to take this or say something so I can find you."


Wormdundee said:
You are ridiculous. The entire rest of the thread is good impressions with some middling to poor impressions thrown in. You then read one bad impression and instantly throw away the movie as sounding awful? Wtf man. Also, compare the RT community score to the critics one.

The movie has some problems and is perhaps not an 85%, but it's a far better than average movie. Also, you call people dumbasses for assuming you're up EvilLore's ass when you've just done the exact same thing in your post (assuming we've only gone to see it and give good impressions because Gary is here).

Sounds like you made a kneejerk judgement, got hit with backlash and are now falling back on "lololol, i like to exaggerate guyz"
I'd like to second this.

Overall, I find BobFromPikeCreek to be a shitty poster.
Wormdundee said:
You are ridiculous. The entire rest of the thread is good impressions with some middling to poor impressions thrown in. You then read one bad impression and instantly throw away the movie as sounding awful? Wtf man. Also, compare the RT community score to the critics one.

The movie has some problems and is perhaps not an 85%, but it's a far better than average movie. Also, you call people dumbasses for assuming you're up EvilLore's ass when you've just done the exact same thing in your post (assuming we've only gone to see it and give good impressions because Gary is here).

Sounds like you made a kneejerk judgement, got hit with backlash and are now falling back on "lololol, i like to exaggerate guyz"

Like I said. Mostly based on RT reviews and quoted his post because it basically summed up what I got from the RT reviews. Not seeing a problem with deciding I don't want to see a movie based on RT scores in a Rottenwatch thread.

And yeah, it was hyperbole. Or does it seem more reasonable to assume that I was actually implying that everyone in the thread literally bought 90 tickets based solely on supporting Gary?
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