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Salon - On Hillary's warmongering in Libya, the devasation that followed.

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Bummer shes going to win. Bummer at the options too. Always wondered why people didnt grill her about Libya more.


Hillary Clinton wants to be hawkish with fucking Russia. That's all you need to know about her crazy level when it comes to international relations.


As long as the intervention against the regime is followed up with 15-25 or more years of preoccupation to establish the required functioning democracy, which will take trillions of dollars and the U.S. fighting off accusations of colonialism then yeah, U.S. should have intervened with its own military.

I don't recall the US spending trillions in Bosnia and Kosovo, nor their activities in both countries being branded "colonialism" (Russia Today moonbats not withstanding).

Hillary Clinton wants to be hawkish with fucking Russia. That's all you need to know about her crazy level when it comes to international relations.

In what way is she "hawkish" on Russia? She hardly wants to drop a nuke on Moscow FFS!


Hillary wants to bomb everyone, Bernie wants crazy tariffs, Trump wants to bomb everyone and enact crazy tariffs.

Sorry rest of the world but our options are pretty limited here.


I don't recall the US spending trillions in Bosnia and Kosovo, nor their activities in both countries being branded "colonialism" (Russia Today moonbats not withstanding).

Any from the Middle East region? Afg, Iraq, Libya ended up far worse after the U.S. interventions. Syria is becoming a hellhole with U.S./Gulf backed Rebels vs ISIS vs Assad.

In what way is she "hawkish" on Russia? She hardly wants to drop a nuke on Moscow FFS!

She's been letting herself go on Iran and Assad. Russia wants to protect Assad. She reps the neocon strategy of continuing warfare in Middle East with those dictators (or Monarchs) not allied up with the West.

Hillary wants to bomb everyone, Bernie wants crazy tariffs, Trump wants to bomb everyone and enact crazy tariffs.

Sorry rest of the world but our options are pretty limited here.

No. Trump and Bernie are far better than Hillary. Trump specially has come out strongly against interventions against governments in Mid East - wants to join Russia's coalition in Syria and stop fighting Assad. Bernie has also called out Clinton repeatedly on her hawkish mindset.


Any from the Middle East region? Afg, Iraq, Libya ended up far worse after the U.S. interventions. Syria is becoming a hellhole with U.S./Gulf backed Rebels vs ISIS vs Assad.

She's been letting herself go on Iran and Assad. Russia wants to protect Assad. She reps the neocon strategy of continuing warfare in Middle East with those dictators (or Monarchs) not allied up with the West.

No. Trump and Bernie are far better than Hillary. Trump specially has come out strongly against interventions against governments in Mid East - wants to join Russia's coalition in Syria and stop fighting Assad. Bernie has also called out Clinton repeatedly on her hawkish mindset.

Maybe we should travel back in time and hear Bernie's thoughts on Yugoslavia and Kosovo.


Any from the Middle East region? Afg, Iraq, Libya ended up far worse after the U.S. interventions. Syria is becoming a hellhole with U.S./Gulf backed Rebels vs ISIS vs Assad.

Afghanistan was the home of a certain terror organisation that perpetuated 9/11 and ruled by a fanatical, brutal regime just as insane as ISIS. There was NO way the US was going to avoid going in there. Oh, and FYI, Afghanistan has been pretty much fucked since the Russian invasion of '79 with constant war a feature of the country ever since. At the very least Afghanistan IS better place today than under Taliban (or Russian) rule.

Iraq was similarly also at war and in conflict in various guises since 1980 when it invaded Iran and later Kuwait. Saddam was a menace to the region and whether or not invading was the right thing to do today the country is still far better off than it was under that crazed despot.

And see my first post here for Libya. If you want to see what happens to countries that don't experience US intervention look to Syria where the worst humanitarian crisis since WWII is taking place. Iraq and Libya would have turned to shit anyway (Saddam and Gaddafi wouldn't have lived forever), and very likely as bad as Syria. At least by intervening in those countries they can avoid the very worst horrors that occurred in Syria.

Intervene: Bad outcome
Don't Intervene: Very bad outcome (genocide, crimes against humanity, millions fleeing to neighbouring countries)

She's been letting herself go on Iran and Assad. Russia wants to protect Assad. She reps the neocon strategy of continuing warfare in Middle East with those dictators (or Monarchs) not allied up with the West.

Right, but that doesn't answer my question about Clinton being hawkish towards Russia. Especially when you consider she's endorsed the same position as Obama, that Russia must be punished for its illegal invasion of Ukraine along with threats against allies in eastern Europe.

No. Trump and Bernie are far better than Hillary. Trump specially has come out strongly against interventions against governments in Mid East - wants to join Russia's coalition in Syria and stop fighting Assad. Bernie has also called out Clinton repeatedly on her hawkish mindset.

Trump is better than Hillary? Oh FFS!

In case anyone doesn't know the Russian dictator Putin has endorsed Trump as has his propaganda arm Russia Today.


God I hate Hillary's foreign policy. Probably my least favorite thing about her outside her complacency with lobbyists.


Maybe we should travel back in time and hear Bernie's thoughts on Yugoslavia and Kosovo.

But Bernie wasn't secretary of state and didn't push towards the situations of Syria and Libya?

In terms of Yugoslavia and Kosovo - here you go, I'm not saying Sanders is some sort of ideal candidate in terms of Foreign Policy just a lot better than Clinton and the Republican candidates. He usually votes for wars where there is a wide coalition, plan what happens after the war and reason for the war. Simply removing genocidal maniacs won't resolve genocide if you don't fill the vacuum created by such an action. In most cases whether it's Iraq, Libya or Syria it appears that the first inclination of Hillary is get involved, antagonize opponents and prop up convenient genocidally inclined dictators while removing the inconvenient ones.

Afghanistan was the home of a certain terror organisation that perpetuated 9/11 and ruled by a fanatical, brutal regime just as insane as ISIS. There was NO way the US was going to avoid going in there. Oh, and FYI, Afghanistan has been pretty much fucked since the Russian invasion of '79 with constant war a feature of the country ever since. At the very least Afghanistan IS better place today than under Taliban (or Russian) rule.

You do realize how the Taliban and Mujahideen came to prominence, I'd wager to say that the brief time before the Soviet-Afghan war is actually the most prosperous period of time for Afghanistan since the middle ages. I'm sure it was a lot happier time for 50% of the Afghan population as well since they didn't have religious nutcases controlling every part of their life
To say that Russian rule is worse for the majority of population compared to Taliban and Mujahideen rule is simply to close your eyes to women everywhere.

Iraq was similarly also at war and in conflict in various guises since 1980 when it invaded Iran and later Kuwait. Saddam was a menace to the region and whether or not invading was the right thing to do today the country is still far better off than it was under that crazed despot.

Why was in Iraq in such state, let me remind you:

"In September 1960, Qasim demanded that the Anglo American-owned Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC) share 20% of the ownership and 55% of the profits with the Iraqi government. Then, in response to the IPC's rejection of this proposal, Qasim issued Public Law 80, which would have taken away 99.5% of the IPC's ownership and established an Iraqi national oil company to oversee the export of Iraqi oil. British and US officials and multinationals demanded that the Kennedy administration place pressures on the Qasim regime.[29] The Government of Iraq, under Qasim, along with five petroleum-exporting nations met at a conference held 10–14 September 1960 in Baghdad, thereby creating OPEC"

Yep that's right the usual geopolitical interests.

And see my first post here for Libya. If you want to see what happens to countries that don't experience US intervention look to Syria where the worst humanitarian crisis since WWII is taking place. Iraq and Libya would have turned to shit anyway (Saddam and Gaddafi wouldn't have lived forever), and very likely as bad as Syria. At least by intervening in those countries they can avoid the very worst horrors that occurred in Syria.

Intervene: Bad outcome
Don't Intervene: Very bad outcome (genocide, crimes against humanity, millions fleeing to neighbouring countries)

The history of US unilateral innervation has always been one of complicit genocide - whether the US acts covertly or overtly
Hillary's foreign policy is legit scary. She's such a hawk. What's she gonna do when Russia ignores her no-fly zone over Syria?
Re: Reddit - As a lifelong atheist, the last 15 years has been a ride I wish I could get off of honestly.

I've watched Reddit darlings and anti-heroes of my own like Hitchens align with neocons and develop a rabid thirst for arab blood in hopes to kill all extremists and dictators before they have a chance to attack us, and yet now Reddit has an even deeper thirst for the blood of Clintons with the bizarre irony of Hillary being aligned with the likes of Hitchens to such a degree he'd probably be turning over in his grave if he would ever suffer the indignity of presuming that'd be possible.

Now I'm stuck trying to be pragmatic in an election year where I'm forced to pick between Plastic Hitler, Woody Guthrie, and Commander Hilldog. I really don't see this as anything but a pragmatic choice, though I have at least faith in the general intelligence of both Democrats, something which I do not have for the pool of Republicans.

Hillary to me seems to carry the poise I feel is probably beneficial for a national leader, and by being the most likely Democrat to win, my lot is simply thrown in with her. There is much about her I both adore and despise. This is not a foreign dissonance for a rational human being to carry into any election booth. Bernie I think is a fine human being and a choice I'd have no issue getting behind, but I feel his policies will not fly in the general and are likely impossible to implement practically at worst or at the mercy of Congress at best. And Trump is a used car salesman.
Barring weird circumstances it seems pretty much a lock now that Hillary will be the next president. It is going to be sad when all the liberals who voted her in get shellshocked when they realize how much of a hawk she is when it comes to foreign policy.

Ironically Trump is more words than actual action, while no doubt he would be bad for progressives on domestic issues he would basically be an isolationist when it comes to foreign policy, whereas Hillary is definitely going to be a "America can do good... oops, we fucked that up, didn't we" mini George W Bush. She definitely won't make the same mistakes he did, but it'll be fascinating to see all the new ways to fuck up she finds.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Any from the Middle East region? Afg, Iraq, Libya ended up far worse after the U.S. interventions. Syria is becoming a hellhole with U.S./Gulf backed Rebels vs ISIS vs Assad.
Since the invasion Afghanistan has improved in most categories, including infant mortality, life expectancy, and education. The gains are probably underwhelming given the massive investment, but the country started at a very, very low base, and this is an historically poor region.
Barring weird circumstances it seems pretty much a lock now that Hillary will be the next president. It is going to be sad when all the liberals who voted her in get shellshocked when they realize how much of a hawk she is when it comes to foreign policy.

Ironically Trump is more words than actual action, while no doubt he would be bad for progressives on domestic issues he would basically be an isolationist when it comes to foreign policy, whereas Hillary is definitely going to be a "America can do good... oops, we fucked that up, didn't we" mini George W Bush. She definitely won't make the same mistakes he did, but it'll be fascinating to see all the new ways to fuck up she finds.

Actually the most terrifying thing about Trump is we have no idea what he would be like, and so far he's shown no restraint in acting out in a presidential campaign. He allows emotion to drive him, and any sign of weakness he must stop by showing strength. That does not sound like someone with the kind of demeanor I would respect to run our military as President.
I won't lie, there's this little whisper in the back of my mind telling me Trump will get into office and just yell "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS" at the inauguration, and sit on his ass doing nothing but taxing the rich for some reason for 4 years and just constantly dare Congress to impeach him

I try to chalk it up to too much caffeine late at night


Barring weird circumstances it seems pretty much a lock now that Hillary will be the next president. It is going to be sad when all the liberals who voted her in get shellshocked when they realize how much of a hawk she is when it comes to foreign policy.

Ironically Trump is more words than actual action, while no doubt he would be bad for progressives on domestic issues he would basically be an isolationist when it comes to foreign policy, whereas Hillary is definitely going to be a "America can do good... oops, we fucked that up, didn't we" mini George W Bush. She definitely won't make the same mistakes he did, but it'll be fascinating to see all the new ways to fuck up she finds.

Right, the only combat he has experience with is either in divorce court or the Celebrity Apprentice.
Yes - why didn't U.S. go fuck up yet another dictator so fundamentalists or Gulf's Sunni units could next fight to own the country by butchering even more civilians. Oh wait the U.S. did ship weapons to the Gulf states, equip and train rebels who just ended up joining Nusra, ISIS.

US barely gave resources or training. Obama has been greatly criticized for causing the protracted civil war in Syria for not getting involved.


That's my queen

Yas, queen, more blood!



USA: Truly the hand of God.

Only country which will interfere in a foreign sovereign nation's affairs and claim it was for the good of the us all. Samaritan, messiah.
As the article says, it was a EU and Canada lead effort. This is one weird situation where Americans are taking responsibility for something they're not responsible for OR more likely, people just want to sling mud on Obama/Clinton and make it stick, which is exactly what this is.


What makes you 100% certain that's not the case?




Direct action, Airstrikes and legal proceedings against members. Listen if that's what support looks like to you then you didn't get hugged enough as a kid.
As the article says, it was a EU and Canada lead effort. This is one weird situation where Americans are taking responsibility for something they're not responsible for OR more likely, people just want to sling mud on Obama/Clinton and make it stick, which is exactly what this is.

my favorite part is the mud coming from other people on the left who prop up sanders in the same breath. i mean the right is partially imploding right now so someone has to do it i guess




You only have the government's word here to believe, and honestly, what reason do they have to be transparent? The idea that the U.S. is both helping and fighting ISIS may seem far-fetched, but it would be smart to put some trust in an award-winning journalist.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
If I had a $1 for every use of the word "hawk" in this thread...

Out of curiosity, Why are so many people using that particular word? I'm learning a lot here on the topic, but At a high level, this thread reads like a Fox News day where all reporters are reading from the same talking points on both sides of any argument



You only have the government's word here to believe, and honestly, what reason do they have to be transparent? The idea that the U.S. is both helping and fighting ISIS may seem far-fetched, but it would be smart to put some trust in an award-winning journalist.

I really shouldn't respond to such a comment, but:

That piece by Hersch has been discredited by every major news source especially due to its heavy reliance on "unnamed sources." Why is it every time someone talks about the government being completely corrupt and waging wars for corporations they rely on "alternative" news sources? Also, who do you think makes up the government? It is not some monolithic entity of "others" carrying out one will. The government is made up of the people and are accountable by the people. What reason do they have to be transparent? Um, how about the law? How about after four soldiers died to to a security mishap in Benghazi, Libya we had dozens of Congressional investigations into the incident because the President's political opponents would love to find anything they can to show that Obama and/or Hilary dropped the ball and in the best scenario violated the law.

So, there would be this elaborate conspiracy by the government to create and fund ISIS in an attempt to create perpetual warfare and destabilize the Middle-East, for some reason. And, they hide this fact by also throwing support against every effort to combat ISIS so we cannot be blamed for the problem. OR it could just be that you're wrong and every other credible news report and our elected officials are telling the truth.



You only have the government's word here to believe, and honestly, what reason do they have to be transparent? The idea that the U.S. is both helping and fighting ISIS may seem far-fetched, but it would be smart to put some trust in an award-winning journalist.

Ah, it's only Hersh, and here I thought we were going full on Infowars/RT.

For all you need to know about his credibility look to his claim that Bin Laden was "Torn apart by machine gun fire" and literally ground up by rifle bullets. Not even 50s do that, you still have a body. He's a voracious anti-western journalist who tends to fall in love with stories that fit his cognitive bias, it's ironic that he is victim to the same shortsightedness that started the 2003 invasion. Awards don't mean much to me.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
If I had a $1 for every use of the word "hawk" in this thread...

Out of curiosity, Why are so many people using that particular word? I'm learning a lot here on the topic, but At a high level, this thread reads like a Fox News day where all reporters are reading from the same talking points on both sides of any argument
Bernie supporters have taken up false Fox News claims about Hilary.


If I had a $1 for every use of the word "hawk" in this thread...

Out of curiosity, Why are so many people using that particular word? I'm learning a lot here on the topic, but At a high level, this thread reads like a Fox News day where all reporters are reading from the same talking points on both sides of any argument

Hawk generally refers to someone who's especially pro war, aggression, military or military intervention, often disregarding long term ramifications for short sighted or misplaced gain. Hilary's actions such as the ones mentioned in the OP article, Eg her stance on Libya, Syria, the Iraq war, Putin, Yemen etc etc, have garnered her such a label and reputation.
God I hate Hillary's foreign policy. Probably my least favorite thing about her outside her complacency with lobbyists.

She is the only one with a realistic foreign policy. Everyone else is talking about how they are going to force Saudi Arabia and Qatar to solve all of the world's problems.


I really shouldn't respond to such a comment, but:

That piece by Hersch has been discredited by every major news source especially due to its heavy reliance on "unnamed sources." Why is it every time someone talks about the government being completely corrupt and waging wars for corporations they rely on "alternative" news sources? Also, who do you think makes up the government? It is not some monolithic entity of "others" carrying out one will. The government is made up of the people and are accountable by the people. What reason do they have to be transparent? Um, how about the law? How about after four soldiers died to to a security mishap in Benghazi, Libya we had dozens of Congressional investigations into the incident because the President's political opponents would love to find anything they can to show that Obama and/or Hilary dropped the ball and in the best scenario violated the law.

So, there would be this elaborate conspiracy by the government to create and fund ISIS in an attempt to create perpetual warfare and destabilize the Middle-East, for some reason. And, they hide this fact by also throwing support against every effort to combat ISIS so we cannot be blamed for the problem. OR it could just be that you're wrong and every other credible news report and our elected officials are telling the truth.

In the article Hersh anticipated that he would receive criticism for his reliance on an anonymous by stating that in the past, he has won awards for using an anonymous source. In the absence of concrete evidence on either side regarding what is actually going on in the Middle East, I'm not going to completely assume anything but still put some consideration into Hersh's story because of his track record.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Can we just stop with this ridiculous sentiment?

Can we stop with the ridiculous claims of painting Hilary as a war hawk just because she as a secretary of state carried out her president's policy in conjunction with NATO.

The guy was indiscriminately killing his own civilians. what do all of you people would do? nothing?

People in this thread calling her a warmongerer for doing the right thing show me that they dont know a thing about anything. they are idealist lefties who want an isolationist agenda not unlike Ron Paul's. It's a naive agenda. it's a cold hearted agenda.

The funny thing is that Obama himself said that if Assad used chemical weapons on his own civilians we would invade Syria. Assad used them anyway and obama did nothing. two years later ISIS is now capable of launching massive terrorists attacks through out europe. where did that policy of not taking out dictators get us?


Heh. I remember Democrats praising our approach in Libya when it happened, precisely because 1.) We didn't go it alone and 2.) We didn't go to war.

They're in the middle of a fucking civil war though. Help. Don't help. They'd likely still be in the same place they are now. Its not a nice time to live somewhere. This is one case where I don't think we actually made things worse.


So yeah totally Hillary's fault on Libya.
France, Italy and the rest of the Western countries only followed Big Bad Hillary on this.
If it weren't for Hillary the then French government would have no reason to push for Gaddafi's head.
France is blameless, it's all Hillary's fault.
So yeah totally Hillary's fault on Libya.
France, Italy and the rest of the Western countries only followed Big Bad Hillary on this.
If it weren't for Hillary the then French government would have no reason to push for Gaddafi's head.
France is blameless, it's all Hillary's fault.

That Hillary, forcing the UN to sanction a No fly zone over Libya.


So yeah totally Hillary's fault on Libya.
France, Italy and the rest of the Western countries only followed Big Bad Hillary on this.
If it weren't for Hillary the then French government would have no reason to push for Gaddafi's head.
France is blameless, it's all Hillary's fault.
Everyone glosses over the fact that France and U.K dragged you Yanks into this thing.
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