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Save A Life: Naughty Dog fan leather smith fighting cancer (Last stretch ~1.1k left!)

I was planning on buying a cuff and donating another $20. But the $30 international shipping...probably better spent elsewhere.

How free is the free shipping on their end?
Otherwise I'll just straight up donate.


I was planning on buying a cuff and donating another $20. But the $30 international shipping...probably better spent elsewhere.

How free is the free shipping on their end?
Otherwise I'll just straight up donate.
David told me that shipping doesn't cost him that much. It may have to do with the fact that he ships all his products in batches (all orders until november 7th (iirc) were shipped in one go yesterday, next shipment is due january) but he says that anyone can make use of the free shipping code. So go for it! Otherwise, you can do what I did, and buy the cuff, use the free shipping code, and also add an extra donation to your basket just to make sure.

Either way, thank you for your support!!

is there a way to track progress?
On the GoFundMe page you can track our progress!

Oh and to all the people who have donated small amounts of money, your donations are great and keep them coming! In fact, we probably won't make it with just the big donations. If everyone here donated 2 bucks, we can DEFINITELY get to our goal!! So please, if you can miss just one dollar or two, you can make them count!!
So I had an idea, even though I know it's impossible/would never happen, but it would be awesome if Naughty Dog sponsored this in a way where if the amount of people needed to donate five bucks did, they'd take five dollars off of Uncharted or The Last of Us or something.

But I know video game pricing isn't that easy.


So I had an idea, even though I know it's impossible/would never happen, but it would be awesome if Naughty Dog sponsored this in a way where if the amount of people needed to donate five bucks did, they'd take five dollars off of Uncharted or The Last of Us or something.

But I know video game pricing isn't that easy.
That would be insanely awesome and exactly what we need, but so far they've ignored all my messages and tweets and it's weekend now... With just two days left to get the money.

We're really running out of options now. I don't think ND is going to help us. We should try to give kotaku and other sites another push, gaming news usually dies around the weekend so maybe they're finally willing to listen :(?

Maybe make an email template that everyone can copy and send out? We'd need a list of websites too. At the very least we should target the big ones: polygon, kotaku, destructoid, maybe more?

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
So I had an idea, even though I know it's impossible/would never happen, but it would be awesome if Naughty Dog sponsored this in a way where if the amount of people needed to donate five bucks did, they'd take five dollars off of Uncharted or The Last of Us or something.

But I know video game pricing isn't that easy.

So basically people wouldn't donate shit, ND would.

Anyway, $40 with free shipping for the clicker's bust/pencil holder is a goddamn steal.

The Lamp

It is still unclear what the situation is with his insurance. Beyond that, a lot of top cancer treatment centers seem to not be accessible through the new plans that insurers have put up.

You're damn right, a lot of that stuff has been fucked up now. My insurance policy has been fucked up (and this is my second switch) ever since these new changes to our system have been occurring. Less and less coverage, less doctors in network, higher co-pays, higher premiums, more fees. Can't see the doctors we used to.

I'm really sorry to hear about this guy's cancer. Pancreatic is ruthless. I wish him the best. His work is amazing.


America never ceases to amaze me. Dude working at a relatively prestigious developer company has cancer and will due unless a bunch of strangers donate money.

That this is a possibility in a 1st world nation is so crazy.

And it never ceases to amaze me how Europeans, especially from small homogeneous countries with high taxes and socialized health care spout things without understand the complexities behind them in such threads.

Try getting a universal EU health care passed so that every citizen or resident of a European Union nation gers free health care, see if it'll happen.

Going by the Kotaku article, the man didn't have health insurance and has contracted a rare and serious form of cancer. Few nations in the world would be able to provide him world class service for free.

My friends mother contracted breast cancer in BC, the level of service she received, while free, was pitiful compared to a great uncle who had contracted liver cancer in Washington but had health insurance.

I agree health care in America needs reform, but it's something that will start small, maybe at the state level. You forget that there are also powerful lobbies that prevent such things as well.

That being said, I donated, and will try and let others know so that word spreads. We're all gamers here, let's show how good our community can be.


Again? We just had that Insomniac intern. $48000 is really quite a lot. This just shows how fucked up and behind the times the US is with not providing universal healthcare. I'm glad to live in the EU for that - as a student I don't need to pay anything at all and it's valid not just in my home country but also in all other EU countries.

But sure, that's communism ;)


Surely this is good enough proof alone that the American health system is fucked up beyond belief? I don't have any money in my account right now but I'll be donating £20 when I get paid in a fortnight. I urge all of BritGAF to do the same; talented individuals such as this guy cannot be left without our support.


Got word from David that he still has more than enough stock of the items on the website, so feel free to purchase them! All the funds are going towards David's treatment!

Tried uploading it to reddit and for some reason it got caught in the spam filter. like god dammit.
What, really? What kind of bullshit is that :(. Any way to circumvent it?


Surely this is good enough proof alone that the American health system is fucked up beyond belief? I don't have any money in my account right now but I'll be donating £20 when I get paid in a fortnight. I urge all of BritGAF to do the same; talented individuals such as this guy cannot be left without our support.

Regardless of the state of American healthcare, the real question now is whether enough people will be a little generous right now. Right now, I really hope that deadline isn't as set-in-stone as it sounds.


Currently recovering from Chondrosarcoma at 22. I really appreciate the healthcare system here after reading this story. Even if most other things suck my case was dealt with extremely quickly. Since now I'll have to go back to college since my degree is worthless with limited movement in my arm now I'm having difficulties with pretty much every things else but health care I cannot complain about. Unfortunately since I'm unable to work I can't afford to donate any money to the cause but I just hope you can raise the money you need.
Pancreatic cancer that has spread, it doesn't sound like a good outcome is likely. Incredibly sad especially considering how young he is, quite scary as well. I'll put a donation in tomorrow when i get around to it.


This thread needs more attention.

Tried already to spread the news on Twitter. Come on guys, donate something :( (I did!)
Just purchased a tank from his website. I assume anything bought from there isn't added to the gofundme total, so hopefully things are better than they appear.


I made a template that people can use to email editors/websites/whatever to spread the word and to get a chance of it being picked up. Let me know if anything seems off or can be worded better. English is not my first language and I'm not used to writing these sort of things...

I'd like to point out an GoFundMe campaign which might be interesting for you to report on. David Vigil, owner of That Vigilante, is suffering from Stage 2 Pancreatic cancer and is in dire need of funds to get him treated.

David makes amazing designs based on Naughty Dog's games, such as items inspired by Uncharted and The Last of Us. He has made lifelike replicas of Joel and Ellie's backpacks, a Clicker pencil holder, recreated many of Drake's equipment and much more.

To get David treated, he needs $48,000 before November 18th. It is a heck of a goal, and he can use all the help he can get. So far, with just the help of a single topic on NeoGAF, already more than $5,000 has been donated. Achieving David's goal is incredibly hard, but definitely not impossible.

Please share his story on your website so that the word can go around and David has a better chance of beating this thing for once and for all.

Thank you so much.

For more information:
GoFundMe page: http://www.gofundme.com/thefightbegins
David's website: http://www.thatvigilante.com
NeoGAF topic: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=715529

If you wish to contact Jackson, who is running the campaign for David, you can reach him at jacksonjtay@gmail.com

Once again thank you for your attention.

Please use it to email or message anyone who you think has the right social connections to get the word around.

Try Kotaku (you can email them tips from the front page), PM/mail Jason Schreier, Destructoid, Giant Bomb, anyone goes.

On that note, although it may seem wrong, I suggest we leave Naughty Dog alone. Thinking about it, David isn't a licensed merchandiser and if they want they can make David close shop with some copyright claims. David greatly respects Naughty Dog so let's stop to make them look bad!

Thanks everyone!


Hate to do this, but gonna bump this again.

I sent emails to kotaku, giantbomb and destructoid so far. If anyone has other great suggestions, please post them.

Also please keep posting so this thread doesn't drown in the nextgen hype. Every couple of minutes this thread is visibile, we could get another donation or two.


Poor guy, I really hope we can make it and that he will get better.

I bought the Pencil Holder and Roger Cuff: he's really talented :)


I'm glad to live in the EU for that - as a student I don't need to pay anything at all and it's valid not just in my home country but also in all other EU countries.

That's definitely not true for some EU countries.

For example in Germany you have to pay a certain percentage of the cost of each medicine. It doesn't matter if you are student/job-less or actually got a job. There are a few, that you get 100% free, but for most you need to pay a bit on top.

Of course not as fucked up as the US medical system.

You also need to pay afaik 10EUR per day while being inpatient (which is limited to a month - the payment, not being inpatient lol).


This thread has really died :(. Bumping hardly does anything anymore.

Boyfriend just bought the jolly roger cuff with an extra donation. I'm gonna try squeeze in an extra donation tomorrow, although I can"t really afford it... I'll gladly sacrifice some of the money I had reserved for grocery shopping if it can help save a life though.

Fingers crossed this somehow spreads to other sites and new people get to see this and donate.


I donated $5.

If any of you have any far reaching contacts, put it up on Facebook/Twitter, or message it to someone who does.
I just wanted to say that I got an email back saying that my item will be customized as asked when I ordered it. In this hard time, I really want to thank David for doing this still for me.

Hang in there everyone.


Has this been posted around other gaming forums yet?
I think someone tried to post it on the Playstation forums, I don't know what happened to that. Will check later today and make a topic if there isn't one yet.

Someone tried to post it to reddit but it got caught in the spam filter...

Major gaming news outlets aren't responding or doing anything with it so far...

Seems GAF is the only place giving a fuck right now :(. If you're a member of any other gaming board, feel free to copy the OP and post it wherever you want. Anything to get more attention to this horrible situation.
Of course they don't give a shit. They're too busy covering the console launches to actually do anything about it. Because that's more important than potentially saving a life. Stupid bullshit. They should be ashamed.

Which outlets haven't responded thus far?


This thread has really died :(. Bumping hardly does anything anymore.

Boyfriend just bought the jolly roger cuff with an extra donation. I'm gonna try squeeze in an extra donation tomorrow, although I can"t really afford it... I'll gladly sacrifice some of the money I had reserved for grocery shopping if it can help save a life though.

Fingers crossed this somehow spreads to other sites and new people get to see this and donate.

Can I ask why you're pushing so hard for this?

Seems GAF is the only place giving a fuck right now :(. If you're a member of any other gaming board, feel free to copy the OP and post it wherever you want. Anything to get more attention to this horrible situation.

Nobody cares because nobody knows who he is. Has the actual guy with cancer posted something about this himself? Because all I see is stuff posted from everyone except him telling me to donate. I wish him all the best, but I've not seen a donation fund like this before.


I just posted this on the Bioware Social Network, not sure how many people will see it, but it should be at least a few :/


This thread has more replies than the donation site has received donations.

Maybe you guys should stop wasting time writing how sad it is and instead pledge 10 minutes worth of labor wages to the foundation. This forum in general is all talk and political correctness, but very little action.
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