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SCEE confirms three-hour press conference for GamesCom

Sentry said:
I'm pretty sure it was confirmed, however there is definitely a few 'secret PS3 games' that no one has a clue about that look amazing, funny how people sort of assume everything they have seen or know about all there is.

Oh I'm well aware, honestly I'm sure Sony has their next 3-4 years pretty mapped out for self published games. They've always had great 1st party games and if history is anything to go by, the next few years are going to be pretty damn good for playstation owners.
Xenomorph said:
If we see some slim bundles, what do you fellow Gaffers think the bundles will be?

Euro-wise they could include the titles that will be going into the European Platinum range on the 1st of September.

Edited because titles I'd heard were going in it, aren't.

I still think they'll include platinum games if they include any at all, until Uncharted 2 launches.
Galvanise_ said:
Euro-wise they could include the titles that will be going into the European Platinum range on the 1st of September.

  • Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
  • Killzone 2
  • Resistance 2

If you're basing that on the "leaked" list from last month, then that was proven to be fake.


Still Alive
yurinka said:
In 3 hours, I think it:

-PS3 Slim
-Price cut
-New wand design (let's hope it's a splittable DS3 with smaller color balls), announcement of games supporting it
-Firmware 3.0 includes Real 3D tech showed in CES and new PSN Store, clock fix and tweaked UI
-New PSN store for PSP/PS3/other Sony gadgets featuring worldwide movies, music new platforms oficially emulated in PSP/PS3, and for PSP featuring Apps & small games.
-Playable games with Real 3D tech + wand
-BC is back
-GT5 launch in 2009
-PSN Cards in Europe
-Videos of Agent, FFXIV
-Playable announced games like FFXIII, GOW3, Uncharted 2, EyePet, MAG, etc
-A lot of PS1 games for PSP Go launch
-Announcements of Wipeout PS3, Super Stardust HD 2, GOW PSP2, Killzone Liberation 2, Heavenly Sword 2 or Twisted Metal PS3
H_Prestige said:
Is it possible they announce KZ3 as a surprise? I'd be down with that.
:lol :lol :lol At this rate GC is set straight on course for dissapointment.
Vinterbird said:
If you're basing that on the "leaked" list from last month, then that was proven to be fake.

Ah, okay. I'll edit my post in case other people didn't get the memo like me.:lol

Well, I hope a few new Platinum games are announced at the conference, and those used.
Sentry said:
:lol :lol :lol At this rate GC is set straight on course for dissapointment.

:lol :lol. Is there ever going to be a Heavenly Sword 2, i can't recall ever hearing anything. God damn i remember playing that demo so long ago and having my mind blown all over my television.
Terrordactyl said:
:lol :lol. Is there ever going to be a Heavenly Sword 2, i can't recall ever hearing anything. God damn i remember playing that demo so long ago and having my mind blown all over my television.

Probably never going to happen, as Sony owns the IP but the developer is doing another multiplatform project.
Terrordactyl said:
:lol :lol. Is there ever going to be a Heavenly Sword 2, i can't recall ever hearing anything. God damn i remember playing that demo so long ago and having my mind blown all over my television.

So far no word on HS 2. Which sucks. Ninja Theory are working on a multiplatform game and Sony owns the IP so... but yeah if one day I ever hear a Heavenly Sword 2 announcment that would be my own personal megaton.

edit: beaten
Philanthropist said:
Probably never going to happen, as Sony owns the IP but the developer is doing another multiplatform project.

Yeah I heard that much, thats a shame it was a very polished game and underrated as far as I'm concerned. It could have done without the cannon and arrow sections, otherwise i guess the game is quite a bit like God of War.


Terrordactyl said:
Yeah I heard that much, thats a shame it was a very polished game and underrated as far as I'm concerned. It could have done without the cannon and arrow sections, otherwise i guess the game is quite a bit like God of War.
They could get Ready at Dawn to make it :D


yurinka said:
In 3 hours, I think it:
-Firmware 3.0 includes Real 3D tech showed in CES and new PSN Store, clock fix and tweaked UI
They will reveal that the Clock has always been in 3D and that the time is actually behind the battery meter in 3D. If you want to see the time quicker.... buy the glasses!


I reckon they'll show GT5 with an extended trailer of the one we saw at E3....much like Sony did with God Of War 3 when it was premieired at the Spike Awards in December last year, then the extended one from February showing everything.

There's stuff in the GT5 E3 trailer where it cuts away at convienient times; like the NASCAR and Citroen GT spinning out. I *hope* that that stuff will be extended and we'll see the full thing, like car carnage in the NASCAR races :D

Damage doesn't bother me per se, but carnage does happen in NASCAR, and there's no reason why it shouldn't be in GT5.

Though primarily I just hope the AI does NASCAR races the justice it deserves. Most NASCAR races are pretty crazy, I'd hate to see it ruined by the artificially unintelligent GT AI.


Is there really going to be much of anything in terms of stuff we already don't know? I can't see to many announcements happening with TGS around the corner, especially from Japanese developers, and with e3 only having been two months ago, I doubt there's anything ready for this show that wasn't already a part of e3.

Whatever it is, I hope it's good, I've been playing my Playstation 3 more and more lately.
TheJollyCorner said:
I completely forgot about that. I really am wondering what the makers of Warhawk are up to now. I'm expecting something from them next E3, though. All I'm expecting from GamesCom is the Playstation 3 Slim. Anything else is just icing on the cake. :)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
TheJollyCorner said:

I'm afraid that's too soon. I'm following Dylan Jobe on twitter (and damn does he post A LOT on that thing :lol). They have just relocated to a new building and are currently showing early milestones to Sony (which appears to be very pleased).

Doubt we will see anything Starhawk related then. Perhaps a CG teaser or something at most.


I checked this thread for updates, but the latest Podcast Beyond mentioned the 3 hour press conference rumor. They said the time block was set aside so they could set up and people could get seated, things like that; the actual conference is probably not much more than an hour and a half to maybe two hours.
Doubledex said:
Sorry, but it won't

Thanks for letting me know. Thats really disappointing for me. I hope one of the UK studios has a reveal, and hopefully a new IP. Do you reckon it'll be revealed by the end of this year, or will it be a GDC/E3 announcement.

Is it Sony's turn for the GDC keynote in 2010?


klee123 said:
Didn't game republic announce a while ago that they were working with a western company to develop licensed games? If true, then meh.


Yeah, they're making a game with Brash Entertainment and it's based of a Hollywood license


Shitty shovelware confirmed.

Brash has gone out of business already.


Terrordactyl said:
:lol :lol. Is there ever going to be a Heavenly Sword 2, i can't recall ever hearing anything. God damn i remember playing that demo so long ago and having my mind blown all over my television.

What? The demo was a total piece of shit. I'm going to assume you're just joking.


if any one remembers Cellius

Cellius, located in Shibuya, Tokyo, is a computer game developer founded in 2007 as a venture between Sony and Namco Bandai. The aim of the company is to "help take share from Microsoft Corp. and Nintendo Co." [1] Sony hopes that the company will make up for the losses it made during quarter two of its financial year. 'Father of the Playstation' Ken Kutaragi was announced as CEO.


I hope sony talks about the games Cellius has been making,cuz they've kept it shady for a WHILE.
Kyoufu said:
What? The demo was a total piece of shit. I'm going to assume you're just joking.

You judge a games existence by its demo? Most demo's I have played this generation have been awful/bad/not compelling but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy the full experience. Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm and more are all examples of games that I've thought the demo was 'meh' but have then gone on to love the full game.

Kittonwy said:
Does Ready At Dawn has PS3 ready development tools outside of Sony's own Edge Tools?

They are currently making a multiplatform game, I thought. Doesn't stop them doing it in the future though.


Kittonwy said:
Does Ready At Dawn has PS3 ready development tools outside of Sony's own Edge Tools?
They are supposedly making 2 games for the HD consoles.
I think Capcom is publishing 1 of them and SCE is publishing the other.
clashfan said:
Are we going to hear about the secret ps3 game?

There are a few secret PS3 games, but THE secret PS3 game that Darren Waters from the BBC referred to, was The Last Guardian from Team ICO.

Edit, beaten.:D


Galvanise_ said:
There are a few secret PS3 games, but THE secret PS3 game that Darren Waters from the BBC referred to, was The Last Guardian from Team ICO.

I though the BBC guy said it wasn't a team ico game that he saw?


Hopefully they will bring back Eight Days because the PS3 needs a game which is Co-op based.

Also Getaway should be back too. :)
offshore said:
Are there "other" secret PS3 games then?

I thought there was only the BBC one.

Well yeah. Sony have other new IP in development. They don't just sit there at the beginning of the generation and say 'right, that's all well and good fella's, but your new IP isn't really the type of secret we are after'. Cambridge's game, Liverpool's new game, London's 'core' team/s etc all have new IP's probably, and because of their unknown status, are a secret! :lol


I was more referring to secret ones that the media know about but can't talk about....a-la BBC.

He knew about it, but he couldn't talk about it. That's what I'm talking about.

It's pretty obvious Sony will have secret stuff going on all the time.
offshore said:
I was more referring to secret ones that the media know about but can't talk about....a-la BBC.

He knew about it, but he couldn't talk about it. That's what I'm talking about.

It's pretty obvious Sony will have secret stuff going on all the time.

Ah getcha. I wouldn't be surprised if OPM UK have seen some of the in development UK made titles. Someone in the media must know, but none of them are as big of a tease as good old Darren from the BBC!

P.S I'd love Phil Harrison to come back.
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