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Scribblenauts Preview/Impressions Thread - You will say "wow." (see post #217)


EviLore said:
Novelty? Novelty is the typical "sandbox" game of deciding on shooting this guy with an uzi or sniping him from a rooftop or hitting him with a car. Novelty is adding a few new shader effects and retooling some mechanics for sequel #35 of safe profit franchise #5037. This is thinking of basically any object and it appearing in the damn game with the attributes and functionality that you'd expect from it. That's not novelty, that's redefining what is possible in a video game.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Jackson said:
Pre-ordering the game is how the game will be promoted better actually, if it has large pre-orders then it will get more backing, because they know its going to be a success. People should always pre-order games they want to support. :)

Sir, I've done something I've never done before.

I just got back from my local GameStop after pre-ordering 5 copies of Scribblenauts! (The guy at the register absolutely loved me, considering I just doubled his daily quota of res.) I haven't reserved a game since the launch of the GameCube, but dammit you said it'd help, so there you go.

And I didn't just reserve them for no reason; I fully intend on buying 5 copies of the game. (Paid 3 of them off in full already.) I'm getting it for my brother, sister, mom/dad, and brother-in-law for Christmas. Plus me. =)

It's a Scribblenauts Christmas! =D


Corporate Apologist
jrricky said:
Hey Jackson, how about the preorder bonus be "5th Cell's Official Dictionary"?
That would be pretty cool if they did it really extensively, making it a really thick full color book, with a picture of what it makes, a small definition about it, and some details about its attributes.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Wow at the preorders!

I sincerely hope that this is one of the few occasions where this hardcore gaming forum has enough pull to significantly alter the fortunes of a title for the better. I'm actually kind of proud to be a part of this! :D

Mike M

Nick N
AdventureRacing said:
As soon as i showed my fiancee this she loved it. I think this has the potential to be a real hit.
Heh, my wife wishes I'd shut up about it. She didn't even seem to care that Van Helsing was in the game, which is ironic because that was something she specifically asked if you could summon when I said you had to get around vampires and stuff.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I kinda don't want a dictionary of what's all in the game, just because I want to be surprised on what's not. I could see myself (after a while) just looking in the dictionary to see if a word is in there or not, or accidentally seeing an AWESOME surprise word while flipping through.

Half the fun of this game is the surprise and seeing what other people came up with that you didn't.


I just went out and picked up a DSi today, basically because of this game. I can not wait to waste a good portion of my time doing the most ridiculous things I can imagine in this game...


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I want to write "internet" and see if anything comes up.


Grandma's Chippy
My daughter has a DSI, but if she gets this game, I'll never get to play it.

Would hope for a PC port months down the line (so that DSI gets the initial rush ;P)

Or buy a second DSI I suppose ;)


Jackson said:
lol 50? This is DS :p I wish we had 50... Think of it like this... the level editor is icing on the cake, it's not the cake. :) removing a few memes isn't going to magically make more slots open, just now how it works sadly.

Don't worry though, it'll still be fun. :)

Add Unison and make him look like cartoon Hitler! :D


EviLore said:
Novelty? Novelty is the typical "sandbox" game of deciding on shooting this guy with an uzi or sniping him from a rooftop or hitting him with a car. Novelty is adding a few new shader effects and retooling some mechanics for sequel #35 of safe profit franchise #5037. This is thinking of basically any object and it appearing in the damn game with the attributes and functionality that you'd expect from it. That's not novelty, that's redefining what is possible in a video game.

Yes. I'm excited about Scribblenauts in so many ways. First, there's the little kid in me level, of just wanting to mess around. Then there's the casual gamer level of being excited about the game itself - you know, puzzles and stuff. Then there's the enthusiast gamer level of being excited about a new game concept, something we see so rarely nowadays. Then there's the armchair developer level of thinking about the influence on future games: the concept of using anything (reasonably available - not all games need to have the entire world's objects) and having the stuff act according to physics and object attributes instead of predefined uses and scripts would be awesome in, say, adventure games. Then there's the programmer (nerd) level of admiring the amount of work and cleverness of the object structure needed to build software like this. I could go on... Any which way I look at it, I'm in awe. Even if some aspects of the game turn out to be "sub-AAA", it will still be a landmark in game design.


Dacvak said:
Sir, I've done something I've never done before.

I just got back from my local GameStop after pre-ordering 5 copies of Scribblenauts! (The guy at the register absolutely loved me, considering I just doubled his daily quota of res.) I haven't reserved a game since the launch of the GameCube, but dammit you said it'd help, so there you go.

And I didn't just reserve them for no reason; I fully intend on buying 5 copies of the game. (Paid 3 of them off in full already.) I'm getting it for my brother, sister, mom/dad, and brother-in-law for Christmas. Plus me. =)

It's a Scribblenauts Christmas! =D

:lol :lol :lol :lol that's insane(ly awesome)... I don't even know what to say! You've stumped me! haha Thanks so much for spreading the Scrib love! :)


with this, KH 356/2 days, and Layton coming out within a month of eachother, its a really great time to own a DS

Neo C.

How do you guys from the 5th Cell do the bug testing? There are tons of objects, people can combine them - where are the limits?
BorkBork said:
Wow at the preorders!

I sincerely hope that this is one of the few occasions where this hardcore gaming forum has enough pull to significantly alter the fortunes of a title for the better. I'm actually kind of proud to be a part of this! :D

agreed. Getting the word out about this game has kinda become a mission for me. i think I mentioned the game to three friends today. :)

For me, it has been refreshing to see something unique start gathering hype from a convention dominated by sequels with massive production budgets.

Eteric Rice

Jackson said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol that's insane(ly awesome)... I don't even know what to say! You've stumped me! haha Thanks so much for spreading the Scrib love! :)

Just make sure you get as many words in there as humanly possible, and live up to the hype.

This could be 5th Cell's big chance! :D


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I forgot to mention that when I went to my local GameStop (a store I used to work at, so everyone there knows me), I tried to explain why Scribblenauts was so awesome that it warranted me pre-ordering 5 copies. Unfortunately, my store is filled with people who are about as thick as a good pudding, so by the end, they seemed interested, but not enthralled. Guess I'm going back tomorrow with my iPhone and plenty of videos to show them. :D

Seriously, though. I showed all of my local friends (probably a good 15 people) Scribblenauts so far, and people who have a DS are rejoicing, people who don't have a DS want one, and my friend Ryan who sold his DS is probably crying. Nintendo needs to give WB a hand here and start marketing the shit out of this game, because it's a real console-seller.

And if we succeed, and this game sells a million copies within a year, I'll get a Maxwell tattoo somewhere on me.

In the meantime, Jackson, give us more videos! Some GAF-exclusive stuff!
Drkirby said:
That would be pretty cool if they did it really extensively, making it a really thick full color book, with a picture of what it makes, a small definition about it, and some details about its attributes.

I think it would be neat if they did it without the words. You'd have all the definitions, and the pictures is debatable, but then you'd have to figure out what the word is based off the info they gave you. Almost like another puzzle/game in itself.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Masklinn said:
A Scribblemas?
Ok, Jackson, time to make a new video. Go enter the words House, Santa, Gift (x 3), Christmas Tree, Reindeer, and then Zombie Jesus. The marketing practically writes itself.

Oh, and put Zombie Jesus in the game. =D


Jackson said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol that's insane(ly awesome)... I don't even know what to say! You've stumped me! haha Thanks so much for spreading the Scrib love! :)
If you think that's awesome, just wait until you see what I'm doing. EVERY PAYCHECK I plan on buying a copy of Scribblenauts, and giving it away to charity. I call it the Scribblenaut Effect! This game needs to sell, sell, sell, and I'll be proud to do my part come its first month!


relies on auto-aim
Does Paul Robertson have anything to do with this game and if so, what has he done?

Will some of his creations be in there? :lol
(Recreation even!?)


Now, I really want to show my support and preorder this game, but amazon.com won't allow me since I'm not in the US. Anyone know how I could preorder this game from the US for delivery in Japan, in a way that'll support 5th cell?


Jackson said:
Pre-ordering the game is how the game will be promoted better actually, if it has large pre-orders then it will get more backing, because they know its going to be a success. People should always pre-order games they want to support. :)

This is quite a fitting post for post #1000 in this thread. I'll be helping out to spread the words by posting on other gaming forums too.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Jackson, I've added your message about preordering to the original post. Hope it convinces a few more people. :)


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
I had no idea pre-ordering had such an effect. I guess I never really stopped to think about it.

Well, I'll be pre-ordering some copies tomorrow. :lol


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I just showed the game to my old college professor (on AIM) and he went ballistic. He's a comp sci professor, and he stays pretty current, so I'm guessing he'll end up showing all of his classes. I'm sure he'd like to go into detail about ObjectNaut (if he knew anything about it).

5th Cell is becoming one of my favorite development groups out there. I'm just loving the way you guys interact with your fans. Jackson, can I join your dev team? I'll do all the bitch coding, compose all your in-game music, and get everyone coffee!

I'll see you next year when 5th Cell expands so crazy because of this game that you need to hire more people. Boo yeah!


provides useful feedback
I wonder if anywhere in the UK will take preorders for this yet? Off to town in a bit so we'll just have to see.

The "Boy and his Blob" topic made me think of some more new words to try out, too. Damnit!


Dacvak said:
I just got back from my local GameStop after pre-ordering 5 copies of Scribblenauts!
I guess, I'll get two. One for me and my gf, one for my parents and sisters. :D

I just hope it gets the marketing it deserves, most gaming websites don't seem to have really noticed the game yet. A Best of E3 nomination would be great (and let's face it: Scribblenauts should win) but I'd be surprised if that happened.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
SovanJedi said:
I wonder if anywhere in the UK will take preorders for this yet? Off to town in a bit so we'll just have to see.

The "Boy and his Blob" topic made me think of some more new words to try out, too. Damnit!
Play.com is accepting preorders. I was going to wait a bit, till the game showed up on more sites and we got some news about preorder bonuses, but now I'm saying WHO CARES?
GAF, all those memes, Feep's post and who knows what else being in the game is bonus enough to me.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
If I type in "Feep" I want a time machine to appear, the door to open, and Feep to step out riding a dinosaur.


Haru said:
Now, I really want to show my support and preorder this game, but amazon.com won't allow me since I'm not in the US. Anyone know how I could preorder this game from the US for delivery in Japan, in a way that'll support 5th cell?
Go to http://www.gamesforcanada.com/ and fill out the Direct Request Form. I know it says gamesforcanada, but he ships worldwide. He'll buy it from Amazon for you to his address, then ship it to you. He has Amazon Prime so shipping to him should be 1 day. Shipping from US to Japan might be longer =P


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I tried to preorder Scribblenauts, but the retailer went "What the fuck is that" :(

Did the same for Henry Hatsworth too :(


Not as deep as he thinks
Adding in my hype for this game as I also got to play it at E3. The game fucking blew me away. I cannot wait. I really hope enough people get to experience it because the possibilities are endless and they're only as good as you want them to be!


Seriously, give a tag to Feep mods. I think it is well deserved.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Rewrite said:
Seriously, give a tag to Feep mods. I think it is well deserved.

(neutral) Feep
Doctor WHO?
(06-05-2009, 03:02 PM)


Will Scribblenauts be at PAX?

Edit: Actually a quick poke around the website shows they're based in Bellvue, WA and went to PAX 2008 so I assume they will.


Just got back from a long day of travel; I am absolutely FLOORED to see Jackson's offer to put me in the game. So awesome. I can't wait to see what pops up. = D

As for a tag, well...you know...I wouldn't mind one... :D


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
EatChildren said:
(neutral) Feep
Doctor WHO?
(06-05-2009, 03:02 PM)
I think this would be more effective:


(06-05-2009, 03:02 PM)
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