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Shitty Batman Port Got You Down? FREE DMC4SE (PC) GIVEAWAY!


1. Definitely Nevan. It used to be Beowulf because it satisfied my twin loves of charge attacks and doing being able to do Street Fighter moves in games that weren't Street Fighter, but replaying it recently I took the time to learn how to use Nevan, and it's so much fun to use. It has a tool for pretty much every situation.

2. I usually prefer plain, but I can never go wrong with mushrooms. Good pineapple is also appreciated.
Favorite Weapon: Nightmare Beta

Favorite boss and weapon in the franchise, totally unlike anything else, a bouncing laser weapon. Also it just looks awesome. Was a struggle to get this thing the first time around since the boss is so hard. Wish it returned in future entries outside a special weapon in 2. Loved charging this thing up and letting it rip while I went nuts with Ifrit.

Favorite Pizza Topping: General Tso's Chicken. There is a Chinese owned pizza place here that has some "fusion" toppings. Mannnnn this is orgasmic. And spicey as all hell.


  • What is your favorite weapon in the DMC franchise and why?
    Agni & Rudra. After they beat me like nothing I wanted to do the same with the others.
  • What is your favorite pizza topping?
    Portuguese. If we can't thank Portugal for Brazil, at least they gave us that pizza (or just the name)
1. Fave weapon = Ifrit - It allows me to strike a cool pose after every attack.
2. Fave pizza topping = Ground beef - Because meat!

Thanks guys.


My favorite weapon is the beowulf beacuse I felt so badass using my fists and kicks to fight when I first played DMC3
And my favorite topping is chicken with catupiry (kind of creamy cheese), very tasty and popular here where I live

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Nevan, because it's an electric guitar that fires bats.

Sausage, green peppers, and onions, since you can get that combo at every pizza place.


1. Nevan. It's a vampire turned into an electric guitar. What other reason could you need?

2. Ham and pineapples. Hawaiian pizza is best pizza.


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
1. Ebony & Ivory because shooting people in the air to juggle
2. bacon!


Unconfirmed Member
Favorite weapon? I'd have to say Beowulf - I'm always liking weapons that double as armor pieces.
Favorite pizza topping combination? Sausage and spinach - veggies and meat can't be beat.
Favourite weapon is Ebony and Ivory - love those guns, got me through the original DMC.

Favourite pizza topping is probably Pineapple. Although on second thought, probably bacon. Yeah, bacon.
Nevan - Because it's an electric guitar to attacks with electricity! Enough said.

I'll have an All-Meat Pizza. Put that bacon, pepperoni, sausage, ham,and beef!
1. Red Queen - I spent a lot of time when DMC4 launched getting my rev timings down. I didn't like it at first but the exceed mechanic grew on me.

2. Bacon. Not Canadian bacon but pure greasy, crunchy goodness.

Awesome that you guys are doing such a big giveaway. Great way to give back!


My favorite weapon is Ebony and Ivory because i remember thinking, damn those are some badass guns, they have their own names !

My favorite pizza topping is Perpperoni !
1: agni and rudra because FEUER and ice. More importantly, because fire! My favourite element.

2: pepperoni, mushrooms, Pineapple and olives.

I like them all equally.


1. Hard to choose, but I'll probably go with Agni and Rudra, love the attack speed it offers.
2. Pepperoni topping of course!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Cerberus - Because I love multi-hit weapons. And that jump/spin attack is super cool.

Best pizza topping is pork sausage. But the best combination is beef and bacon with shredded Parmesan. Mmmmmm.


1. Favourite Weapon - Ebony and Ivory. I've liked this gun since DMC1!

2. Favourite Pizza Topping - Pepperoni. Pepperoni and cheese are the only toppings I need for a Pizza :D

And thx for the giveaway!


My favorite Weapon will always be the Ebony and ivory

Pizza topping wise I am a bit boring I choose: Pepperoni and cheese


my favorite weapon is the red queen rev rev

my favorite pizza topping is Cheese ;]]

thanks for the giveaway!
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