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Singularity |OT| - Anyone? No?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
FLEABttn said:
Oh come now, Daikatana is a complete disaster. Bioshock 2 was totally playable and looked fine. It just wasn't as pretty as the other two versions.
It did look fine...but it ran horribly slow. Every major combat scenario saw framerates in the teens. It was painful.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
I've played an hour. This is what I wish the combat in Bioshock was like. The shotgun owns all.

after playing this more im actually liking the combat better than bioshock 1 (still like the overall bioshock 1 game better though)

damn those little spider things were kinda hard in the sewer...but so far the game has been fairly easy...

at this point im waiting for a texture fix patch for the pc version before i finish...


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Just finished the game, very good game overall some lows but then again some amazing highs

question about the absolute final cut-scene

endgame spoilers obviously

What is kathryn(?) writing in the book?And why?
Corky said:
Just finished the game, very good game overall some lows but then again some amazing highs

question about the absolute final cut-scene

endgame spoilers obviously

What is kathryn(?) writing in the book?And why?

Basically just that Renko is the key to everything and Demichev is bad. It just ties up the loose end of why MIR 12 know Renko exists.


Playing on PC. Just getting to the area where I need to fix a crane to progress. The weird texture issues are kind of off-putting, otherwise it's fun.

Also, is it just me, or does Kathryn look a bit like Alex Vance? I can't find any pics of Kathryn on google though. Can anyone grab a screenshot and put them side by side?
Just beat the game. Love the way the ending is chosen.

The game is definitely awesome. Probably second best I've played this year after Alan Wake.

Wish there were a lot more instances were the TMD was used to effect combat other than just aiming it at an enemy. More morphing the environment for different combat strategies or dropping in random shit out of the sky from 1955 onto soldiers heads.

Also as others have said, if you abuse your powers you're pretty much invincible. Especially once you've upgraded everything.

Bioshock > Singularity >>>>>> Bioshock 2

Played an hour so far.



+ Atmosphere seems pretty awesome
+ Graphics, sound seem top-notch
+ Sniper rifle is kinda awesome

- Kickback on weapons is kinda meh
- Can't collect, take audio recordings to go (wtf)
- Game froze on me an hour in

+- Nolan North (depending on your tastes)


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Bloodworth said:
Basically just that Renko is the key to everything and Demichev is bad. It just ties up the loose end of why MIR 12 know Renko exists.

ah gotcha, thanks man <3
i love this game so much!

The weapons are awesome....

Can;t helping thinking that the campaign basically feels like the game insomniac should have made for R2.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So I got the game, and I'm up to the part where you are
heading for the docks.

Usual top notch Raven quality. Combat is tons of fun, and while the whole TMD thing isn't used as much as I would have liked so far, its still a cool toy. The whole time element as part of the story is really interesting and done really well.


Gold Member

I just watched the first half hour of this, and it looks surprisingly very solid. The story seems pretty coherent. Im really liking the progression and
shock elements

It looks like someone took Bioshock, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, CoD & FEAR into a blender.

With this and some people's impressions, I think Im sold.


EatChildren said:
So I got the game, and I'm up to the part where you are
heading for the docks.

Usual top notch Raven quality. Combat is tons of fun, and while the whole TMD thing isn't used as much as I would have liked so far, its still a cool toy. The whole time element as part of the story is really interesting and done really well.

Yes it is, but like the TMD, they do not take advantage of it.

If only this game had not gone through development hell...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Finished! Short, but pretty sweet. Pros and cons.

- Solid gunplay as usual from Raven. Pretty satisfied with all of the weapons. Taking down enemies is a pleasure, and there was a pretty good variety
- The whole TMD and time element is pretty cool.
- The BioShock-esque upgrading, world design with some exploration, etc, works really well even if it is a shameless rip off. The combat is exactly what I wanted from BioShock.
- Story is pretty cool and stays interesting for the whole thing, with a fun 'choice' at the end.
- Great atmosphere.

- As good as the gunplay is its really unbalanced, in your favour, and the placement of weapons around the levels is really forgiving. For example there's no point equipping yourself with the sniper rifle, as whenever you're actually going to need the sniper rifle they throw one at you. Same for the heavy weapons. Might as well stick with the basics and just pick up the specialised weapons when you need them, as the game will give them to you.
- The TMD and time element, while cool, is terribly underused. Really seems like they ran out of time or hit development hurdles. Its always fun to play with but isnt really used beyond really basic stuff.
- Upgrading system is neat but broken, and quickly makes the game extremely easy. I should have played in hard because I breezed through it on normal. You get SO much 'cash' that you can quickly make yourself a tank. There's also a lot of totally useless perks not worth buying, which makes saving money for the good stuff even easier.
- I saw the 'good' story ending, in what you'd have to do, coming from a mile away :p. Typical time related sci-fi stuff.
- Fucking hell I had bad texture streaming problems. I had and still have them in BioShock, but they're a 100 times worse here. I can max out the game at 1920x1080 and play it smooth as silk, but some scenarios had textures not load at all, and even when things did load there would be the occasional prop or object stuck on a bland, basic texure.

I really, really enjoyed it. Wolfenstein was a better game, but Raven still did an outstanding job here. Its short, enjoyable, has great gunplay and an interesting story, even if it shamelessly rips off BioShock left and right.

The biggest complaint I have is that the game feels under-realised. Like Raven had a vision and a bunch of ideas they wanted to impliment, from the TMD and time shifts to the weapons and progression of story, and just ran out of time or hit too many development hurdles to truly match their ambition.

I was hoping for more scripted time shifts and not always between 1955 and 2010. I was hoping for more crazy time related plot stuff. I would have liked some more interesting and deeper puzzle solving with the TMD related to its time shifitng, as well as its interaction with the world, which in the game doesnt really extend far beyond melting people and building/destroying barrels, crates, and electrical switches.

There's also a problem with the equipment. Its all fun, but again feels underused, and handed to the player whenever they need it which makes the game too easy. I would have liked them to ditch the standard weapons and instead focus more on crazy interesting weapons, like the rollerball mine launcher and the gun where you can control the bullets. Had the levels, puzzles, and combat been designed around more interesting and unique weapons like these it would have spiced up the variety, but as it stands they seem more like a cool toy that never really needs to be used. The rollerball mine launcher, for example, only has two unique situations to use it for the entire game, despite being such a cool little gadget.

So yeah. If you're a fan of shooters and enjoyed the BioShock formula its definitely worth a look, mostly thanks to Raven's typical high quality in gunplay and level design. Its not perfect, but its a lot of fun.
Considering I had almost zero expectations for this game, the fact that I just played through this in one sitting and LOVED it, is pretty crazy to me. Not much else to say that others haven't, but I highly recommend it for anyone on the fence. Haven't played any of the multiplayer yet, but the single player is worth at least a rental.

The LOST easter egg was simultaneously awesome and depressing.


Great post EatChildren, pretty much agree with everything you said. Finished the game yesterday, i really wish there was a higher difficulty level then hard. It's a short game but has a lot of room for replayability, which could have extended it's singleplayer duration.
Finished today and really enjoyed it. Certainly a nice note for Raven to end on. I definitely seen the BioShock in it, but after the first few Fallout/BioShock-esque orientation films, the game really seemed to find it's own style, and created one of the few perpetually-gloomy game worlds that didn't strike me as being made by/for an angsty teen. In the end, I bought into the Singularity fiction far more than I thought I would, making this the fourth or fifth true FPS that I have ever actually finished (started played when Doom II came out).

Fortunately, I was using a cracked version from the beginning so I skipped the texture issue. Even then, the textures are obviously lacking, but some of the environments were excellent, "the cooker" was some sweet eye candy, and I liked the NPCs, even though they seemed too shy to look me in the eye. :p

It's a pity that the upgrade system is shallow though, as it could have added some replay value to a fairly short game. Also, this didn't seem like the time to stick to Halo's two weapons limit; the maneuverable grenade seemed awesome, but since I rarely had use for it, I never carried it around which means it added nothing to my playthrough.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
An hour or so in and I'm liking the setting and atmosphere but the weapons feel a bit off, not enough punch and sometimes it's hard to know if you're hitting an enemy.


Does the game let you enable subtitles? I absolutely hate FPS without the option to turn on subtitles. I tend to miss a lot of dialogue because of this :/
Hesemonni said:
Does the game let you enable subtitles? I absolutely hate FPS without the option to turn on subtitles. I tend to miss a lot of dialogue because of this :/


An hour or so in and I'm liking the setting and atmosphere but the weapons feel a bit off, not enough punch and sometimes it's hard to know if you're hitting an enemy.

The first enemies are kinda shitty and don't give great damage feedback. It gets much better with later enemies though.


I'm a few hours in now, have the TMD, the puzzles using it seem pretty good. The weapons are okay, I really enjoyed using the Seeker, when you fire it you take the role of the bullet and can aim it, move it around in slow-mo, one shot kill so far as well.

This game doesn't really do anything new but what it does do is take some of the best features of other games and executes them really well.

I do not like the fact that you can't have subtitles on, I found that really annoying.

The multiplayer seemed fun, just took me 3 days to find a match, nobody seems to be online. I think this is a perfect example of a developer putting in something that truly isn't needed and just adds additional costs to the project.

Overall I'm enjoying it, too bad its not getting much coverage out there.
itsinmyveins said:
An hour or so in and I'm liking the setting and atmosphere but the weapons feel a bit off, not enough punch and sometimes it's hard to know if you're hitting an enemy.

Wait till you get the sniper rifle. Watch those arms and legs fly.

So for those who have played both: what's better, this or their last game, Wolfenstein?

Singularity is a better made game, but I enjoyed Wolfenstein more. But that's only because I have a bias towards blasting nazi. I'd play both.

+ Great atmosphere
+ Great pacing
+ Sniper rifle and the Seeker
+ Set piece moments like the chase sequence, the train boss, and the ending

+ Open world hub is fun to navigate and explore
+ The particle cannon. Hell Yeah
+ Fun boss battles
+ Level design. The dig site, an underground base, a zeppelin


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Neuromancer said:
So for those who have played both: what's better, this or their last game, Wolfenstein?

Thats a hard one. As a whole, I think Wolfenstein is probably a better game due to being longer, having a better upgrade system, and an overall more refined pacing. Singularity doesnt feel as tightly designed as Wolfenstein in my opinion.

But Singularity has a much better story and for me a more interesting premise, with some really great level design. I like how its a bit more open and BioShock like in its level design over Wolfenstein's corridor running.

I'd probably put Singularity over Wolfenstein if it wasn't, at times, a blatant rip of BioShock's design and was a bit more polished. I'm also a bit tired of the whole mutants thing.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Neuromancer said:
OK thanks guys, also, Singularity doesn't have a hub world does it? Or is it more like a linear set of levels?

No hub, more linear.
I think Wolfenstein is probably a better game due to being longer, having a better upgrade system, and an overall more refined pacing.

Agreed. Some of the upgrades you don't even get till the last hour in Singularity. It should have been all available from the start like Wolfenstein.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Agreed. Some of the upgrades you don't even get till the last hour in Singularity. It should have been all available from the start like Wolfenstein.

Yeah, and even then many of them are not really useful. Its pretty easy to spot where your E99 would be best spent, and unless you ignore the abundance of E99 tech laying around its easy to afford everything you want.

Same goes for the guns. Had it been like Wolfenstein or BioShock where you carry all your equipment the upgrade system might have been better balanced, but as it is you get handed pretty much every weapon you need whenever you really need it. I'm usually someone who picks sniper rifles, but I didnt bother in Singularity as it already 1-hit-killed on Normal (should have played on hard) without upgrades, and at any point in the game where it would be useful they give you one with tons of ammo.


The Interrobanger said:
Oh, FFS. This, alonside with most games NOT letting you configure controls, continues to amaze me to this day. I'd very much like to hear some reasoning behind this.

Well, saves me the trouble of buying this.


wow, after hearing people say wolfenstein is better than this i really want to play it. this game is great. i heard from several of my friends that wolfenstein was a turd. guess i have to go check it out now. thanks guys. my wallet however does not thank you.

edit: i see wolfenstein has a demo. don't know how i missed that. i usually check out every demo. maybe my friends saying it was a turd led me to skip it.

edit 2: well, if the demo is any indication of the final game, i will play wolfenstein next. anyway, great job on the OT save macbosse. i was lurking here early on when you were a suspected pirate.

I will miss Raven when they become a call of duty machine. Wolverine and Singularity are two of my favorite games this generation.


It's like 1C and the engine team from Infinity Ward came together to make a crazy eastern euro fps that actually didn't have a horrible UI, crippling performance bugs, incredibly long loading time and just general funk. Then they stole the narrative structure and item glow from Bioshock.

This game marries the eastern FPS and the western FPS. :bow -looking at you here merrick-
This game NEEDS more loving. Its great! I think I'm pretty far now though! I just
got an activation code to charge the bomb.
I actually prefer this more then Bioshock!


Wolfenstein had some good things going for it and was worth the playthrough but I recall the interiors to be quite basic and the textures bad. It was also a game that relied on you killing a whole room full of weak guys over and over again. Also the magic system was kind of forgettable.

Singularity is a much more emotional and impactful ride thus far. Since it's linear the level of detail is much better, which draws you in. There is a lot of atmosphere. The fights are tighter with a more interesting cast of opponents. The magic system in this game is more memorable as well.

Raven is good and they are getting better. They also make the crazy sci-fi/fantasy/horror shooters that I crave. These kinds of shooters started the genre but now I feel it's neglected. If Raven does get put on Duty I'll be sad. They're full of so many good ideas.


yep. Raven is definitely one of my faves. I am afraid if they are not put on COD that they will be closed down by Activision. They are one of the few devs that i seem to like anything that they do. i don't know what it is about them but it clicks with me. they are highly underrated. their games always have that weighty feel to them that really makes the difference to me. i hate a game that feels like the characters have no weight to them. in my opinion singularity is in the top 5 games released this year, just as wolverine was one of the best last year. these guys deserve better than activision. it's like that nice guy/girl that is with a complete asshole and everyone feels sorry for them.
legbone said:
yep. Raven is definitely one of my faves. I am afraid if they are not put on COD that they will be closed down by Activision. They are one of the few devs that i seem to like anything that they do. i don't know what it is about them but it clicks with me. they are highly underrated. their games always have that weighty feel to them that really makes the difference to me. i hate a game that feels like the characters have no weight to them. in my opinion singularity is in the top 5 games released this year, just as wolverine was one of the best last year. these guys deserve better than activision. it's like that nice guy/girl that is with a complete asshole and everyone feels sorry for them.

agreed after just finishing it i would put it in my top 5 for games this year too...


I finished it last night and was very satisfied. It's amazing that this game is almost on par with Bioshock. The reason why some people have been laughing at that statement: behold, the power of advertising!

With nothing out there that's really capturing my interest I'll just start this up again and play it on Hard. There are lots of other good games that I played through twice but not back to back. I think Dead Space was the last one. I guess that's another way of saying how entertaining this game is.


Started this yesterday, and was enjoying it, until...

The fucking Tick room. This has to be one of the stupidest and most frustrating sequences I've experienced in any game ever. I've nearly gotten through it so many times, only to run out of TMD power or one of the dude blows up while I'm in my bubble, etc.

Just grr.

I think I missed a Bio Formula or two and I'm starting over now, but... man. Not looking forward to getting back to that room.


Finished yesterday. Kind of figured out the ending before I was done...meh. Did the "continue checkpoint" when I was done so I could see all endings. Then went out and bought Wolfenstein...having more fun over Singularity. Singularity is a great game, but just lacks something.


Ravidrath said:
Started this yesterday, and was enjoying it, until...

The fucking Tick room. This has to be one of the stupidest and most frustrating sequences I've experienced in any game ever. I've nearly gotten through it so many times, only to run out of TMD power or one of the dude blows up while I'm in my bubble, etc.

Just grr.

I think I missed a Bio Formula or two and I'm starting over now, but... man. Not looking forward to getting back to that room.

Do not fight them.

Use deadlock to slow them down as you run away.
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