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So I just gave a dude I don't know 140 euro's from the cash register

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Shrike_Priest said:
Actually, I think it has to be more than 500 for it to break down. Since the G-number is a factor as well.

00-99 for the NN, then 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 for G.

I guess if the numbers started being insufficient adding a fifth digit would allow ten times as many births.

I'm more more worried with the Y2K thingie, to be honest. They'll start to overlap.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Also, I'm pretty sure that even if the car was in the lot, the police can't open the trunk without a warrant.

Fenderputty said:
I don't think that should take away from his kindness though. If any of you were stuck in a situation in which you needed money, you should consider yourselves lucky to find someone willing to help in such a manner.
Somebody asking for money and somebody asking you to risk being charged with a crime are different things.

Maybe mmarasu was just trying to be nice but whenever there's something this serious/improbable, he should have his BS meter at full power and he really just should have been more cynical of everything this guy was saying.


Gold Member
Shrike_Priest said:
Actually, I think it has to be more than 500 for it to break down. Since the G-number is a factor as well.

00-99 for the NN, then 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 for G.

I guess if the numbers started being insufficient adding a fifth digit would allow ten times as many births.

Roughmar said:
I'm more more worried with the Y2K thingie, to be honest. They'll start to overlap.

I guess both of you missed my post, so I'll just quote myself:

RoadHazard said:
Dynamic3 said:
What happens if there are more than 100 males born on the same day?

The gender digit can be any odd number, so the actual number of unique male numbers for each date is 500. Only about 110,000 people are born every year in Sweden, so that's only about 300 people every day. No risk of running out of numbers there.

However, this is actually becoming a problem anyway, because of immigration. The people who move here and become Swedish citizens also need personal numbers, so a few dates are in fact running out of available numbers. The suggested solution is to let the fifth and sixth digits not denote the day of the month anymore, but be used for uniqueness. I don't know if this has been set in action yet, but when it is we'll no longer be able to see on what day someone was born by looking at their personal number, just the year and month. Those of us who already have YYMMDD-numbers will keep them, of course.

Additional info: When someone becomes 100 years old, the '-' sign is switched to a '+' sign. So "950101-XXXX" would mean the person was born in 1995, while "950101+XXXX" would mean he/she was born in 1895.

...so the '-' sign basically means "less than 100 years ago", and the '+' sign means "more than 100 years ago". Thus, "010101-XXXX" would mean 2001-01-01, while "010101+XXXX" would mean 1901-01-01. No human has ever become 200 years old, so I don't see the Y2K problem. The personal numbers of living people shouldn't be able to overlap. Or am I missing something...?


Fenderputty said:
I'm not sure if it matters that the person he did something nice for was a less then honest person themselves. He helped someone when they needed him. That's it. Well ... at least he though he was helping someone when they needed him. Heh.
He stole money from the till to give to a con artist.
Battersea Power Station said:
This would be cool, but there's no point in it being in slow-mo. Is there a regular speed version of it?

There is now :)



If I was you mmarsu, I'd have my friend rolling up some bud and have it ready for you when you get outta work.


If I was MMRasu, I'd run to the nearest ATM, withdraw 140 euros, and put it in the till. You lose 140 euros, but you don't lose your job or get charged with theft.


Slizz said:
If I was you mmarsu, I'd have my friend rolling up some bud and have it ready for you when you get outta work.

Stopped smoking January 1st though.. I'll drink a beer when I get home with a cig to unwind from this stress I have right now though.


Did that! :)


MMaRsu said:
Problem is I'm kind of fearing for losing this job now, even though I wanted to quit as soon as my conract would let me.

Dude, you need to stop worrying and stop reading this thread as your just getting hated on now. You made a mistake but also made it right - theres no need for your boss to look at security tapes unless someone from GAF snitches you out (which is a slight possibility judging from your other thread that was linked earlier!). As youve said yourself, your job and boss is shit and your leaving anyway as soon as you can

Learn from this and move on!


RoadHazard said:
I guess both of you missed my post, so I'll just quote myself:

...so the '-' sign basically means "less than 100 years ago", and the '+' sign means "more than 100 years ago". Thus, "010101-XXXX" would mean 2001-01-01, while "010101+XXXX" would mean 1901-01-01. No human has ever become 200 years old, so I don't see the Y2K problem. The personal numbers of living people shouldn't be able to overlap. Or am I missing something...?

I don't think the numbers of different people should overlap. Either dead or alive. And I'm not talking about respect of the dead, or anything else, just practicality.


you better hope no detective-gaf finds out where you work and sends a copy of this thread to your boss.. somewhere R0nn is probably trying to find a fax machine..


Gold Member
Roughmar said:
I don't think the numbers of different people should overlap. Either dead or alive. And I'm not talking about respect of the dead, or anything else, just practicality.

This system has only been in use since 1947, so this obviously hasn't been a problem yet. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when that day comes.
Fenderputty said:
I'm not sure if it matters that the person he did something nice for was a less then honest person themselves. He helped someone when they needed him. That's it. Well ... at least he though he was helping someone when they needed him. Heh.

He may have been gullible. He may have been stupid for taking the money out of the register. I don't think that should take away from his kindness though. If any of you were stuck in a situation in which you needed money, you should consider yourselves lucky to find someone willing to help in such a manner.

Naïve kindness would be to let a complete stranger borrow your car/bike to help his supposedly pregnant wife get to the hospital.

Reckless idiocy, on the other hand, would be letting a complete stranger borrow your employer's taxi, pizza delivery vehicle, or UPS truck, to complete a drug run "because he seemed like an okay guy".

I really hope the OP appreciates the difference.
Man, and I thought my friends were naive when I found out they thought those guys that drive up to you in parking lots and try to sell you speakers were legit.


Strawman said:
You made a mistake

A mistake is giving someone $20 in change when it was only $10 or tipping someone a $50 when you thought it was a $5. Giving a drug dealing stranger $140 that doesn't belong to you isn't a mistake.

OP is a complete dumbass that shouldn't be allowed to deal with money or anything of monetary value.


Will Eat Your Children
painey said:
you better hope no detective-gaf finds out where you work and sends a copy of this thread to your boss.. somewhere R0nn is probably trying to find a fax machine..
First off...

You just went and admitted to helping a drug dealer recover his drugs from the police.

I think losing your job is the least of your worries...

I honestly don't think you understood the nature of what you just did.


Utrecht is a dutch city, right? And the guy allegedly owned a coffee shop, which is essentially a semi-legal weed distributor, right?

Just clarifying, because people in this thread are acting like the guy was especially shady because he is a "drug dealer", when my understanding is that this is a fairly normal if not entirely legal occupation in the Netherlands.

OP is still an idiot


sangreal said:
Utrecht is a dutch city, right? And the guy allegedly owned a coffee shop, which is essentially a semi-legal weed distributor, right?

Just clarifying, because people in this thread are acting like the guy was especially shady because he is a "drug dealer", when my understanding is that this is a fairly normal if not entirely legal occupation in the Netherlands.

OP is still an idiot
Given the weird legal situation of soft drugs, where supply is illegal, but sale is allowed, that's not entirely the case. To successfully run a coffee shop, one must have contacts in the underworld which can supply you with sufficient quantities of marijuana. So still shady figures. Blame the ultra-conservative Belgians, French, Germans and Americans for this bullshit, but that's how it is.


SpectreFire said:
First off...

You just went and admitted to helping a drug dealer recover his drugs from the police.

I think losing your job is the least of your worries...

I honestly don't think you understood the nature of what you just did.

uh, I don't think you realize how scam artists work. There was no car, no police, no drugs. I don't know about the Netherlands, but traffic cops here do not collect fines. The car would of been impounded, and the dude would of had to go to court or pay his fine then go get the car. Cops don't sit around waiting for you to go to the ATM.


Hello, I am Nigerian princess. My family is amongst the brink of losing everything. We are need a loan of 328 of your money to help us. Please, we are millionaires and will pay back 10 times the monies that we borrow. We are told you are a good person and can help. Please help. Send bank account and personal information and identification numbers to us so we transfer the monies and save our family. Please help.

P.S. We are also Muslim.


Neo Member
MMaRsu, if you get caught just tell the guy on tape threatened you and you were affraid no one would believe you, so you put your own money back in order not to lose your job. At least they can't prove anything, except this thread of course.
MMaRsu, if it makes you feel any better I probably would have done the same thing. Hell, I probably wouldn't even bother asking for personal information.


Either this post is a joke, or the OP is; I'm undecided as to which.

That wasn't your money to give. I don't care if you can or will pay it back. Borrowing without asking is thievery.

If the money had come out of your pocket it would be another thing entirely.

Flo_Evans said:
uh, I don't think you realize how scam artists work. There was no car, no police, no drugs. I don't know about the Netherlands, but traffic cops here do not collect fines. The car would of been impounded, and the dude would of had to go to court or pay his fine then go get the car. Cops don't sit around waiting for you to go to the ATM.
*stab stab stab stab*


I normally don't cry foul on most posts because I like to give the OP the benefit of doubt, but this has 'FAKE' written all over it. Honestly, nobody could be that gullible or stupid...
weepy said:
I normally don't cry foul on most posts because I like to give the OP the benefit of doubt, but this has 'FAKE' written all over it. Honestly, nobody could be that gullible or stupid...

Thats my thoughts as well. GAF is not consistent in the smelling of bullshit. Sometimes they just want to believe.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Thats my thoughts as well. GAF is not consistent in the smelling of bullshit. Sometimes they just want to believe.

Lol fine don't believe it. I don't create bullshit threads just to have some fun. I would have created a cooler story at least.


poweld said:
*stab stab stab stab*

Apologies. Truly a more heinous crime than scamming a hapless cashier out of 140 euros!

I would HAVE corrected my grievous error against all of GAF, nay, the english language, if only not for your swift quotation immortalizing my grade school grammar error. Fear not o'GAF, for poweld is on the case. Demonstrating his intellectual superiority for all to see with the skill of a high school teacher!

p.s. fuck u :lol


Damn MMaRsu.
Clearly not the smartest thing to do. :lol
That said, it's kinda nice to see some people who still have faith in their fellow man.

I wouldn't have lend him a buck though.
I don't do hand outs. If they want to loan some money they can visit a bank or call Frisia Finacieringen. ;)

Though next time you're feeling charitable MMaRsu, don't fuck yourself over. Think before you act.
I helped a lady with a bike cross a frozen and slippery bridge today. Didn't cost me a dime and I still got some + karma points. :lol
I would have done the same thing probably. You are a good person. At the end of the day it's just some money, you've got a job and presumably aren't going to starve for this. Yea okay the guy conned you, so what. That's on him, not you. Nothing wrong with having some hope, think of how awesome it would have been if the guy wasn't full of shit.


All this talk about charity and being a good person... You're glossing over the part where he stood to make some profit when the guy came back. That bit of cash wasn't going to the register.

Do you guys applaud those who are scammed by the Nigerian princes? No, those are just gullible fools motivated by greed, not kind souls who have such faith in their fellow man. Only difference here is the pitch and the scale.


Rubashov said:
All this talk about charity and being a good person... You're glossing over the part where he stood to make some profit when the guy came back. That bit of cash wasn't going to the register.

Do you guys applaud those who are scammed by the Nigerian princes? No, those are just gullible fools motivated by greed, not kind souls who have such faith in their fellow man. Only difference here is the pitch and the scale.

I really didn't do it for the profit though.. I wanted to help the guy out..

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Why are so many people saying it's nice or refreshing to see someone have so much faith in fellow men?

OP is fucking stupid, that isn't nice or refreshing, it's terrifying that someone could be that dumb and then be commended for it on a message board. I swear to God if I had a kid and they told me they did something like this I would be so disappointed that it would probably actually make me physically ill. I mean, I could understand someone with a mental disability doing something this dumb, and OP, if you are slow I apologize. Otherwise, you should probably volunteer to never work the register again without direct supervision.


Hari Seldon said:
I bet that the dude he lent the money to is some kind of gang lord and he comes back and gives MMaRsu 1k euros for helping him out in a tight spot.
Plus even if he isn't hes going to scratch OP's back for a long long time- essencially he paid for protection.


I'm sorry, but you should have at least negotiated to get some weed out of this. Now your fucked 140 euros. :lol

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Minamu said:
Good stuff :lol

ahelluvadrug.jpg & all that :D

But, we don't know if this is still an ongoing story or not.

It's probably all fake anyway. OP got a tag which is probably what he was looking for. I mean, nobody could possibly be that dumb? Could they?


MMaRsu said:
I really didn't do it for the profit though.. I wanted to help the guy out..

Then you should have used your own money (not bringing your wallet to work? The fuck? :lol ) and not stolen from your workplace. You should absolutely be fired for what you did. The point isn't that the money is back in the till now, the point is that no sane business owner would want someone that gullible/irresponsible/stupid in any position to do financial damage to his business.
MMaRsu said:
What the fuck am I doing.. I don't know. This guy walks in, seems very trustworthy. He's a muslim and I know you can trust muslims.. they don't lie often and all that. So the guy owns a coffee shop in Utrecht, and the cops just stopped him for unpaid tickets up to 1200 euro's. He took all the money he had from his own ATM machine.. but he didn't have enough. If they are going to impound his car, they will find the couple of kilo's of weed he has in his car.. So he begs me to give him the money, tells me I will get it all back within an hour or so.. because his brother is already on the way.

So he gave me his personal information and all that, and I gave him the cash. I told him I really need the cash back, cause I dont give a fuck about the money but if my boss finds out about this shit I'm royally FUCKED. On one hand I'm stressing the fuck out cause I don't know if he'll be back even though he seems trustworthy and he swore on his little baby kid that he'd bring the money back + some profit for myself.

How fucked am i.

Wow. New tag, reading this thread after its already happened will just add to the anticipation.


I'd have given the guy some cash...but not outta the cash register, and only if I could spare it. I say help someone when you can, but within reason.

Though you never know when you'll run back into the guy and he might give you alot more than what you gave him.
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