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So I want to buy a Kindle

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I've read many stories about how Amazon has acquired a touch screen manufactuer. And that the company that does e-ink has figured out how to do color. So I think it's pretty clear there will be a new version of the Kindle.

Has there been any news of when this might be? I can wait 3 or 4 months but I don't want to buy a Kindle and find out that a new one will be out in 6 months. But I don't want to wait 4 months to buy one and then find out a new one won't be out for another 12 months.

Should I take the dive now or wait?


By practical measures, you would wait since waiting will either bring news of a new Kindle or potential price drops, especially considering the new competition from the tablet/ipad market.

Unless you absolutely have to have one now, wait.


Unconfirmed Member
Do you really NEED color in your e-reader?

If so, then wait

If not, buy one now.

Pretty much that simple, really.


The resale on eBay is really decent. I would get one and see if you like it first and if so stick with it till the news comes out of a new one. Usually when the news comes out it takes a while to hit everyone so you could still get a decent return if you sold it soon after the announcement.
Just buy the thing. There is always something better coming, and you get stuck waiting forever. And do you really need color in your books? Or are you planning on reading comics on it?
I don't know about a color one coming out any time this year. I remember hearing about color e-ink recently, but the demonstrations were a bit lackluster, with the colors it could actually display being quite limited and dull. Obviously this could improve, and sometime next year I think we'll probably see a bunch of color ereaders, possibly including the Kindle. As for a touch screen, where now the Kindle only requires battery power to refresh the page and for wireless, that would seem to require the battery to be in use all of the time.

If you want to wait a few months, go ahead. Like WEGGLES said, the worst that'll happen is you save a few bucks. I bought a Kindle a month ago and have been very pleased with it.


FWIW, I really like my Kindle 2. I've been reading a lot more since I got it for Christmas.

With that said, I played with an iPad yesterday and it made the Kindle look like it's from the stone age.

The Kindle is great if you just want to read, and it's a very seamless, non-distracting experience (which is part of what I worry about, I would intend to read on my iPad but I would just end up playing Plants vs. Zombies). But if you're willing to save a bit more and get an iPad that's what I would do. It's just so much of a better value IMO.

Only two things Kindle has going for it over iPad: e-ink screen and free wireless connection, which is an underrated feature. But besides that iPad blows it away.
Wait, the Kindle is due for an update of some sort.

As for the iPad, you have to figure out what you want. I hate reading off an LCD, I can't focus on anything for too long. E-ink is gorgeous, but if you really need color, for comics especially, I wouldn't bet it on color e-ink, it's got a very dull look. iPad is probably better for comics. I also really like the battery life of my Kindle too. I read a lot, many hours a day, and with the wireless off I get a few weeks of power.

Just weigh the pros an cons to find the right e-reader for you.


I've bought a Kindle last week, and I'm quite happy with it. It's made for reading books and magazines so you really don't need neither touch nor color screen.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I don't think anyone really knows when Amazon will show off the next version of the Kindle. Honestly, until color e-ink drops in price I am not even really sure what else they could add. If all you are going to do is read books get a Kindle or Nook. For reading text over a period of time, e-ink is vastly superior to LCD. If you are wanting to read a bunch of magazines or something else in color, then consider getting the iPad.


This is GAF, so of course the competing Apple product is promoted. :lol

If all you want to do is read books, then the Kindle is perfect AND cheaper. If you want to do other things, then go with the iPad.

But yeah, like the others have said, I'd wait to see if Amazon will drop the Kindle's price. I'd wait about 3mos for that to happen. If not, then buy it


Fair-weather, with pride!
Here are my feelings on the subject as a Kindle owner instead of an iPad troll:

I suggest buying the Kindle. It's an ebook reader. The iPad is not an ebook reader, and it has all the same problems as reading on any lighted screen. The battery life is given by Apple as ten hours, without wifi some people have been getting what, 12? 13? The Kindle battery life without wifi is somewhere in the neighborhood of two weeks. That's because it only reads books. This is good.

On the subject of new models: You don't need color. They're books. You don't need a touch screen, they're books. I'm actually concerned that they'll cave to pressure from Apple and destroy the product to match the demands of the people who wouldn't be reading books on it anyway.

Oh yeah also it's cheaper. Obviously.
The e-ink screen cannot be praised enough, it truly is phenomenal for plain text and for reading in the sun. So just saying "get an iPad", isn't the answer, unless all he wants is to do is read comics.
VistraNorrez said:
The e-ink screen cannot be praised enough, it truly is phenomenal for plain text and for reading in the sun. So just saying "get an iPad", isn't the answer, unless all he wants is to do is read comics.
This is the only correct answer. Anyone who tells you to do extensive reading on an iPad hates you.


yeah I knew I'd get a lot of "get an ipad" comments. I'm not going to get an ipad. I have an iphone so don't really see the point in an ipad at this time. I'm purely interested in an ebook reader and from what I've seen, the kindle and the nook clearly have the ipad beat in that area.
The main reason to wait for the next Kindle (which no one has mentioned) is that page refresh speeds will be a lot quicker in the next generation e-ink screens.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
broadwayrock said:
The main reason to wait for the next Kindle (which no one has mentioned) is that page refresh speeds will be a lot quicker in the next generation e-ink screens.

While that is true, I can't say that I find the refresh rate on the Kindle II to be that distracting.
Why would anyone want an expensive portable screen to read books when they can buy the book itself and read it? Reading paper is a better experience IMHO


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Is the Kindle faster than the nook at turning pages and such?

I just want a fast ebook reader....


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
otake said:
Is the Kindle faster than the nook at turning pages and such?

I just want a fast ebook reader....
You mean you want a fast eInk eBook reader, right?

Otherwise the answer is hands down iPad.


Meus Renaissance said:
Why would anyone want an expensive portable screen to read books when they can buy the book itself and read it? Reading paper is a better experience IMHO

I prefer physical books but you might as well argue how pointless mp3 players are if you're going to use that argument.


Meus Renaissance said:
Why would anyone want an expensive portable screen to read books when they can buy the book itself and read it? Reading paper is a better experience IMHO
With a Kindle you get to store all of your books in one location and the ability to purchase a book anywhere is incredibly cool.

Once you start using a Kindle it is hard to go back to books.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
RubxQub said:
You mean you want a fast eInk eBook reader, right?

Otherwise the answer is hands down iPad.

iPad to me is a rip off and I don't want that screen so, yes, eINk.

edit- I prefer books as well but space is a concern when you live in an apartment. I love books but it's becoming impractical for me to keep them.


All the iPad losers can GTFO. The Kindle is an eBook reader, not a tablet PC. If the OP is looking to read books on the go, the Kindle is a great option and half the price.
I hear there's a device out there now that has a Kindle that's capable of full color, and also plays games, music, videos and apps. Can't remember the name of it off the top of my head though.


I love how everyone is suggesting iPads and totally discounting the fact that the base model is nearly double the cost of a Kindle, which is better for straight up book reading anyway.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
ultron87 said:
I love how everyone is suggesting iPads and totally discounting the fact that the base model is nearly double the cost of a Kindle, which is better for straight up book reading anyway.
Double the cost....50000000% more functionality.

Just comes down to what you want. Total package, the iPad makes the Kindle look stupid in terms of function vs. cost.

...but that doesn't mean the Kindle isn't good at what it does...it's just that the iPad does what the Kindle does and a billion other things...and some would say the eBook experience is better on that device.

So double the cost for way more functionality and (to some) a better reading experience.

If you think eInk is important, however, then the iPad is out...but don't think that the iPad recommendations are out of line simply because it costs more.


Unconfirmed Member
ultron87 said:
I love how everyone is suggesting iPads and totally discounting the fact that the base model is nearly double the cost of a Kindle, which is better for straight up book reading anyway.

that and the fact the OP has already said he doesn't want an iPad


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
RubxQub said:
Double the cost....50000000% more functionality.

Just comes down to what you want. Total package, the iPad makes the Kindle look stupid in terms of function vs. cost.

...but that doesn't mean the Kindle isn't good at what it does...it's just that the iPad does what the Kindle does and a billion other things...and some would say the eBook experience is better on that device.

So double the cost for way more functionality and (to some) a better reading experience.

If you think eInk is important, however, then the iPad is out...but don't think that the iPad recommendations are out of line simply because it costs more.

I don't want to discuss ipad pros and cons. Suffice it to say, I still need to carry my macbook if I have an ipad so why would I use the ipad when I can get the same things done on my macbook. This is why it seems useless and overpriced, to me.
Gary Whitta said:
I hear there's a device out there now that has a Kindle that's capable of full color, and also plays games, music, videos and apps. Can't remember the name of it off the top of my head though.
Isn't there the LCD vs e-ink problem?

Cause.. if not... then there are tons of other devices that should have never let the Kindle become popular.


If you're just reading books, go for the Kindle. It's lighter, smaller, less than half the price of the iPad, has free cellullar wireless for downloading books and papers, and 33x the battery life. Kindle books are also accessible from an iPad, or almost any other device, so you aren't locked into it.

But get a hands on with both if you can. The iPad isn't a better ebook reader, but it's a fantastic media and web device.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
otake said:
I don't want to discuss ipad pros and cons. Suffice it to say, I still need to carry my macbook if I have an ipad so why would I use the ipad when I can get the same things done on my macbook. This is why it seems useless and overpriced, to me.
I agree, lets not get into it here. :D

For the OP, I'd just say get a Kindle and be happy. The only loss of money you'll have is the hardware, as the books will transfer over to whatever other device Amazon may come out with as well as transferring to some other devices that may tickle your fancy down the line.
I've been debating getting a Kindle, too, but at its current price point, I just can't justify getting it. These things need a serious price drop before I bite.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Gary Whitta said:
I hear there's a device out there now that has a Kindle that's capable of full color, and also plays games, music, videos and apps. Can't remember the name of it off the top of my head though.

I guess you could say Kindle's have 45% the functionality of iPads? (That's what your movie has on rottentomatoes, I'm sure you know, but other people might not. Since they didn't see it.)

It is kinda funny that you, having written a movie with the fucking word book in the title, would come in to a thread about a book reader and suggest a tablet PC.


QVT said:
I guess you could say Kindle's have 45% the functionality of iPads? (That's what your movie has on rottentomatoes, I'm sure you know, but other people might not. Since they didn't see it.)

It is kinda funny that you, having written a movie with the fucking word book in the title, would come in to a thread about a book reader and suggest a tablet PC.

QVT said:
It is kinda funny that you, having written a movie with the fucking word book in the title, would come in to a thread about a book reader and suggest a tablet PC.
No, funny would be an argument about functionality for an iPad over a tablet PC.
broadwayrock said:
The main reason to wait for the next Kindle (which no one has mentioned) is that page refresh speeds will be a lot quicker in the next generation e-ink screens.

Is there really an issue now? I'm pretty sure they turn just as quick as one can manually turn a page. I'd be more excited about a resolution upgrade.

Meus Renaissance said:
Why would anyone want an expensive portable screen to read books when they can buy the book itself and read it? Reading paper is a better experience IMHO

There a plenty of reasons. I actually much prefer reading on my Kindle than a new hardcover. It's far more comfortable just to hold, no flopping pages. Plus the e-ink screen for whatever reason, is incredibly compelling to read. Reading in bed is vastly improved with such a small, light device.

Even if you don't want a Kindle, there is the Nook, and the Sony readers. If you want the e-ink also look into the other companies.

BertramCooper said:
I've been debating getting a Kindle, too, but at its current price point, I just can't justify getting it. These things need a serious price drop before I bite.

If you love any books written before 1923, you can get them for free, because they are in the public domain. I believe all of HP Lovecraft, Poe, Twain, Shakespeare and tons more works are available for legal download all over the net. Some modern authors even posr their stuff for free, too. Not to mention Amazon throws free modern books up every now then, they just had 10 of 13 Lemony Snicket books up for free.


QVT said:
I guess you could say Kindle's have 45% the functionality of iPads? (That's what your movie has on rottentomatoes, I'm sure you know, but other people might not. Since they didn't see it.)

It is kinda funny that you, having written a movie with the fucking word book in the title, would come in to a thread about a book reader and suggest a tablet PC.
Wow. The mention of apple creates so much nerd rage it turns people into this.

Pathetic as any fanboy.


What is wrong with people? Are there a bunch of Apple marketers on GAF or something, or are people just being douches?

The iPad has poor battery life compared to an ebook reader, and a worse screen for reading ebooks. If the OP wants a device for reading ebooks only, then I would never recommend an iPad to him. I'd recommend a Kindle, Nook or Sony Reader.

Personally OP, the technology for ebook readers is moving so fast that in a way it's like buying a computer. As soon as you buy it, it's obsolete. If you'd get a lot out of it now, then get it now. If you want to wait on it, then I'm sure something better will come along over the next several months.

I have a Sony Reader, and love it. To me, it's better than the Kindle due to being less DRM-heavy. Just explore your other options ereader-wise before you make the jump.
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