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So I want to buy a Kindle

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BertramCooper said:
I've been debating getting a Kindle, too, but at its current price point, I just can't justify getting it. These things need a serious price drop before I bite.
Think of it this way, your savings are with ebook purchases themselves. They are often cheaper than their paperback or hardcover counter-parts.


xBigDanx said:
yeah I knew I'd get a lot of "get an ipad" comments. I'm not going to get an ipad. I have an iphone so don't really see the point in an ipad at this time. I'm purely interested in an ebook reader and from what I've seen, the kindle and the nook clearly have the ipad beat in that area.
Kindle + iPhone is wonderful, IMO. Get the Kindle App for iPhone, and they sync automatically so you can continue reading if you don't happen to have your Kindle on your person.

I've read a lot on the Kindle App when I'm at the doctor's office, at the gym, etc. This is another underrated aspect of the Kindle.

If you're curious, there's a "Find a Kindle" page on Amazon so you can see one in person. You'll probably be sold once you do. (There's also a 30-day money-back guarantee, as well.)



grumble said:
What is wrong with people? Are there a bunch of Apple marketers on GAF or something, or are people just being douches?

The iPad has poor battery life compared to an ebook reader, and a worse screen for reading ebooks. If the OP wants a device for reading ebooks only, then I would never recommend an iPad to him. I'd recommend a Kindle, Nook or Sony Reader.

Personally OP, the technology for ebook readers is moving so fast that in a way it's like buying a computer. As soon as you buy it, it's obsolete. If you'd get a lot out of it now, then get it now. If you want to wait on it, then I'm sure something better will come along over the next several months.

I have a Sony Reader, and love it. To me, it's better than the Kindle due to being less DRM-heavy. Just explore your other options ereader-wise before you make the jump.

Bu-bu-bu-but iPad.


Get a Nook, it will give much more access to ebooks via your public library. My wife used a friends Kindle for awhile and while you can get some thing here and there for it via the library the Nook had a great deal more free library content available.


QVT said:
I guess you could say Kindle's have 45% the functionality of iPads? (That's what your movie has on rottentomatoes, I'm sure you know, but other people might not. Since they didn't see it.)

It is kinda funny that you, having written a movie with the fucking word book in the title, would come in to a thread about a book reader and suggest a tablet PC.
What did your movie get on RT? Oh that's right you don't have one.


I think the Kindle is a better ebook reader than the iPad. if all you want is book reading and purchasing, and don’t need the other things the iPad (or any computer, really) can do. get Kindle (or Nook).

the built in 3G is baked into the price so that starts to explain why it’s 260 instead of 200 or less. having that ability anywhere you go is really nice.

also, the incredible lightweight, battery life and thin profile of the kindle makes it easier to use in lots of different positions or to use with one hand or lying down.

it’s pretty much the old argument about whether you want the focus of a dedicated device or can get by with a slightly less robust implementation of one feature to get tons of other great features in the same device.


Zozz said:
iPad fans are just being a bunch of marketing tools right now.

This is half the reason Apple is so successful. They create this cult who will 'spread the word'. The issue is, this shoves other competing products into obscurity (despite potentially being better), and gives Apple a lot more leeway to rip you off.

Personally, I've seen the iPad and I've read about the Adam, and the Adam appears to crush the iPad in terms of general tablet use. Neither would be a good ebook reader, as the screen and battery life are still shit.
grumble said:
This is half the reason Apple is so successful. They create this cult who will 'spread the word'. The issue is, this shoves other competing products into obscurity (despite potentially being better), and gives Apple a lot more leeway to rip you off.

Personally, I've seen the iPad and I've read about the Adam, and the Adam appears to crush the iPad in terms of general tablet use. Neither would be a good ebook reader, as the screen and battery life are still shit.
Out of curiousity why is a high resolution quality display bad for reading? We all read for hours on them on our pcs.
grumble said:
This is half the reason Apple is so successful. They create this cult who will 'spread the word'. The issue is, this shoves other competing products into obscurity (despite potentially being better), and gives Apple a lot more leeway to rip you off.

Personally, I've seen the iPad and I've read about the Adam, and the Adam appears to crush the iPad in terms of general tablet use. Neither would be a good ebook reader, as the screen and battery life are still shit.

People that own the product like the product and talk about it, just like anyone talks about anything they buy that they like.

TheHeretic said:
Out of curiousity why is a high resolution quality display bad for reading? We all read for hours on them on our pcs.
Because you don't read for hours straight on your monitor. You don't move your eyes down a page line by line. You glance around, even if you think you aren't. You're resting your eyes. When you really get into a book, you don't do that.


Darkness no more
I just got a Nook. Awesome for reading! There's always new electronic stuff coming out so its best to just buy it now if you can and enjoy it. It's impossible to keep up with how fast shit comes out nowadays.
I've had this same question but I think I am going to go with a nook.

EDIT - ON second thought the new kindle 2 sounds pretty good.


is now taking requests
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

People that own the product like the product and talk about it, just like anyone talks about anything they buy that they like.

Noone does that with the same ardour as the apple fans. Noone

And i'm pretty sure that the only reason you entered this thread is because you wanted to talk a bit more about the ipad. <- really uncalled for as it turned out, very sorry.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Eaten By A Grue said:
Think of it this way, your savings are with ebook purchases themselves. They are often cheaper than their paperback or hardcover counter-parts.

Also the gutenberg stuff is great. I grabbed all of Gibbon's Decline and Fall last night. Something like 4300 pages? Your eyes would fall out and you'd go through (conservatively) 8 charges of battery on the iPad. That'd be less than half of the kindle's battery life.

kpop100 said:
What did your movie get on RT? Oh that's right you don't have one.

I am, thank god, not a script writer.

My stories have been well received wherever they were published. Denzel will never be in one of the movie adaptations of them, because they tend to feature racist black people. White lynching, White AIDS, etc.


jorma said:
Noone does that with the same ardour as the apple fans. Noone

And i'm pretty sure that the only reason you entered this thread is because you wanted to talk a bit more about the ipad.


you obviously don’t know much about Liu kang’s love of e-ink.


Gold Member
It always cracks me up to read about people saying they can't tolerate something that isn't e-ink when they read, but they will read forums/work on a 72dpi computer for 50+ hours a week.
I heard they dug a Kindle up in the last archeology mission to the lower city.

Us Upper City folks are zooming in out jet cars and rocking the iPad.
Minsc said:
It always cracks me up to read about people saying they can't tolerate something that isn't e-ink when they read, but they will read forums/work on a 72dpi computer for 50+ hours a week.
Yet people's brains schizz off so much when presented with text at all resembling a proper paragraph that complaining about it has become a banned meme.


I bought a nook, and I like it. Like people have said, unless you're really into comics or graphic novels or something, color e-ink just isn't all that important (at least to me). Bear in mind, though, that you probably will be frustrated with the selection available. Sure, you'll get the general bestsellers but more obscure titles, and even some very popular books aren't available.

I still, for the life of me, can't figure out why Catch-22 isn't available as an e-book. >:O
Minsc said:
It always cracks me up to read about people saying they can't tolerate something that isn't e-ink when they read, but they will read forums/work on a 72dpi computer for 50+ hours a week.

Liu Kang said it best already, but I'll say I can't focus on my computer screen like I do a book. I've tried to read books on an LCD and I just can't do it, I can't even read short stories. It may have to do with staring into a light source. E-ink really is like looking at paper. It's a no brainer to me.
Minsc said:
It always cracks me up to read about people saying they can't tolerate something that isn't e-ink when they read, but they will read forums/work on a 72dpi computer for 50+ hours a week.
Check out post number 61.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Son of Godzilla said:
Yet people's brains schizz off so much when presented with text at all resembling a proper paragraph that complaining about it has become a banned meme.

Stop with the logic, alright? That's not how it works.


o_O @_@ O_o
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Because you don't read for hours straight on your monitor. You don't move your eyes down a page line by line. You glance around, even if you think you aren't. You're resting your eyes. When you really get into a book, you don't do that.

Son of Godzilla said:
Yet people's brains schizz off so much when presented with text at all resembling a proper paragraph that complaining about it has become a banned meme.

Ding ding. We have winners.

Seriously though, happy owner of the iPad here, and equally happy owner of the Kindle 2. You guys made your point that the iPad is a viable alternative. The OP is not interested, so please don't make me hate enjoying Apple products as much as I do by continuing to peddle your personal preference like it's the second coming.


TheHeretic said:
Out of curiousity why is a high resolution quality display bad for reading? We all read for hours on them on our pcs.

As already said in this thread, you don't read on computer screens, at least not like a book. You'll read a few lines, flick across the page, look down for a second, write something, switch programs, flick back and forth on forums, etc. You don't usually sit down and read a hundred pages of a text file without taking your eyes off the page, and that is very different as far as your eyes go. Eye strain often develops from this. E-ink displays are not prone to this, as they are not backlit and their particular screen technology doesn't have the pixellation and screen refreshes that worsen the issue. They are much better for sitting down and reading page after page.

Some people can handle it better than others. I have read many (ie dozens of) books on a computer screen. I have also read many (ie dozens of) books on E-ink, and E-ink is much better.

I get the iPad. It's a fun device, like a jumbo iPhone without the 'phone' but with a decent book store. For many people, it can be a good product that they'll enjoy using due to its media features. For the specific use of reading ebooks, it is not as good as the competition.


Gold Member
Son of Godzilla said:
Yet people's brains schizz off so much when presented with text at all resembling a proper paragraph that complaining about it has become a banned meme.

Never heard that argument before, it's got some merit I admit. I've never had problems reading books on non e-ink devices, but the backlit thing could be distracting. I tend to go for the lowest contrast settings I can find, with least amount of light. My reader lets me use a white text on black interface, very dim, and it works perfectly for me.


I was reading on slashdot a while ago that ebook reader processors will be coming down quite a bit in price due to some new technology. I can't find the link :(
otake said:
I don't want to discuss ipad pros and cons. Suffice it to say, I still need to carry my macbook if I have an ipad so why would I use the ipad when I can get the same things done on my macbook. This is why it seems useless and overpriced, to me.

very good point.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
pix said:
I was reading on slashdot a while ago that ebook reader processors will be coming down quite a bit in price due to some new technology. I can't find the link :(

Does not always result on cheaper products for consumers.
The 1984 incident was about it not being properly published, which is a good reason.

Plus there are plenty of places other than Amazon where you can purchase e-books, if you're really worried, or you could turn the wireless off, and then there is no way for them to remove the book.

It's pretty good that Amazon is supporting other devices though, should I not like my Kindle anymore I can always move my library to another device.
TheHeretic said:
Out of curiousity why is a high resolution quality display bad for reading? We all read for hours on them on our pcs.

Actually you probably don't, well not in the same way. Think TL;DR and you start to get the idea. Large blocks of text that you have to focus on is not even close to reading a bunch of short posts in a forum for instance.


OK.. so next question... and I'm sure there have been threads on this but I figure I'll keep my questions to one place.

I have made the decision to buy an ereader today or tomorrow.

Kindle or Nook?
It's a tough one. I'd see if you could find someone who has a current Kindle and try one out. My Aunt has one so I borrowed hers and loved it but it still felt weird reading on it. After reading on an iPad though the LCD really doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

You could try waiting for an upgrade but if the Kindle really gets a touch screen it's probably going to have to be glossy like the iPad and there's no reason not to get that instead as you can use Kindle's app plus Apples.


You guys are seriously blaming TL;DR on screen tech? :lol

I don't like reading long ass posts because they're usually not worth my time.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Xun said:
Buy an iPad.

and kill yourself after you read a book on it for more than half an hour!

Also, kindle DX is the shit. the SHIT I say!
(love mine)

But it's really a non wow product. you buy it and sort of go 'yeah it displays text and is comfortable to read on and it sort of looks like paper'

an ipad is more for jerking off all over. Kindle works extremely well at making books portable, nothing more. It's far to expensive as well for what it is. But what it is is awesome.

ipad kicks the kindle in every other aspect. however, put them side by side to actually read a novel on and not even the biggest apple fan can say the ipad will be a better reading experience. E-ink is just better for your eyes.


RubxQub said:
Double the cost....50000000% more functionality.

Just comes down to what you want. Total package, the iPad makes the Kindle look stupid in terms of function vs. cost.

...but that doesn't mean the Kindle isn't good at what it does...it's just that the iPad does what the Kindle does and a billion other things...and some would say the eBook experience is better on that device.

So double the cost for way more functionality and (to some) a better reading experience.

If you think eInk is important, however, then the iPad is out...but don't think that the iPad recommendations are out of line simply because it costs more.

If you recommend an ipad over an ebook reader because of functionality, why not recommend a netbook over an ipad for the same?

If you want a total package, the ipad does far less than a netbook would.

In other words...

...but that doesn't mean the iPad isn't good at what it does...it's just that the Alienware M11X does what the iPad does and a billion other things...and some would say the eBook experience is better on that device. So comparable cost for way more functionality and (to some) a better all-around experience. If you think iPad apps are important, however, then the M11x is out...but don't think that the netbook recommendations are out of line simply because they cost about the same.

Not dogging the iPad, but your Apple shilling is annoying.


Tobor said:
You guys are seriously blaming TL;DR on screen tech? :lol

I don't like reading long ass posts because they're usually not worth my time.

Marty Chinn will now spend 2000 words explaining why you should read long posts and why he can't understand why anyone wouldn't read long posts.

j/k: Love ya, Marty!


Eh, don't listen to the iPad suggestions... I have both and the Kindle is leagues better as a reader, my eyes strain after reading the iPad for too long and its not as comfortable to hold/use.

iPad definitely *looks* prettier, but when you're just reading novels that's really not an issue.


Darren870 said:
whats a good .pdf reader? Does the kindle do .pdf?

Kindle does not do pdf well at all. poor zooming controls, always looks very small.

nook is supposedly much better at pdfs.

or the kindle DX, but that thing is a monster


Funny, I was in the exact same situation as you over the weekend. I've been wanting an e-reader for a few months now since my GF got a Nook. The e-ink was so much more impressive than I imagined once I saw it in person. And the fact that she can read a 2.5-inch thick biography comfortably with one hand (to hold it and flip pages) was really neat too.

But before I got one, I went to Best Buy on Sat to play with an iPad. And I admit it impressed the hell out of me, but I really don't like the idea of reading full books on a backlit LCD, especially not after seeing that glorious e-ink. I've tried it on my iPhone, I've tried it on my MBP... and it just makes your eyes bleed after a few minutes of staring, especially after working on a PC all day. I had other reasons, which I posted in the iPad thread here if you're interested.

So I left BB, went down the street to Barnes and Noble and got a Nook. I did some heavy research earlier and ultimately I chose the Nook over Kindle for a number of reasons. Form factor was one. Nook is small and compact, very simple/sleek design. I really don't like that 1/3 of the Kindle's real estate is taken up by a keyboard. Instead the Nook has a small touch screen at the bottom, which is used to navigate menus, type with a keyboard, and as a "coverflow" effect to flick through your library. It's a smaller device, but the screen is the same size... it's a more efficient use of space.

Another neat feature is if you take your Nook into any Barnes and Noble store, you'll have full access to their entire ebook library for free while you're connected. So it's like walking into the store, pulling a book off a shelf and reading it for a few hours and putting it back before you leave. Also, connecting to the store gets you promotions like coupons and free deals (separate from the ones you see when you're connected at home). Nook uses Android OS too, and has a good degree of options, some we can talk about on these forums, and some we can't ;)

There's also the lending feature that allows you lend a book for 14 days to another Nook owner... but that feature has been severely gimped since it came out. Once you lend a book you can never lend it to anyone again, while you have a book lent out you can't access it, and only select books have lending available. Still, the idea with the Nook is that it's not just a digital ereader, but it's like the full book reading, shopping, lending experience... nearly anything you can do with a physical book in your hands, you can do with an ebook in a Nook.

Sorry for prattling on for so long, but I saw that you're literally me, only 3 days ago. So I had to jump in with my full experience. Just to note, Sony also has an ereader that might work for you too... similar in size to Nook and it has full-touch screen models. I played with one in a Sony store and the touch screen was slick, but for me it was more than I needed or wanted to pay for.

Good luck!
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